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Be calm in the tempting life

Be calm in the tempting life


  • Essays

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 38690

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Chapter 1 Look down on the prosperity, refuse the temptation

Be calm in the tempting life 木木 1187Words 2018-03-18
A young man asked the old man: "How can I successfully climb to the top of the dream mountain?" The old man smiled slightly, picked up a piece of paper from the ground, folded a boat and put it into the small river beside him.The boat is not noisy, not in a hurry, and sails to the distance without a word by the current.On the way, the flowers scratched their heads at it, but it remained unmoved and moved forward silently. The old man said: "There are too many temptations in a person's life, money, beauty, status, reputation... choose the goal of struggle, stop because of private seeking for money, sink because of lust for beauty, destroy because of grabbing status, and destroy because of desire Fame is impetuous, so it is difficult to be like a boat, not to be moved by temptation, and to move silently towards the established goal, which is why some people give up halfway.” The young man suddenly realized, packed his bags, and climbed to the top of the mountain against the wind .

In the process of pursuing his dream, the young man really encountered the temptation of money, beauty, power, etc., but he was not moved by these. Finally, he climbed to the top of the mountain and successfully realized his dream. Since we can't get rid of this noisy and materialistic society, we must let ourselves have a calm heart.Only by being calm can one calm down one's heart and savor the myriad flavors of life. There was a girl whose mother gave her a golden rule since she was a child: "Treat people the way you want them to treat you." The girl's mother does laundry for the farmer's inn for only five dollars a week.One Saturday night, the girl went to a small hotel to collect money for her mother as usual.

Farmer holding open wallet full of banknotes.The girl stared straight at the stack of banknotes. The farmer didn't reprimand her as usual, but immediately took one out of it and gave it to her. She stepped out of him hastily, and in the road she stopped to fasten the money carefully in the crease of the scarf with a pin.At this time, she found that the farmer gave her not one banknote, but two. "It's mine, it's all mine." Her first reaction was to be happy for this windfall.She thought to herself, "I'm going to get mother a new cloak, and mother can give her old one to sister, so she can go to Sunday school with me next winter. And maybe get a pair of shoes for brother too." .”

She laughed, jumped, and rushed home.Her mother's words sounded in her ears: "Treat people the way you want them to treat you." She began to struggle in her heart, which was undoubtedly a great temptation.She ran up and down the road, trying to calm herself down. She tried her best to resist the tempting voice in her heart, and handed back the extra money. In this way, the girl has always adhered to this rule, and kept calm in the face of temptation. The girl has achieved great success that many people can only hope for. She is Meg Whitman, the former CEO of eBay. Temptation is irresistible.In the face of temptation, some people can make amazing achievements, while others become lonely captives; some people can keep the bottom line of spirit, but some people become moral traitors; The true meaning of life, some people fall into the abyss of hell.

Chernyshevsky said: "Life is empty and dull only in the eyes of dull people." When all the dust settles, all passions will turn into calm, and life, love and life will eventually be interpreted as plain Faint, like a plain and calm chrysanthemum blooming in a life as pure and transparent as water, each petal exudes a light fragrance. Don't be afraid of floating clouds to cover your eyes, face temptation with a sober and elegant heart, endure loneliness, and keep poverty.Tranquility is a detached attitude towards life, leading us to go through the jungle of life to see the clear stream like a mirror, with a selfless heart.Everything can be calm and breezy, and happiness comes from one's own heart.

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