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Chapter 11 2004/11/30

Mom, give me a kiss 九把刀 2548Words 2018-03-18
At ten o'clock in the morning, the remaining amount of medicine was 206. Mom's appetite is still not good. For breakfast, she ate a steamed bun dipped in rice milk, but she couldn't finish it. Dr. Wang just came and said that he was going to move the bed to the protective isolation ward in the afternoon.The nurse explained the post-quarantine control, such as no air coming in, restricting visitors (thankfully), wearing head protection and special clothes, buying two pairs of clean slippers, eating only cooked food and peeled fruit , Only one person can accompany mother at a time (bad).

"Of course you can't bring pets, flowers, etc. If you don't know if you can bring them, you can ask the nursing station first." The nurse said, she seemed to be smiling with only her eyes left after wearing a mask. "Can I bring my computer in?" I was uneasy, pointing to the ibook beside me. "Okay," the nurse said.so close. If you can't write novels while accompanying your mother, the publishing house must want to die.And I will be forced to become a super reader of a wide range of books.I've bought The Da Vinci Code, Li Changyu's Crime Scene, and Fish's Travels to Italy.I think I still owe a few mystery novels, anyway, what I have now is patience.

My brother called me not long ago and asked me that I would go to worship at the Guanyin Pavilion in Triangle Park later, and that I would make a promise to the gods to copy the scriptures to do merit for my mother, and asked me how many times I thought I should copy them. "It depends on what to copy, right?" A few long passages appeared in my mind, and I was a little nervous. "Of course it's the Heart Sutra." Brother said. I was very hesitant. After all, human beings have a lot of things to do in the world. Copying scriptures will obviously take up a lot of my time. Having said that, I hope to maintain a good balance.

I believe in ghosts and gods and all kinds of wonderful stories in the world. I believe that there are such things as "merit and virtue", but the vow of copying scriptures does not seem to benefit others. in my measure of value. "Then a hundred times." I still agreed. If it is not a merit, at least see if filial piety can move the sky. Dad has diabetes, and he came to see Zhangji just now, and of course he also came to see Mom.I also started to pack things in the room and imagine what the world would look like in the isolation ward. Only one family member can accompany the mother in the isolation ward at a time, and the frequency of entry and exit should be reduced, otherwise it will be deemed as giving up the isolation and must be transferred back to the general ward.This provision is well-intentioned, otherwise the isolation would lose its meaning.But I still can't help but foresee the coming loneliness.

※※※ Before officially moving into the isolation ward in the afternoon, my mother said that I should wash my hair to refresh it.So the two took the elevator to the fifth floor and explored the hairdressing department attached to Zhangji. Mom's body is so small that she can't step on the bottom of the chair when she washes her hair. She has to lean on the chair with her legs bent, while I help with drips.Although she was not in good spirits and had a slight fever, Mom still chatted with the lady who shampooed her hair. Say goodbye to the ordinary double room, enter the isolation ward, and pray that the roommates who live together will be easy to get along with, and don't be the champion and runner-up of the loud competition.

Nurses in pink uniforms kindly instruct me on the protocol to protect the isolation ward. First put on new clean slippers, wash your hands for fifteen seconds, wear a green hood and mask, put on a very colored gown, and use the soles of your feet to control the opening and closing of each transparent glass door. From the expression of the voice and eyes, I think this nurse should be younger than me, and she doesn't have the busy appearance of a nurse. She is small and cute. She can chat with patients and help me with my computer. .Very good nurse.If my mom gets better I want to give her a book.

Then I was cranky.The love between doctors and nurses in the hospital must be very interesting. Everyone wears masks and touches at the end of the corridor, talking with eyes and voices, but they are too busy to go out for a date. Maybe they will not meet until the wedding day To the appearance of the other party.Ah, lust! My mother's roommate is also a mother, Mrs. Huang, who is also a leukemia patient. She has been in the hospital for chemotherapy for the fourth time. She is in good spirits and watches TV all day.Today we watched the rebroadcast of Love Between Heaven and Earth, Niao Lai Bo and Thirteen Aunts, which is unforgettable.Will continue to watch later.

Mrs. Huang and her husband, Mr. Huang, like to chat very much, so Mom cheered up and chatted endlessly.I think that's fine.I really like watching Ma Kuang talk. In the rambling chat, I accidentally discovered that Mrs. Huang and my mother both had the same birthday on 12/05. Coincidentally, there must be a reason for people to meet.Everyone will be fine. ※※※ During this period of time, many things happened, and this accompanying literature also became complicated. I arrived at Normal University last Saturday and participated in an event co-organized by the Department of Chinese Language and Literature of the Normal University and the Zhuomeng Literature Museum of the bbs nameless station. This event included a book fair and a symposium. I was anxious to accompany my mother, so I canceled the first event. Attendance, only came to the second session.

Because I misremembered the time, I arrived two hours early, so I found an inconspicuous corner of the stairs and turned on the computer to write something.It is my philosophy to write anytime and anywhere, as long as the butt is sitting.For writing, this kind of humility builds my humble, overly wild attitude.But who knows?Most people will only see my stinky side and won't ask why. The topic of the symposium was about the conflict between Internet writers, publishers, and readers. I thought the topic was very flat, so I took it away.Since I am a person who is often aware of questions such as "why do I write" and "why do I write in this way", I can probably talk eloquently about any questions about the Internet or writing.My habit of speaking is always to start from afar, and to let the listener understand why I speak in a contextual way.

In the process of participating in the symposium, I heard what other speakers said, and I once again confirmed what I said in the interview with Vision Magazine two weeks ago.But I feel very sorry. Maybe they don't think it's important, but the vast majority of online novel authors have not established their own writing discourse.Many Internet authors' views on themselves are attached to the "self-deprecating" and "supply and demand" consumer discourses constructed by publishing houses, lacking their own opinions.Claiming to have is often nothing more than failing to discover one's own attachment state.

Specifically, the following claims or actions, but not necessarily both: 1. I think my creative motivation is very pure, I just like to write and write. 2. I feel that writing romance novels is a temporary strategy, and I intend to spread the truth in the future after winning the masses. 3. I feel that non-light literature or even non-love themes cannot embrace a large number of readers. 4. I feel that some people criticize that most online novels are poorly written, which means that online novels should be suppressed, so I am overly defensive. 5. I write about a "feeling." But such purity is not pure at all.As long as you have more than one condition, you will be in a state of self-contradiction.But it is the most convenient package for many creators to claim that condition one can put themselves in a lazy posture of "you hit me?!"Depreciate yourself first, as if you can be exposed to criticism. I don't look down on writing groups who create to fill their stomachs at all, and I don't think consumer discourse is inappropriate. For example, in the experience of interviewing Cai Zhiheng, Cai's discourse is completely consumerized, but he also has a set of ideas for viewing himself as a whole.However, most of the creators follow others' opinions, borrow from each other's written discourses, or rely on such written discourses together, so the so-called creator's demeanor cannot be seen.If you take the publishing house's consumption positioning as real, you will not be able to return to your original self after a long time. Why might creators create their own written discourse?Or are you afraid that the discourse you created will not be accepted?Or do you think that apart from creation, other ideas or positioning for yourself and creations are superfluous? When I saw a very proud temperament in Muxi, I was very happy in my heart, and told Muxi directly that I admired the aura emanating from him.How good would it be if creators could have self-confidence, no matter whether they are qualified or not? My account of myself is still changing, but the outlines are becoming clearer.Finding the reason and direction of writing is of great significance to me. After all, it is very unromantic and unromantic to "write and write, and suddenly succeed".The success achieved through hard work with conscious effort is profound enough to smell the salty smell of sweat...there is the romance of a man.
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