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Chapter 38 Tonight I will watch "Six Justice Gang" with Xiao Nei

It is strange to say that I have never watched a theater stage play. The reason is unknown. It can be said that I have never thought about it. My brother is very keen on watching stage plays. There are also a group of friends who like to watch performances with him and will buy it. A lot of CDs and DVDs of performances followed, (So when my brother knew that Xiangsheng Washe had invited me to join the screenwriting, he was shocked, but I was busy going to the army at the time, so I couldn’t cooperate) But this time I am very interested in the stage play "Six Righteousness Gang" that Pingfeng is going to launch, because there is Fang Wenshan in it, and this Fang Wenshan I admire very much, and he is also serving as the fourth director of the movie "Love to the End" like me. One of the directors of a short film, I think I’m enough of a joke. While writing a new book to be published at the end of October (temporarily confidential), while preparing to shoot a movie that is expected to start shooting on 10/09, Fang Wenshan is even more ridiculous, he still has a way Run to the stage play! 

So I really couldn't restrain my desire to see how he burned his soul to act. At this moment, Pingfeng called me to invite me to the theater... Should I say it was a wonderful coincidence? ! Fortunately, the screen invited me, otherwise I would have lost a lot of thinking and emotion tonight. Many people use the perspective of cultural analysis to deconstruct the performances they see. It is very fierce. I am a vulgar person, so let me write some things from the perspective of a purely happy nerd who takes his girlfriend to watch the performance. The design and changes of the stage, I think it's super powerful, it's fast, natural and sure, and I'm amazed.

However, in the development of the plot, three periods of time and space are intertwined, The same person plays different roles, and Xiao Nei and I can’t remember the name and character design very clearly at the beginning, so we often fall into confusion. It’s more important to “enjoy” the actors’ experience than to “understand” the show. Acting is a bit hard, I can't relax fully, and I even want to hear every line of dialogue clearly (it's too difficult to do) So later I unconsciously gave up understanding and changed to look at it with a "casual" mentality. Later, during the intermission, the elusive sister Wang Yue suddenly appeared and asked me and Xiao Nei with a smile. Surprised, Xiao Nei quickly nodded and said it was very good-looking, and sister Wang Yue said with a very firm expression, the scene will be even better after a while!

But after Sister Wang Yue left, Xiao Nei told me very shyly, but in fact she couldn't understand many things, could it be that Sister Wang Yue thought she was lying to her? ? ? But ah, The second half of the scene was really good. In the end, Xiao Nei cried when she saw it. I was also quite touched, and fell into strange childhood memories. When I was in the fifth and sixth grades of elementary school, I also became sworn brothers with five good friends in the class, and became the "Six Brothers". We fought, stole, cheated, gambled, and fooled the juniors in the lower grades (wrong exampleㄎㄎ ㄎ)

Even the numbers are the same, can you not feel it? Later, we lost contact and had no contact for several years. Fortunately, I gradually became more famous, so I began to receive letters from my former brothers. It felt really good. In the future, I will also write some memories of that period to commemorate. Regarding the Liuyi Gang, I think if I watch it a second time, I will have no problem understanding it from the beginning to the end... But, what if you discard all the parts you don’t understand? It is true to find your own inspiration.Without being touched, it is useless to understand every composition of the drama. It is better to go home and calculate the factorization, ah, you will understand it very well!

The performance of Wang Renfu who played the most important role is very good, but I think the sour villagers of ptt should not let him go. The performance is also very interesting. You really are a talented person who is willing to try new possibilities in life. Huang Jiaqian, you are amazing, vivid, cute and annoying, every detail is a stalk... and so on, Zhu Degang's character design I like it the most, Chaobao's, and the wonderful dialogue has to be matched with such a funny performance to show its skill. Wrote so much, in fact, not professional at all, But what about professionalism?Now, if you drink milk and buy biscuits, you have to look carefully at the place of origin. Even watching a play is so tiring, why bother?

Thank you for the invitation of Pingfeng, which opened my eyes to a guy who has never seen a theater stage play before, so I became a person who will buy tickets to go to the theater in the future. I recommend it to everyone!
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