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Chapter 6 Nothing to do with temptation, something to do with loneliness

Be calm in the tempting life 木木 2033Words 2018-03-18
When a once happy family falls apart, is the relationship between the two indifferent, or the intervention of a third party?In life, too many people are used to finding all kinds of excuses for themselves. Temptation itself is an excuse. Right and wrong in love, if it is true, has nothing to do with temptation, has nothing to do with love, and has nothing to do with loneliness. What makes mistakes is not all kinds of glamorous temptations, but the loneliness and impetuosity in the heart. There is a lonely seed buried in everyone's heart. As long as there is a supply of nutrients and moisture in the soil, it will take root and sprout at any time, filling the entire space crazily.

When love falls into plainness and we are back to our simple selves, no one can teach us how to love, and no one can comfort our inner loneliness. Only we can control our destiny. (one) I know an excellent girl who has never been married since she was not young.But she has never been short of boyfriends. Since she was in school, she has had boyfriends one after another, and there are all kinds of boyfriends, and she usually just breaks up with the previous one, and immediately starts talking about new boyfriends, almost without interruption. Her parents were anxious about her marriage, and asked the people around them to introduce her to many men.She also went to see a few, but after talking about most of them for a period of time, there was no result.We don't understand, if she likes each other, why can't her boyfriend talk for a long time?If you don't like it, why would you associate with the other party?

Finally, one time, I asked her: "There are so many men, don't you think they can get married?" She told me: "They are not suitable for marriage." I said: "Maybe the one you fell in love with, It's just the feeling of love, don't be tempted by love, blind your reason, and regret it in the end." She smiled slightly: "Don't worry, I know it very clearly in my heart, I am waiting for my true destiny, but I have too much time on the road of waiting. Lonely, it is inevitable to encounter the scenery along the way, but they are not my end." At that moment, I understood the pursuit of love in her heart.

Love itself is a kind of temptation. In order to taste its sweet taste, many people are willing to go on and on.But there is a feeling that has nothing to do with temptation, nothing to do with love, and its root is called loneliness.Loneliness is an empty city. When you walk into it, you find that you are alone. (two) She and her boyfriend have been in love for seven years, and it seems that it will be a matter of time before they talk about marriage.But people often say that there is a "seven-year itch" in marriage. Who says there is no love? My boyfriend is a bridge designer and often travels away for several months.In the past, when their love was sweet, they all regarded this kind of separation as "a little farewell to a newlywed". Every time their boyfriend came back from a business trip, they always seized the time to get together for an intimate date. They felt that the love that had been accumulated for a long time when they parted broke out even more intensely. .But now, when her boyfriend left, all she was left with was boundless loneliness.She no longer looks forward to waiting every day like before, counting the days with hope, but looks at the calendar, feeling that time is passing by in boundless loneliness.

It's another Valentine's Day, and her boyfriend can't come back to accompany her as usual.In her impression, on these special days, they always get together less and leave more.She came to the brightly lit bar alone, and in the dim light and shadow, it seemed as if a lonely wind was blowing in her heart.She thought that she had already gotten used to this kind of life, but she never expected that occasionally she would still have such a strong desire to have someone by her side. At this time, a glass of wine was placed in front of her, and she raised her head to meet the bright smile of the bartending boy.He said: "Please drink, you look very lonely."

She was actually moved by this simple sentence, and she was a little moved when she looked at the boy.She asked the boy: "You are still at work on Valentine's Day, does your girlfriend have no complaints?" He smiled: "I don't have a girlfriend yet, so I took the initiative to apply for work on Valentine's Day, and contribute to other colleagues who need to date." She was infected by his sunshine, and when she tasted the wine he sent, she felt unprecedentedly happy.From that day on, she became a frequent visitor to this bar. Later, she gradually understood the boy's working hours and would only come when the boy was around.She always sits at the bar drinking, watching the boy busy behind the bar, and occasionally chatting with the boy when the boy is not busy.

For some reason, she hid her affairs from the boy, and the boy didn't ask much. The young man thought that she kept a sense of mystery, which made her more fresh and attractive.After a period of contact, the two finally came together.Of course, she didn't break up with her boyfriend, and even her boyfriend, who was away on business all the year round, didn't notice it. In her association with the boy, she found the passion she once had.The boy was a few years younger than her, and when she was with him, she felt that her heart became younger. But soon she discovered the boy's immaturity, for example, he didn't know how to care and take care of her. When she was not feeling well, no matter how far away she was, her boyfriend would always call to check on her health.And even if the boy is close by, he always forgets to say hello, let alone buy medicine and accompany him.When she is depressed, her boyfriend will always find out at the first time, but the boy is often with his friends and often ignores her feelings.After the initial novelty, she always seemed to be missing something.

On her birthday, her boyfriend came back from other places on a special trip. He took out the diamond ring he had prepared and proposed to her.He said: "I'm sorry to keep you waiting for so many years. I know that I have been busy with my career and have very little time with you, but I will do my best to give you the best life and care." She suddenly burst into tears, and she finally understood that she and the boy were not based on mutual understanding and giving, this is not love.She thought she was tempted by his youthful vigor and the feeling of regaining love, but in fact the boy was not wrong, what made her take this step was the loneliness she couldn't overcome and couldn't bear in her heart.

She finally left the boy, regained a calm state of mind, and soon after put on a wedding dress and became a beautiful bride.He still travels frequently, shuttling back and forth in various cities, while she quietly waits for their warm little home, being a gentle and virtuous wife, waiting for his reunion every time he returns. She knew that no matter how far he went, no matter how long he waited, she would wait calmly, let loneliness hold itself in tranquility, and bloom flowers of happiness. Sometimes the dislocation of feelings is not due to external forces.If you can't resist the loneliness in your heart, even if there is no temptation, your relationship will deteriorate one day.No matter when, the pure and indifferent heart is always the only rule leading to happiness.

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