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Chapter 27 Yesterday I went to Miramar IMAX Hall to watch "Batman: The Clown". Goodbye, Heath Ledger!

I have never met anyone who loves movies more than I do. It is said that Taichung has the best, most comfortable and delicious Tiger City Gold Class movie theater in Taiwan. Is this kind of thing?), I would love to be bought ㄎ ㄎ ㄎ), after I got hooked, I went at least once a month, The Miramar Cinema in Dazhi has "one hall" (note that there is only one imax hall, and the others are ordinary halls). It has the largest screen in Taiwan, which is specially used for the screening of movies with special imax specifications. It's cool and dick, but I've never seen it before, it's too far away!

However, in order to commemorate Heath Ledger who can no longer Sith, I spent more than an hour with Xiao Nei yesterday and transferred to watch "Batman: The Clown". The screen is really huge and it looks very enjoyable. Fortunately, I chose it. Sit in the last row or you may feel dizzy. I won’t talk about the plot. I’m afraid that’s not the most important part. Anyway, it’s very good-looking, very evil (similar to Dr.Hydra), and very dark. At the end of the movie, when I watched the clown who was hanged upside down and laughed frantically, the whole person became very sentimental. This person in front of me will never appear in the sequel again, and will never appear in any movie again. Come on, that was Heath Ledger's last scene on the big screen... The performance was so good, the laughter at the curtain call made the air even heavier.

Heath Ledger is Xiao Nei's favorite actor. Every time he saw a movie played by Heath Ledger on TV, Xiao Nei would scream, saying that he was so handsome, oh my god, and so on, and told many people Similarly, I also like Heath Ledger very much, but it is far from that of Xiao Nei. Every time I see Xiao Nei screaming at him, I am even a little jealous... Heath Ledger died, Xiao Nei was very sad, but I thought she would not cry, until the end of the movie yesterday, when the last sentence of the film was just to commemorate Heath Ledger, Xiao Nei suddenly cried out in a low voice , my body fell back slightly, my nose was sore, the audience spontaneously thought of applause, Xiao Nei's tears immediately fell, and then Xiao Nei appeared on stage while crying, crying all the way, sobbing, saying: "... I have liked him for a really long time...for a really long time..."

I patted her, but didn't comfort her not to cry, because I think Heath Ledger must be very happy, fans who like him, let's cry for him, the undead in Jae, the immortality that most of them have It's all illusory, but I know that Heath Ledger will live forever in Xiao Nei's heart. (---This book is shameless hard insertion marketing) Dr. Silke's toast to heaven before his death is kingly way after all! In addition to Batman's clown power, I have watched some films recently, so let me write a running account to represent my respect ㄎ ㄎ ㄎ I just went to see the movie reviews. It's entertaining (happy physique), I think the relaxed rhythm is very interesting, but I'm very upset about the stiff "Epic", so I think Chibi is not bad. It’s fun, very good, and the witty version of Kong Ming is also great. I naturally admire such people, and this kind of acting, but there are some useless scenes that are really dragging, such as playing the piano. It’s too long to rely on it. (The point is that the music played is not engaging), and some war scenes are actually boring and lengthy,

actually! It is not necessary to spend a lot of time to make a war movie (If you can understand this sentence, congratulations ------), (Why do you want to shoot Chibi? Actually, wouldn’t it be much cooler to just switch to Huofeng Liaoyuan??! iron Man, The best movie to watch this year, it's useless to say more, I will buy it again when the DVD is out. superman, This year's most unexpected movie, everyone should find that they have seen the wrong type after watching half of it! A lot of people think it sucks because of this, but I think that the movie should be so unimaginable, so I think it is very good, how should I say it?I feel like I have to be the one who criticizes all the time, it’s really tiring to be a person, I’m actually smiling very happily, but when I walk out of the movie theater, I have to prove that I’m smarter than others, alas, I’m so happy that I’m so easy I feel that "this world is full of geniuses everywhere!" Personality.

Some of them have become the second round or are about to be the second round, but let’s talk about it... King of Kung Fu, I knew this movie was terrible before I went to see it, but I still went to the second-run movie theater to see it. After all, you know, those two people rarely act together and always have to go to see it, so it’s so bad and tiring. I did it to myself. blah blah blah, In my opinion, it is a live-action cartoon with an experimental spirit. It's not really very good-looking, but at least I won't feel cheated. Seeing the final big showdown, although everyone expected the ending, I was still a little moved! !

In fact, the invincible Hulker is very hospitable, I think it's really ordinary!so be it!  (The courage of the two monsters fighting is not as good as the tyrannosaurus confrontation between Donkey Kong and the previous two years! Panic, It was filmed by a talented director and screenwriter whom I admire very much (Sixth Sense of Psychic, Psychic Quadrant, unbreakable -- forgot the Chinese), this time I really appreciate it, Just like "Woman in Water" two years ago, the result is also satisfactory to me --- 80% of the audience left the stage with scolding ...hey, for some of the people I insist he's a ghost,

I really can't bear to let everyone like him with me!  To be a ghost is to be liked by only a few people who think they know the way (even mistakenly think that they are also ghosts), so that they are qualified to be called ghosts~~~~ Otherwise, it would be better to call them geniuses uniformly ? ? ! ! Justice Titans, very cool to watch, OH YA Actually, I don’t want to write anymore, I’m going to write the outline of Life Hunter 14 now! 
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