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Chapter 8 The most beautiful distance between lovers

A calm life is not lonely 木木 2085Words 2018-03-18
When she was about to enter middle age, she accidentally flipped through her spiritual history and recalled the friends of the opposite sex she had met in her life. Suddenly, she understood a simple truth: the most beautiful distance between lovers is actually A table away.This is what she summed up from her own experience with a friend of the opposite sex. This year marks the 26th anniversary of their acquaintance.In the long river of life, 26 years can be regarded as a long time. In these 26 years, she and him had the lush years of studying together as classmates, the innocent age of swan geese, and even had coffee and dinner together. Romantic time with candle light dinner.There was only about 6 years of blank space between each other, and during that blank 6 years, he and her fell in love and got married separately.There were also a few chance encounters during the period, either at the door of a bustling bookstore, or next to a subway station with people coming and going, but the two of them just nodded politely, letting the calm smile on their faces hide the turmoil in their hearts.

At that time, they were still at a loss as to not being able to find the best way to get along with each other.Until March of that year, at a class reunion, he met her again.So far, she has understood that some people in her life are destined to spend a lifetime and will never forget them.The human brain cannot be blanked instantly by pressing the "delete" button like a computer. Deliberate forgetting will deepen the imprint of memory.Since both of them still regard each other as a person who cannot be missed in life, it is the best choice to settle down with the situation and get together.

In this way, several years after the love quietly turned around, the two re-established the feast of friendship with open minds.This kind of interaction between a man and a woman is very mysterious. The leap from friendship to love is often just a layer of window paper, and the return from love to friendship seems to be thousands of miles away. The most important thing is the respect for fate and the belief in friendship. In fact, the real fate between him and her originated from a game in the student days.On one night in the winter of that year, the female students gathered in the bed in the dormitory to play the "name-picking game": dozens of origami cranes were scattered on the desk near the window, each of which had a book written on it. It was the name of a boy in the class, and it was his name that she picked up casually in the laughter, but at that time his name was just an ordinary name for her.Being ignorant of the world, she didn't even realize that this might be a predestined choice.It wasn't until his name caused a storm in her heart a few years later that she began to have a fatalistic belief in the "name-picking game" she played when she was a girl.

Recalling the days when he walked with love, he invited her to drink coffee almost every week.During that time, how much she longed to be the most important woman in his heart, but he always didn't know how to use sweet words to win her favor, repeatedly emphasizing in front of her that his mother was the most important person in his life, but I didn't know that this sentence would shatter the self-esteem of a feisty woman and push her into the abyss of pain and despair.Many years later, with the passage of time, she understood his difficulties at that time. It was reasonable for a boy who lost his father's love to regard his mother as his life.In fact, most men in the world think that their mother is irreplaceable, so she forgave him for this reason, and never explored the position she occupied in his heart.

Last summer, she learned that his mother was hospitalized due to illness during a classmate dinner, so she quietly went to the hospital to visit.It was the first time she had seen his mother.Facing the kind and kind old woman, she stepped forward and introduced herself: "I am your son's old classmate and good friend." His mother soon came to her senses: "Oh, I see, you are... My son used to mention you a lot!" She was sitting in front of the hospital bed, smiling and listening to his mother telling interesting stories about his childhood.She suddenly recalled the past when she was secretly jealous of being inferior to his mother, and she felt ashamed of guilt.At that moment, how much she respected the old woman in front of her.It is this mother who has worked so hard to raise a son with excellent moral character!At the same time, she is also grateful to God for allowing her to meet her son in the slender youth and be friends with him for life.

Over the years, the place where he met her was always at the restaurant.Many restaurants in and out of town have witnessed their table time.Sometimes it takes hours to eat a meal, or talk about the ups and downs of work, or the joys and sorrows of life, there is always no silence.In fact, his and her tastes are not quite the same.In the western restaurant they frequented, he likes to eat seven-ripe steak the most, and she likes to eat rice in bamboo tubes the most.Coffee is something that the two of them like and never get tired of drinking.He often ordered a pot of coffee after dinner. She stirred the coffee and thought, maybe the coffee in front of her may not be the most delicious coffee in the world, but the friend in front of her is definitely the most suitable "coffee companion".

At a certain sweet moment when the coffee is fragrant, she suddenly realizes that the most beautiful distance between lovers is not the zero-distance contact between ears and temples, nor the negative distance between soul and flesh, but the distance between a dining table.She likes the distance of a dining table between him and him. This is a distance where you can ask about his health and avoid being distracted. This is a distance where you can communicate your thoughts and avoid touching. There is room. Of course, it is this appropriate "dining table distance" that enables him and her to pass through the years of passion smoothly and enter the years of reason.When outsiders see them talking and laughing during meals, they may mistakenly think that they have an ambiguous relationship. In fact, they know very well that a dining table is the border between Chu and Han, and emotion and reason are clearly separated.Between him and her, because they have never been burned by passion, they have not been buried by the ashes of time, and because the meaning of communication is still unfinished, they leave a long-lasting aftertaste in each other's lives.

When we were young, we used to regard "different acupoints for birth and death" as an eternal pity for two people to be happy together. Only after middle age did we realize that it is a kind of fate that two people can often have meals at the same table. Insights on life: Tagore said in the poem: "The farthest distance in the world is not that you can't resist this longing, but you have to pretend that you don't take you in your heart at all, but use your indifferent heart to dig deep into the people who love you. A ditch that cannot be crossed." Although this sentence is a bit convoluted, it has touched countless men and women.However, it is precisely because of the existence of distance that beauty can last forever.

When we dream back at midnight and feel sad for the moon, the memories will linger on all the good things in the past.Only at this time can we truly feel: "It is better to forget each other in the rivers and lakes than to be in love with each other." Isn't this a kind of beauty?
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