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Chapter 16 no more rainy season

Be calm in the tempting life 木木 2264Words 2018-03-18
Ten years ago, under Wu Zongxian's help, Jolin Tsai and Jay Chou became friends. In 2004, "Zhou Hou Lian" was fired to a new peak. Jolin Tsai confided weakly when facing the camera, "I have never dated Jay Chou". She sang "Rewind" written by him until she choked up crying, she sang "And you always understand it too late", and he replied "When I finally understand". Last year, he invited her to be a guest at his concert, and she held his face when he sang "Can you give me time for a song". She waited for him for more than just one song.

Now, he and she can only be in the past... There are always ups and downs in life, and there are also green and rainy seasons in love.The memory left in the drizzle seems to have been washed by water droplets, and every time the rain hits the eaves, it becomes more and more timeless.It's just that some people's rainy season is romantic and lyrical; some people's rainy season leaves only mud. When you know how to love, you are often immature. When the dust settles in your mind and thinks back to the past, there will always be some insights deeply imprinted in your heart.Not all times will be missed by people, and not everyone can be remembered with a photographic memory. The most precious wealth is what remains in the deepest part of the heart.

Everyone will have the past, revisiting the past is not just missing the past blindly, but learning how to face new people and new things during the time of missing.The rainy season is no longer here, life teaches us to be kind to ourselves, the flickering past in candlelight is a haven of tranquility for the soul. Putting down the phone, the girl burst into tears and was heartbroken. She couldn't believe that the person who loved her so deeply was gone forever!So she went straight to City B desperately... Boys and girls are college alumni.An accidental encounter, met at a class reunion, the girl was moved by the boy's intelligence and temperament, and the boy was attracted by the girl's intelligence and beauty, and they became friends from then on; later, they became lovers.

After graduating from university, the girl returned to her hometown of Rongcheng, and under the arrangement of her father, who was the director of a certain bureau in the city, she entered the ranks of civil servants. The boy was born in a rural area. After graduation, he also came to Rongcheng and found a job in an insurance company in order to get closer to girls and meet them often.One day, they were listening to the movie song "Liu Sanjie". When they heard the duet between Brother Aniu and Liu Sanjie throwing a hydrangea, the girl was touched by the scene and said with a smile: "If one day we grow old, whoever dies first will also be the one who dies first." Wait on the Naihe Bridge for three years!" The boy said: "Of course. From the day we fell in love, I swore that we would not live together, but die together." For men, it may be a lifetime commitment.The girl was so moved!She feels that it is rare to have a confidant in life, and it is very happy to spend a lifetime with someone who loves her so much.

She was going to find a chance to take the boy home to meet his parents.So on the day of my mother's fiftieth birthday, I went home with the boy with a carefully selected gift for my mother.Because my father held an important position and my mother's birthday was inconvenient to publicize, I set up two tables at home.Except for a few relatives, they are my father's colleagues and subordinates.It turned out that the girl's parents had planned for a long time to recruit a favorite student in the bureau as a son-in-law, and they also arranged for them to get to know each other on this day.When the girl led the boy to knock on the door happily, it was the mother who opened the door, and the boy politely wished his aunt a happy birthday, but the old man just agreed coldly; A pleasant atmosphere.After the dinner was gone, the girl's mother called her daughter into the room, severely criticized her daughter for disrespecting her parents, being too reckless in marriage, and forced them to break up with death.

The girl couldn't resist her mother's coercion, so she had to break up with the boy.The boy felt that he was born in a poor family and had a low status, so he could not compete with the family concept and power.Although he was very disappointed and sad, he still wished the girl well. He said: "As long as you are happy, I respect your choice. From now on, you will treat me as your brother. Don't forget to tell me when you get married! If you need help, just tell me." Later they called each other brother and sister.Two years later, the girl got married, and the boy really came to congratulate her. He drank a lot of wine that day, returned to the dormitory and slept for three days, as if he had been seriously ill.Half a year later, the boy left Rongcheng to seek a job in City B. Before leaving, he sent the girl a farewell text message.

For ten years, the boy's career is in full swing, but he has been living a single life.Family members and friends are all anxious about his marriage and keep introducing girlfriends to him, but he always says he can't find the feeling.The girl was also in a hurry, thinking that she had hurt him too much, which made him close his heart of love, so she called him, but he said calmly: "I am a serious person, if you can't find the feeling of love Marrying someone is not good for anyone, so my principle of finding a girlfriend is 'rather lacking than abuse', don't worry, when you find someone worthy of my love, you will get married naturally." Later, the girl introduced him Several girlfriends, regardless of their looks, personalities, and temperaments are good, but the boy always prevaricates them with various reasons, and even refuses to meet them face to face.The girl knew that her influence on him was still there, so she stopped bothering him, and wanted time to dilute the imprint she had left in the boy's heart.In this way, they never contacted again.

One day, the girl suddenly received a call from the boy, saying that he wanted to see her urgently.The girl said: "Okay, see you at the old place." The "old place" is the Liuhe River where they used to date.He came over so quickly, after not seeing him for several years, the girl couldn't believe her eyes, how haggard he would become.She asked anxiously: "What's the matter with you! What's the matter?" The boy smiled and said: "It's nothing, I just want to see you." The girl pretended to be angry and said: "That's it, you! Come here, why bother!"

The boy said: "I really miss you, let's find a place to sit down and talk, shall we?" I always want to hug her and say: "You are the person I love the most in my life. I just ask you to play happily with me for a day, and then I will leave, and I will never bother you again!" The girl pushed him away and said: "It's been so many years, you just find a girl to marry and live a good life!" The boy said sadly: "Maybe I won't have a lover in this life." The girl said: "Don't talk nonsense, you So I'm leaving, and I won't talk to you anymore."

Two months later, the boy's colleague called the girl and told her that the boy had leukemia a year ago.When I came to see her that time, her condition was already very serious.He also said that before his death, the boy kept calling her name, saying that he would never break his promise and would wait for her on the Naihe Bridge for three years! When the girl heard his bad news, she was heartbroken and distraught.She rushed to City B in desperation. In front of the boy's grave, the girl knocked her head on the tombstone, bleeding profusely;She said that she had harmed the boy, if she had known it would be today, why bother!She also said that in his last days, he came from a long way away just to have fun with her for a day, just to get rid of the love he cherished for her all his life, but she I can't understand it at all, let him leave disappointed!But now, everything is irreparable!The girl was distraught and cried so sadly that everyone present was moved and shed tears!

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