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Chapter 12 A calm life is not lonely

Be calm in the tempting life 木木 1863Words 2018-03-18
When a person regards loneliness as the beauty of an appointment in life, and faces it with a calm and peaceful attitude, there will be no loneliness in the true sense.Calmness is the lotus flower in front of the Buddha, blooming in everyone's heart, overflowing with lotus fragrance, purifying the soul. Calmness makes life exudes a shining look.The benevolent enjoy the picturesque mountains, and the wise enjoy the endless water.Take a glass of wine calmly, and a cup of tea plainly.Stop, taste loneliness, enjoy calmness; keep calm, life will no longer be lonely. (one) The boy is tall and handsome, and many girls pursue him.Some of these girls are beautiful and gentle, but he feels that these girls are too mediocre, gentle and have no personality, so they can't attract him.

What he finds ridiculous is that there is an ugly girl among these girls. The boy said in front of the ugly girl with contempt: "With your looks, don't waste time on me. My future wife must She is the kind of girl who is very beautiful and has personality." The ugly girl blushed with shame at what the boy said, and ran away crying sadly. After a few years like this, one day, the boy found that all his classmates and friends around him had already married, but he, the most handsome one, had never had a date.After consideration, he decided to lower his standards. As long as someone is beautiful, he will consider even those who are mediocre without personality.In this way, he set his sights on the girls who pursued him, looking for beautiful ones.But it seems that all the pretty ones are gone, and only some ordinary-looking girls are left.

He sighed, thinking that I can't marry someone with average looks, can I?What a joke to make friends! After a few more years like this, he found that all the classmates and friends around him had their own children, but he was still a bachelor. After thinking about it, he decided to lower the standard and choose one of these ordinary-looking girls, but he was surprised. It was found that there were only a few unsightly girls left to pursue him. So he sighed again and said, "Why can't I marry an ugly girl back home? Wouldn't my friends laugh at me like this?" Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, the children of his classmates and friends are all in school, but he is still alone.At this time, the boy has no requirements for a marriage partner, as long as he is willing to marry him.But he found that only the ugliest girl was left among the girls who pursued him. He turned around and thought, I can't marry such a woman even if I have been a bachelor all my life, not to mention the things I said hurt her so much in front of her before.

Just when the boy turned to leave, he heard the girl crying and saying, "Can't you only see the beauty and ugliness of people, but not a heart that loves you?" The boy stopped in his tracks, and he turned around in surprise to see the girl's ugly but sincere face.At this moment, he was completely moved by the girl's courage and perseverance. He thought about it seriously, and he was indeed wrong, so he turned to the girl and said, "I want to date you, okay?" The girl laughed through her tears. In this way, they started dating. During the relationship, the boy was surprised to find that the girl had almost no shortcomings except for her ugly appearance. She was gentle, generous, knowledgeable, and good at housework. Most importantly, the girl loved him very much.After dating for a while, maybe because of the nourishment of love, the boy gradually realized that the girl is not ugly. For example, when she smiles, she will show two small dimples, which is very cute.

Soon the boy and the girl got married, and the relatives and friends who knew them were all surprised.Someone even laughed at the boy and said: "Look, pick and choose the ugliest one!" The boy didn't explain, let alone unhappy, but walked in the crowd holding the girl's hand with his head held high.Because he knew that what he got was the most precious love. (two) The two work in the same unit, the boy confessed to the girl, but the girl did not refuse.The two are very happy and sweet together, every day is like eating honey. However, the good times didn't last long, the boy became less and less concerned about her, and the girl was afraid that she wouldn't be able to keep him by her side, so she tried her best to keep him.She didn't dare to imagine what would happen to her if he wasn't by her side, maybe every moment was a painful torment.

One day, the girl insisted on taking the boy to play in the park. Seeing many kite sellers in the park, she asked the boy to fly kites together.Their kite flew into the sky smoothly. Looking at the kite flying high, the girl couldn't help thinking that their relationship is like a kite with a broken string, and sighed: "Does it mean that the kite will fly higher after letting go?" already?" The boy laughed at her and said, "Don't be stupid, it's impossible. A kite with a broken string will only fall heavily on the ground, and it will only fall to the ground with cuts and bruises!"

The girl said to him silently in her heart: "Then will it hurt like a kite when you leave me?" At this time, the boy shouted: "The kite is about to fall!" The girl looked at the crumbling kite and thought: "Isn't our love just like this crumbling kite?" He hurriedly snatched the string from her hand, and said to the girl: "Kite flying requires mastery of skills. If you grasp it too firmly, the string will break; if the string is too loose, the kite will not be able to fly." After hearing what he said, the girl suddenly understood.She was always very tight with him, and whenever he came home late, she kept calling to urge him; whenever the boy hid on the balcony to make a phone call, the girl was always suspicious; "Tag of……

So the boy tries to break free from her.She understood that she herself pushed the boy into the arms of another woman, and she said: "I managed to fly the kite into the sky, but I didn't know how to reel up and release the string, and in the end, the kite would just fall from mid-air." I shouldn't always quarrel with you when you are tired and let you stay with me; I shouldn't force you to do things you don't want to do. You go, I won't pester you anymore, I will let you go of." The boy looked at the girl, but the girl did not cry.The girl took the thread from the boy's hand, tore it off, and continued: "Our love is over. I know that if I lose it, it will no longer belong to me, and I will never get it back. Although I will have some It hurts, but I finally learned how to love."

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