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Chapter 15 2004/12/05

Mom, give me a kiss 九把刀 2147Words 2018-03-18
Mom's birthday is today. But my grandma woke me up early in the morning and asked me nervously if I wanted to take puma to see a doctor. I was shocked and asked why, grandma said puma looked weird. I rushed downstairs, and my brother sat on a chair with puma in his arms. "Just now puma fell to the ground and twitched, and made a cry." The younger brother said. Puma's feet are weak, she can't sit properly, and she can hardly walk. She doesn't eat or drink, and her tongue is white and dry.But it was fine the night before!How could it suddenly become like this? I sighed, and the tension disappeared, replaced by helpless loneliness.

After taking over puma, his small body has almost no strength left, and it is a soft mass of hairy flesh. "Puma, are you going back?" I said distressedly, but my tone was surprisingly calm. "Don't talk black and white over there!" Grandma frowned. Puma came into my life when I was three in my country. After all, it has been thirteen years.His teeth were gone, so he had to expose half of his tongue all day long, his beard was gray, his yellow hair was sparse, he couldn't run fast, he couldn't climb stairs, he couldn't jump out of bed, and he had some cataracts in his eyes.A standard old dog.

Puma looked at me and shrunk her body feebly. I put my fingers on puma's chest to detect, his heartbeat sometimes fast, sometimes slow.I put my nose against his mouth, but he didn't stick out his tongue to lick me. Puma looks weak. "Puma, why are you coming out to grab the show at this time, it's obviously not the time for you to appear on stage." I hugged him, feeling that he would close his eyes at any time and fall asleep. If my mother hadn't been sick, I would have cried at that time. But I suppressed the excited part and chose to accept it. I've taken puma to the vet for a cold, for urinary stones, twice on a cold metal plate, and both times puma was shaking with fright.I can't forget that look to this day. If possible, I don't want to take him to the veterinarian, who is weak, and listen to something that I find very painful.

Some people say that a dog will only recognize one person as its master in its lifetime.It is a great honor that puma chose me who loves him the most. I have always been afraid that puma will pass away when I was studying in Hsinchu University, when I was studying for a master's class in Taichung, when I was writing in Taipei, or even when I was serving in the army in the future.I've always wished he'd closed his eyes one last time in my arms, and thought he thought so too. If puma chooses to say goodbye to me at this time, wouldn't it be in line with our mutual wishes? Thirteen years, maybe enough.Although I will be very sad.

Today is a day full of disasters.My brother came back from the hospital and changed my father to accompany my mother. My brother said that my mother had a fever of 38.7 degrees last night, while Wu's mother on the opposite bed had a fever of more than 39 degrees. The fever was so high that she could hardly see her eyes and began to vomit, which made my mother very scared.And Mr. Wu, who is in charge of taking care of Wu's mother, seems to have caught a cold!God, it's too bad, it's a protective isolation ward, it will be miserable if the infection is transmitted to the patient.I hope everyone's fever will subside and focus on the PK with cancer.

After sending Mao back to Banqiao in the Tonglian in the afternoon, the three of us went to the nearby Guanyin Pavilion to pay homage, praying to the Bodhisattva to resolve the grievances between mother and karmic creditors, and asking for divination. After returning home, my brother reminded me that I thought that puma might be malnourished to cause her lack of energy, rather than the time limit. My brother said that grandma would feed puma randomly, such as steamed cakes, steamed buns, and a bowl that had not been touched for a long time. The over-the-counter dog feed was extremely unbalanced in nutrition, and he became angry when he saw it.

I think it is indeed possible.Reminds me of how Puma was dying of a bad cold in my sophomore year. At that time, I heard the news and took the night train home. As soon as I entered the door, I saw my mother inserting a syringe filled with milk into the corner of Puma's mouth, and forced some nutrition, but as soon as Puma saw me coming home, she immediately spit milk and stumbled. Walking towards me, I hugged the excited but weak puma with tears in my eyes. My mother said, it's really rare. Puma couldn't eat anything and didn't move, but when she saw me, she changed her sex.

That night I slept next to Puma, but my sleep was extremely restless. Whenever Puma didn’t move for a long time, I would probe over to see if Puma forgot to breathe. I was afraid that if I was not careful, I would miss the sad moment of Puma’s death. The next day, I started treating puma in my own way.I poured broth into the hot white rice, then poured a lot of meat floss, put it in my mouth and chewed it into a puree, and then put it in the palm of my hand for Puma to lick. Puma is a face, as long as I feed him, he will try to eat a few mouthfuls. Once his appetite is opened, he will chew more and more vigorously.

Two days later, puma's strength lost due to the cold gradually recovered. Accompany me for many more years. In the evening, I went to the night market and bought a pork teppanyaki bento. I also added an extra poached egg with an undercooked yolk.I mixed the super fragrant pork slices and broth into the rice, squeezed the egg yolk, stirred it, and then ate it as usual, chewed it into a puree, and then put it in the palm of my hand. Puma sniffed, rolled to the corner, and refused to eat. I dabbed some on his mouth with my fingers, and puma barely took a bite.After taking a bite, the spirit came.

"Ha, it's delicious, live for two more years, make up a whole number to spend fifteen years with my second brother, and let's say goodbye." I was very happy, watching Puma slowly eat the slobbering pork egg yolk rice ball in his palm. After eating three balls in total, puma lay down and rested lazily. I am very impressed, when my mother is at home, puma eats so well. Having said that, Mom naturally likes what our brothers like. Every time mom buys steamed dumplings, she will peel off the skin and put the stuffing inside for Puma to eat.Every time Ma fried noodles, she would carefully pick out the lean meat or shrimp inside and feed it to Puma.It happens like this every time, which makes me furious, so I have to order my mother to feed puma, and mother, you just have to eat your own, otherwise, mother will be eating dough from beginning to end. When Puma is sick, her mother will seriously pour the medicine. In the end, Puma is only convinced by her mother. No one can tell Puma to lie down and open her mouth except for her own hands.At home, only my mother and I can help puma catch fleas.Mom is also the first person in the family to give up telling me not to hold puma to sleep.

Yesterday, I picked up Kurumi, who was not very well-known, from Ahe's house and sent it to my brother's girlfriend's house for foster care. Ahe just called and asked me to treat me to celebrate my success someday. After the appointment, Ahe suddenly felt that , Said that when I went home after playing, I didn't see Kurumi so lonely. "Let's raise a dog. Getting along with a dog can soften a person's heart." I said, "Maybe you can even make a good girlfriend." This is real. A person who can bring happiness to a dog must also be very happy. Seeing the way Puma begged me to take him out again with his eyes, and seeing Puma scratching the floor again, I couldn't help thinking that the translation of Puma's twitching and wailing on the ground this morning should be: "I'm ~fast~hungry~dead~!"
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