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Chapter 19 Can withstand loneliness, can withstand temptation

Be calm in the tempting life 木木 1711Words 2018-03-18
Life is about being tempted.Wang Guozhen wrote in a poem: "All distant places have a temptation for us, either because of beauty or legend. Even if the scenery in the distance is not satisfactory, we don't need to care, because it is really a place. , Charming mistake. Looking up is spring, bowing is autumn, may all the happiness follow you, the full moon is a painting, and the moon is a poem." To be a person, you must endure loneliness, withstand temptation, and cherish the people around you.Some things, once lost, are forever regretted.In fact, happiness is by your side. A man is still suave at the age of forty, and a woman is old at the age of forty.

Men and women have been married for twenty years, and those sweet days when they were newlyweds were gradually replaced by ordinary life.The wife has also changed from a beautiful woman to a fat and rude woman, and the man has also changed from a reckless boy to a calm and mature man. Gradually, the man felt that there was something missing between them, and the days were like chewing wax, tasteless. As a result, the man began to fall in love with the feasting and feasting outside. He often imagined that he could meet a confidante, and they could talk with each other with their hearts to comfort the lonely days.

The girl is twenty-five years old, and it is the time when she is fresh and tender. People are like white lotuses blooming in water, attracting the attention of the opposite sex.Among the many job applicants, the man took a fancy to her at a glance, so the girl became the man's secretary.The man was quickly attracted by the girl's cheerful and lively personality. Every time he saw the girl, his heart was like a rabbit in his arms, rushing left and right, beating like a drum. The girl was generous and open, and she quickly saw through her boss's mind. She leaned towards him intentionally or unintentionally, and even threw herself into his arms after being drunk once.

The two fell in love quickly, and they were gluey all day long, wishing they could stick together twenty-four hours a day.Once two people went shopping holding hands, the wife thought she was dazzled, and asked him after returning home: "I saw a passerby who looked like you today, but he walked hand in hand with a girl, I think it must not be you, you never He will lead a girl for a walk. Hehe! I think they are quite different in age, so it must not be a normal marriage." After speaking, the wife couldn't help laughing.The husband pretended to be calm and said: "What's so funny, maybe it's really me!"

The wife smiled and turned her husband's body to her side and said, "Look at your serious face, I don't believe you even killed me for having an extramarital affair." The husband looked at his wife dumbfounded. He really didn't know whether she was born slow or big-hearted. He felt very lucky that his wife didn't find out anyway. Since his wife believed in him so much, he walked with the girl more confidently and boldly. The girl said coquettishly: "I want to buy a big house, and the down payment is almost paid..." The man was startled, thinking that he wanted me to pay the money. Actually, paying the money is not a big deal, but the money is all with his wife, so how can I say it!

Because of his silence, the girl started crying.The girl cried and said: "You don't love me at all, you just want to play with me, and you are not sincere to me at all." The man coaxed for a long time, but the girl couldn't listen to his difficulties. It was the first time for the man to feel that the girl was so unreasonable, so he slammed the door and left in a fit of anger. The man came home, and the woman was busy in the kitchen. Seeing him coming back, she hurried out to help him hang up his clothes, and said, "I came back early today. Wait a minute, the meal will be ready soon."

Looking at the woman's busy figure, a trace of boredom rose in the man's heart.He was thinking about the girl, wondering if the girl would cry because of his departure, he felt pain in his heart, and sat on the sofa as if on pins and needles, he couldn't control his missing of the girl anymore, picked up his coat and ran out. He opened the door of the girl's apartment carefully, and heard the girl talking on the phone loudly, saying: "That idiot was so mad at me just now, he refused to give me any money, and thought I was with him for love, and didn't think about it." The way I look, I am so old that I am going to be my father."

The man kicked the door open with "Boom", he wanted to scold the girl, but the moment he saw the girl, his eyes turned red.He turned around and walked out of the girl's apartment with his head drooping. Outside the door, the woman stood facing the wind at the door of the apartment. The man was stunned and turned pale with shock. The woman smiled and said, "I saw that you didn't take your wallet, and I followed you here. I didn't know which room you went into, so I had to wait for you here. Look at how careless you are." The man took the wallet and unknowingly took the woman's hand. The woman didn't break free and didn't ask him why he was here.They didn't say anything along the way, they just held each other's hands tightly and went home.

From that day on, the man came home early from get off work, sometimes cooked, and helped the children with their homework. Compared with before, he seemed to be a different person. The woman smiled at the figure of the man playing with the child, picked up the phone and deleted all the photos of the man and the girl walking hand in hand. The woman thinks that marriage sometimes needs to be forgiven, no matter what he did wrong, as long as you still love him and hope he can go home, then give him a chance to change his ways.After all, who is right? An ordinary marriage is the source of loneliness. Faced with emotional emptiness, most people choose to find passion outside the siege.Breaking away from marriage, the temptation of emotions is colorful, and the scenery outside the window is dazzling, making people linger.But after the initial impulse, it is often found that loneliness still remains in the gap in my heart, which is difficult to eradicate.In fact, from another angle, pay attention to the warmth and happiness in the besieged city, and abandon the seeds of temptation, you will find that the scenery around you is more beautiful.

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