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Chapter 17 My Speech Battle (5) Three Lives Are Lucky

With the title of "Life is a constant battle", I started my campus speech. The first scene was at Jiaotong University, which was the starting point for me to write novels.My natural home. There are a lot of messy things under this lecture topic, such as my part-time job, the lifeguard training test, the nine-knife cup free fighting competition, meeting the pistol king on the train, my mother's illness, etc. It's mainly based on God's spoofing my life, and I try to struggle and fight in it. Simply put, it is funny and passionate, and it is a joyful and lively topic. At that time, I kept emphasizing two sentences.

First, I believe that everything that happens in life has a meaning. Second, I believe that people influence each other. These two sentences developed all the subtopics of the speech, and they were chaotic but struggling to make a simple summary of my past life.Since I have really spoken many times, I am more and more familiar with everyone's reactions, and my self-confidence is also fuller. Every time I gave a speech on this topic, I gave myself a lot of encouragement, and I laughed happily on the stage. Few people know that I was the one who needed to be cheered up the most when I was speaking on the stage.

So thanks to these schools, not only invited people to listen to the speech to cheer me up, but also gave me money, how could such a good thing come from! Xiao Xin took my car to join her sister in Tainan after a speech at Sun Yat-sen University. Along the way, Xiao Xin did not know which tendon was cramped, and told me that she actually liked listening to my speech.She said that every time she listens to it, she feels that life is very hopeful, and she is even more envious of me being able to live a rich life. I feel really flattered. But in terms of big weapons, it should be said to be lucky.

Although my books sold badly for a long, long time, the two publishers never looked coldly at me, and everything was easy to discuss.Although readers never buy my books, perhaps out of sympathy after embarrassment, these netizens readers have never been stingy about saying that I am very powerful, super dick, etc. Exaggerated and obedient.Most people are willing to try to accept who I am and make my flaws personal without forcing me to change.My best friends know that I'm a good joker, and each one I've honed into a good temper swears allegiance to me (?!). Everyone treats me very well, so when I want to find someone to lose my temper, I can only watch TV news.

After a long time, the size was raised by everyone. Fortunately, the temperament with clear distinctions between likes and hates has not changed after all. After changing it, it is easy to compromise, and the articles I write probably have changed my personality since then. If you and I change places, I believe that most people can live a good life without any problem. Therefore, if a person is unhappy all day long, besides his own personality problems, I think the key is also the encounter, how people around you treat you is also the key. If you are lucky enough to meet a group of friends or colleagues who are very tolerant to you, be tolerant Go back, don't waste their kindness to you easily.

There is something that must be said. It is said that during this speech, Xiao Xin fell in love with Xiao Bai, the cadre of the student union who received me at a glance.Later, I became the sounding board of these two people, flashing light and flint, full of lust, who fell in love with each other right away, really... How dare you ask me for a Smart as a gift for your wedding! This topic became more and more smooth, especially when it came to the part of the train pistol king, which should be a classic among the classics. During the most painful time in my life, this topic helped me heal myself a lot.

Slowly, there were a few super interesting personal experiences in this topic, which I couldn’t help writing into the preface of the legend of the life hunter (the flower confession downstairs in the women’s dormitory of Jiaotong University, Bisji’s battle), China Times Three young and four strong columns (lifeguard training, part-time job talk), the girls we chased together in those years (Nine Knives Cup Free Fighting Competition), etc., now that I have written all of them, the number of speeches actually dropped sharply. After that, it rarely reappears. I think that's because I also found happiness.

Fortunately, Sansheng, I met Xiao Nei.
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