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Chapter 46 I'm really touched, thank you everyone for five hours today

At 2 o'clock this afternoon, I gave a speech at a cram school in Changhua for two hours (the first time I went to a cram school to give a speech, it was amazing), and then went to the Stepping Stone flagship store in Taichung to sign a book, This sign is five hours, thank you really, I have been overwhelmed by the huge crowds of people at the book signing meeting for the past two weeks. I am really happy, and there are more girls ----- a very obvious change  Obviously, I haven't written a romance novel for a long time, but such a big reversal still occurs, could it be my good luck? ? ! !

(This good luck directly proves that I have the arrogance of a king, and I am Lu Fu who conquered the country of women and Snake Princess, not Mr. Huang Xun!) However, there are many people, and there are more and more tired people. In post-adolescence poems, I express my thoughts, I don't think I can turn my back on my luck casually, because this kind of luck is hard for many people to catch up with, so complaining about too many people is a very, very stupid thing, it's also very fake, and it completely violates my nature, -- ----I have had macrocephaly since I was a child, so there will be no problem of macrocephaly in the future! 

(yes, I grew up lost in my delusions of trusting myself too much) And I made it clear that I am crazy about people, I will be very happy when there are many people, and the speech is also the same, I will be very motivated when there are explosive speeches. Otherwise, how sad are there many people? ? ) A lot of people line up to sign books, which makes me feel that I am liked by many people. It has two meanings. One meaning is that I am really happy, but I don’t feel that I have any special skills other than writing novels. Here, another significance is significant, Many people read my novels, which means that I feel that my creation is really "talking to the world", rather than a monologue to the computer alone. This meaning is unparalleled for my creative motivation. catalytic effect.

Well, to be blunt, I am really happy! The most exciting thing in life is this BUT! BUT Actually, I have recently been thinking seriously about the rules for issuing number plates for book signings, that is, I feel that I often have to wait in line for so long, which is really embarrassing. Going to the movies should be relatively strong (unless you are chatting while queuing, or reading a book, watching school homework, playing NDSL or PSP, etc.), I think it will be changed to issue 150 or 200 in the future, and then no longer will be issued. Can everyone play the book signing game with me in a relaxed and happy manner? ?

(For example, there were only more than a hundred readers in the book signing sessions in Taipei one or two times, which was quite comfortable.) Compared with book signing, if you have the opportunity to hear my speech, you must come, I really want it To inspire everyone's fighting spirit in life! Anyway, thinking about it, I’m so happy today, really, everyone, hurry up and upload the photos on the Internet (I also want to see your thoughts), and please remember not to lock the photos, I’m going to catch everyone after the event I won’t be able to catch a photo if I grab it for a day or two:~~

Please open the album as soon as possible, thank you!Now I put it on my ipod touch and watch everyone! 49 Three common things about eating roadside stalls This article is nothing important, just writing casually. After retiring, I often stayed on both sides of Taipei and Changhua. I even rented a small suite about 6 ping in Yonghe. It was convenient for work, close to dating, and close to Starbucks. I switched to writing novels. It was on the fifth floor but there was no elevator. Free exercise Vigorous King Kong legs. There is a delicious Danzai noodle stall near the downstairs. It only opens at seven or eight in the evening, and the business is best late at night.

Last week, the night before the book signing of "Poetry after Adolescence" in Taipei, although I wasn't hungry, my stomach told me it was boring (I didn't care about the warning signs of getting fat), and I suddenly wanted to eat some noodle soup and the like things, so I went downstairs in shorts and slippers! ! Usually, if you eat at roadside stalls with girls, you will order a little more side dishes, such as hot flower branches, hot green vegetables, or sliced ​​kelp or marinated eggs, etc. It feels more like a late night date. But when I was eating alone, I wanted to be simpler. I just ordered a bowl of hot noodle soup and ate it slowly while letting the heat steam my nose --- every time I finished eating hot noodle soup, the biggest gain was blowing my nose Time will be very fun.

Halfway through the meal, there was a fat man about forty years old at the table with me. He ordered a lot of things, a bowl of noodle soup, a plate of blanched vegetables, a large piece of fried tofu, and a plate of blanched pork liver with shredded ginger. He must have been hungry for several days.When he started chopping noodles in a mighty way, a piece of bean sprouts fell from my chopsticks on the table, and I picked it up and ate it instinctively. Probably the fat man saw this scene, and the fat man suddenly said, "Let's eat together!" Normally, I would shyly say no, but the next day I had a book signing, I was in a good mood, so I casually yelled: "Oh." Then I stretched out my chopsticks and picked up a piece of pork liver.

In fact, I really want to eat what the fat man ordered generously, and then settle the bill for the two of them together when I pay first, which is quite heroic.But that night I only brought one hundred yuan downstairs, which was definitely not enough, so I just took a couple of mouthfuls of the fat man's food, and then I blew my nose and passed away. No more, there is no need to say anything about small stories and big truths. It's just that when I meet a generous fat man, it's rare to eat other people's things like this. But I also think of two things that happened when I was eating at a roadside stall when I was a child.

Speaking of elementary school lunches, my mother cooks them at home and then asks my dad to bring them to school for us to eat. This can save three children's bento money in one go. But in the fifth and sixth grades, my eldest brother went to junior high school, and only two children were in elementary school. For a while, my mother would simply give me and my brother 30 yuan each, and told us to go buy school lunch rolls in the morning. At noon, I will take the bento rolls and go to the welfare agency to exchange for bento. The best thing children are good at is disobedience. There is a half chance that I will not buy a bento, but take the 30 yuan, go to eat outside the school with my classmates at noon, and return to the classroom after the lunch break.When I was young, a bowl of noodle soup cost 15 yuan, and a bowl of rice cake cost 20 yuan. After eating, I still had 15 to 10 yuan to buy iced tea or use it to play video games ----- - And you don't have to take a nap.

Sometimes a group of foxes and dogs hang around outside, sometimes I walk around outside alone, and when I am tired from walking, I sit on the side of the road and fantasize.Since I was a child, I really like the feeling of not having to argue with anyone, although being alone for a long time will give birth to a feeling of loneliness. Two things I will say are common. Once, a friend and I were eating bowls from a roadside stall (the stall was super delicious, and later became the current Shanxing bowls. It was sold in a shop near Minsheng Elementary School, and the soup was also delicious. Cheap and delicious), the next table is a pair of newlyweds with sweet smiles, dressed in ordinary clothes, and even feel a little poor. The couple ate and ate, and asked us, "Why didn't you eat at school?" I didn't answer, but the friend said, "We want to eat outside." An answer equals no answer. The newlyweds nodded and said, "You are so cute." This answer is tantamount to a random answer. Then the newlyweds paid for us!  It's weird, but it turns out that being cute can also be treated, which surprised me a bit. Especially my friend looks really bad, I think it's all because of me. This story tells us... (1) Paying for a cute child can impress him enough to write a blog when he grows up. (2) It doesn't matter if you look ugly, you may still be treated if you eat with a cute person. (3) As long as the food is delicious enough, if you work hard, even a roadside stall can be bought and operated for a long time. (4) People should not be judged by appearances. The newlyweds who pretend to be poor are actually rich. The second thing was extremely impressive. Also at noon, I ate noodle soup at a roadside stall near the Minsheng Vegetable Market. The owner and his daughter made it together. The stall was small, but the food was delicious and the business was very good. Besides eating bowl kuih, I also often go to that soup noodle stall, because it is opposite a delicious iced black tea shop. I often walk over to buy it after eating noodles, and I have fallen in love with drinking it ever since. Old-fashioned iced black tea (such as Shuangquan black tea from Tainan).Stomach pain is also common. I was halfway through eating that day, and a slightly fat girl opened a chair and sat across from me. I thought she was about eighteen years old at the time, because my impression was: a cowardly big sister. The eldest sister ordered a bowl of soup noodles without adding anything (I was very impressed, because I often add a marinated egg, and then poke the marinated egg and stir it into the noodle soup vigorously, it is so fragrant!). When the boss's daughter brought the noodles and placed them in front of the elder sister, the elder sister looked extremely nervous and said in a trembling voice, "...I'm sorry, I don't have any money." No money, not forgetting to bring money, nor the kind of money that is intended to be credited. Those who have no money but want to eat a bowl of noodles have no money. Before I could embarrass her or come up with any thoughts, the owner's daughter of Duanmian was stunned for a moment, and said in a very calm tone: "It's okay, you eat." Then she turned and went to take orders from other customers. I will never forget this picture. As the only witness, I ate the noodles slowly, and tried very hard to restrain my curiosity to observe the expression and reaction of the elder sister sitting opposite me, so as not to embarrass the elder sister.I only glanced at her when I stood up after eating the noodles quickly. The eldest sister ate the noodles without money very attentively and slowly. ! I still remember that picture until now. Seriously speaking, that picture does not have any classic meanings such as "Helping people is very happy" or "Giving is more blessed than receiving". A bowl of noodles. What moved me was not the kindness of the boss's daughter (although she was really kind), after all, if it was me, or most of the netizens who are reading blogs, they would have this "treat a hungry stranger for a meal" The goodwill of "meal" is just whether there is this opportunity, or whether there is resistance to this embarrassing mood. (This reminds me of a bad thing I encountered in Shanghai, China, I will mention it later) What moved me was this girl who didn’t know why she had no money to eat a bowl of 15 yuan noodle soup (lost home? Homeless? The money was stolen? The family was poor? Or was she just hungry when she ran out of good money?) , She didn't intend to deceive the shopkeeper, and she didn't spend a lot of time fabricating or stating the reason why she had no money. She just sat down and ordered a bowl of noodle soup with the courage of "trusting the world to help her this meal". Really, there's nothing shameful about needing help, everyone has lows. If you can't get up by yourself, it takes courage to stretch out your hand and shout to someone who happens to pass by. This story tells us: (1) Fifteen yuan a bowl of noodle soup is no longer available in Taiwan, which shows that inflation is terrible. (2) According to the rules of fairy tales, the noodle-eating girl was actually transformed by a goblin, and she will come to repay her favor in the future! (3) If you don’t have money to eat but want to order noodle soup, don’t add marinated eggs, lest the store think you are too fond of concave. (4) Nine knives are really boring by the waist, I have nothing to write a blog but insist on writing, how do you feel about the book signing? Speaking of noodle soup, the "Cat and Mouse Noodles" near my house are quite delicious. Sometimes when I go home and miss the time to eat with everyone, I will walk for a minute to eat a bowl of Sanbao Noodles (big tribute balls, Small spring rolls, and one I forgot), 50 yuan, not cheap and really not expensive.Soup is great. Is it okay to not seriously write an ending point like this? ?
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