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Chapter 14 I'm gone, the story will stay

To be honest, my stomach has started to get bigger recently, and the inertia of human beings really cannot be ignored. As long as you don’t run for a week, you probably won’t run in the next week, and you will definitely not run in the next week.Then the next month is simply binge eating. The signs of a bloated stomach were a surefire reminder that I was nearing retirement. There are many stages in life, and some stages you can't plan well, or, planning is useless. The time has come, just accept it. My father used to always tell me to study for a Ph.D. to teach, or to be a civil servant to live a life with a stable income, but my personality advocates freedom, and I feel that a life of rules and regulations is absolutely harmful to the realization of my dreams, so I never considered it. through jobs that require you to sit firmly in your chair.

After serving substitute service, God sealed me into the township office by accident, as a fake civil servant. In the Ershui Township Office, I was the only substitute draftee, and I had a desk of my own. For the sake of health, there must be a large bottle of mineral water on the table, and it is also my task to drink it up before leaving get off work.In the drawer are stationery that I am not familiar with, a stack of old official documents that are rolled up to the corners, many CDs without title prompts, and a very slow desktop computer suspected of being poisoned. There is an electric fan under the table. As long as I have work, it will blow on my feet no matter whether it is winter or summer, and drive away the little black mosquitoes that harass me day and night.The effect of the electric fan is always limited, so I carry a can of spicy centipede oil with me, and I have to wipe it every hour, and the smoke is dead.

Ershui has devoted itself to the development of tourism in recent years, so my job content is mainly marketing Ershui, assisting the township office in organizing various activities, and subtly cultivating people's understanding of Ershui on the Internet is a major focus. I also wrote an article about Ershui. The novel of "Running Water" is a wild legend of the water country. Gradually, through the media, blogs, and book prefaces, more and more readers knew that after I served in Ershui, the township office became a major tourist attraction in Ershui.Naturally, serving readers who come from all over the world has also become my job content.

Especially during summer vacation and winter vacation, it is the "peak season" for me to serve readers and tourists. Many readers who don't have to go to class will come to Ershui Township Office to ask me to take pictures and sign books. There are often five or six groups of visitors in a day. They are all very polite, knowing that I like drinking coffee, so sometimes there will be three or four cups of coffee on my table, knowing that I like Zhengmei, so Zhengmei can often be seen in a group of visitors (hm, hmm, hmm, really good ).The aunt in the office is also very hospitable. She greeted everyone warmly and helped us take group photos.

Since there are always official duties to do, I am quite afraid that readers will not know how to say goodbye when they come, and they will stay chatting at my desk all the time, so I warmly recommend them to rent bicycles near the train station, and then attack See Taiwan Macaques at Songbai Ridge. After all, there is only one nine knives, but the whole mountain is full of monkeys. Instead of feeding the nine knives who are getting fatter and fatter, it is better to buy a bunch of bananas and show them to the monkeys. "Why do you want to eat it for monkeys?" Every reader is confused.

"We don't encourage feeding wild monkeys, it will make them lose their competitiveness in survival. But if you go to Songbai Ridge empty-handed, those monkeys won't bother to talk to you! Monkeys won't beg for life in your backpack Teacher, so you still have to take some fruit to attract the monkeys to approach you." "It's close, then what?" "Then eat bananas in front of them!" "...so they won't be very angry?" "Yes, so beware of them attacking you." I said seriously. "It's a cool challenge to calmly eat up bananas in front of crazy monkeys."

In fact, there is a very fierce couple on the Songbai Ridge. Every day, they will carry a large box of fruits to feed the monkeys. Their philosophy has its own way of saying: these wild macaques certainly don’t know which fruits are grown by humans and which are not, so They often break into the orchard to look for food, resulting in injuries from the hunters, and in severe cases, they may even lose their hands and feet.So the couple decided to feed these wild monkeys regularly, so that they would not break into human orchards and damage the fruits of fruit farmers' hard work when there was no shortage of food.

I don't really agree with it, but I respect their ideas. The couple also worked hard to take pictures, file and even name the monkeys.very interesting. On the surface, I was stationed at the Ershui Township Office as if I were guarding the Sixing Warehouse, but I often had the illusion that the scope of my substitute guards seemed to cover the whole of Taiwan, not just Ershui. Many schools know that I am in a special service status, so they will send official documents to the township office hoping to second me to their schools to give lectures.Smart and enthusiastic. Many people will definitely think that it must be a good time for Nine Swords to go out to give speeches, but thinking like this exposes serious ignorance.

Compared to staying in a stable place in the township office and blowing an electric fan, it is very, very tiring to give speeches everywhere (Hualien, Kaohsiung, Taipei, etc. are more than two hours away by car), but I think that after retirement, my agency will To take over my activities again, the fee proposed by the brokerage company must not be as good as these schools’ calculations, especially in the remote areas of many middle schools and high schools where resources are scarce. Students generally lack cultural stimulation and sufficient speech fees. If I can take the opportunity Using speeches to inspire their will to fight, talk about dreams, and talk about reading and creation are all valuable experiences for each other.

After I figured it out, I regarded the invitation to speak during the substitute service period as a public service. As long as my time was not a problem, I worked hard to cooperate with these schools that issued official documents.In order to avoid disputes about the machine, the expenses for transportation and accommodation were deducted, and almost all the remaining remuneration was given back to the township office and donated to public welfare organizations. It was an amazing experience, and it would be impossible to replicate such an intensive speaking itinerary in the future. No matter how many years have passed, when I look back on my substitute service career, I must be amazed that I gave fifty-nine speech services during my substitute service!

I hope that it is of great significance not only to me, but also to those schools that invite me. Leaving Dishui, almost reached the countdown stage. As soon as I stepped on the accelerator, it would be a long time before I came back next time, and my feelings became more and more complicated. Among the three breakfast shops I frequent, one sells chocolate toast, one sells fried noodles, and the other sells a pack of warm soybean milk for 10 yuan.Every one is delicious. In the only air-conditioned bento shop, I always read Apple Daily while eating. It's a super four-story building, but I'm the only one living in the substitute dormitory.There is air-conditioning, a fourth unit, green staircase lights, and an oversized tiger-head beehive.No ghosts, I'm pretty sure. Tanaka Barbershop, who has been in charge of my hair for ten months, has my signature behind the counter. The comic shop where I am getting more and more familiar with the boss, I often stuff it on the sofa there after lunch. In the conference room on the third floor of the township office, many students from the school magazine were practicing asking questions. At the gas station where I often wash my car for free, the enthusiastic younger brother always greets me loudly and energetically. It's not reluctance, nor heaviness, because the memory here is not a burden, but the angle of the mouth. Three hundred days have passed. Ershui is a beautiful and leisurely comma in life. A novelist's life journey is destined to be a series of stories. I'm gone, "running water" will stay. Goodbye, Ershui, goodbye, dear aunts of the office. I will take the next story and go to another place to continue fighting and burn more memories. Goodbye. goodbye
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