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Chapter 32 Happy birthday to myself, thank you all for accompanying me on my great journey!

Yesterday the whole family came to Bali together, There are grandma, mom and dad, elder brother and sister-in-law, nephew who is learning to walk, my younger brother, little nephew, and myself, there are nine people in a mighty way. Haha, so today's birthday is celebrated in Bali! There are a lot of things that are really exaggerated these days, and a lot of things have been rejected, But the following are all things that fascinate me, and the price is that I am at a loss. When I am the busiest and most tired at work (fortunately, not the most hesitant), Forced to be thrown abroad by a pre-booked itinerary,

It should be a happy fate! I'm just here leisurely looking at the sky and sea and writing randomly! Thirty years old, I should write an article about "upgraded" or something, But who wants to write something like this in Bali? Anyway, thank you all for a happy birthday :D I will continue to bring myself happiness (huh? Don’t you have to write to bring everyone happiness at this time?) I will also be very happy to fulfill many dreams one after another after the age of 30. Really, I am really happy these years!So happy! So let me take a bow and thank you all!
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