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Chapter 13 Keep a quiet alone, willing to suffer a loneliness

Be calm in the tempting life 木木 3567Words 2018-03-18
When making a love promise, I don't know what kind of mood everyone has.Some people are steadfast, and some people are bound to be anxious; some people are bound to die without illness throughout their lives.Exclusive love is lonely, but at the same time, it is its uniqueness that gives it a beautiful color.A love that cannot resist temptation is like a messy picture, and no matter how bright the colors are, it is difficult to catch the eye. A calm heart is like the paintbrush in everyone's hands. How to paint a blueprint depends on whether there is a happy state of mind in the heart.

(one) Women really can't afford to lose in this life, women should cherish themselves, and men should cherish too! The two go to work face to face every day.She sometimes looks at him distractedly.He has a pretty and slightly decadent face, and if he sees it a lot, he will notice her and always smile at her.She lowered her head and blushed suddenly.Soon, the colleagues around also got a glimpse of her thoughts and frequently joked about them.After going back and forth, he and she really became lovers. They are all of marriageable age.When eating together that day, she hesitated and mentioned marriage.At that time, he was stunned for a moment and didn't answer. After a long time, he muttered, I'm afraid... I'm afraid that in the future, you will suffer if you follow me.

Not afraid.she whispered. He stopped talking and sighed softly. In her opinion, he agreed. When she got home, she told her parents about the two of them, and was strongly opposed.Father and they are in the same unit, and he has a bad impression of him, and has always opposed their association.The reason is that he is an unmotivated man, lazy, unenterprising, and associates with some young people in society who are not doing their jobs properly. After her daughter follows him, she will definitely not have a good life in the future.Especially now, the efficiency of the factory is going from bad to worse, and capable people go out to work on their own, while he is still working on the assembly line, with only a few hundred dollars a month.Such a man has no future.

Not only her parents, but also the colleagues who were close to her who made fun of them at the beginning also opposed her marrying him for the same reason as her parents, saying that such a man can be liked, but he must not be a husband. But she is determined, no matter who persuades her, she just says: I will follow him. The parents were extremely disappointed, and the mother yelled at her: You are betting on your own happiness! She raised her head and said firmly: Even if the sky falls apart, even if you lose, I will admit it. Everyone's stop was of no avail, at the age of twenty-four, she married him as his wife.Rented a small house and moved out from home.This also seems to further prove everyone's guess that he is the catastrophe of her natal year.

But the facts were beyond everyone's expectations. After getting married, he seemed to be a different person, working extraordinarily hard.He first left the half-dead factory, cut off the messy friends outside, and went to a private company to start a business.At the beginning, there was no basic salary, and he was a layman. I don't know how many detours he took, and how much thought he spent, but he finally gained a foothold in that company with difficulty.That year, she watched him become dark and thin. He walked on the asphalt road that was about to be sunburned in the summer. He didn't even bother to wipe off his sweat. He almost never came back before 10 o'clock at night. At home, he fell on the bed and fell asleep without taking off his clothes.

A year later, his work was on the right track, and his business commission gradually increased, but she was laid off.Simply, he didn't let her go out to work anymore, and stayed at home with peace of mind, waiting to be a mother. When the child was born, he worked as a business manager, had a lot of clients in his hands, and relearned English and Japanese in his spare time.The company allocated a car for him, and they bought a new house with a mortgage. Everyone saw his bright future. At this time, she had gained a lot of weight because of having a baby, and she never went out, dressed casually, and stood with him, unexpectedly feeling unsuitable.At this time, the people who had worried about him before began to have new worries, worrying that the man with a pair of peach blossom eyes would leave her at this time.There are countless things like this in this year.

But this time, everyone misunderstood him again. In the days when his life and career were constantly rising, he loved her consistently.That love, I don't know how many times stronger than when we were in love, it is caring and caring.From the major matters of food, clothing, housing and transportation to the minor matters of mood and preferences, he has taken care of everything and never neglected it.Ever since she was in confinement, he has been the one who washed her feet every night, and this habit has been kept by him. He never concealed his feelings for her, and sometimes joked with his friends at the same time: everything has changed, now it's time to change his wife.He shook his head and said seriously: In this life, it will be her.

Her happiness left everyone speechless.In fact, she was not sure that she would have such happiness at the beginning. At that time, she just loved this man and was reluctant to leave him.Even if she suffers with him, as she said, she admits it. That night, he washed her feet again, warming them in the water, and as always, he held her feet in his palm.She suddenly smiled and asked: How could you be so kind to me?In fact, this question has been in her heart for a long time, and she even wanted to ask: How did you become a different person after getting married?I just thought it was inappropriate, so I only asked this sentence, half-jokingly.

He still squatted in front of her, holding her feet, raised his head, looked at her for a moment, and then said seriously: Because back then, you bet your life's happiness to follow me, and you are the only one in this world. The only person who trusts me like this, how can I be willing to let you lose. She saw that he, who always loves to talk and laugh, had red eyes after saying this. A lifetime is a bet, and no one can predict eternal happiness.Love may always have to face many temptations, this is the case when it is ordinary, and it is even worse when it is successful.In the face of temptation, don't be surprised by honor or disgrace, look at everything with a smile, and keep a piece of purity alone, so that love is like a white lotus, and it will last a lifetime.

(two) I was concentrating on watching TV dramas, Du Pingfan said: "Let's get a divorce." He was very serious, not like joking with me.The first thought that came to my mind was: He must have lost a lot in stocks, or he is terminally ill, and he is afraid of hurting me.I shook my head resolutely, and I felt a passion to share weal and woe with him. His second sentence sent me to hell: "I'm in love with someone else, sorry." "When?" I tried to hold my breath. "It's been half a year. I met her while traveling. She is a tour guide. She is very simple and enthusiastic." Perhaps realizing that he used too many words of praise, he stopped and looked at me guiltily.

"How much love?" "Very loving." "Does she love you too?" "Love." I didn't ask any more questions. If I asked too much detail, I would only hurt myself more, so I might as well save myself some face. Recalling the days with him, we are very happy.However, since people already like the new and dislike the old, why do I still not let go?I let out a long breath and said, "Do as you want. I am so grateful that someone can take this evil away from me." He looked at me in surprise, knowing that I was not a Open-minded woman. "Actually, I also have aesthetic fatigue towards you." If you regard me as light as a feather, don't expect yourself to be the Taishan in my heart. He felt so guilty that he decided to leave everything in the house to me and the children. Before the divorce, he asked me to have dinner with him.After a few glasses of wine, he talked more.He said he wanted my blessing.He also took the initiative to talk about the girl, she was full of vitality, and he felt ignited when he was with her.I remembered that I was young, beautiful, and full of vigor, and I was so attracted to him. The woman and I were only ten years apart, but we were clearly labeled as old love and new love. "She is very naive, and she can be satisfied with little things. For example, go shopping with her, get a piece of soap in the lottery, give her a 20-yuan electronic watch, take her to eat Beijing dumplings, and buy her a slag Son cake...she will be ecstatic. With her, I am very relaxed, I can smoke a cigarette so that the house smells of smoke, I can also play mahjong all night, and drink with friends..." He was intoxicated in his own In happiness, the eyes are gentle. And I, like all yellow-faced women, plan carefully, ask him every expense, and shop around for a pair of socks.I don't allow him to smoke, forbid him to drink, and even more against his gambling. "Being with her, I feel my heart beat faster, and I feel full of strength in everything I do." He was obviously a little drunk. I interrupted him: "From now on, I will no longer be your yellow-faced woman, and I will no longer be your unpaid servant. I can save the time of ironing your clothes and tying ties to dress myself up; I can Save the money to buy clothes for you, and pick out a few affordable fashions for yourself; I don’t have to rack my brains to search for N ways to make fish, and I don’t need to please your stomach. I cook when I want to eat, and I don’t want to cook. I can take my daughter to eat fast food; I no longer worry about your smoking hurting your lungs and drinking your liver; I don’t need to wash your vomited sheets for you anymore; I don’t need to sleep in a corner of the street when you are drunk I don’t have to worry about who will celebrate your birthday today and who will marry a wife tomorrow; I don’t have to send living expenses to your parents every month; I don’t have to take a half-day car ride with you every year. Walking more than ten miles of mountain roads with big bags and small bags, just to have a New Year’s Eve dinner with your parents... Yes, divorce, it’s really great!" After saying this, I burst into tears, while he looked at me blankly . I have always acted very calm, but a little alcohol betrayed my heart.Women in their thirties, who doesn't care about the marriage they have managed for many years? I laughed again: "Leave, leave to see how long you can be proud, you love her very much, right? She also loves you very much, right? After getting together, live together for a few years, see if you will see her again My heart beats faster. What she can give you now is what I gave you ten years ago, so go ahead! After you have had enough tossing, you will find that you just repeated the path we walked. " "Are you drunk?" He looked at me nervously. "Haven't I been innocent and innocent? Haven't I been young and beautiful? I regard a copper ring, a book, and a bookmark you gave me as treasures, and braved the severe cold to weave gloves for you. I also loved you very much. , but when entering into marriage, the role of a woman is complicated. While loving, she has many responsibilities. She can no longer love someone very attentively. She has to separate from this very love to love her parents-in-law You have to allocate one point to love your parents, and one point to love your children. After the baptism of marriage, there are only seven points left. Therefore, when another very love hits her happiness At that time, she was irresistible..." In the end, we didn't get a divorce and he changed his mind.He said I'm not as sane when I'm sober, and I'm not as smart when I'm drunk. (three) Both he and she are small workers, the salary is not high, but enough to live.The husband is very ordinary, but the wife is very beautiful and smart. Have a great time with each other because they go out to watch a movie every month, or go hunting park, or go out supper.As long as the wife wants, the husband will accompany her.Everything goes with my wife, as long as my wife is happy, as long as conditions permit, I never say "no", as if I never have my own ideas.Once, when they went out for dinner, the wife asked her husband to order. The husband said, order what you like. The wife was a little angry, and you have no idea of ​​your own!Isn't it a bit useless!The husband was taken aback and sighed: I am just an ordinary worker, and I cannot give you a spacious house or a beautiful car. I just want to give you the best within the scope of what I can do.
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