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Chapter 42 2005/04/28 Speech at Nanhua University

Mom, give me a kiss 九把刀 1454Words 2018-03-18
There is a small reason for putting this thought in "Mom, give me a kiss". Before I write my thoughts on the speech at the Department of Literature of Nanhua University in Dalin, Chiayi, I want to accuse Little Black Mosquito.Before I arrived in Dalin, I was attacked by a small black mosquito on the tram, and I got two bites on my left arm. My skin has always been very allergic to small black mosquitoes, and it is still swollen and itchy.The places bitten by little black mosquitoes during the grave sweeping this year are still not completely healed! Back to the speech, ah, I was a little touched by the enthusiastic attendance of everyone at the scene, but the most shocking thing was the scene where the fake Jay Chou reader in the front seat suddenly took off his shirt, revealing the thrilling painted left breast.I happened to be playing with a rubber band in my hand (who would go on stage while playing with a rubber band?), after recovering, I asked him to stand up again, and the rubber band flicked hard at his nipples, but it was a pity that I was suspected of being unknowingly caught in the middle. It's called gravitational disturbance, and it didn't really hit the shot.

Since I was very close to the speech at Da Yechang, when I saw the familiar faces under the stage, I was really ashamed.If only I had a hundred ideas or tricks for storytelling, I could break it down into a hundred speeches, but unfortunately I still have to repeat some of the topics.For the slideshow, I mainly used the color drafts of the 20th century boys and the full-color illustrations of mainland netizens, accompanied by a few pictures of kuso muscular men that I deliberately grabbed from the Internet, and then willfully changed the topic of the lecture to "Justice is won't die".

The topic of the speech was simplified from the film screenwriting research that Da Yechang was very ingenious last time, to the spiritual "I am trying my best to tell a story!".I had a lot of fun during the speech. After all, it is a stage for one person, and I don’t have to worry about leaving time for other speakers, so I often appear in a state of high self-esteem.In fact, I wanted to conjure a white rose out of my sleeve and give it to the little A who failed to confess the night before, but because of the hot weather, I was wearing short sleeves, so I really hated it.Next time, no matter how hot it is, I will put on a windbreaker, and with the most calm expression, I will take out a pigeon from my constantly struggling and restless arms. Such a speech must be amazing.

But damn it, I was so sure I could remember every interesting thing I had to say that I didn't rehearse it (I didn't even plan to copy myself in the speech) and when I looked back later, I realized that I missed a few meaningful lives experience.For example, when I was young, I often thought I saw ghosts. Why was my schoolbag thrown downstairs by the girl I liked next door? In the music class where the whole class was punished to kneel. The fish went upstream and suddenly realized the philosophy of what a great man should be.Next time it will be a hard stab in the arm. After the speech, the organizer thoughtfully arranged the time for signing the book. Although there were many people in line, I adhered to the principle that the storytelling becomes more powerful as it comes to an end. The more distorted face, the complete jerk.In the book-signing crowd, there is a small reader figure, which makes me very touched. Life must be very hard! (clenching fists) We must all have a very touching opportunity to say the classic dialogues in twentieth-century shonen manga together!

I also thank everyone for giving me the opportunity to practice drawing. Although the people behind will definitely want to throw books at me, patience is a good thing. If you are afraid of pain, you will not be able to have children (what logic!).I once wanted to be a cartoonist, and only on such occasions can I draw something, such as vampires, life hunters, or hidden characters that I can't classify. Also, I would like to thank the Department of Literature, Nanhua University, who arranged everything carefully. I had no time to eat lunch and was hungry for lectures, but I still bought lunch for me and my agent; in order to prevent me from being bored, I specially sent two beautiful Meimei chatted with me before the opening and thoughtfully helped me flip the book when signing the book; and arranged for a very hot and energetic Xiaohu to help me make the lively opening; ah, there is also a super temperament girl in a cheongsam, it is really a department full of beauties , (sigh) what else can I say!It's nice to be young!

In the end, I had a very delicious dinner with everyone in the student cafeteria before leaving. I saw the night scene of the campus that is very suitable for killing people. I saw the scene of the fresh night market vendors entering the campus. I also saw the hot dog stick like a cone~ At the end of the article, I would like to share a good news with you.Since the blood test reports have been good, the doctor said that my mother's chemotherapy will stop at this time, and it is enough to keep follow-up observation in the future.what!This is really awesome!Now it is the fifteenth day of my mother’s fourth chemotherapy, and I think I will be discharged from the hospital in a week. My mother has no fever so far, and I have a good chat with the nurses every day. Nurse Pinjie even treats her I showed my mother the video CD and photo album of the engagement back then, and told my mother that there were two unmarried nurses in the nursing station——

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