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Chapter 25 【Elle Column】Our Children

Xiao Nei mentioned to me more than once that she was very worried that our future children would be too different in age from mine, which would cause "difficulties in life". The reason is that Xiao Nei once watched a celebrity interview on TV. The host asked the eldest wife, the 16-year-old writer Cai Shiping (why is she so lewd? Will she be worried when she sees her 18-year-old daughter making out with her boyfriend at the door of the house in the future? I saw Cai Shiping said lightly that he would not, because he was already in his sixties at that time, so it is unlikely that he would have the mood to discipline his daughter.

The elevator opens. "It's scary!" Xiao Nei's eyes widened. "Yes?" I took out the key and opened the door. "Why not terrible? You are twenty-nine years old now, when do you want to get married?" "It's all good, I didn't think about it so much, isn't it the same to be happy with you?" "Why are you like this?" Xiao Nei was angry. If I don't answer positively at this time, I will have to spend ten times the time to appease her, which is not worthwhile at all. "If I insist, I can accept marriage before the age of thirty-six." I am serious.

After all, thirty-six is ​​a good number, and six-six is ​​a smooth number. If you choose superstition, you have to invest a little. "...so old, I don't want you to become an old-looking groom." Xiao Nei pouted. "Hey, if I shave off my beard, I will look super young, okay, and my heart will always be at a very naive stage!" I took off my shoes with one foot: "And, as long as the bride looks It’s enough to look beautiful! It’s enough that I look barely worthy of you.” One of Xiao Nei's important dreams is to become the youngest and most beautiful mother in the son and daughter mother and sister association.

To achieve this dream, you can't procrastinate on the subject of marriage. "It's because I was still young and kept dating every day, so I didn't realize that you should actually get married." Xiao Nei began to count with his fingers: "Look, if you really get married at the age of thirty-six, it will happen You have a child at thirty-six, and when that child turns eighteen, you will be fifty-four! Fifty-four! Our child is just about to go to college, and you will be fifty-four!" The more Xiao Nei said, the more excited she became, as if I couldn't understand it.

"Fifty-four years old is fifty-four years old. At that time, I may not become an old man. I can still exercise regularly to maintain my health, and my mind must continue to be childish." I pulled Xiao Nei and fell on the sofa together . But Xiao Nei's face was full of shit. I could only smile: "OK! If you really mind the age difference between me and the kids, then I can marry a year or two earlier. Anyway, I'm not an idol, so it's okay to get married earlier." "It's not good to say that." Xiao Nei didn't know what was going on in Lu. "I really don't think life has to be what it is at a certain age, just go towards the big goal."

"..." "Besides, all the friends around me are like this, except for Li Fengming who just got married a few days ago, Ahe and Yali who have only been together for a year, Xu Bochun and Kate for almost a year, and Lao Cao who just got married for the first time in his life. Girlfriend, I’m still beating the wall, and Lai Yanxiang hasn’t even started to practice handjob yet!” I found a lot of evidence of being alive and kicking: “Nowadays everyone is getting married very late, this is the trend.” "They are them!" "Even if I am many years older than the child, father and son can still go to the rental bookstore to read comics and do some cool or boring things together in the future. I am so strong, everything will be fine."

I hugged Xiao Nei very hard, very hard. She pushed me away ungratefully, angry that I couldn't enter her world at all. "Hee hee, you really want to marry me so quickly?" I scratched her. "Who wants to marry you!" She was furious. Xiao Nei quickly turned around and ignored me.
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