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Chapter 20 2004/12/16

Mom, give me a kiss 九把刀 3713Words 2018-03-18
It took a long time to take notes, because many things were out of tune all of a sudden, and I also had to write a very interesting short article before the end of the month because I received orders for mobile phone text messages. Let me talk about an old dog puma first. Puma began to show vitality under the magical formula of her mother, and then under the deliberate care of her guilty grandma, she completely returned to her naughty appearance before "severe malnutrition". Grandma didn’t dare to drag Puma to pee with a rope anymore, she changed it to a hug, and then squatted on the ground to grind the feed that Puma dismissed into powder, mixed it into the canned dog food I bought to lure, Puma sniffed They ate all of them.If you can eat it up, puma is basically fine.This achievement made grandma show off for several days.

After I posted the tragic situation of Puma on the Internet, many netizens offered suggestions one after another. I read them carefully one by one, and I was very moved.Everyone loves Wujiwu and is very kind.Among them, some netizens strongly suggested that I must take puma to see a doctor, and even said in an accusatory tone that I, the owner, was too self-righteous, did not take the dog's life seriously, or mistakenly thought that I had decided to cast a spell to let puma go to the mother (Too mysterious accusation!), I can't be angry, many things just owe some explanation. This explanation has to be drawn back to the mother.

In the past 13 years with Puma, Puma has faced life and death four times. For the first time, I forgot how old puma was. At that time, the storefront at home had not been redecorated. Puma caught a bad cold, listless all day long, sneezing and runny nose.For the first time, my mother invented the thunderbolt prescription of cold medicine and liver medicine, and used a syringe to force puma, saving his life.At that time, I was only in high school, and I knelt down in front of the Bodhisattva with red eyes and wanted to give puma my life for ten years, and I was scolded by my brother.But this is not a touching dedication. After all, I am determined to live to be 100 years old, and it is not sincere to deduct ten years.

The second time, I mentioned earlier that puma had a severe cold and was weak all over, and she vomited out after being fed milk.I went to the veterinarian that time, but the doctor just told puma to rest more. Before that, I had already started chewing rice to feed puma. The third time can be called the most serious one. Puma can't urinate properly, so I can only use "ooze". Every time I take puma out for a walk, he can't lift his legs well, even if he tries hard to urinate, he only drops a few drops, but I know he obviously hasn't finished urinating, it's just that he can't do it, because he started to urinate around the house without warning. Messy peeing can't be stopped at all.If you want to wait patiently for puma to finish urinating outside, puma itself does not have the physical strength, and sometimes even saves lifting its feet, just like a bitch.

very bad. Puma also became more and more restless, and her physical strength declined sharply.But I still carried puma upstairs to sleep, even though he always peed on my bed, even sprayed it on the pillow, and then said "ah, who told me to be old, the whole one is broken", which made me only have Guilt and want to cry. At first, I couldn't bear the urine stains on the sheets. After all, the sheets were washed by my mother, which would make my mother dry and I would be scolded.But when a puma is placed on the floor under the bed, he will wail miserably again, and keep using his remaining strength to pounce forward, trying to get on my bed.

So I figured out a way to get the best of both worlds. Because puma will urinate irregularly throughout the night, so I wake up and sleep, and when I find something wet, I cover it with a stack of toilet paper to absorb water, then continue to sleep, and put a large pile of yellow toilet paper the next day Take it to the toilet and flush it down, lest my mother find out that my bed has actually been captured by puma's urine. But the smell of urine can't fool me who really sleeps on the bed. Every night, I smell the smell of urine and fall asleep, and the dog is like this. The heavier the urine smell, the more he feels that he can pee here, so puma peeing is not a joy Almost.In this way, for about two weeks, I lived a very nervous life, afraid that my mother would find that the bed was full of urine stains, so when I woke up at noon, the quilt was opened and the bed was covered instead of being folded.

Looking back now, it is really a wonderful story in the world. At that time Puma was already eleven years old, very old, only one yellow molar was left, and the urination was so miserable that of course she was sent to the veterinarian. Puma was shaking crazily and sat on the cold iron board, and the urine began to ooze again. "How old are you?" The veterinarian frowned. "Eleven." I was very nervous for Puma. "It's a urethral calculus." The veterinarian guessed, and asked me to take puma and take an X-ray and then show it to him for judgment. I did, and the answer sure enough was the gray-haired vet hit.

The veterinarian said that the stone was so deep that he couldn't remove it with the simplest equipment, so he had to go to surgery. "This requires surgery, but I can't do it here. I have to go to the veterinary department of Chung Hsing University. There is better gas anesthesia." The veterinarian suggested, and then explained the lack of some surgical equipment. "Surgery...how is it?" I tried my best to calm down and comfort Puma who was trembling violently. I forgot how the veterinarian taught me at that time, but what I remember clearly is that for an old dog like Puma, even if the operation is successful, he will not be able to wake up due to anesthesia.

"Can't wake up? Why can't I wake up?" I almost asked indiscriminately. "It can only be said that he is too old, and the dose of anesthesia may not be accurate. Even if it is correct, he may not wake up, or die halfway through the operation." The veterinarian explained carefully.In fact, the veterinarian was very nice, he knew very well that I was super scared. "What if we don't have surgery?" I stopped breathing. "I'm going to die." The veterinarian said in the most professional and natural tone. "Are you going to die?" I panicked, and I still remember the feeling of cold feet.

"One hundred percent will die, and it will be very painful." The veterinarian is also very sorry. Yes, it must be very painful if you can't pee. So we must take the risk of surgery. If you can pass away in a daze, it is better than dying from an explosion due to holding your urine. So I went home very sad, and started to ask my friend who was studying at Chung Hsing University how to get a veterinary clinic.Of course, I also told the whole family that Puma may die because of this, and everyone must accept the risk and fact that Puma will go to Chung Hsing University for surgery.

Mom said, let's try it out. In this way, my mother grinds the medicine "food for human beings" and "kidney stone clearing" into powder, adds a little milk or something, and pours it into puma's mouth with a syringe every day, with that wonderful comprehensive medicine in between. I strengthen the physical strength of puma.Mom said Puma was very good, and didn't struggle, as if she knew that my mother was about to save him. The puma survived and now the pink bird not only cums hard but hugs my calf to cum. Rather than saying that the medicine has an effect, frankly speaking, in my heart, my mother is the elixir of Puma. He suffered from fever and illness since he was a child, and when he returned home, he was taken care of by his mother. He often recovered miraculously and quickly, and even recovered after taking a hot bath once he returned home.The mother who regards puma as her child, of course, gently took away the pain of puma, and reversed the life crisis in the mouth of professional doctors. After finishing the puma part, what followed was a very embarrassing setback. The day before yesterday, my mother's sputum was sent for testing to see if I could find out the cause of my mother's daily fever.The result was ridiculous. It turned out to be tuberculosis. Yes, it is the one of the notifiable infectious disease! But mom is in the protection isolation ward, the protection isolation ward where you have to wear isolation gowns, hoods, and masks and frantically wash your hands and change your shoes!In a place of high security in the hospital, let leukemia patients with the weakest immunity contract tuberculosis, will it be too shocking, puzzled, crazy, and want to yell! The doctor said that the mother had been infected with tuberculosis before being hospitalized. The problem is that my mother also took a chest X-ray according to the procedures before being hospitalized, but the hospital didn't say anything.Afterwards, my mother continued to have a fever and went for a chest X-ray and an ultrasound. The hospital only suspected that there was a little fluid in the lungs.Then, now tell us that "mother had TB bacteria in her body before she was hospitalized"... We hardly had time to get angry and question whether this was a serious and ridiculous nosocomial infection. We just kept getting frustrated, and even my mother rarely showed a very depressed expression.We can only comfort each other: "At least we have found the cause of the daily fever, and now we only need to prescribe the right medicine." When we urgently needed hospital care, even though we worked hard, we still had no choice but to send my mother from the most rigorous part of the hospital to the most dangerous part of the hospital, the isolation ward where she lived with tuberculosis patients. Back then cancer lived in a positive pressure room, where gas could only flow out of the room, but not from the outside world; now tuberculosis lives in a negative pressure room, where gas can only come in from the outside, but not out from the inside. Those of us who came into contact with my mother have been going to the health center for X-ray examinations according to the law these days, and they are said to be fine so far, fortunately.Otherwise, there will be a shortage of manpower to take care of my mother, I dare not even think about it. So, just such a big bag moved from the seventh floor to the ninth floor. First of all, the masks have been upgraded by 100 levels, from thin light green medical masks to self-funded N95 masks, which cost 75 yuan and need to be replaced every two days. Furthermore, I still use my feet to control one heavy glass door after another, but there is an extra plastic steel door. I have to turn the horn lock, and then press the orange button with the other hand to enter the room. After entering the room, it was a series of nightmares. The bed next door is also a tuberculosis patient. No one wants to be quarantined when sick, so there is nothing to complain about.But unfortunately, the family member of the patient in the next bed was the champion of the Loud Voice Competition on the ninth floor. The patient is an old man who is often in a coma. He is taking care of his daughter who is about thirty-five years old. She is a character who cannot distinguish between spoken words and inner words. The volume control button installed in the throat is completely broken, and the voice of broken thoughts is in competition with ordinary speech No difference, not to mention the hoarseness of her voice as she struggled to complain to the nurse about the doctor and so on. She seemed to have never noticed that there was another patient in the room? Her father kept screaming during the day and could not wake him up, and kept making noises at night, so in the middle of the night, the loud male competition started. Sometimes her mother quarreled with her, or co-directed the nurses, which was even more exciting. ...I'd laugh at it as a very Kuso thing if Mom wasn't forced to be a spectator. Her patient's father vomited, and she would swear as he cleaned it up.If you accidentally wet the bed, she will go crazy.Her father never wanted to sit up, the breastmilk fed by force feeding was too thick, and the doctor only visited the patient twice a week, etc. She had already complained to the nurse, talked to her heart several times, and finally called the dean's office to scold her .When the doctor really came, she kept silent and obediently, and when the doctor left, she would scold with her mother how could there be such a doctor, and then began to plan how to put pressure on the nurse. So my mother couldn't fall asleep after taking three sleeping pills. She almost tossed and turned for two consecutive nights, and she cried yesterday.Mom can't sleep, and we can't sleep peacefully; I'm okay, at most I can write novels until dawn, but my brother is miserable, he has already memorized a car magazine by heart. Under the torment of extreme exhaustion, my brother and I switched hands and returned home and fell asleep for three hours. In the situation where I don't know how long we will be together, my mother has been trying her best to prevent me from "communicating" with my brother, especially when the other party is a deadbeat.Dad has some friends in the medical field who are trying to use all possible connections to change wards, but I think the chances are slim. After all, this is a law-mandated disease control. If the other isolation wards are full, we still have to stay here. The place where your mother makes a lot of noise. "Then how should the rhythm of chemotherapy be adjusted now?" I asked. The doctor said that the drugs that kill cancer cells should be stopped first, and temporarily focus on fighting tuberculosis. "Then how long will you stay here?" Mom was a little stumped. The doctor said that at least two weeks, when the concentration of tuberculosis bacteria is not contagious, the room can be changed.However, tuberculosis medicines must be taken continuously for nine months to one year, and regularly checked for residues. bad mood. Only when I see my mother sleeping soundly and without a fever can I feel a little more at ease.
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