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Chapter 36 Department of Practice Media Communication Design

Department of Practicing Media Communication Design, there are students in the game group who are taking my class, please pay attention to this place. Dear Practicing students who agreed to read my blog frequently, everyone knows that the next class is on 10/01, and there are about two weeks left , In order not to make everyone feel too depressed during this period, I recommend that you start watching movies, comics, and novels first. Before we start class on 10/01, let me tell you that since our class this semester is "telling stories", we will discuss a lot of materials "I think it will help everyone understand how to tell stories". Discussions build on intersections of opinion.

comics. Please read One Piece, Hunter, Death Note, Slam Dunk, Dragon Ball, Junji Ito's selection of horror comics (the set of Dongli Publishing House). Of course, the standard for reading comics is ------ the more you read The better! But please don’t read comics with a research mentality, thank you, just read something cool, I don’t want to force you to hate a super good-looking thing. If you are a little more advanced, please watch one more "Twentieth Century Boy". After all, the final chapter is over, and you will finally know who your friends are, and the live-action movie will be released soon.

Fiction. I can't teach you every method of storytelling, I can only teach mine. I try to tell you that Jin Yong's skills must not be interesting, but sharing my thinking mode is definitely possible. If you question me: "Sai, you will only teach what you know!" I'd say, "Hey, I can't teach what I'm not good at." Although of course buying books is worth it, but I said that going to school is my personal interest, not to sell books (it is a stupid thing to intensively sell my books to 40 people in four months), so The basic material for our discussion on "free versions already available on the Internet".My own picks are "The Hitman Series," "The Legend of the Hard Stick," "The Tenant Downstairs," "Undercover," and "The Sneeze."

Of course, it is best to read all my novels, because I will give examples at random. But definitely don’t force yourself to finish reading forty-three books. If you read my book as a textbook, I will be very sad. But you are members of the game team, so maybe we can add a "Legend of the Life Hunter". If you watch it, we will use the Legend of the Life Hunter as the basis for an additional lesson on the story conception process of the Legend of the Life Hunter. Movie. There are a lot of movies that we need to use for the classes we will discuss this semester. Some of them we will directly watch clips for discussion, but most of them will invite you to enjoy it as a hobby, because we are not going to watch movies!

Movies are a very important "way of telling stories", the point is, it is also a way that "I" is familiar with. , The movies recommended below are not necessarily all positive movies, some of them are for you to watch and scold. Japanese ghost movies: ghost water ghost talk, seven night ghost talk, ghost call, curse. Ghost films from Taiwan, Thailand, South Korea, and Hong Kong: Ghost Shadows, Evil Falling, Ghost Bells, Three Watches, Broken Soul Ladder, Hell, and House Transformation. Horror films: Friday the 13th series, Evil Spirit 07 Moonlight Panic, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Scream series, who made the ghost series.

Zombie Movies: Evil Spirit Castle, 28-Day Countdown to Destruction (1, 2), Eat by Living People, Forbidden Dead Zone, Avoidance by Living Dead, Diary of Living Dead.You don't have to watch all of them, just pick three of them and watch them, and then we'll watch another one together in class. Romance: Crying out for love in the center of the world, I really want to see you now, with tears in my eyes, love letter. Films directed by directors: To Qifeng (Gunfire, PTU, Exile), of course, the more the better. Naishamalan (Spiritual Quadrant, Thrilling, The Woman in the Water, Panic)

Zhou Xingchi (everyone should be familiar with it, but we mainly watch those films where Zhou Xingchi is the "director") Uncategorized Movies: Happy Valley, The Truman Show, Thrill 1995. That's it for now, I'll make up for more. In the next class, I will tell you the grading standards for this semester, and what the midterm and final assignments should look like, thank you!
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