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Chapter 17 there is loneliness and beauty

Be calm in the tempting life 木木 2360Words 2018-03-18
Everyone has worked so hard to come to this world, run around for life, and strive for ideals, not to see all the bad things, to feel sad because of the bad road.Since no one can turn back, it is a waste of time to be sad.To love, to hate, to pursue bravely, as long as you have a good heart, there will be no tomorrow that you can't reach. (one) Once, he and she were lovers. Once, they loved each other very much. In the best years, they were the only one for each other. They vowed to be with each other forever and carry their love to the end. However, like the best performance, they broke up due to an accident in the middle.He said, forget it, let's separate.

She refused.Stalking, making him pay for her youth.Seven years, from a young boy to now, how could it be possible to finish talking?She ran to his unit to find him, smashed his glass and smashed his car.He didn't love her any more.Feeling that this woman is a bit perverted, he said, stop torturing love. She is unwilling to give up.First, he committed suicide. Fortunately, he was discovered.Then she thought again, it would be better to kill him.He once said that if one day I betray you, you will come and kill me. She bought a dagger.Very shiny blade.She looked at the knife, imagining what it would be like to kill him, and suddenly felt sad, was she really willing to do it?

In those days, she was struggling.Even, she didn't do a good job. She is a doctor and works the night shift every day, sometimes in a trance.Once, she actually gave the wrong medicine to the patient, and almost had a medical accident. A few months later, she met him.This was an encounter that no one thought of, and no one thought that she would really stab him. It was an appendicitis operation, and he was brought here in the middle of the night, just as she was on duty. He closed his eyes in pain, and she felt distressed.She once said to him, if one day you are sick and I operate on you, my hands will definitely tremble because I will feel your pain.

Unexpectedly, this sentence became a reality.He looked at her and said almost pleadingly, I'm in pain and I hope you can help me. She thought she hated him to the core, and always thought that she would kill him in pain, but she didn't expect that when he was in pain, she would also be in pain, and, commanding anxiously, she pushed him into the operating room. It was she who performed the operation on him herself. Her hands were trembling at the beginning. After the anesthesia, she calmed down. She remembered that she was a doctor first, and then his former lover. The operation was successful, and when she got off the operating table, she found that her clothes were all wet.Out of the operating room.She didn't even look back, and the moment she walked out of the operating room, she burst into tears.

It turned out that having loved once was the compassion for each other.She thought hate would hate forever.She thinks that if she doesn't love her, she can't wait for the other party to do bad things. Even, if there is a chance to take revenge, she will definitely not let it go.However, she didn't expect that when he was really weak and helpless, when he needed her help, she still stepped forward.And, treat the former love with a compassionate heart. When they were in love, they talked about a pair of stars who turned against each other and attacked each other after breaking up, and ended up losing both sides.

She asked him, will we hurt each other after we break up?He replied, I will not. She thought she would.It turns out she won't either. As long as you have been in love, you will always leave traces of happiness.Love will fade and love will dissipate, but even if time passes, the beauty of the past will not be lost.Leave an emotion that can feel love in your heart. After separation, although love will be lonely, as long as you have a good heart, you can look forward to meeting the next love. (two) "Love" is a lonely word, so two people need to embrace each other. She is not an ordinary woman, on the contrary, she is quite outstanding and has many suitors.And she, pushing aside the crowd, followed him resolutely.At that time, he had nothing and worked in a factory, and his income was not enough to feed and clothe the two of them.For him, she lost her family and her job.

They borrowed a friend's warehouse, and after cleaning it up, they used it as a bedroom.The cold warehouse is like an ice cellar, without a warm bedding, she often wakes up in the middle of the night.He hugged her tightly and pressed her against his chest as much as possible, warming her with his own body temperature. One day, she came back from the outside, looking dazed and pale.He asked: "What's the matter, are you sick?" She said: "It's okay, I'm just a little tired." Immediately after that, she excitedly took out a red bill from her pocket, waved it in front of his eyes, and said excitedly: " We have money, go buy a warm quilt."

"Where did you get the money?" "Earned." "How did you make it? It's so easy," he said. "Send advertisements to people, one by one, from standing in the morning to now, earning a tip of 100 yuan." The two went to the street to buy a quilt, but they couldn't stand the selection, so they bought it at a price of one hundred yuan.Since then, in the severe winter, with a quilt, she no longer wakes up in the middle of the night. A few years later, he gradually improved, became rich, started his own company, and soon bought a house and a car.They bid farewell to the days of hunger and cold.The decoration of the home is extremely particular, the floor tiles and wallpaper are all imported, and even the faucets are of the highest grade.He wants to give her the warmest home.Living in such an environment, she was a little hesitant.When moving, all the things in the original warehouse were discarded, but she insisted on keeping the quilt. They have been using it for several years, and it has been broken in several places.He said, "Throw it away, and buy a new one. Elegant things are everywhere, and this is a cover-up." She said, "Don't throw it away, this quilt has accompanied us through so many cold winter days." , covering his body, it is always so warm. He shook his head and stopped insisting.

One day, he came back from the outside, holding a new quilt in his hand, and asked her to throw away the old one and replace it with a new one.She had no choice but to obey.From then on, get rid of the old one and replace it with the new one.Every night, she didn't sleep comfortably and comfortably as usual, and there was a trace of pain in her heart. Often in the middle of the night, tears of grievance wet the pillow unknowingly.She said in her heart: "Do you know how much hard work it took to buy this quilt? That day, I didn't post any small advertisements at all, but sold blood! The first time I sold blood, it was for Buy a quilt! How important this quilt is to me! And you, throw it away like garbage." She felt that he didn't love her as much as before. warmth.

Once, he went to the bathroom and forgot to turn off his laptop.She accidentally discovered that he opened a personal blog and kept writing a diary every day.In a diary, he said: "That day, she came in from the outside with a pale face, which shocked me. In order to earn enough money to buy a quilt, she even sent small advertisements to people. That night, we Sleeping under the new quilt, it is so warm, she has never slept so peacefully. Inadvertently, I found that she has a red and swollen hand, which has been pricked by a needle. The advertisement is actually her euphemistic lie. She ran to sell There was blood. This quilt was actually bought by her with blood! Her body is so thin! That night, I cried secretly all night, and I swore that I must stand out and give her happiness. After years of hard work, I I finally did it. Yesterday, I also went to the blood station and asked them to draw blood. I just wanted to feel the cold pain when the tiny needle pierced into the blood vessel, which caught me off guard. However, I was so happy. I Take the money and buy this quilt."

Her eyes have long been blurred. It turns out that his heart is as delicate as his love for her.On a cold winter day, he gave her a warm quilt, which brought the whole spring! Love oozes beauty in bits and pieces. Although life will become dull day by day in daily necessities, as long as you have a loving heart, you can feel happiness in ordinary life.
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