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Chapter 11 Don't become a lonely prisoner in cowardice

life must endure loneliness 木木 2005Words 2018-03-18
In the history of Western philosophy, Nietzsche has always been a controversial figure, but his philosophical thoughts have greatly influenced the Western world, and at the same time, he is a poet. Nietzsche was born on October 15, 1844 in a secluded small village in Lücken in eastern Germany.He was admitted to the University of Bonn at the age of 20.A year later, he transferred to the University of Leipzig and studied classical linguistics for four and a half years.His teacher, Li Qier, was a famous scholar full of artistic temperament, and he valued Nietzsche very much. In February 1869, recommended by Li Qier, Nietzsche was hired as a professor of classical linguistics at the University of Basel in Switzerland after graduation.

At that time, Nietzsche was notorious for his contempt for women. The most famous is this warning: "Do you go to women? Don't forget your whip." About women, Nietzsche talked a lot, both positive and negative .In fact, Nietzsche was not afraid of women, nor did he avoid women. He had several love affairs in his life, but they were not very successful. In the summer of 1866, Nietzsche was still studying at the University of Leipzig, fell in love with the actress Rabe who came to Leipzig to perform, sent her a song he composed, and attached a fanatical dedication. He also secretly wrote many love poems for her , But that's all, this shy college student didn't dare to take further action, his first love became an unrequited love that ended without a cause.

Ten years later, in 1876, when Nietzsche was a professor of linguistics at the University of Basel in Switzerland, he met Mathilde, a Dutch girl from Switzerland. He once courted him with a letter, but she politely refused. In April 1882, when Nietzsche lived in Rome, his friends Mrs. Mason Bauer and Rey introduced a student to him to study philosophy with him. This was an extremely intelligent and charming Russian girl named Shayomi.This time, Nietzsche really fell in love.Sha Yuemei also likes Nietzsche, and later she described her impression of him as lonely, which is a strong first impression, so Nietzsche's image is very attractive... When he talks excitedly, a pair of eyes will ignite A charming spark, and then dies out, but if he is in a melancholy mood, his eyes are unfathomable and express a singularly lonely expression.There was something introverted about his demeanor.And taciturn impression.Sometimes, he is polite and gentlemanly, with a kind of gentleness that is close to feminine, friendly attitude and elegant demeanor. "They traveled together for five months. During this period, Nietzsche narrated to her the past, recalled his childhood, talked about philosophy, and felt a kind of joy of being understood. However, his fatal shyness once again prevented him from expressing his feelings. , had no choice but to ask Ray to propose for him. Little did she know that Ray also fell in love with Su Yuemei. Su Mei rejected the two suitors. She respected and admired Nietzsche and regarded him as her life mentor, but her Feelings are not yet love.

They continued to live on friendly terms until they parted ways after Nietzsche's sister Elisabeth intervened and provoked out of jealousy. Nietzsche suffered from severe neurasthenia, stomach and eye diseases. He sighed at the age of 35: Dante wrote "Divine Comedy" at this age, and he was "surrounded by death". For a time, therefore, he was obsessed with marriage in order to have someone to take care of him. Mrs. Mason Bow, his closest girlfriend, is eager to find someone for him.Mrs. Meisenbao is a descendant of Goethe, 28 years older than Nietzsche, and has had close contacts with cultural celebrities such as Herr Wagner and Romain Rolland.But Nietzsche finally gave up his marriage plan because he decided: "As a philosopher, I must get rid of my profession, women, children, motherland, beliefs, etc. to be free."

In May 1879, he resigned as a professor at the University of Basel, and has been wandering in some cities and villages in Italy and France since then.He has no occupation, no family, no companions, and is alone.Perhaps no one has tasted loneliness more deeply than Nietzsche.He often rents a simple farmhouse, cooks some simple food on an alcohol lamp to satisfy his hunger, and sees no acquaintance who can talk to him for several months. In the extreme loneliness, he lamented in despair again and again: "I look for someone, I look for someone, and what I find is always myself, and I don't look forward to myself anymore!" "No one loves me anymore How can I still love this life!" "Now I'm so lonely, unbelievably lonely... for years and months without anything exciting, not a breath of humanity, not a little bit of love." "In that moment of sudden madness , lonely people want to hug anyone!"

To be sure, loneliness is not all bad for a thinker.Nietzsche's ten years of exile in foreign countries was his most productive period.Most of his works, including his major philosophical theories and the marvelous book Thus Spoke Zarathustra, were composed during this decade.However, Nietzsche paid a heavy price for his long-term solitary life, which seriously damaged his body and mind. In September 1887, his friend Deutsen, who had been absent for 14 years, visited him in his wanderings and almost did not recognize him: "How much he has changed during this time! He no longer has the pride of the past His demeanor, dexterous steps, and fluent speech, he moved with difficulty, and his gait was staggering. He leaned slightly to one side, and his speech became obviously slow and often paused." When parting, Nietzsche fell in love with each other, and Yiyi saw him off with tears in his eyes , repeatedly spoke of foreboding.

A year later, Nietzsche's premonition was confirmed, and he became mentally ill. At the end of 1888, within a few days, he sent several strange letters to his friends claiming to be God, Dionysus and Crucified Man. On January 3, 1889, Nietzsche was living in Turin, Italy. When he walked out of his apartment, he saw a coachman brutally whipping an animal. He cried and shouted, rushed forward, pinned the neck of the horse, and then fell to the ground. Totally crazy. He has received so little love and understanding in his life.Loneliness drove him crazy, and he finally got rid of loneliness in his madness.After that, Nietzsche never regained his sanity.Died in Weimar on August 25, 1900.

Insights on life: Loneliness is originally the nature of human beings.But extreme loneliness or chronic loneliness, which cuts oneself off from others, is the hallmark of a failed personality.So don't put yourself under the control of loneliness and fall into boundless sadness. Only by bravely stepping out of the shadow of loneliness can you taste the sweetness of life.
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