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Chapter 14 Loneliness in the wind, turn left and right

Be calm in the tempting life 木木 3377Words 2018-03-18
Standing lonely in the wind and coming The lost love is waiting in eternity I will smile, that is the bravest kind of trust all this can't be repeated The loneliness in the wind comes from the heart, and every heart in love will inevitably taste this taste.To the left or to the right, how to make the right choice, standing at the crossroads of love, what is needed is a calm and calm heart that knows how to reject temptation. (one) A working-class man, a friend introduced him to a partner. When he went to meet this woman, he saw that the woman was wearing an evening dress and a pair of very beautiful and obvious high-heeled shoes. Because of the high-heeled shoes, she looked very tall, one meter tall. Seventy-five, he is only 1.70 meters, and he is very unbalanced.

They were walking on the street, many people whispered, this couple, look, the man is not as tall as the woman.On the way the man sent the woman home, the man didn't say a word, thinking whether he should continue with this girl. The man finally plucked up the courage to ask the girl out again, but this time, the girl was wearing casual clothes and flat shoes.The man asked knowingly: Why don't you wear high heels?The girl said: Walking in high heels hurts my feet, I don't want to wear them. In this way, the two got married. When the girl moved to the boy's place, she carried a big box without taking anything.The boy asked what it was, and the girl said it was just some clothes.

In this way, time flies, and ten years have passed. One day, when the woman went to the mall with her neighbor, she saw her man hugging a very beautiful girl wearing conspicuous high-heeled shoes, and the wife burst into tears. Later they divorced. The husband's newly married wife loves to spend money and is extravagant. In the end, because the man couldn't satisfy her vanity, she left him! One day, when the man was cleaning up the house where two women lived, he found the box brought by his ex-wife. He opened the box curiously, and was stunned, tears blurred his eyes.The box is full of high-heeled shoes, red, blue, diamond-encrusted, and high-waisted. My ex-wife likes high-heeled shoes the most in her life, but she gave up her high-heeled shoes for her lover and wore flat shoes for ten years. The man burst into tears He said: I love flat shoes.can you come back

(two) He fell in love with her at first sight. He and she are classmates in the same department, the same department, and different classes. On the day of freshman registration, thousands of freshmen lined up for registration. He was wearing a blue plaid shirt and happened to be behind her. From that day on, he fell in love with her at first sight. .In the past four years, he has never dared to express his love for her. He can only express his love for her with his silence and company, and become her best friend. She participated in the treble part of the choir, and he was the piano accompanist; she had a few love affairs at school, and he became a loyal listener; The United States went to encourage her; she got married within a few years after returning to China, but unfortunately the groom was not him.

It's not that she thinks he's not good enough, nor is she ignorant of his kindness to her, it's just because they know each other too well.She couldn't imagine what it would be like when she and him changed from friends to lovers one day.So she and him have been oscillating back and forth in the blurred zone of friendship and love.She always insisted that she and him were just good friends, and she didn't want to face up to it but relied on his kindness to her.But he missed each other's fate because of his lack of courage and his always meek personality.At her wedding, he took the stage to give a speech wishing her happiness.A month later, he lost five kilograms.Since then, she has lost his news.

Her marriage is not as happy as imagined.Because of her strong personality and strong career, she didn't have much thought about managing her marriage.In addition, she was used to his carefulness, thoughtfulness and companionship before. She compared the way her husband treated her with his kindness. She began to wonder why she fell in love with her current husband in the first place. She became angry and felt that her husband was not as good as a man. A good friend understands her, cares about her, cherishes her, and loves her. A year later, she voluntarily filed for divorce.After being single, she is more energetic at work and more attractive in the workplace. After several years of hard work, she finally earned a place in the advertising industry.After becoming successful and famous, she began to feel that life was empty and lonely, and she began to miss his kindness to her, but she didn't have the courage to go back to him.Because, she doesn't know how he has been in the past few years; because, she is no longer the simple and young her before; because, she received the wedding invitation he sent her.

On a certain weekend one month before his wedding, he asked her out for dinner. She wondered why he asked her out for dinner when he was about to get married.That meal was actually very pleasant. He and she seemed to have returned to their school days, she sang soprano and he played the piano.Classmates in clubs, each other's teachers, past activities... Many past memories flowed in each other's memories, and many old anecdotes resurfaced in the conversation between the two. He and she felt as if they had returned to the innocent and innocent student days. "Next week, I'm getting married." He put down his knife and fork, and the words came out of nowhere.

"Well, congratulations. The other party must be very good to make you willing to marry her." "There is something I want to tell you," his expression suddenly became serious, "a long time ago, there was a boy who just entered college. When he ran to the school in a panic on the day of registration, he saw the registration There was a long queue of freshmen in the school, and he was anxious and flustered. When he was at a loss, a girl came up to him kindly and asked him if he wanted to register. He found that the girl was from the same department as him and was different from him. He was so happy because he thought this girl was really kind and a good person. He found that the girl had bright eyes, cute little canine teeth and dimples when she smiled. From that day on, he fell in love with her at first sight.

"However, he has never known how to express his love for her. She is so innocent, so kind, so smart, and so lovable. In this way, four years of college have passed, and he is going to tell her on the graduation day: he loves her. "However, she told him on the phone the night before the graduation ceremony that she was going to study abroad. The courage he had just sprouted disappeared without a trace. He thought to himself, after graduation, he will serve in the army and she will go abroad Studying, he really couldn't bear to choose this time to confess to her, and asked her to wait for him for two years, so let's wait until she finishes studying and returns to China.

"The days when she went abroad to study and he served in the army were the most difficult years for him. Not only because he was not by her side, but because she met a Taiwanese student in the United States. He knew that life alone was very lonely. She is lonely, and she is afraid of being lonely, so he tried his best to write to the United States every week to greet her, encourage her, and cheer her up. However, in her reply, she complained about the inconvenience of living in the United States. , there is a lot of space talking about how the Taiwanese student she met in the United States told him in her letter that she was in love again.

"She told him in the letter how good that Taiwanese student was to her and how much she loved her. Finally, she wrote to him and told him that she was planning to marry that Taiwanese student after returning to China. He was so sad, how things turned out like this ?Even if he didn’t confess to her personally, but he has been using actions to care for her, take care of her, and love her. Could it be that she really didn’t see his efforts at all, and really didn’t know that he loved her? Or from the very beginning? Is it all his own wishful thinking and self-indulgence? When he received her wedding invitation, he heard his heart 'bang' and broke. "Love is colder than death. He summoned up the last courage to go to her wedding, saw her happy and sweet face in a wedding dress, and also saw the Taiwanese student--the current groom. He originally wanted to take a look at her and leave first However, she was sharp-eyed when she saw his presence, and forced him to come on stage and say a few words of blessing. Standing on the stage, he looked at the bride and groom sitting below, and suddenly felt that the distance between him and her had changed. So far away, so far away that she was no longer the girl who waited in line in front of him during the freshman registration. I don't remember how he fled the venue in embarrassment, only that he lay in bed for a whole week afterwards, Lost five kilograms in one month. "He decided to forget her. He applied for a leave of absence from the company, and hid alone to study in Tokyo, Japan. There, he met a girl who was also from Taiwan and went to Tokyo to study. The girl encouraged him when he was most frustrated. Standing up again, that girl accompanied him tenderly and carefully, took care of him, and tolerated his past. That girl made him regain his confidence and believe in love again. That girl later became his wife who is about to get married. Although he loves him very much now His wife, but she still has a place in his heart. That's why he asked her out today to tell her this story. Liberated from his memory. Now, at last, he can let go of his attachment to her and love his new wife with all his heart." She was silent after hearing the story, and could only politely congratulate him on finally finding his happiness.After she toasted with him to bless each other, she reasoned that she had something to do and had to leave first, and he wanted to take her home, but she refused, and she asked him to hurry home and spend more time with his wife.On the way home, she couldn't help crying hard, completely ignoring the smudged makeup on her face and the strange look from the taxi driver.All her strong self-confidence collapsed in an instant, and she kept telling herself that he was her best friend, and she could say anything to him.She sometimes felt that her relationship with him was like that of lovers who had been in love for a long time, and they had a perfect tacit understanding with each other.In fact, she has been waiting in her heart, one day he will say those three words to her: "I love you." In her heart, she has never been able to forgive him why he did not actively pursue her like other boys.She has always been reserved and feels that girls should wait for boys to pursue them, instead of taking the initiative to pursue the boys they like. Missed, all missed.Fate just passed by each other like this, no matter how reluctant or unwilling to let go, everything is over.It was she who gave up his pursuit, she didn't know how to listen to his silence, she didn't believe her own heart, she ignored the fact that there are many ways to love someone, it was her asking him why he didn't speak out from the bottom of her heart When he loved her, she had actually fallen in love with him deeply.If you miss it, you can no longer turn back, go back to the past and start again.Everything was caused by herself, no matter how regretful, sad, and resentful it was, it was too late. The furthest distance in the world is not between life and death, but when I stand in front of you, but you don't know that I love you.
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