Home Categories Essays It's not about trying, it's about doing it

Chapter 3 It's not about trying, it's about doing it

In the middle of the day, everyone moved the big and small things in the internal affairs cabinet to the sun and spread them out, sweating profusely for the team leader to check them one by one.There is no other reason, only because someone secretly hid in the toilet to smoke at night, causing a big earthquake. "I can't believe what happened now. Why they always treat us so mad?" Chad, a neighbor from the Philippines, was very frustrated and regretted returning to Taiwan to serve. "Hey Chad, don't be sad. They can take us anything but our dignity." I wiped off the sweat from my forehead, and encouraged Chad, who was only twenty years old, with a confident tone.

Chad froze for a moment, then grinned, and nodded with a smile under the profuse sweat. Everything that happens in life is not an accident, it is not a coincidence, it has meaning. I was sixty-seven years ago. Ten years ago, I participated in the last Chenggongling college student training. At that time, I lived every minute and every second very tensely. I dared not spread the quilt to cover me at night. I was afraid of the next day. If you can't fold it well in the morning, the mosquito net is the enemy of housekeeping; if you run, you will definitely leave the team, and you can't keep up with everyone's rhythm; I don't know where to use the strength.I hide behind everything, I just hope that the monitor will never find out my existence.

Thirty days passed like this, and Chenggong Ridge was nothing more than a nightmare. After ten years of experience, I started to engage in writing and gave speeches on campus tours. In addition to sharing my writing experience, I also encouraged readers to "life is a constant battle!" I hope everyone can face the challenges of life with a positive and humorous attitude. challenge. Today, ten years later, at the age of 28, I came to Chenggong Ridge in early summer again. This time, I have more self-comfort and self-practice courage.But even so, during the substitute military training, the high time control still put a lot of pressure on me. The cadres yelled at the draftees all day long, "Run!", "Within ten seconds, everyone Stand in front of the bed!", "It's been a few days! I still don't understand the 15th Wu formation, I don't know why!", "I said did you move! Hold up the hand of the person who just moved!", "Hand Can you stick it! If you don’t know how to stick it, lift it up for me! With your arms close to your ears, your fists and eyes facing forward!” Everyone was so nervous that they would collapse at any time.

Amid the roaring and urging sounds, I always looked in a hurry, and I was a person who sweated very easily, and I was sweating profusely at every turn, and sometimes even my glasses were steamed, which made me very embarrassed.I quickly remembered that nightmare ten years ago, but I didn't want to just wait for the nightmare to pass. Even though I was very flustered with my housework, I wanted to spare time to help more students who were in a hurry and help them adjust the mosquito nets and quilts to their basic positions.The classmate next door to me, Chad, is a boy who grew up in the Philippines. He can’t understand Chinese very well, and he is very uncomfortable in the army. My English is good, and it is my daily homework to encourage him. Gradually, I saw Chad occasionally During the time-limited time-limited costume change, he humorously said "It's damned crazy." I felt very happy.

People will influence each other. On Success Ridge, use the incomplete time to help others manage time, encourage each other, and give positive suggestions instead of teaching the secrets of pretending to be sick and running to the clinic, which is the complete growth.The glaring gold of such cadres has meaning just now, and it is not just a kind of spiritual oppression. Training at Chenggong Ridge is a group life, and many things cannot be granted with reasonable requests.However, maybe you can't convince the officer, but you can move him --- but before that, you have to use decent efforts to move yourself!

I have a congenital cyst problem in my spine, and I didn't have the habit of running in the past. I am an exercise idiot.Running 3,000 meters almost every morning in Chenggong Ridge was an insurmountable challenge for me. When I was running, I exhausted my strength after high fives, but the fat man running behind me hadn't given up yet, so how could I give up?I tried my best to support it, thinking of my own motto: "It's not about trying, but about doing it!" Since I encourage readers so much in my speeches, how can I betray myself?So I used this belief to bite the tail of the team, and occasionally gave a thumbs up to the big fat man who was desperately answering, hoping that he would continue to persevere. white flag.

Just like that, I have to run to the tail of Group A every day, running and running, breathing more and more messy, and the last five minutes are fighting with the idea of ​​​​"I can follow here, it's great, it's okay" . Every time, I worked hard until the moment when I ran back to the squadron assembly field. Significant things are never easy. Tomorrow the troops still have to run, maybe the squadron leader will improvise and run an extra half lap, maybe after the physical fitness test is over, they still have to run.Maybe there are more maybes, and more challenges after challenges.

I hope that not only can I face and overcome them one by one, but I also hope that even the weak me is willing to give a thumbs up to encourage the students behind me, so that more people can be led to face challenges. Even if you fall, your posture will be very bold!
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