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Chapter 7 please let me settle

Be calm in the tempting life 木木 1933Words 2018-03-18
Liu Ruoying sang in the song: "Please allow me to settle the dust and bury the past with silence. I came from the sea covered in wind and rain to live in seclusion in this desert. The things that should be concealed are always clear. Thousands of words can only be silent. Love It's a superstition of the right time and place, oh, so you are here too. Does that person only exist in dreams? Why did I exhaust all my strength and only get half a lifetime of memories." The city is like a big dye vat, casting ordinary people with flesh and blood, good and bad, in the world of mortals.While pursuing a better life, the original self is often lost, turning the mind into a barren desert, and the seeds of temptation live tenaciously in it.

The body is a bodhi tree, and the heart is a mirror stand.Wipe it frequently to avoid dust. There are always some inhumane corners in everyone's heart. Love is like a vacuum cleaner, which gradually removes the dark dust accumulated there unconsciously, purifying the soul. As long as you keep a good mood, no matter how noisy the urban desert is, it will also turn into a picturesque pastoral oasis. Picking chrysanthemums in the east fence, expressing love to Nanshan, letting the impetuous mind settle down, and turning it into a pure land, who can say that this is not A rare happiness? She is beautiful, independent, and an excellent girl with constant suitors, but she has an unspoken insistence in her heart that she must find a rich man to marry herself.

She is the youngest of three girls in her family.When her parents died unexpectedly when she was ten years old, they left nothing for their sisters except a small house of more than ten square meters.The eldest sister, who was 18 years old at the time, gave up the opportunity to go to college and found a job to support the family. The second sister, who had only just entered middle school, also went out to work during the holidays to supplement the meager family. They live very hard without any relatives to help them. Most of the money earned by the older sister can only be saved to pay the tuition fees, and three meals can barely be guaranteed.While other children happily ate all kinds of big meals and snacks, she had never eaten a good meal outside. Looking at the food brought by her classmates every spring outing, she could only look at her empty schoolbag in a daze.She hasn't bought a new dress in almost ten years. She only wears the old clothes worn by her sisters and has been washed white, and then looks enviously at the beautiful floral skirts of other girls.

In this way, she and her second sister both completed their university studies.For her first income after graduation, she first invited her two older sisters to a restaurant for a big meal, and then bought a beautiful dress and some cosmetics for herself.Looking back on the old days, she was really poor and frightened, and she didn't want to live that kind of life without enough food.Finding a stable long-term meal ticket and being able to live a bright life has become her greatest wish. Because of the company's business relationship, she met a man.The man is a rich second generation, holding a figurehead position in the family company.His reputation is not good, he barely graduated from a private university relying on his family's connections, he is idle and idle all day long, and has no real talents and learning, so he was arranged by his father in his own company as a last resort.

What is more infamous is his relationship with men and women.There is never a shortage of women around him, he almost always refuses, and he often stalks beautiful women he likes.Her charm naturally made him salivate, and after several encounters, she quickly accepted his pursuit. She brought her boyfriend to her sisters, and it was not difficult to see from their eyes that they were not satisfied with this frivolous and pompous man, but they were kind and chose to remain silent and did not show it to their faces. After her boyfriend left, the elder sister had a long talk with her, but it didn't change her decision.She firmly told the eldest sister that I will not break up with him. Sister, you may have forgotten how poor we were, but I will never forget it in this life. As long as he can make me live a good life, it doesn’t matter who the other party is .The gentle elder sister could only look at her, silently shaking her head and weeping.

The arrival of the second sister was also expected. After getting married, the second sister left home, and the sisters seldom talk to each other.In her eyes, the second sister's marriage was unsuccessful. After graduating from university, the second sister gave up her promising job and went to a remote small city with her lover in college. She was transferred back here recently, but after all No longer young, no matter how difficult it is to make a breakthrough in career, the lover does not make much money, and life is still hard. Before the second sister could speak, she repeated her point of view again. She said to the second sister, I don't want to live a married life like yours.The second sister replied with a smile, I am not here to persuade you, I just want to bless you, and you must find your own happiness.

In this way, she continued to associate with that man, but gradually felt more and more empty in her heart.He keeps getting women outside, and what is left to her is only deception again and again, and endless waiting.She asked herself, is this really the life she wants? Just when she was confused, the second sister appeared in front of her again.The second sister told her a story. Two young people fell in love in college. The girl gave up everything without hesitation and followed the boy to a distant place.The two set up a small family, and they were all looking forward to the birth of the crystallization of love, but after an unintentional examination, the girl knew that she could not conceive.She left a letter, left the boy, and walked aimlessly on the street, thinking of the poor but happy life of the two, she couldn't help crying.Suddenly, someone grabbed her, it was a boy.The boy who knew the truth hugged the girl tightly and told her that even if it was just the two of them, they could still live happily.

She understood that the protagonists in the second sister's story were the second sister and her brother-in-law. No wonder they had been married for so many years but had no children.Although the second sister's marriage did not have material wealth, it was only on the surface, and they did not lack happiness.If there is no true love, all pursuits are just clouds. The second sister used her own experience to tell her that happiness is not a prosperous pile of material desires, but a simple interlocking of fingers, growing old together in the years, sitting on the rattan chair together and thinking about all the things that happened when they were young, and then A faint smile appeared on the wrinkled face.As the sun sets, they lean on each other.

She eventually broke up with the man and became single again.She believes that if she keeps a calm attitude and waits, the door of love will always open for her.
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