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Chapter 14 2004/12/04

Mom, give me a kiss 九把刀 3437Words 2018-03-18
Mao was coming to Changhua in the afternoon, but unfortunately he couldn't come to see his mother.It is meaningless to protect the people who come and go in and out of the isolation ward. I want to use the video recording function of the digital camera to let Mao say a few words and say hello to my mother across two walls. Yesterday, I printed out a letter sent by a netizen and showed it to my mother, hoping to make my mother proud.Excerpts only: Title: Report, I'm a Fan of Dao Ma ...Facing three carrot heads at home every day, I often lose control and go crazy.After watching your "Mom, give me a kiss", I aroused the great ambition of "a good mother should be like this".I hope I can be like Mother Dao, and raise children who are considerate, confident, united, and love mothers like the three brothers of Dao Master... I ask Dao Dao to write more articles about Dao Mother's parenting methods... I would like to ask Dao Mom how to be big Wisdom to face mother-in-law and daughter-in-law problems and so on.

Mom is very happy that she has fans.And I thought of the news that a mother of quadruplets died suddenly from exhaustion three days before my mother went to the hospital for an examination. I remember a year or so ago. I also saw the lively scene of quadruplets entering the kindergarten together on TV. At that time, the mother who led the four chattering little boys complained to the camera that she had to take care of them alone. The four brats were so tired and noisy, it was hard to find time to sleep well.In the end, he was physically and mentally exhausted and passed away. What makes me feel very poignant is that when the reporter interviewed the four siblings sitting at the table: "Do you know that mom passed away?", the four siblings replied innocently: "Mom died yesterday", "Mum huh Flying to the sky", one of them was still making a deadly gesture with his fingers in front of the camera.Children who don't know how to be sad, don't know how long it will take to feel the helpless misery.

The reporter then interviewed the kindergarten teacher. She said that she had persuaded the mother of the child not to discipline the child by beating and scolding, but to try to communicate in a soft voice, but the mother said, no, four at a time. They will be overpowered and ridden on their heads.The father said to the reporter with a cold face that her wife often complained to him, saying that she was really tired, that she hadn't had a good night's sleep in the past few years, and was afraid that one day she would fall down and would not be able to get up. Now it finally happened, and he Will take the responsibility of educating children well.

At that time, my brother and I were in Taipei, watching the news. "Mom, too. I haven't had a good night's sleep in the past few years." I sighed. In order to take care of Dad, Mom would be woken up in the middle of the night, sleepily kneading Dad's sore feet and patting Dad's sore back. After a long time, my mother's hands were so tired that they were injured. She didn't dare to tell my father, but said that her hand was twisted because she turned the gas barrel switch too hard. In the store at noon, I lie on my stomach or sleep behind the changing table. Whenever there are frequent customers coming to see my mother (the proportion of regular customers is very high), my father will wake up my mother. Frankly speaking, I don’t feel sorry for her.After taking a shower after closing time, Mom was very sleepy, so as long as Dad spoke, Mom still cooked some porridge and warmed up some dishes to serve.Mom's workload is several times that of everyone in the family, and her precious sleep has been interrupted all the time. As a result, Mom's biggest wish today is to get a good night's sleep.

It is not easy to be a good mother, but it is even more difficult to be a good wife and daughter-in-law. Then don't be so difficult. But if time can be reversed, I would rather my mother would quarrel with my father’s inconsiderateness more, and see if she wants to throw anything; order more food; or even run away from home for a few days, so that grandma can cook and eat what she made herself thing. Mom doesn't have a very special way of raising people, and it doesn't hurt too much to beat someone up, just give in ignorantly.Pay to the point where we brothers feel very distressed.

I used to be on the train from Changhua to Taipei when I was in my second year of graduate school. Because I had to prepare a class report a few days later, I looked up the dictionary and gnawed at the original English text on my lap.My concentration caught the attention of a woman of about twenty-eight sitting next to me.The woman was getting closer and closer, which made me feel uneasy, thinking that she was also interested in what I was reading, so I deliberately moved the book a little closer and let her read it together. Half an hour later, the woman took the initiative to strike up a conversation with me, and she asked me how I could understand such a thick English book.I was very surprised: "Don't you understand it too? I deliberately shared it with you."

She shook her head and said, "He Mo may be able to understand it, but Chinese students in my country have given up on English." She went on to say that her job is to help underground banks distribute business cards and leaflets on the roadside. In the process of handing out leaflets, she felt a certain disparity in the world.When she saw the Mercedes-Benz, she would think, ah!Why send him leaflets? He definitely doesn't need to borrow money.Seeing in the depths of the vegetable market, the small people who are trying to make a living in the narrow space and under the dim light bulbs, she sighed again, why these people have worked hard for a whole year, and the money they earn may not be as good as those who drive Mercedes-Benz for an hour income?She couldn't bear to hand over the leaflets from the underground bank.

Seeing me chewing the original document, she was very moved.I feel like I'm missing something in my life, a pity that I can't be a part of a certain intellectual class. "Is your family rich?" she asked. I don't know which answer she was expecting to hear, but I have only one explanation. "It's just the opposite." I said, "Our family owes us a lot." "But how can you understand English?" She was curious. I save the empty-handed answers like "Actually, people who can understand English are everywhere. If you don't understand English when you are a graduate student, you might as well die."

"My mother has never saved money on education costs, because private schools are strictly guarded, and all three of our brothers are in private schools. My mother also talked with many relatives several times in a low voice. When I went to college, the three brothers continued to use school. Loans all the way up; my mother never forced us to get a job quickly. In fact, many mothers are the same, hoping that the next generation will live better than theirs and suffer less." I said. But at that time, I forgot to mention one thing: "In addition to hard work and money", my mother worked hard for seven years and got up early.

Because both my country one and my country two were reading indiscriminately, and my grades were super bad. When I was promoted to my country three, I had to get up and sprint, and I didn’t go to sleep until midnight every day.Mom began to notice that my work and rest were not normal, so she forced me to go to bed before twelve o'clock. "Go to bed quickly, Mom will wake you up at five o'clock tomorrow morning." Mom held me and threw me on the bed. As soon as five o'clock came, my mother would wobble and pat me awake with sleepy eyes. "Tada, it's five o'clock, get up and study." Mom said vaguely.

"Hey, give me another ten minutes, please~" I begged for mercy, still unconscious. Especially in the winter morning, it is a cruel torture to insist on climbing out of the huddled bed. "Ten minutes." Mom sat on the edge of the bed, feeling drowsy, counting down with her eyes closed. Ten minutes later, my mother forcibly picked me up, occupied my bed and continued to sleep in the cage, while I washed my face and brushed my teeth, sat on the desk next to the bed to do exercises and recite texts. Later, my elder brother and younger brother also became the object of my mother's waking up at five o'clock.My mother called me for four years until I left home to go to university and live on campus. My younger brother was only a sophomore at that time, and my mother called me for another two years before leaving Changhua to study at Normal University.I don't know how much hair my mother has turned gray. In a flash, my mother got up at five o'clock in the morning almost every day for six years, and asked her son to study. My mother always misunderstands that her son's good grades are due to her son's bright mind and hard work, but she forgets what important role she played in it. If time goes back, I will definitely get up by myself. But I can't turn back time, so I feel guilty. I have always felt that guilt is a necessary emotion for introspection. The self-comforting idea of ​​"Fortunately, I read well, so that my mother's early waking up early in the morning has rewards" is actually a prevarication, which is very devilish. How can we talk about regret if we can't even bear the sin of guilt?How to say true gratitude? As you write, you deviate from the topic. But there will be many days in the future to bring back the figure of mother raising our brothers.I really want to continue with the guilt part. Two days before my mother was hospitalized, I came home.At that time, my mother only had the test report of blood components (too many white blood cells, too few red blood cells, and too few platelets), and she hadn't gone to a big hospital to draw bone marrow to verify whether she was cancer. Everyone was praying that her mother was severely anemic. That night, the family was discussing why my mother suddenly became dizzy and fell ill. Both my father and grandma said that it was because my grandma, who lives in Taoyuan, suffered from pancreatic cancer, and my mother was exhausted after traveling to take care of her.I finally couldn't bear it, and I corrected this absurd de-guiltization argument with my dad and grandma in private. I said, Mom is 100% overworked and ill. It is the evil result of everyone relying on Mom... bullying Mom for a long time. Grandma has been very depressed and blamed herself and said: "She has been persuading mom not to be so tired, don't spoil dad like this all the time", but she still can't help but say a word for mom, and she never understands why mom is so busy sometimes I don't have time to shop and cook at the same time. At this point, everyone still tried their best not to feel guilty, and pushed the cause of the illness to my mother's running around to take care of my grandmother, which made me almost explode.very angry. Everyone is very tired these days.Mom's daily work is divided among all the people, and everyone is still too busy, or the job is poor, so why would Mom go upstairs to go to the bathroom, and within a minute, she was called down to deal with customers who just came to buy a bottle of rice wine? ? A few months ago, my family’s pharmacy was fined by the National Health Insurance Bureau on the grounds that “the pharmacist did not accept the health insurance prescription in person”, and was fined more than 100,000 yuan in one breath. Now my mother is in the protective isolation ward with a drip and has a fever. Finally, it was Dad's turn to completely handle the big and small affairs of the pharmacy.My mother is sick, and my father often sighs in front of relatives and friends, "My wife is sick. I just went to a credit union that I haven't been in for more than 20 years to deal with things. I found out that I don't know what to do..." This kind of sentence pattern is to praise Mom's ability. I feel sad.Very dry. Very dry. Mom woke up talking in her sleep, opened her eyes and begged for ice cream with me. "Mom, when I got back from buying breakfast, I heard something horrible from the nursing station." "What horror?" "Christmas is coming, the church in the hospital invited a simple circus to perform for the sick children, but rehearsed early in the morning, and the tiger raised by the magician disappeared... Now it is secretly hiding in the hospital, everyone None can be found." "Oh, that's a tiger in a human costume!" "It's true! Just now I heard the nurse calling the roll, saying that several children have disappeared. Maybe they will run to the isolation ward after a while!" "Listen to your nonsense." "It's true! I'm afraid that when I come back from buying ice cream later, instead of seeing you, I see a tiger lying on the bed with a distended belly." "Then you have to worry about not having a mother." "Don't worry, I will cut the tiger's stomach with scissors and rescue you." Then Mom continued to sleep, and I called to ask Mao if he had boarded the train. "Mao, let me tell you, it's scary!" "What?" "Just because of Christmas, the hospital invited a simple circus troupe. The tiger got lost this morning. It ran around the hospital, and then..." "Hey! Stop talking nonsense!" Mao hung up the phone. It really deserves to be Mao. She often said that people who don't know me well always think that I am super humorous (she was kidnapped by me in this situation), but in fact, after getting along for a long time, they will find that I am a super idiot and boring man at all. I'm going to go out and buy ice cream later.
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