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Chapter 28 2004/12/25

Mom, give me a kiss 九把刀 1070Words 2018-03-18
It was half past four, and my mother continued to burn, and the high temperature of 38.9 degrees made me very hesitant. My mother was lethargic, and my palms were burning. I went to call the nurse, but I couldn't get the second Puna pain because of the intensive dose of antipyretics. All I could do was to keep measuring my body temperature, being frightened by the high mercury level again and again, and then asking my mother to get up and drink a few sips of hot water, go to the toilet to expel the heat, and finally just wiped off the towel and took a bath. Not a peaceful Christmas Eve at all.

After taking a shower, I sat on the companion bed and wrote "Life Hunter". I glanced at it and saw my mother pinching the toilet paper to her eyes and secretly wiping tears again. "Mom, you're mad at yourself, aren't you?" "Ok." "I also feel very sad. I am very nervous for you, and you must be even more nervous." "Yeah. It's been burning all the time. It's annoying. How could it be?" Mom's aggrieved voice, soft and thin. I finally collapsed, sobbing beside me. "Tian, ​​don't cry, mom will cry when you cry like this..." Mom was anxious.

"You used to take good care of me when I was sick. Now that you are sick, I can only watch you keep burning. I only take your temperature and ask you to drink water. It is really useless..." I cried loudly, remembering Childhood events. This was the first time I cried beside my mother since my mother was ill. Once emotions burst, it is difficult to stop. Over the past month of my mother's illness, I have accumulated too much powerlessness in my mind, and the constant tightening and depressing hesitation finally exploded. "Tian, ​​really don't cry." "I will definitely be scolded by my elder brother..."

"Don't think so, it's not your fault that I have a fever. You don't want Mom to have a fever either!" "No, I mean, big brother will scold me to death if he knows I'm crying next to you." So we two crybabys agreed not to cry. Mom worked hard to drink water and run to the toilet, but I finally used the 39.4-degree hot "qualification" to get the second pupa pain. Mom ate it and soon started sweating. In spirit, I helped my mother take her temperature intermittently, and finally helped her prepare a second towel bath. Mom finally cooled down, at six in the morning.

"Are you hungry? Hehe." "It's fine if I eat white steamed buns." Half an hour later, my mother was gnawing hot white steamed buns in front of the TV, and I finally relaxed and fell asleep. ※※※ What Mom was afraid of still happened. "I decided to pull out your tube." When I was still unconscious, the doctor stood by the bed and announced. The overnight fever again last night made the two doctors make such a decision. Before I was sleepy and didn't know what was going on, a young doctor slowly pulled out the blue artificial catheter with very delicate skills, cut off the last section, and put it in a plastic bag for bacterial culture.

The reason why Mom has a fever every day, I hope it is really caused by the infection of the artificial catheter, otherwise, I really don't know how to investigate.Bacterial culture will take three days, and I hope to be discharged from the hospital by next Tuesday according to my mother's expectation. After helping my mother buy lunch at noon, lying on the bed, I began to think about love and family affection.Or, to put it more precisely: "Whether the person who shares love with me can also share family affection together". Is it natural to love someone very much, together with falling in love with the cats he raises, the flowers he grows, the coffee he drinks, the comics he reads... and others.If so, would his definition of love cease to be love if it keeps piling up like this?

But whether it is or not, that is what I yearn for. Thinking about it, I fell asleep again in the bitter air-conditioning temperature.
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