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Chapter 7 "Mr. Infatuated" woke up 89 years earlier for you

A calm life is not lonely 木木 1642Words 2018-03-18
To this day, the small town of Faunia in England still retains such a good tradition: every year at 4 o'clock in the morning on June 15th, all the families in the town will ring a long alarm. 4 am?It's too early to wake up at this time, isn't it?Are all the people in this small town so hardworking? Speaking of this incident, there is one more person to be mentioned, and he is Marshall. Mr. Marshall is an early riser.As soon as the bell in the nearby church rang four times, he immediately got up from the bed, habitually stewed a bowl of chicken soup on the stove, and then walked out of the house to take a walk on the path near the church.

However, Marshall was not such a person who liked to get up early. At that time, he was so sleepy that he would stay in bed even at 9 o'clock in the morning.He wrapped the quilt tightly, and he didn't bother to answer even if someone woke him up, and Marshall's all changes were due to his wife. Mr. Marshall came to China to study when he was young.In China, he was lucky enough to meet his beautiful wife.The relationship between the two was very good. Later, his wife gave up her career and followed Marshall to England, where she took the English name Linda.The life after marriage was quite sweet. A year later, Linda gave birth to a fat boy for Marshall, and the family lived a happy and sweet life.

However, such happy times did not last forever.Five years later, Linda became a high paraplegic in an accidental car accident.Naturally, Mr. Marshall was distraught, and sold all his property to maintain Linda's life, and he also had to drag a young child, leading a very difficult life. But such a difficult environment never changed Mr. Marshall's love for Linda. Due to incontinence, Linda would always make a mess of the sheets around 4:00 in the morning. For this reason, Marshall had to change the sheets once or twice a day.Through long-term observation, Marshall found that this time was very punctual.In order to save Linda from suffering so much, Mr. Marshall would always get up quickly every day when the church bell struck 4 times, ready to change Linda's doily, and then help Linda wash her body, and then go to the kitchen, Stew a portion of her favorite chicken soup for Linda, and then feed Linda a small spoonful of it.

After they all had breakfast, it was almost six o'clock. At this time, Marshall carried Linda to the wheelchair and pushed her to the path near the church for a walk.Over time, this habit has evolved into a fixed law by Marshall, which is like this every day and cannot be changed.Slowly, Marshall and Linda came to a flowing scenery near the church, and the passers-by on the road greeted them kindly. After Linda was paraplegic, a friend introduced Marshall to a woman who was a middle school teacher, very virtuous and understanding, and expressed her willingness to take good care of Linda with Marshall.Even so, Marshall vetoed it.

Time flies, and 40 years have passed in a blink of an eye.During this year, Linda passed away quietly in a wheelchair one afternoon.At this time, his son had already married and moved out, and Marshall was the only one left in the house of more than 70 square meters. Although Linda is no longer here, Marshall's habit of getting up at 4 o'clock every day and cooking soup has been preserved.It’s just that at 6 o’clock every day, Marshall no longer goes to church, but goes to the cemetery on the nearby mountainside to talk with Linda for half an hour. By the way, he helps Linda change into the most delicious bouquet of daisies, which was also Linda’s favorite during his lifetime. of.

A few years later, the church near Marshall's home was demolished, and most people thought that Marshall would not get up so early if he could not hear the church bell.In fact, how did they know that Marshall had already placed an alarm clock deep in his heart at this time, and it would ring on time at 4 o'clock in the morning every day. Later, Marshall's love story was reported by a British media, and many young lovers flocked to the small town of Faunia, waiting in front of Marshall's house on time at 4 o'clock in the morning every day, just to see Marshall's love story. The true face of Lushan, a "Mr. Infatuated".

Many years later, Mr. Marshall began to falter. At this time, no one knows who initiated such an activity. They believed that as long as they can help Mr. Marshall to go on a journey, they will have a happy love and a happy family for a lifetime.Afterwards, the whole town launched such an activity, that is, every year at 4 o'clock in the morning on June 15th, all the families in the town would ring a long alarm.Because June 15th is Marshall's birthday, on that day, all couples in the small town agreed to do something meaningful for each other. Mr. Marshall died at the age of 109. Before he died, he asked his son to write such a sentence on his epitaph: "Dear Linda, if possible, I would be willing to get up 89 years earlier for you! Because no one can Take your place in my life..."

Insights on life: Those husbands who live a healthy and happy life, cherish your wife well, leave more time for your wife, and don't ignore everything she has done for you.There are many things, don't understand her beauty until you lose it. Love well, love yourself, love your lover, love the love that is as important as our life...
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