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Chapter 18 2004/12/10

Mom, give me a kiss 九把刀 2150Words 2018-03-18
I really like touching my mother's hand by the hospital bed, gently touching the blue veins next to the dropper, pressing, sliding, and pulling my fingers one by one.Then hold. Taking good care of someone can make you gentle. Still, it was brutal to see that truth through the fact that my mother was sick. To avoid infection, wash your hands frequently after everything you do. When entering and leaving the isolation ward, you should wash it thoroughly with red pungent disinfectant, and you should also wipe it with hand sanitizer after going to the toilet and after eating, and remind your mother to follow suit.My hands will become rich after washing, and they will get pricked when they touch the clothes. I need to use lotion to lubricate them. Of course, I have to help my mother do it.

There's a hard-to-heal wound in Ma's nostril.Before applying ointment to the wound with a cotton swab, my mother reminded me to wash the cotton swab with saline solution, and then apply a thin layer of ointment. Afraid that the water in the water dispenser would not be clean, my brother insisted that my mother can only drink canned mineral water, and even specified the brand. The straws used for drinking mineral water must also be wrapped in paper like 7-11, which is relatively dust-free.According to the rules, a can of mineral water is paired with a straw, and the water is thrown away when the water is finished.So every time I go to the convenience store, I have to smoke two extra straws like a thief.

But no one is selling hot mineral water, so the damn hot water problem has not been properly resolved until now. My brother is very fussy, even if I have to pour mineral water into the hot water bottle attached to each isolation bed in the hospital, my brother also suspects that the hot water bottle may not be clean, even though I washed it twice.But if things go on like this, mom will never have hot water to drink, so I can only rely on me to kneel down to the nurse to ask me to heat up brown sugar ginger tea and chocolate milk from 7-11 in the microwave to warm mom up. So I went to buy a new, smaller kettle this evening.

Before drinking water, you should make your mother drink Ansu (a special nutritional supplement for patients) to supplement protein and calories, and after drinking Ansu, you should also make your mother drink water and rinse your mouth to wash away the remaining taste in your mouth.After drinking so much, and because of the constant injections and frequent drinking of water, my mother's body fluids are quite abundant. Of course, I should encourage my mother to go to the toilet more. A short distance is a precious exercise for mom, so pee more to see if you can excrete some miscellaneous things out of your body.

Every time I go to the toilet, I have to press down the railing next to the hospital bed, hold my mother's back with one hand, and hold my mother's right hand with the other to get up. Take it off.Then, holding on to the IV drip with one hand, and sticking to Mom with the other hand, he walked slowly to the toilet. In the toilet, first hang the IV on the hook next to the toilet, wipe the toilet seat with toilet paper, and then observe the condition of mother, ready to hand the toilet paper at any time.For the sake of convenience (well, I'm actually the lazy king), I adjusted the toilet time to be the same as my mother's. When my mother got up to wash her hands, I followed behind to pee, and solved it all at once.And of course, wash your hands and wash your hands.

After Mom finished eating, she should pour some alcohol-based hand sanitizer and rub it on Mom's hands.The more expensive vitamin Vaseline should be applied to Mom's lips, and the cheaper Vaseline should be applied to Mom's feet.But I was often reminded by my mother to remember to do this. The content of three meals prepared for mother every day is the challenge. Mom's appetite has become worse because she has been lying in bed for a while and lacks activity (maybe the medicine administered may have side effects), but the shops near the hospital have limited changes in what they sell, nothing more than fried rice and fried noodles. If you are full, you have to keep your eyes open to observe what mom eats and have less food left, so you can buy it next time.The memory also needs to be better, remember that Mom once said what she wanted to eat, if she can’t buy it today or the store is not open, she will buy it next time.

I once bought curry rice that my mother thought was too spicy, but failed.It doesn't matter, I immediately ran down to buy beef teppanyaki to make up for it. Unfortunately, my mother failed again in order to find out and filter out suspicious allergens and not eat beef.As for what Mom only ate a little or didn't eat (or should be classified as a wrong purchase), it will naturally become my next meal. Some things taste good when eaten hot.In order to keep the precious heat, you must buy perch soup or chawanmushi last, and then rush to the seventh floor of the hospital at the speed of running to the toilet with diarrhea.I bought a cutting bag at the night market the day before yesterday, put it in my feather jacket, drove to the hospital, and threw it to Gu Ma's brother.

"Quickly ask mom if she eats guabao! If she doesn't eat it, I'll go buy it right away!" I gasped. "Do it." Brother looked at the cutting bag he had just received in his hand, unable to understand. The glass door protecting the isolation ward closed between us. Five minutes later, my brother called me, and I was leisurely getting off the engine car at the hospital, ready to go home. "Damn, you forgot to buy the drinks to put in the refrigerator!" Brother said. Well, I had to go again. Same goes for orange juice. The doctor said that because the side effect of a certain drug is the loss of potassium ions, the supplementary method is to drink more fresh orange juice besides adding yellow potassium ions to the glucose solution drip.

But the daily C orange juice from 7-11 is too strong or somewhat bitter, and the freshly squeezed orange juice from the roadside vendors is definitely not clean enough, so my brother and brother insisted that the orange juice must be executed at home and then sent to the hospital for my mother to drink. . Tonight it's my younger brother Gu Ma's turn, he is also very fussy, and he stipulated that I have to kill oranges with a knife that can only kill oranges, and buy a new one, which can only be used to cut "for mom" oranges from now on Then I went to buy a special brown cucumber cloth to wipe the plastic cups after drinking oranges.

Everyone is furious! But I think our family is not suddenly suffering from explosive cleanliness, but wants to protect Mom in all imaginable places. People say that there is no filial son after a long illness, it seems that no matter how gentle the care is, there is a limit. A few days ago, I always felt that Mr. Wu, who was in the same ward, was very gentle to his wife. During the two weeks we got along, Mrs. Wu was taken care of by him alone. The three sons and three daughter-in-laws have never met half a time, but every time Mr. Wu The speed of buying meals is faster than me. When my wife has a fever, she will rush to borrow an ear thermometer from us.Diligent and hardworking.I have also seen Mr. Wu holding his wife's feet carefully and cutting the toenails without saying a word. I was very touched by that scene, because I have never seen my father show similar consideration to my mother.

But my brother said that he has also seen that when Mrs. Wu occasionally went to the toilet more frequently, Mr. Wu who was sleeping would suddenly complain angrily: "Why are you peeing again? I think you have weak bladder!" I think this will hurt Mrs. Wu held back her urine. It's not that you can't look forward to unlimited tenderness, after all, there has always been such endless dedication in Mom's body.There are too many examples. In a few days, I want to write the top ten events that have influenced my personality the most in my life. I don't look forward to the self-promise of "a filial son born of a long illness", because I am very afraid of the word "long illness", which means that my mother will suffer a long time. But companionship is a kind of sincere sharing regardless of the cost.It was, it is, and always will be. Because no matter how many times I close my eyes, I, who claims to be the most imaginative creature on earth, can't conjure up the image of my mother abandoning me.
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