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Chapter 24 2004/12/21 on

Mom, give me a kiss 九把刀 1297Words 2018-03-18
I began to understand Wu Danru's helpless feeling of being bet to death by his family after writing the book "The Unbearable Weight of Life", although I have never read it, and the situation of the two will not be the same. When you think family members must be guilty, family members may not want to spread those guilts in front of others.Today, my mother said in tears, "Dad said I spoiled him, but this store is our life after all", which made me put away a lot of possibly redundant words. Think about it too, there is no need to be harsh too much, but not because even harshness cannot change everything that has happened.It's my mother's natural reassurance.

In the stereotype, the Japanese are the world's largest developed country with masculinity.Accompanying my mother in the hospital to read a successful anti-cancer experience book "From Critical Illness to Marathon Running" on page 65, the author briefly describes the story of "The Boundary of Happiness" written by writer Tatsuzo Ishikawa, which made me very happy Feeling. The story consists of three women. The mother took care of the housework all her life and worked hard to raise her two daughters. The eldest daughter married early and lived a hard life just like her mother, serving her husband and son. The second daughter did not want to repeat what she saw as her mother's life. hell.The second daughter then moved out alone, and instead of getting married, she just fell in love and relaxed and freehand.At first, the mother couldn't understand the second daughter's apostasy, but later fell in love with the life of living with the second daughter, so after serving her husband every day, the mother rushed to the second daughter's place to spend the night.

And the eldest daughter is divorced. The mother thought that the eldest daughter would live a life of her own, but the eldest daughter was anxious to remarry with her son, and plunged into the next hell called "home".What was even more surprising was that the second daughter not only fell in love, but also wanted to get married, with a middle-aged playwright. "Because I want to help him take care of food, clothing, housing and transportation, and seeing him concentrate on writing the script, I am so happy." The second daughter said, completely departing from the married life she criticized before.

The second daughter explained that after a long circle, she realized that the heaven for women is in the hell on earth, and if you don't enter hell, you can't build your own paradise. So my mother also figured it out, and went back to her husband, a position called "housewife", and lived what the author called "a maid's life without pay and with sex". It's really sad, I don't want to criticize Mr. Ishikawa for carrying out the spirit of this story, because I can't bear it.I also hope that this kind of life is really meaningful, but even so, it is still not suitable for me.

Dad once told me during a meal that in the future, when choosing a wife, you must choose a model like Mom who is dominated by men. Dad said: "After all, this is still a society dominated by men." Said: "A daughter-in-law like your mother is a good wife who is dedicated to the family and takes care of her husband and son." But I really didn't take it seriously when I heard it. This disapproval has nothing to do with my identification with feminism. When a person pays too much to you, but you can only return one percent, the remaining ninety-nine percent will settle into sad guilt.If you can't repay, it will be very painful.

Equal love between the sexes is more comfortable. Love that takes the initiative to ask is less great, but it is also more comfortable. Once while watching the talk show "News Digging Wow", Yu Meiren was discussing parenting issues with Zheng Hongyi. Yu Meiren said that she would train her son "how to love his mother" instead of paying stupidly. For example, when she went to the movies with her son, she would ask her son for popcorn, and he picked one for her. "Is this popcorn the best?" Yu Meiren asked. The young son shook his head innocently. "That's not okay, don't you love your mother very much? So shouldn't you give your mother the best food?" Yu Meiren "hinted" very clearly.

So the young son nodded and carefully picked out what he thought was the best popcorn to give to Beauty Yu. In the past, Shaggy Dog would often stand beside him and say in a very cute tone: "Grandpa, you must love me very much." I scratched my head, and suddenly realized: "Huh? Isn't it painful enough? There is a Teng in my name, which means it hurts!" "It doesn't hurt enough, my father-in-law doesn't hurt Maomao enough." Mao said, continuing to courteously. Love reciprocates and balances out, which is good.
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