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Chapter 3 pale as a chrysanthemum

A calm life is not lonely 木木 1228Words 2018-03-18
A person's life is doomed to go through many stages, such as the innocent youth, the passionate youth, the thick and steady middle age, and the calm and calm old age.Each stage has unique scenery, and each period of time will give people different feelings.But in her middle age, she suddenly felt that she had calmed down from the restlessness, and she inadvertently had a detachment of sitting and watching the clouds roll and the clouds relax, and her mood was like water. She feels that everything is slowly fading unintentionally, and she often wears a faint smile, giving people a sense of harmony and warmth; she often looks down on fame, fortune and material things, but pays attention to the relationship between people. Acting impulsively, she will not regret it easily, and she will be responsible for her decision.But once she falls in love with someone, she will stick to her love, and the shelf life of love is "forever".

She will also brew a pot of fragrant tea for herself on a bright autumn morning or afternoon, and hold a book in her hand to savor and appreciate slowly.She knows what intellectual beauty is, and she prefers to study calligraphy, music, art in her spare time, or to recharge and accept the latest technological knowledge to improve her self-cultivation and taste.She will not waste time in secular disputes and boring mahjong, let alone compare with others in high-end brand-name clothing and vain show-off.She knows that true beauty must come from the inside out. She also had times when she fell in love and couldn't extricate herself.At that time, it was painful in love, because of fear of losing, so suspicion, mischief, tormenting each other; it was even more painful in lovelorn, because there was no one to rely on, so loneliness, pain and self-harm.But at this stage of life, no matter whether it is a passionate love or a broken love, you can treat it calmly and resolve it poetically.It doesn't mean that the heart is like still water, and love is like a dry well, but that it can be viewed rationally and managed wisely, so that the love will show the beauty of deep and reserved, and the state of deep affection.Let the two parties in love have no pressure, and can enjoy the happiness that love itself brings to people.

Look at the prosperity with cold eyes, don't be arrogant when you are smooth, and don't be depressed when you are frustrated.Cultivate calm and calm concentration in the experience of life, on the stage of life with ebb and flow, lift weights like light, hit the rhythm and sing. "Pick chrysanthemums under the eastern fence, and see Nanshan leisurely", face the hustle and bustle of the world with a free and quiet attitude.Falling flowers are speechless, fragrant, and face life with a calm and calm attitude. This state may be difficult to achieve, but we should walk on the road to pursue this state.

After the chaos of the world and the ups and downs of life, life engraves the years on people's faces and hearts.The billowing world of mortals has rounded the delicate and soft heart.This kind of roundness no longer has a brilliant luster.This kind of perfect circle is a kind of indifference and simplicity, it is not ostentatious, not loud, not coquettish, no longer moaning about illnesses when you were young, no longer having unrealistic fantasies, and no longer speculating with high-spirited eyes and low-spirited. This kind of indifference is a kind of down-to-earth plainness, it is rich but not superficial, it is calm but not noisy, it is rational but not blindly obedient.

"A person is as light as a chrysanthemum" is a state of mind that is peaceful and persistent, and refuses to be domineering.People are as light as chrysanthemums, what you want is the calmness and persistence of chrysanthemums.It has the steadfastness and perseverance of "I would rather grow old on the fragrant branches than dance with the yellow leaves in the autumn wind", and what is missing is the domineering "when autumn comes and September 8th, I will kill the flowers after they bloom".Such indifference, indifferent to honor and disgrace, indifferent to fame and fortune, indifferent to temptation, but indifferent to the bones.This kind of innocence can allow us to break through the turmoil, gain insight into the world, reject the prosperity, and return to simplicity in the world of materialistic desires, so as to achieve the state of "the flowers are speechless, and the heart is as simple as simple".

Insights on life: Calmness and calmness are an attitude.It is not negative in the world and deliberate indulgence, but the awakening of the vicissitudes of life, and the calmness in the chest; it is not self-enclosed, lonely and self-admiring, but it is not happy with things, not sad with oneself, and faces the external environment detachedly Bustle and hustle and bustle.As the saying goes, "Thousands of blows are still tenacious, and you can let the wind from southeast to northwest".
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