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Chapter 4 Sam Hanshin's Mistake

Pinnacle 易中天 7917Words 2018-03-18
Han Xin was also killed by Liu Bang, even though it was Empress Lu who directly attacked, and even though Liu Bang endured it for a long time. Han Xin is very interesting.He is almost half Liu Bang and half Xiang Yu.Like Liu Bang, he is also a tolerant person.The head of the pavilion in Nanchang disliked him and teased him, but he endured it.Paixu Piao's mother took pity on him and scolded him, but he endured it.Later, the thugs in Huaiyin County deliberately humiliated him, and he endured it, and actually crawled under the crotch of the thugs, causing ridicule and ridicule all over the street.To be honest, it is not easy to endure such humiliation.Which bloody man can be insulted like this?Even Han Xin himself could hardly bear it.Sima Qian said that after hearing the rascal's words, he "familiarized" (stared at him for a long time), and there must have been a fierce ideological struggle during the period!But in the end, he endured it.After all, forbearance does not mean fear.Mr. Bo Yang said it well: the heart is broken, the heart is subdued, and it is a paralyzed slave.Before the high jump, bend your knees first, and you will be a hero.If at the slightest provocation, you come forward to bite in anger and refuse to let go, then you are a crab.Han Xin is not a crab, but a hero.Only in this way can he be qualified to criticize Xiang Yu as "the courage of a man".Because he knew that Xiang Yu couldn't bear it when he was provoked by a hooligan, and would definitely jump up and punch that bastard on the nose.

Han Xin can bear it, because he also "has a lot of ambition".Given the situation at the time, Han Xin had only two options: either he drew his sword and killed the boy, or he crawled under the boy's crotch.But if he killed him, he himself would have to pay for the crime, and his ambitions and ambitions would be out of the question.Therefore, he decided to endure.This is very similar to Liu Bang.Do you think that Liu Bang agreed to designate Han Xin as the king of Qi, which is equivalent to accepting the alliance under the city, and does it mean accepting the humiliation under the crotch?It is precisely because they can bear it that Liu Bang, who had nothing at the beginning, became the founding emperor of Emperor Yan Han, and Han Xin, who was hated by many people at the beginning, became a famous general in the Qin and Han Dynasties.The Yang Zhi in the movie couldn't bear it, so he killed Niu Er with one knife, what happened in the end?I had no choice but to go up the mountain to become a robber.

However, although Han Xin did not have the courage of a man, he had the benevolence of a woman. At the last moment of the struggle between Chu and Han, Han Xin's status is very special.In the words of Wu She, Xiang Yu's lobbyist, "The matter of the two kings today is under one's feet. If you throw your feet to the right, the King of Han wins, and if you throw your feet to the left, King Xiang wins."In the words of Kuai Tong, a debater of the State of Qi, "the fate of the two lords hangs under one's feet today. If the foot is Han, Han will win, and if Chu is under Chu, Chu will win."In short, Han Xin has become the third force besides Liu and Xiang.Therefore, Wu She and Kuai Tong had the same opinion, that is, Han Xin should take a neutral attitude, not help anyone, and stand with Liu Bang and Xiang Yu in three parts of the world.If this suggestion was adopted at that time, then the story of the story may not be able to wait for Cao Cao, Liu Bei, and Sun Quan to act it out.

However, Sun Quan's fellow countryman did not have Sun Quan's courage.He hesitated and hesitated, but in the end he couldn't make up his mind to betray Liu Bang.Because he felt that Liu Bang was kind to him, and he couldn't bear to betray him.He said to Xiang Yu's lobbyist, "When I served King Xiang, my official position was no more than a doctor, and my position was no more than a halberd.The king of Han granted me the seal of a great general, gave me hundreds of thousands of soldiers, took off his own clothes for me to wear, saved his own food for me to eat, and obeyed his words. This is how I am Han Xin today.It's not auspicious for me to betray a person who trusts me so dearly!

Of course, Han Xin was still a bit lucky, always thinking that he had contributed to Han, and he would not really be a dead dog.All in all, in the final analysis, it is still "unbearable".Not being able to bear it is exactly the benevolence of a woman.Therefore, Han Xin, who has the benevolence of a woman, was finally dealt with by that unkind woman, Empress Lu. In fact, Liu Bang wanted to clean up Han Xin a long time ago.I often doubt whether Liu Bang really liked Han Xin.Judging from Han Xin's biography, it seems that he has never been a likable person. "Historical Records" said that when he first became a commoner, he was "a man who was hated by many people".Although the reason for this dislike was attributed to the fact that he could neither choose to be an official, nor be able to manage businessmen, and the whole day was just to live under the fence, but there were not a few people who were idle at that time, why did they only hate Han Xin?I'm afraid his character is somewhat perverse.You can see that after he was kicked out of the house by the head of Nanchang Pavilion in a disguised form, he just ran to the river to fish alone, and didn't go out to eat and drink with the street thugs, so you can see that he is very out of gregarious.

In fact, it doesn't fit together.Who is he with?Aristocrats can't climb up, and hooligans can't do it either.Although Han Xin's status is humble, his heart is noble.This is also the reason why he and Liu and Xiang are not quite right: Xiang Yu looks down on his origin, and Liu Bang doesn't like his aristocratic air, which makes him incompatible with everyone.In 201 BC, not long after Liu Bang became emperor, someone reported Han Xin's rebellion.Liu Bang asked the generals around him what to do, and all the generals immediately said in unison: Send troops immediately and bury that kid alive!It can be seen that Han Xin did not have much popularity in the Han army.The reason why he is unpopular may be that most other people are ignorant, but Han Xin is a smart person, and he is proud of his talents, has a high self-esteem, and likes to study problems.I believe that he must like to meditate alone, and he doesn't like to drink and talk about women and tell nasty stories with those rascals, otherwise he wouldn't have so many unique insights into the situation of the country and the situation of the war.As soon as he came out of the mountain, he offered advice to Xiang Yu many times; as soon as he talked with Liu Bang, he convinced Liu Bang and hated seeing each other late.Where do these strategies come from?It can't be made up now!A person who thinks about things all day is always a little dull and a little withdrawn, which is not pleasing to people, especially those hooligans and savage warriors who are smiling and talking nonsense all day long.It would be all right if he was a son of Wang Sun Shuxiang, but he is also a beggar everywhere.On the one hand, he is self-proclaimed, but on the other hand, he is sloppy. Who would like this kind of person?The street rogue doesn't insult others, but he just wants to find trouble with him, just because he is so annoying.

Of course Liu Bang, who was born as a gangster, would not like him either.Although Liu Bang reused him out of political needs, even though he "thought he was too late" after hearing his high-level speeches, he stretched out his hand to ask for important officials as soon as he entered the barracks, and the lion opened his mouth. , It will still make Liu Bang unhappy and leave a shadow.No leader would really like such arrogant subordinates, no matter how talented they are.No leader would be happy to be blackmailed by his subordinates, no matter how much credit they have made.It is certain that when Han Xin asked to be the false king of Qi, Liu Bang had already moved his murderous intentions, but he didn't show it.Because Liu Bang can bear it.For his so-called "great cause", Liu Bang can bear anything.

Of course, when Liu Bang thought that he could no longer endure it, things were quite different. Liu Bang cleaned up Han Xin step by step.It can also be said that it was planned and premeditated. Not long after Han Xin sent troops to help Liu Bang defeat Xiang Yu, Liu Bang suddenly attacked and took away Han Xin's military power (Xiang Yu had been broken, Gaozu attacked Qi Wangjun), and then used the excuse that "the Emperor Yi has no heirs, and Qi Wang Han Xin follows the customs of Chu", He was sent to Xiapi (now Pizhou City, Jiangsu Province) to become King of Chu.Liu Bang has done this kind of thing once before.One morning, he pretended to be an envoy of the Han Dynasty, galloped into the barracks, took away the seals from Han Xin and Zhao Wang Zhang Er's bedroom before they got up, dispatched troops, and made Han Xin and Zhang Er Frightened.This time the old trick was repeated, taking advantage of the opportunity to pacify the Lu State, he suddenly "returned to Dingtao, rushed into the wall (barracks) of King Qi (Han Xin), and captured his army."Han Xin, who has learned from experience, should have thought that Liu Bang would come to this move.After being suddenly attacked twice, Han Xin should also be alert.Too bad he didn't.

Han Xin, who was sent to Xiapi as the king of Chu, was still alive and well at the beginning.After all, Han Xin is from Chu.A native of Chu and the king of Chu, he somewhat intended to return home, so Han Xin had no complaints about this transfer.He found the floating mother who gave him food by the river back then, and presented him with a thousand gold as a token of gratitude, fulfilling the promise of "I will repay my mother back."He also found the Nanchang pavilion chief who had taken care of his meals and then kicked him out, rewarded him with a hundred dollars, and taught him: You old man is a villain, and you will not do good deeds to the end.Of course, he also found the gangster who had made him suffer humiliation, but unexpectedly he did not take revenge on him, but instead promoted him to be a lieutenant in charge of patrolling the city to arrest robbers.Han Xin explained to everyone that this is a man.When he humiliated me, couldn't I kill him?It's just that there is no name to kill, so I endured it.Obviously, it was even more unreasonable and even more unreasonable to not kill when it was possible to kill at the beginning.If he didn't kill then but kills now, wouldn't it just prove that he didn't dare to kill at that time, and that he was really cowardly at that time, so he crawled under that kid's crotch?Undoubtedly, only by not killing at this time can it prove that he was not timid at that time.Han Xin is smart.

In fact, killing that kid is not only useless, but also harmful.When Han Xin was humiliated by that crotch, both of them were people with no social status and were equal.If Han Xin fights hard, no matter whether he wins or loses, he will get sympathy.It's different now.Han Enfeng, the king of worship, is an extremely personable minister, that boy is still the same, he is still a rascal in the market, the status of the two sides is very different.Killing him at this time is easy, but it is meaningless. On the contrary, it feels like the big bullying the small and the strong bullying the weak, which is really not worthwhile.But repaying grievances with virtue seems magnanimous, which is quite well received by public opinion.Of course, the guy who escaped from death would also be grateful to Dade, and he could buy a lot of people's hearts by saying good things about Han Xin everywhere.Besides, it is a general rule of Chinese culture that "revenge for revenge, and repay kindness for kindness". Doesn't Han Xin's repayment of kindness in turn prove that what he suffered back then was not a humiliation?This is tantamount to rehabilitating oneself and washing away the shame, which is of course a good deal.

Han Xin didn't kill the street rogue, but it didn't mean that Liu Bang didn't kill Han Xin. Han Xin's situation is different from that scoundrel.That rascal has neither ability nor status, Han Xin will live if he is told to live, and die if he is told to die, in fact, he is already a walking corpse, so naturally there is no need to use a bull knife.Han Xin is different.He has actually posed a threat to Liu Bang.Kuai Tong said to Han Xin a long time ago: "Those who are brave enough to shake the Lord will be in danger, but those who make great achievements will not be rewarded." His life was in danger.why?Because the so-called relationship between the monarch and his ministers, as Han Feizi said, is "the master sells his official rank, and the minister sells his intelligence."The reason why the relationship between the two sides can be maintained is that the ruler has enough officials and titles for rewards, but the intelligence of the ministers is always not enough, or there is always room for them.If the intelligence and meritorious deeds of a certain minister are too great to be rewarded, the business cannot go on.Because the next step is to ask Renjun to give up his position, which is absolutely unacceptable to any monarch with a little brain and a little ability.The relationship between Liu Bang and Han Xin is exactly like this.Therefore, Liu Bang must kill Han Xin. However, Liu Bang still planned to take it step by step, and did not intend to kill Han Xin all at once.In the second year when Han Xin was moved to be the king of Chu, Liu Bang pretended to be the son of heaven on a hunting tour, traveled to Yunmeng, and came to Chenqiu (now Huaiyang County, Henan Province) from Luoyang. Han Xin was arrested on the grounds that someone accused him of treason.This is of course not true.If you want to rebel, it's not good to be the king of Qi, wait until today?Liu Bang also knew that the report was a false accusation, but he didn't want to let go of this opportunity to deal with Han Xin, so he tied him to a car and took him back to Luoyang.As soon as he arrived in Luoyang, he announced the amnesty of the world, and took the opportunity to "pardon" Han Xin, but he was demoted to Marquis of Huaiyin, and he was not allowed to take office in the fief, but stayed in the court. effective" means. Liu Bang has his own reasons for doing this.He knows very well that political struggle emphasizes "justification, benefit, and restraint."Killing Han Xin at this moment, the reason is not sufficient, the ministers are not convinced, and they can't bear it.Later, Han Xin really conspired with Chen Xi to rebel against Han, and was secretly arrested and executed by Empress Lu using Xiao He's plan.After Liu Bang heard the news after returning from the battlefield, his reaction was "happy and pitiful".What a "joy and pity" is really a portrayal of Liu Bang's true feelings.Liu Bang's feelings for Han Xin are indeed complicated.Although he hates and hates Han Xin, he also appreciates and loves Han Xin.After all, Han Xin is a meritorious minister and a talented person. If he can not be killed, of course it is best not to be killed.What's more, Han Xin has been in the army for many years, has a certain prestige in the army, and is somewhat confidant.Killing Han Xin suddenly may cause a mutiny.So Liu Bang decided to wait a little longer and take another look. Indeed, Liu Bang had to be afraid of Han Xin. When someone reported Han Xin's rebellion, and all the generals threatened with one voice to send troops immediately to "bury that kid alive", Liu Bang didn't make a statement immediately, but went to discuss with Chen Ping.Chen Ping asked: Are your Majesty's soldiers better than Han Xin's?Liu Bang said, there is no comparison.Chen Ping asked again: Is your Majesty's general stronger than Han Xin?Liu Bang said, it can't compare.Chen Ping said that soldiers are not as good as others, and will not be as strong as others, but sending troops to crusade, isn't it driving others to rebel?Only then did the plan of secret arrest be set.It can be seen that Liu Bang still has scruples about Han Xin's strength, and he has not fully understood Han Xin's psychology. However, at this moment, Han Xin did a stupid thing. When Liu Bang claimed to be "the son of heaven patrolling hunting" and led a small number of people on a southern tour, and was about to arrive at the border of Chu State, Han Xin became a little flustered.He always felt that there was something wrong with this matter, but he couldn't think of what was wrong.Therefore, he didn't know how he should deal with it: Raise troops to rebel, think about what he did not offend, the emperor may not have come to punish him.Go to see them in person, and always feel that "the one who comes is not kind, and the one who is kind will not come", if you fail to go, you will be arrested.At this time, someone gave him a bad idea, saying: The emperor hates General Zhongli the most.If you take General Zhongli's head to see the emperor, the emperor will be happy, and we will be fine.General Zhongli is Zhonglizhen, and there are also people who write Zhonglimei. He is a famous general in the state of Chu and a close friend of Han Xin.After Xiang Yu's death, Zhong Lizhen had nowhere to escape, so he hid with Han Xin.Liu Bang hated Zhongli and issued an edict to arrest him, but was protected by Han Xin.But this time, in order to protect himself, Han Xin decided to use his good friend's head to invite credit and reward, to please and behave.When Zhong Lixuan heard that Han Xin had asked him for his head, he was really sad and angry to the extreme, so he scolded Han Xin for treachery, which is not a thing.But what can be done?I can only blame myself for having such a "friend" because I don't have eyes.Whether it is 眜 or 眛, it means "unknown".I really don't know why this old man's parents gave him such a name, it's just a prophecy.One was blind, the other was darkened, and a tragedy happened like this. It's a pity that Han Xin made a wrong calculation.Although Liu Bang hated Zhongli, he also hated Han Xin.What he wants is to rule the world, which is the legacy of his Liu family's descendants and emperors forever. How can it be just a Zhongli's head?Therefore, Han Xin betrayed his friend, but Liu Bang didn't appreciate it, he just sneered, and then stopped drinking: "Left and right, take it for me!"So the dignified king of Chu immediately became a prisoner.Han Xin refused to accept it, what crime did he call me?Liu Bang said that they sued you for treason.After speaking, he asked people to tie up Han Xin and throw him on the car.Han Xintian sighed: "When the cunning rabbit dies, the lackey cooks; when the tall birds are exhausted, the good bow is hidden; the enemy's country is destroyed, and the counselors perish." Now the world has been settled, and I deserve to die!Liu Bang turned around and said, stop talking nonsense!Do you think it’s not obvious that you’ve rebelled? To be honest, Han Xin was wronged at this time.But if you think about it seriously, it's not wrong.He should have thought that Liu Bang would come to this move.It's not like he doesn't understand the truth that the rabbit is dead and the dog is cooked, the bird is exhausted and the bow is hidden, the master's merit is high, and death is imminent.Wu She and Kuai Tong also made it very clear: Liu Bang is not reliable.In political struggles, friendship and close comrades-in-arms are also unreliable.Wu She said that Liu Bang is a man with great ambitions and very bad character.He was pinched by King Xiang many times. King Xiang pitied him and refused to kill him, but he bit King Xiang back as soon as he was out of danger. You can't trust him like this. How can you trust him so much?Let me tell you, the reason why your Excellency is alive today is because King Xiang is still alive.King Xiang died today, tomorrow it will be your turn!Kuai Tong also said, never believe in the friendship between monarch and minister.Wen Zhong and Fan Li assisted Yue King Gou Jian to sacrifice his salary and taste his courage, avenge his revenge, defeat Wu State, and achieve hegemony. (Wen Zhong was bestowed to death by Gou Jian. After Gou Jian destroyed Wu, he gave Wen Zhong a sword and told him, Mr. taught me seven ways to kill people, and I used three to destroy the country of Wu. Article 4: Let’s do an experiment on Mr. Wenzhong! So Wenzhong committed suicide. Fan Lize had foreseen this day long ago, so he retired immediately after his success, fled Yue State quietly, and later became a famous wealthy businessman.) These words are very thorough, but it is a pity that Han Xin can't listen to it, and this is how he is today. If it is said that the benevolence of a woman made Han Xin miss a good opportunity, then the heart of a villain made him make a big mistake.Han Xin killed Zhong Lixuan to please Liu Bang, and made at least three mistakes.First, he betrayed his friends for glory, and he lost morally first, making himself a sinner in the moral court.We know that Han Xin was originally innocent.In addition, his outstanding military exploits are well known in the world. If Liu Bang wants to kill him, he will be morally condemned and assume moral responsibility.Well now, Liu Bang can let go.Because what he wants to kill is no longer a hard-working hero, but a treacherous villain.It is taboo to kill heroes, but it is only right to kill villains.The so-called "little man" in China almost means that everyone can get it and punish him.So Han Xin's move is tantamount to washing Liu Bang's moral guilt, and sending himself to the execution ground. Second, Han Xin flattered and flattered him, which showed that he felt ashamed and lost psychologically.Originally, Liu Bang was somewhat guilty.He knew that Han Xin's rebellion was a false accusation, and he also knew that there were some people who killed heroes as soon as they won.Now he is confident.Haven't you, Han Xin, ever thought of treason?The harboring of enemy general Zhong Lizhen is ironclad proof!If it's not for treason, but out of brotherly loyalty, then what are you afraid of?Taking the initiative to offer his head now can only show that you are a guilty conscience, and you might as well kill someone to silence your mouth!As a result, the innocent became guilty, and the guilty became innocent.Isn't Han Xin's work just giving someone a handle and planting it for himself? Thirdly, Han Xin took the initiative to bend his knees, showing that he had a guilty conscience and lost another tactical move. "The brave man wins when the two armies meet", Han Xin's guilty conscience strengthened Liu Bang's courage.Originally, Liu Bang was a little afraid of Han Xin, but now he is not.It turns out that the great general Han Xin, who has a crowd of millions and is sure to win every battle, is no more than mediocre!Don't look at him full of majesty and majesty, it turns out that deep in his heart he is too weak to withstand a single blow.I, Liu, just said "Southern Tour", and he was so frightened that he froze, and sold his iron buddies in a hurry.Isn't this kind of person easy to deal with? Obviously, Han Xin betrayed his friends, but failed to keep himself, but accelerated his demise. Now, Han Xin is already a fish on the cutting board, just waiting for Liu Bang to do it. Liu Bang was not in a hurry. During those days when Han Xin was under house arrest in disguise, Liu Bang often chatted with Han Xin, and talked with Han Xin very calmly about the talents of the generals, each of which was different.Once, Liu Bang asked Han Xin, how many soldiers like me can lead?Han Xin said that it should not exceed 100,000.Ask again: What about you?Han Xin said, the more the better.Liu Bang just laughed, good, good, the more the better, why was I arrested?Han Xin said, Your Majesty is not good at generals, but good generals (good at controlling generals). This is why I, Han Xin, cannot beat Your Majesty.Besides, Your Majesty is a genius, how can there be any talent comparable to it (Your Majesty's so-called gift from heaven is not human)! In fact, speaking of this, Han Xin should reflect on it. The so-called "gifted by heaven" refers to "son of heaven" (divine power granted by the king) or "genius" (smartness from heaven), which can be ignored. The term "general" is worth pondering.Liu Bang is really good at generals, and he does have the talent of a leader.But the method of generalization is actually not difficult. It is nothing more than knowing how to use people well and adding both kindness and power, that is, a big stick and a carrot.Therefore, we must not only understand that "under a heavy reward, there must be a brave man", but also know "kill one to warn others".Anyway, no matter whether it is a reward or a punishment, you should act when it is time to act, and you should not be stingy or soft-hearted.Therefore, in the process of general, it is always unavoidable to kill the chicken and show it to the monkey.Han Xin is a big red-haired rooster that can crow.To kill or not to kill depends on whether the monkey jumps or not, and also depends on whether the rooster is good or not. It's a pity that Han Xin didn't think of this.He didn't seem to have thought at all that Liu Bang was in the dilemma of killing him or not killing him.If you don't kill it, it will be dangerous to keep it; if you kill it, you won't be able to do it for a while.If Han Xin restrained himself at this time, behaved like a man with his tail between his legs, or even simply retired from his old age and returned to his hometown, he might be able to escape unscathed.After all, Liu Bang's killing of heroes was not as vicious as Zhu Yuanzhang's later (the so-called era is different).However, Han Xin didn't know how to check at all.He often said that he was sick and not in the court, and he was listless at home. He complained day and night.Once he went to visit Fan Kui, Fan Kui knelt down to see him off, proclaiming himself a minister, saying that you are willing to patronize a junior minister.After going out, Han Xin looked up to the sky and laughed and said, I, Han Xin, am now in the company of Fan Kuai and others!All these words and deeds show that Han Xin's handling of Liu Bang is dissatisfied, dissatisfied, resentful, and hated.In Han Xin's own eyes, it was because he had been wronged, but in Liu Bang's eyes, it was "the heart of disobedience". This is not allowed.The characteristic of autocratic politics is that no one is allowed to have an independent personality.They are neither allowed to have their own views and thoughts, nor are they allowed to have their own emotions.If there is, it is "not a minister" and must be removed.What's more, Han Xin, the mouse in the cage, really wanted to hit the cat.In 196 B.C., Chen Xi fought against the Han in the frontier, and Liu Bang led the conquest in person. Han Xin claimed that he was ill, but sent a letter to Chen Xi, planning to do an internal response in the capital, but he was not careful and was reported by his subordinates.Empress Lv received the report, discussed with Xiao He, and lied about the great victory in the frontier, Chen Xi was dead, and all the princes and officials would go to the palace to celebrate.Han Xin had a ghost in his heart, so he didn't dare not go, not to mention it was Xiao He's notice!Speaking of which, Xiao He is also Han Xin's benefactor.Back then, if Xiao Heyue hadn't pursued Han Xin and strongly recommended it to Liu Bang, Han Xin would not have become a general.Of course, he never dreamed that this time Xiao He was planning to capture him. As the saying goes, "Xiao He is the one who succeeds, and Xiao He is the one who loses".As a result, as soon as Han Xin entered the palace, he was captured by warriors buried on both sides, and then executed by the Lu family in Changle Palace.In this regard, Empress Lu is obviously much more vicious than Liu Bang.She did not ask Liu Bang for instructions in advance, and did not ventilate afterwards. Without a moment of hesitation and pity, she killed Han Xin cleanly.When he was about to die, Han Xin regretted that he did not listen to Kuai Tong's plan, so that he was killed by the woman.Yes, he only knows how to ridicule and ridicule Xiang Yu's "female benevolence", but he doesn't know that he also has a woman's benevolence, let alone that women may not all be benevolent. It should be said that Han Xin is a man who knows and tolerates others.He analyzed Xiang Yu's personality, hit the nail on the head, and hit the nail on the head.He defeated the strong with the weak and defeated Cheng'an Lord Chen Yu, but he knew that one of the reasons for his victory was that Chen Yu did not use Guangwu Lord Li Zuoche's plan.Therefore, after Li Zuoche was captured, he not only untied him personally, but also "sit to the east, face west, and serve as a teacher", respectfully asking Li Zuoche for advice like a student.He restrains himself, uses patience, treats others with humility, and endures the humiliation of his crotch to become a king and hegemony. These are all his admirable features.Han Xin's shortcoming is the lack of self-knowledge.Therefore, he said that others would say that he would be confused when it came to his own head.He always thinks that he is a rare commodity that can be lived in, and his contribution is indispensable. He never thought that once the world is settled, the rare commodity that can be lived will become a hot potato, and excessive credit will only arouse the suspicion of the monarch.Liu Bang lowered his title and seized his fief, which originally meant both a small punishment and a warning.However, he was throwing down picks, throwing hats, complaining, and talking strange things, and finally he planned to put all his eggs in one basket and seize power, and of course he would kill himself by hitting an egg against a rock.In short, Liu Bang has both the knowledge of others and the knowledge of himself, so Liu Bang won.Xiang Yu had neither the knowledge of others nor the knowledge of himself, so Xiang Yu failed.Han Xin has the ability to know others, but not self-knowledge, so although he succeeds, he fails in the end. Without self-knowledge, one cannot truly know others.Han Xin treats Zhong Lizhen with the heart of a villain, and treats Liu Bang with the belly of a gentleman, which is simply absurd.The "little man" mentioned here does not completely refer to the moral sense, but also refers to the psychological sense, that is, people with small scales.Liu Bang hated Zhong Lixuan, and Han Xin didn't know it.If you were afraid that Liu Bang would blame you, you should not have taken him in at the beginning.Since it is taken in, it should be protected to the end.If I go all out to protect this friend, what can Liu Bang do?It can't be done, maybe it will give birth to a little respect and a little fear.Han Xin lacked this measure, so he was cautious, and in the end he betrayed both his friends and himself.
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