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Chapter 20 sequence, you still have to write it yourself

I rarely save newspapers. Young people always have a "you're all bastards" mentality towards those in power. Ten years ago, when I was still in college, it was very strange for anyone among my peers to support the aging Kuomintang.Ask the reason, and it’s probably not unreasonable: "The DPP has never been in power. Is it okay to hand over the country to them?" With the DPP representing the anti-authoritarian and anti-corruption situation, students with a bit of critical thinking almost overwhelmingly supported the DPP, and the KMT was simply shocked among us half-baked intellectuals.

Recalling the second direct presidential election in 2000, one of the candidates, Xu Xinliang, gave a speech at Jiaotong University. I have always had a good impression of idealists, so I dragged two roommates to listen. Compared with when James Soong gave a speech at Tsinghua University, the auditorium was filled with students, and there were only thirty or forty people who were curious about Xu Xinliang, and an ordinary conference room was deserted.I'm really nervous for him. At the end of the speech, everyone was exhausted from asking questions, so I raised my hand and asked: "Mr. Xu, you have always emphasized that destiny is in you, but the polls show that you are likely not to be elected. So can you please give us a bright light? Tell us among the presidential candidates other than you, which one can barely be elected and is also very helpful to Taiwan?"

Xu Xinliang was also stunned by the commotion in the audience. Gripping the microphone tightly, he seemed to have made up his mind before speaking: "I believe that destiny must be with me!" He said so emphatically, but the tone of grief had leaked too much. That day I kind of understood how important "being president" can be to a politician. On the night when the voting was announced, a group of our buddies gathered at the middle school teacher's house for a class reunion, and watched the voting by the way. It was not until very late that the situation became clear. Chen Shui-bian finally stood out from the mutual annihilation of the two blues, and delivered his election speech amidst the overwhelming sound of gas sirens. The scene was touching.

The friend was erect and noncommittal: "I tell you, the military will not listen to Chen Shuibian!" I ate melon seeds: "Who are you voting for?" "Xu Xinliang." He erected without hesitation. "Will the military listen to Xu Xinliang's words?" I complained. Erection froze for a moment, then laughed out: "...No." After all, our group of best friends are too familiar, probably among the very few people I know who will not be embarrassed by different votes. For political choices, everyone has reasons, but none of them are reasons.Opinions are often not shaped by one's own thinking, but given by electronic media, and are slowly formed by the influence of articles written in newspapers like mine for you to read.

Which kind of media you want to accept the influence of which article, there is no accident, it is actually a matter of preference, and everyone likes to expand and imagine their preferences into the unanimous needs of the whole people. I read sociology to understand what populism is, what is collective consciousness, what is manipulation, and what Weber calls charisma.Good at moving the people's politics, it can hardly move me. So I will always remember the moment when politics was the only thing that touched me. It was a photo of Chen Zhizhong doing push-ups on the ground with one hand on the full-open newspaper page.

"None of those people has ever been president, and no one knows which one is the best." I told my girlfriend at the time, "So I want to choose someone who is closest to us." After the election, a newspaper with the headline "Son of Taiwan" was printed, and I kept it for many years. The two thousand years of political party rotation is also the starting point for many people to turn around in their lives. Chen Shui-bian came to power.Jianmin Wang throws first pitch in minor league short 1A.I started writing novels. Eighth year so far. Chen Shui-bian waved his sleeves and left the stage with embarrassing faces.

Wang Jianmin used a 94-mile sinker to break the record of Asian players and quickly won his 50th victory. I wrote forty-one books, and I shamelessly insisted on writing myself and Wang Jianmin together. Presidents have terms, pitching and writing don't. The newspaper that has been stored for many years has gone to somewhere without knowing it. I have been writing novels for eight years, and nothing has changed except that the book has changed from being sold badly to a small achievement. People who really engage in creation are very egotistical. I always feel that my pure self has nothing to do with complicated politics.

But it's useless to hold an umbrella if the meteorite falls down. Before this general election, Kashen, who was a little familiar but not very familiar, called me and asked me if I wanted to have dinner with Hsieh Changting. "I want to, of course I want to, presidential candidate!" I was so frank that even I was afraid of myself. "Then I'll arrange it, and then you can ask him a lot of tough questions." "But I don't want to be known by the media, I just want to eat and chat." That's how I am. "Don't worry, that day is completely a secret dinner, and no media will be notified!" Kashen assured.

As soon as I hung up the phone, I immediately collapsed on the sofa at home laughing. At that time, I was about to publish a new book "Green Horse". The title of the book was taken from a novel of the same name that I wrote five years ago. There is a very strong political atmosphere. There is green and there is horse, and when mixed together, it becomes a green horse. "There are no accidents in life." From myself. right!There are absolutely no accidents in life. Since the title of the book looks like this, it would be too wasteful not to take the opportunity to make political jokes.I planned to ask the presidential candidates of both political parties to write the preface for me, and even more uncharacteristically, immediately called the editor of the publishing house.

"Is this okay?" The editor of the publishing house was surprised: "Do you want to think about it again, after all..." I thought very clearly: "Haha, I know what you are hesitating about. Political statements are of course boring. The most important thing is that this matter is fun, so the only condition for this invitation is that both candidates must write. If I only look for Changting Hsieh, then I will be marked as green. If only Ma Ying-jeou writes the preface, then I will be so blue that I cannot turn over." "If it's really possible for both of you to write, then go for it!" The editor was finally convinced by me.

"I'll have dinner with Hsieh next week, and I'll invite him personally, so all you have to do is help me find the channel from Ma Ying-jeou." I've already begun to imagine that scene. Anyway, that's it. On the day of the meal, I brought my girlfriend Xiao Nei, the two of us who had just watched the movie were in the mood of going on a date to renew. Kashen said that apart from Lin Yijie who has always emphasized that his heartbeat is very slow, Li Kunlin, a bird walker known for his "very unruly behavior", was eating together, so I am very assured that this will not be a boring meal. However, there is a problem. In the past week, the publishing house has not been able to get within seven steps of Ma Ying-jeou. Before eating, when I went to the high-end toilet to defecate, I was still squatting on the toilet and called the publishing house to confirm urgently: "Is there really no way to find Ma Ying-jeou? There should always be a pipe, right? What? It’s too late Can’t find it for a while? Well, I’m going to have dinner with Hsieh Chang-ting later. If I invite him first, what if Ma Ying-jeou still can’t find it? Yes! If Hsieh Chang-ting agrees and writes, I will always I can’t tell him that since I can’t find Ma Ying-jeou, I can’t use your article! Then I’ll be so worthless! Well, well, that’s the only way to go.” I went back to my seat very depressed, and I never mentioned the invitation sequence during the dinner. However, as soon as Hsieh Changting sat down with a tired face and a hoarse voice, he even took the initiative to say that he recently read my novel "Killer, the Flower Who Wanders and Seeks the Shore". "It's so beautiful!" I was so happy that even I was afraid. "It's very beautiful, and the writing is very touching." Hsieh Changting smiled: "But the iron block is very pitiful in the end." The dishes were served, of course they were all good ingredients, and I picked up a lot of sashimi with a grim face. Normally we low-lifes would never have the chance to have a meal with a presidential candidate. Li Kunlin, who was sitting next to Chang Ting Hsieh, did not tremble. He said, "Look at me, I'm so nervous that my hands shaking when serving food." Hsieh Changting responded immediately: "Unless you are going to assassinate me, why are you so nervous?" Everyone becomes more colorful when they smile. Resisting the urge to continue to monopolize sashimi, I asked, "Dean, everyone says that Chen Shui-bian has private disagreements with you. Is it true or not?" Everyone was taken aback, but Hsieh was probably immune to this problem, and immediately said: "Political figures are like stars in the sky. The stars in the same constellation look very close, but they are actually tens of thousands of light years away." After the clever answer, he seriously told some short stories about how they got along. I continued my efforts: "Then what do you think of Wang Shijian jumping into the sea?" "..." Hsieh Changting was stunned for a moment, and then said quietly: "I hope those news will pass quickly, I will be better able to fight the election campaign." Everyone laughed. Everyone took turns to ask questions, becoming more and more daring, such as the Chen Jinxing incident, the incident of Li Yuanzhe being sent to the pig's head, Xie Changting's replacement as the head of the Executive Yuan, etc., so that Xie Changting's chopsticks hardly picked up anything. But I also have some serious things to say. "I think that as long as one governs, mistakes are bound to be made. It is impossible for every policy to be right, but no politician has ever had the courage to apologize, and he only speaks some veiled words to confuse the past. Dean Xie, you must have Make a mistake, if you can be the first politician to apologize, it will definitely have a positive impact." "What you said is very good, but the current media will not give you a fair chance. If I apologize seriously, the headline will definitely be bigger: Hsieh finally admits his mistake. Other people will ignore me and won't care about me explanation of." After the dinner was over and we untouchables were busy taking pictures, Xie Changting walked into the elevator with a smile. The door closes. "With so many poor polls, does Dean Xie think he can be elected in the end?" I asked Xie's staff. "He is very confident that he will be able to reverse it in the end." The staff member sighed as he spoke, "However, his luck in this regard has always been bad. It is very bad luck." This soft sigh made the end of the dinner feel a little lonely. Having a private meal with Hsieh and asking random questions is really an interesting experience. During the presidential election, if I described the meal on my blog like I do now, all the green hats would rain down on me, so I never said anything. carry. After the election, there are fewer people who give hats and more people who understand humor, so I want to write about the fun experience. In fact, I also want to have a meal with Ma Ying-jeou to see how he will answer my questions, but I can't help it if no one invites me.After all, I didn't have a meal with Ma Ying-jeou, so I had to write the preface of "Green Horse" by myself. It's a pity! However, many people must not think that I am so easy to watch politics and consume politics instead. For many people, rice can be skipped, but the color must not be wrong. The people of Taiwan have long been hypnotized by various low-level political atmospheres into believers who believe that "if Taiwan is not governed by us, your life will be completely over." But why would you be foolish enough to believe that your life would start to suck if you didn't depend on their leadership?The ideal situation should be that the people cultivate their own competitiveness that cannot be taken away, and believe that no matter who is in power, they and their families can live in peace. Eight years ago, how many people held a patient mentality, imagined that "if this person hadn't become president, my life would be better", and then volunteered to try their best. On the night of March 20 four years ago, when these people found out that they had to endure this for another four years, they could only fall into greater pain, and had no choice but to continue to suffer. It's not that those people are asking for trouble, it's that two big political parties have joined hands to plant a whole mountain of fear.It is the greatest joy of blue-green politicians to go out of their way to help you hate each other. Now, the political parties have rotated again. Those who died for eight years booked all the restaurants to celebrate, and another group of people "prepared to bear" the painful life. Why bother? A month ago in Taipei, I met a smart taxi driver. His old god is saying that he never really expresses his position. When the veterans get on the bus, he will scold the DPP as a bastard for Taiwan independence. See if you can hear a sentence when the other party gets off the car: "Don't look for it!" I think the taxi driver has chosen his own way of happiness and survival. For eight years, the only common preference among believers on both sides of the blue and green sides is not their views on economic growth, but Wang Jianmin's winning numbers.But Wang Jianmin, who has never expressed his opinion, has the strongest straightforwardness among Taiwanese. If you ask him about blue and green, he will definitely say: "I throw one ball one ball...one ball one ball!" Thank you Wang Jianmin for really throwing one ball at a time. After all, we have a good consensus and expectation.
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