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Chapter 9 missed love

A calm life is not lonely 木木 2185Words 2018-03-18
No matter how old or how old you are, no matter what family and friends urge you, don't treat marriage casually. Marriage is not a game of cards, and reshuffle the cards will cost a lot.We always feel so self-righteous.However, life eventually taught us that while we were waiting and hesitating, the years were wasted, the flowering period was missed, and all the good things slipped away silently.The following story is fascinating. He and she used to be classmates in high school. They met in a strange city many years later, and they lived under the same roof as a matter of course, taking care of each other.

Every night before going to bed, she stood at the door of his room in pajamas, with soft hair draped over her shoulders, and asked softly, what do you want to eat tomorrow.And he always patted her on the shoulder proudly when her computer crashed or the light bulb shorted out: "Don't worry, I have everything." She once told him jokingly: "I am taking care of your future bedside person." Your daily life, when she shows up, take over your life." With her meticulously regulating his life, his dress has become more and more classy, ​​and his clean appearance and mature and humorous conversation have attracted more and more MMs.He sat in the living room with a group of youthful MMs, chatting and laughing happily, she stepped aside, she understood that their tomorrow had gradually deviated. The 27-year-old woman can no longer stand the wait, but the 27-year-old him is in the prime of his life, chasing after love.

She moved away silently, leaving only a string of QQ numbers.She told herself in her heart: "If he realizes my importance within half a year, I will go home with him." Through the screen, he only exchanged polite greetings, which was extremely indifferent.A few times, she wanted to put aside her reserve and talk about some emotional topics, but he stopped the conversation and said bluntly: "It's nothing, you go ahead, I'm dating." She knew that no matter in life or on the Internet, she Just his ordinary old classmate. There is only one avatar in her QQ friend column, and she is like a watchman every day, watching its on and off, like her love world, except for half a year of waiting, everything is blank, and he doesn't know it.

At the age of 28, she married a man who was willing to take care of her. He congratulated her on QQ: "Love is sweet, marriage is happy." But I can't see that the only love flower in my life has withered before it reveals its youth. Life after marriage is plain and calm. It turns out that you don't need love to wash your hands wholeheartedly for one person.It's just that every late night, she goes online silently, staring blankly at the brown profile picture on the friend column, and listening to him describe his current love and life.She gave her body and everything to her husband, and only left her heart on him. At best, she was just a passing passerby in his life.

On his 30th birthday, he left a message on QQ: "I don't know what I need until now. I miss your braised pork stewed vermicelli and chicken stewed mushrooms." Her heart was beating wildly, and she hurriedly logged off in a panic.The next day, she cooked these two dishes. My husband was eating the steaming food and asked pleasantly, "I didn't expect you to be so good at making Northeast dishes, but unfortunately I only tasted them today!"She reached out to caress the forehead lines on her husband's forehead, and suddenly felt that she owed too much.He gave her a life of adequate food and clothing, and even tolerated her tireless love for another man, but she was even stingy with paying for a few dishes.

Since then, she has focused on marriage management, and only has one friend's QQ, and she no longer logs in.Two years later, he received Yi Meier from him. As a newlywed, he said: "I was too young and stupid at that time." At the end of the letter, he said: "If I happen to be here when you want to get married, that would be great." After the lead is washed away, they finally understand that the love flower once bloomed, but they just missed each other's flowering period. People have joys and sorrows, and the moon has cloudy and sunny waxing and waning.Flowers in spring and fruits in autumn, rain in summer and snow in winter, changing seasons, changing tides and rising tides.The past will not reappear, the dead are like a husband.Please cherish the first touch.

The following story makes us even more emotional: When a boy and a girl first fell in love, the boy folded a thousand paper cranes for the girl and hung them in the girl's room.The boy said to the girl: "The thousand paper cranes represent my thousand wishes." At that time, boys and girls are feeling the sweetness and happiness of love every second. Later, the girl gradually alienated the boy.The girl got married, went to France, and went to Paris that appeared in her dreams countless times.When the girl and the boy broke up, she said to the boy: "We must all face the reality. Marriage is a second reincarnation for a woman. I must seize every opportunity. You are too poor. I can't imagine the day when we are together... ..." After the girl went to France, the boy sold newspapers, worked as a temporary worker, and did a small business. He worked hard to do every job.Many years have passed, with the help of friends and his own efforts, he finally had a company of his own.He has money, but he still misses the girl in his heart.

One day when it was raining, the boy saw a pair of old people walking slowly in front of his black Audi.The boy recognized the girl's parents, so the boy decided to follow them.He wants to let them see that he not only owns a car, but also owns a villa and a company, and let them know that he is not a pauper, but a young boss.The boy followed them all the way in a slow car.It was raining non-stop, and although the old couple were holding umbrellas, they were still drenched by the slanting rain.When he arrived at the destination, the boy was shocked, it was a cemetery.He saw the girl, who was smiling sweetly at him in the porcelain statue on the tombstone.Beside the small tomb, there are strings of paper cranes hanging on thin wires, which look so vivid in the drizzle.

The girl's parents told the boy that the girl didn't go to Paris, that the girl had cancer, and that the girl went to heaven.Girls hope that boys can succeed and have a warm home, so girls make such a move.She said she knew the boy well and thought he would be successful.The girl said that if the boy came to visit her in the cemetery one day, he should take some paper cranes anyway.The boy knelt down in front of the girl's grave, tears streaming down his face.The rain did not stop on Qingming Festival, and the boy was drenched thoroughly.The boy thought of the girl's innocent smiling face many years ago, and the boy's heart began to bleed drop by drop.

When the old couple walked out of the cemetery, they saw the boy standing not far away, and the door of the Audi had been opened for the old man.A sad song came from the car stereo, "My heart, I don't regret it, it's all for you over and over again, a thousand paper cranes, a thousand love, flying in the wind..." Some flowers in the world always bloom and fall, just like the faint little yellow flower in the backyard, it will show its beauty to people every spring.But the flower of love has only one flowering season, it will bloom if you don't care, and you will miss it if you don't.Waiting until the flowering period is missed to reminisce, it will only be desolate.

Insights on life: Haruki Murakami has a famous saying: "For those who love each other, the heart of the other party is the best house." Mr. Qian Zhongshu also commented on Ms. Yang Jiang, which was later regarded by sociologists as a model of ideal marriage : 1. Before I met her, I never thought about getting married; 2. I have been with her for so many years, and I have never regretted marrying her; 3. I have never thought about marrying another woman.
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