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Chapter 36 2005/04/16

Mom, give me a kiss 九把刀 855Words 2018-03-18
Mom has started the fourth chemotherapy.finally. We all breathed a sigh of relief after the doctor told us that Mom's latest blood report was normal.But according to the principle of chemotherapy, it is more appropriate for my mother to do another chemotherapy.So we lived in Zhangji again. Because my mother's tuberculosis was well under control, we actually lived in a four-person room that we really didn't want to live in. The doctor said that it didn't matter.In fact, when I returned to the clinic, I kept telling my brother with my thoughts, asking him to tell the doctor that we hope to wait until there is a single room before being admitted to the hospital. This will be more helpful for my mother's condition.But my brother just mentioned it, and the doctor said to live in the four-person room first, and it would be faster to wait for the single-person room in a sequential manner.So that's the case.

We live in a four-person room by the window, so there is plenty of light, fortunately.It's just that it's difficult to control the quality of getting along with the patient's family members in the multi-person room. The next bed has been holding a family visit meeting, and the family members gradually disperse in the middle of the night. , separated by the movable curtain, the chances of the family members of the other party accidentally bumping into the mother's hospital bed are quite high, which often frightens the mother who is half asleep.And Obasan on the opposite bed likes to care about what we eat and how much we eat for each meal, and loves to argue with my mother, which is not bad.

However, we are very fortunate that our mother is in a good mood during this treatment, and her face is always full of smiles, which reassures us quite a bit.My mother said that instead of waiting at home for the treatment that I don’t know when to start (I hope the doctor announces that she has recovered and does not need to undergo chemotherapy again, and I am worried that it is not safe not to do more chemotherapy), I just go to the hospital to start the treatment process. On the contrary, I feel more at ease. My brother's analysis makes sense.During the first chemotherapy, my mother was still in the stage of accepting the disease, and the mood disorder was not a problem.At the beginning of the second chemotherapy, I had a spinal scrape. It was very painful. The strong-willed mother screamed for pain. In addition, I had a horrible experience of 41 days after the first chemotherapy. I was in a bad mood and even fearful. tendency.The smoothness of the second chemotherapy and the third chemotherapy gave my mother a good psychological foundation, the blood report was good, and the doctor also thought that there was no need to do another spinal fluid scraping, so my mother was in a good mood.

I observed from the sidelines, and found that my mother returned to Zhangji with the mentality of looking at her friends.Because many of the nurses who have taken care of us know Mom, they can talk to Mom, listen to Mom’s arguments, and answer Mom’s clichéd questions like "Have you eaten?", which makes Mom feel at ease that she is not being taken care of by a robot. Nurse Yuan Ting is very good at laughing and is very energetic. Even wearing a mask, she can still see her mouth laughing hard.Pinjie, a nurse who was the same age as me, also began to tell her own story to my mother.As for Sister Jinyu, ah, she is pregnant with her third child!

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