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Chapter 3 The fault of the two feathers

Pinnacle 易中天 9169Words 2018-03-18
In fact, Xiang Yu's problems are far more than that. After Han Xin left Xiang Yu and went to Liu Bang, he had a long talk with Liu Bang, and the content of the conversation was mainly about Xiang Yu.Liu Bang asked Han Xin that Prime Minister Xiao recommended the general to the widow again and again, what strategy does the general have to teach the widow?Han Xin didn't answer this question directly, but asked instead: Isn't it King Xiang who is now fighting for power in the world with the king east?Liu Bang said yes.Han Xin asked again: Your Majesty, weigh it yourself. In terms of personal bravery and military strength, are you comparable to King Xiang?Liu Bang was silent for a long time, and said: I am not as good as him.Han Xin got up and bowed and said, that's right.Even I, Han Xin, think that the king is inferior to him.This is strange.Knowing that Liu Bang is no match for Xiang Yu, but betraying Xiang Yu and joining Liu Bang, isn't it stupid?Of course Han Xin is not stupid.He thoroughly analyzed Xiang Yu's personality to Liu Bang, and analyzed the psychological and character reasons why Xiang Yu would inevitably fail.According to Han Xin, Xiang Yu has at least two fatal weaknesses, namely "the courage of a man" and "the benevolence of a woman".But in my opinion, based on this conversation, there are at least two more things to add, namely "pettyness" and "narrow-mindedness".

Let's talk about "every man's courage" first. Xiang Yu should be said to be very brave.In his life, he didn't seem to be afraid of anything, only others were afraid of him.His health is also good. "Historical Records" says that he is "more than eight feet long, and capable of carrying a tripod." One can imagine that he is heroic, burly, muscular, and powerful. If you don't let the Schwarzeneggers of today, it will make some worship the so-called masculinity The girls love it.In 207 BC, King Zhao and his ministers were besieged in Julu by Qin soldiers, and urgent feather books flew like snowflakes.At that time, the soldiers of the princes who rescued Zhao had more than ten walls (camps), but all of them were watching from the sidelines. Only Xiang Yu led the Chu army to break the boat, one as ten, and fought nine bloody battles with the Qin army. Frightened white, it was only then that the Qin army was defeated and King Zhao was rescued.With such courage and physique, Xiang Yu felt that it would be a waste if they were not allowed to be used, which is a pity.So Xiang Yu often has to show off his might and force.Although he is the coach, he likes to charge forward.In every battle, he takes the lead and is naturally invincible.Oftentimes, Xiang Yu's weapon has not been shot yet, but he just stares at him, and the other party's soul is dissipated, his liver and gallbladder are torn, he dare not look at him, he can't move his hands, he is pissed off, and he is defeated.There are quite a few such achievements.I believe that Xiang Yu must be full of pleasure every time he comes here.

This kind of pleasure even made him unable to bear the desire to duel with the opponent's coach.He said to Liu Bang, the world has not been peaceful for so many years, isn't it because of the two of us?Let's just fight, whoever wins the fight will own the world, why bother to make everyone in the world suffer!It was truly heroic and aristocratic.It's a pity that Liu Bang doesn't follow this set.He wouldn't practice alone with Xiang Yu, fighting with bare hands!So Liu Bang giggled and said, Liu fights wits but not courage.I believe that when Liu Bang said this, he must have a ruffian smile on his face.

From an aesthetic point of view, Liu Bang's performance is not cool at all.But from the perspective of political science and military science, Liu Bang was right.War is the continuation of politics and the highest means of political struggle.The outcome of a war, in the final analysis, is the outcome of a political struggle, or at least a victory or defeat of strategy and tactics, and has nothing to do with the coach's personal strength or stature.Xiang Yu regards war as fighting, that is, treats politics as a child's play, which is simply childish.Everyone knows that "soldiers are not many but fine, and generals are not brave but resourceful."It's not that Xiang Yu himself didn't know, otherwise he wouldn't have learned the art of war, and he wouldn't have said that instead of learning "one man's enemy", he would learn "ten thousand enemies".It's a pity that when things come to an end, the "enemy of ten thousand people" he learned can't be used at all, but the "enemy of one man" is still useful.It can be seen that Xiang Yu is not really a handsome talent, but a very domineering and powerful man.

Someone has long compared "the courage of a man" and "the courage of a gentleman".Seeing injustice on the road, one draws his sword and fights against each other, this is the courage of a common man.Because as long as there is some blood, some strength, without any ambition or self-cultivation, anyone can do it, and there will be no brilliant results, so it is the courage of the common man.What is the courage of a gentleman?Mount Tai collapses in front of it without changing its color, the elk rises to the left without blinking its eyes, it is suddenly approached without being startled, and it is not angry when it is added for no reason. This is the courage of a gentleman.Obviously, the courage of a gentleman shows composure and determination.Su Dongpo said that this is because "the threat is great, and the cause is far away".That is to say, for the sake of lofty ideals, you can temporarily suffer a temporary humiliation, or ignore the immediate gains and losses.Therefore, "the enemy advances and we retreat" is not cowardice, nor is "fight if you win, and leave if you don't win".Of course, being reckless and disregarding lofty ideals for the sake of the present is not bravery.Liu Bang was shot in the chest by Xiang Yu's arrow, and he couldn't straighten his waist, so he bent down to touch his toes, and cursed: "Stinky boy, shoot my foot, then turn around and run away."This is a bit witty, and it can also be said to be a bit cunning, but it cannot be said to be useless and timid.

The courage of a man is the courage of one person, and the courage of a general is the courage of ten thousand people.There is no lack of bravery on the battlefield. The so-called "two armies against each other, the brave wins."However, the courage mentioned here refers to the courage of the whole army, not the courage of individuals.Of course, at certain times, the leadership of generals can really boost morale, especially in the era of cold weapons.However, Xiang Yu's charge is not entirely for boosting morale, sometimes it is also for his own enjoyment.As a result, because he was too personal heroism, he made other generals and soldiers feel that he was dispensable. Where would there be collective wisdom and strength?Sima Qian criticized him for "struggling with his own wisdom" (only relying on the individual) and "desire to conquer with force" (only relying on violence), both of which hit the point.

Let's talk about "the benevolence of women". The benevolence of a woman and the courage of a man seem to be contradictory.In fact, Xiang Yu was originally very contradictory.In his character, there is a brave side and a cowardly side; a cruel side and a gentle side.Xiang Yu claimed to be the overlord of Western Chu, but in fact he was brutal and domineering.He has a violent temperament, strong and courageous, and he is not soft at all when killing people.Yin Tong, the prefect of Kuaiji, had no grievances with him in the past and future generations, and he still planned to cooperate with them in an uprising against Qin.Song Yi, the champion of Qingzi, is a fool who is boastful, although he is a little bit that way to Xiang Yu, after all, it's not much, and he will kill him if he says he will kill him. (Song Yi, formerly Chu Lingyin, is good at talking about soldiers. He once predicted that Xiang Liang would fail, but unfortunately he was right. It only shows that he has the ability to observe, but does not prove that he has the ability to command. After he became a commander, he made strategic mistakes and was self-righteous. He also put up a notice saying "Fierce as a tiger, cruel as a wolf, greedy as a sheep, anyone who disobeys will be beheaded", but was killed by Xiang Yu instead.)

There is also King Huai, the useless "emperor of righteousness". It didn't bother Xiang Yu, but he also sent someone to murder him.The most miserable thing was the 200,000 surrendered troops of the Qin Dynasty, and Xiang Yu killed them all in one night and buried them.Two hundred thousand people!Killed without saying a word, Xiang Yu probably didn't even blink his eyes. However, at the Hongmen Banquet, facing Liu Bang, he couldn't do anything. Is it because Liu Bang has no grievances or enmities with him?Yin Tong also had no grievances or enmities with him.Is it because Liu Bang has kindness and virtue to him?Liu Bang entered Xianyang first, which made him gnash his teeth with hatred.Is it because you don't know what's at stake?Fan Zeng has made it very clear: Liu Bang's "his ambitions are not small", and he also has "the spirit of the emperor", which is really a confidant that he must get rid of.Is it incapable of killing?With Xiang Yu's martial arts, who can be told to die at the third watch, who can live to the fifth watch?What's more, Liu Bang's name is Xiang Yu's guest, but he is actually a prisoner. He is Xiang Yu's people inside and out. Even Fan Kui told Liu Bang that now he is a kitchen knife and chopping board, and we are chickens, ducks and fish.Is there no chance to start?There are many opportunities.At least there was no problem until Fan Kui entered the tent to escort him.But despite Fan Zeng's winks and secret signals, Xiang Yu just silently responded, and finally let Liu Bang, the roasted duck, fly away again.Fan Zeng was so angry that he cursed bitterly: "Shuzi is not good enough to seek (this kid is really not worthy of seeking affairs with him)!"

In fact, Fan Zeng has already seen through: "The king has a heart of intolerance." The so-called "heart of intolerance" is also "benevolence of women". But isn't Xiang Yu cruel?How could it be "unbearable" again? In fact, Xiang Yu looks tough on the surface, but is actually very fragile on the inside.Xiang Yu is a very face-saving person.People who care about face are very fragile at heart.It is only because of its fragility that it saves face so much.Because he couldn't bear the slightest harm, he desperately tried to protect his face.Xiang Yu's suicide in Wujiang was largely out of consideration of face: "Zong Jiangdong's elders are pitiful and king me, how can I see him!" So he left a famous saying about face: "I have no face to see Jiangdong's elders. "Why do you have no face to meet?In addition to feeling ashamed in my heart, it was also because I couldn't stand the pity.For Xiang Yu, a person who wants to be strong all his life, pity is hurt.Therefore he would rather die.Only by killing himself can he save his face and feel better.

Xiang Yu is such a person with inner conflicts and contradictory personalities.To put it bluntly, he is actually a childish performance artist who unfortunately was pushed to the battlefield and slaughterhouse.He doesn't want to kill much, but he can't help killing; he doesn't want to fight much, but he can't help fighting.Because he has no other choice.There is no other way for him to live, and there is no other way to reflect his survival value and complete his performance art.After all, he started his life course by killing people, and after all, he finished his life path through war.Therefore, he loves to kill and loves to fight.However, behind his bravery is cowardice, and behind his cruelty is tenderness.He killed people like hemp, but there was a kind of fear deep in his heart.He is invincible, but deep down he has a failure complex.It is precisely because of inner fear that he keeps killing people.It is because of the fear of failure that we are eager to win.Only the blood that is constantly flowing can wash away the shame of his cowardice, and only the victories that come one after another can comfort his painful and restless heart.

So we saw that when he challenged Liu Bang, he was so restless: there is no need to drag so many people on the battlefield, just the two of us fight!Doesn't this prove that he is tired of this war and just wants to end it early?Doesn't this just prove that he has long been afraid of failure, so he hopes to use the most convenient and sure way for him to win?Therefore, when he heard that he was besieged from all sides, he neither investigated nor studied it, and even less wanted to think about whether it was the enemy's strategy, and immediately decided that he had defeated it.Because he had a "failure complex" deep in his mind.I even believe that there will be a voice in his heart: "This day has finally come! This is finally over!" Just when Xiang Yu breathed a sigh of relief because he finally failed, the tenderness deep in his heart and behind the cruelty also rose up.Success or failure, life and death are meaningless, the only thing worth caring about is the famous horse girl.This is also his only love, a place of innocence preserved after he devoted his whole life to fighting and killing. "The dying is not dying! What is the reason for the dying!" How gentle and considerate this is, how affectionate and lingering this is!No wonder I have to "cry for a few lines".It is said that Xiang Yu is relatively easy to cry.Han Xin said that when he saw his soldiers were injured and sick, he would send soup and meals with tears in his eyes.But this time, he is for himself. The true emotions and inner world of a bloody man are contained in these few lines of tears. Xiang Yu is indeed very affectionate, which is an integral part of his artist temperament.He even has some mother-in-laws.Han Xin said that he was "speech vomit", that is to say, his words were long-winded and trivial.It is not difficult for us to imagine his usual image in the military camp: holding a food basket and weeping, holding the hands of wounded and sick soldiers, chatting about the cold and warmth, and talking about family life.If Han Xin hadn't seen it with his own eyes and said it himself, it would be hard for ordinary people to believe that this "powerful and powerful" man would still have so much tenderness and affection. In fact, Xiang Yu's "benevolence" is recognized by both opponents.Han Xin said that Xiang Yu was "respectful and loving", Chen Ping said that Xiang Yu was "respectful and loving", while Gao Qi and Wang Ling said that Xiang Yu was "benevolent and loving".Regarding Liu Bang, their views are also quite consistent, that is, he is rude and likes to insult others.These words were all said in front of Liu Bang, and it should be said that they are quite credible.In fact, Liu Bang is exactly like this.He likes to swear.Scold Xiao He, scold Han Xin, scold all his subordinates.Scold when you are unhappy, and scold when you are happy.Even if you want to make someone an official title, you have to scold him first, and look like a gangster and bandit mountain king.As for the various etiquettes for dealing with people and governing the country, he is even more ignorant, and he doesn't even know what etiquette is.He looked down on Confucian scholars who hated etiquette, and said that when he saw the hats on their heads, he wanted to tear them off and use them as urinals.Confucian scholar Li Shiqi (Yin Li Yiji) went to visit him, and he sat on the bed with his legs spread apart, with his knees raised for two girls to wash his feet.So Li Shiqi said sternly, since he intends to punish the innocent Tyranny, he shouldn't be so arrogant and rude to meet the old man.Only then did Liu Bang get up quickly, straighten his clothes and say sorry, and then invite Mr. Li to take his seat.Xiao He recommended Han Xin to him and explained a lot of reasoning. He waved his hand and said that for Xiao He's face, let him be a general.Xiao He said that if you asked him to be a general, he would leave.Liu Bang said again, then it's better to be a general, you ask him to come in!Xiao He said, you are always rude and rude.Why is worshiping the general now like calling a child (such as calling a child's ear)?No wonder Han Xin is leaving.Only then did Liu Bang agree to choose an auspicious day to fast and set up an altar with rituals.Liu Bang's rudeness is actually in stark contrast to Xiang Yu's warmth and courtesy. This is not surprising.Xiang Yu is an aristocrat, and etiquette is an essential accomplishment for an aristocrat. Of course, Xiang Yu knows how to treat people with courtesy and behave like a rite.Liu Bang is a hooligan, how can he have such cultivation?After becoming a prince and a king, although he has gradually become like a dog, if he is not careful, he will still show his naughty nature.After the completion of Weiyang Palace, Liu Bang, who became the emperor, feasted on the ministers. Taking advantage of the wine, he actually said to Uncle Liu, who is already the emperor, Dad, in the past, your old man always said that I was a rascal, so it’s better that the second brother can work. Now you Let's see, does the second brother have more property, or mine?The officials in the hall also booed and shouted long live, laughing happily, which was totally inappropriate. However, Xiang Yu, an aristocrat who respects his lover, is not as popular as Liu Bang, a hooligan who curtly curses. Why is this? Han Xin and the others answered this question.When Gao Qi and Wang Ling summed up Liu Xiang's successes and failures, they said to Liu Bang that Your Majesty is slow and insulting, while Xiang Yu is benevolent and loving.However, His Majesty sent people to attack the city and seize the land, and if he was defeated, he would be given to him. This is the same benefit as the world.What about Xiang Yu?If you win a battle, regardless of the merits of others, if you occupy the city and don't benefit others, of course you will lose the world.Han Xin also made it very clear: Xiang Yu is a pretty good person, caring and considerate.However, when someone else has credited him, he should have given him a title, but he held the seal in his own hand, and touched it until the corners of the seal were rounded, and he was reluctant to give it to others. This is simply a woman's kindness. .Indeed, compared with conferring noble titles and being promoted to get rich, what are asking questions about one's health and giving soup and meals?Compared with Liu Bang's generous donations, large land rewards, and large number of official appointments, Xiang Yu is indeed petty.Xiang Yu's pettiness sometimes makes people feel incredible.He occupied Xianyang, but left the ready-made emperors alone. The ready-made emperors didn't live there. He just burned, killed, looted, filled the car with gold, silver, treasures and beautiful women, and ran back to Pengcheng (now Xuzhou, Jiangsu) when he was in the west. The overlord of Chu has gone.This is exactly the same as Ah Q's thinking: I only know that the Ning-style bed of the scholar's wife is moved back to the Tugu Temple, but I don't know that I can simply live in the scholar's house.Some people persuaded Xiang Yu that the terrain in Guanzhong is dangerous and the land is fertile. If you build the capital here, you can establish hegemony.But he said, if you don't go back to your hometown when you are rich, wouldn't it mean you are going out in the dark in beautiful clothes (Yi Jin Ye Xing), who can see it?This is really petty!So this person commented at the time that everyone said that the people of Chu were just big macaques wearing high hats (the crowns were worn by monkeys), and sure enough! The person who said this sentence was thrown into the pot by Xiang Yu and boiled on the spot, but Xiang Yu's worthlessness has almost become a recognized fact.Mr. Wang Boxiang believes that the idea of ​​returning home in a golden age is just an excuse for Xiang Yu.His real thought was because Chu's base was in Jiangdong, and he was worried about King Huai of Chu.In fact, what's the point of the puppet king of Chu and the sheep-herding boy Xiang Yu himself helped up on stage?And what base do you care about if you win the world?If the Qing army who went south then ran back to Fengtian after occupying Beijing, would there still be a Qing Dynasty? This is being careful.It was this narrow-mindedness that made him murder King Huai and thus lose the hearts of the people.It was this narrow-mindedness that made him suspicious of Fan Zeng, thus losing his arm.Pettyness is already looked down upon, and narrow-mindedness is even more unbearable.As a result, all those capable and ambitious people around him, such as Han Xin and Chen Ping, left him one by one, leaving only a horse and a beauty who were in love with him. Xiang Yu's loneliness was caused by himself.Xiang Yu's failure was also caused by himself. Fan Zeng is actually the most loyal person around Xiang Yu. Fan Zeng is a native of Juchao (now Chao County, Anhui). He "lives at home and is curious about tricks".When Xiang Liang raised his army, he was already seventy years old, and he still joined the army resolutely. He fought with Xiang Liang and Xiang Yu in the north and south, obviously wanting to make a career.He often looks at problems from a high-level perspective and is to the point.He once told Xiang Liang that Chen Sheng's failure was a matter of course.When Qin destroyed the six kingdoms, Chu was the most innocent, so the prophecy (a folk rumor with a prophetic nature) said, "Although Chu has three households, Chu must die when Qin is destroyed."Chen Shengshouyi, instead of establishing himself as the king of Chu, the momentum will not last long.Your Excellency has been a Chu general for generations, if you support another Chu king's descendant as a call to action, you will definitely be welcomed by everyone.What he said was very reasonable, and Xiang Liang followed suit, and the effect was really good.After Liu Bang first entered Guanzhong, he told Xiang Yu that when Liu Bang was in his hometown, he was always greedy for money and lustful, but this time he entered the customs, he did not commit any crimes, and he did not take a copper coin or touch a woman.This statement hits the nail on the head.For this reason, Xiang Yu respected him very much, respecting him as "Yafu" (second only to his father), and calling him "Uncle". "Father Xiang" is almost the same, and Chen Ping also thinks that he is the first of Xiang Yu's few "ministers of bones". However, this Asian father was easily alienated by Liu Bang.The strategy is also very simple: when Xiang Yu's envoys arrive in Liu Bang's army, Liu Bang treats them with a special feast.When he was about to enter the table, he pretended to be in a panic and said, "We thought it was Yafu's envoy, but it turned out to be King Xiang's."So the banquet was withdrawn, and the messenger was sent away with inferior food.In fact, this strategy is "pediatrics" quite good, but Xiang Yu fell for it, and immediately became suspicious, and made small moves against Fan Zeng.What a shrewd person Fan Zeng was, he said to Xiang Yu: "The affairs of the world are settled, and the king will do it for himself!" Then he walked away and died on the way home. Liu Bang and Chen Ping's small tricks, which can be seen through at a glance, were able to succeed, all because of Xiang Yu's narrow-mindedness.It seems unbelievable on the surface that a dignified nobleman should be petty, and a man of eight feet should be narrow-minded, but it is not unreasonable to think about it carefully.Aristocrats are actually very easy to become narrow-minded (although not necessarily).Because the nobles are nobles because they are noble, and the nobles are always a minority.In this way, the circle of nobles is very small.If a person has lived in a small circle since he was a child, it is not easy to open his mind.Even in the vast world in the future, because of the noble and arrogant nature, it is not easy to get along with others.Because he can't overcome the sense of nobility deep in his heart, he often inadvertently reveals a condescending air.In addition, they are pampered and don't know the sufferings of the world, so even if they really care about others, they still give people the feeling of pretending, because they don't care about the idea.For example, Xiang Yu couldn't imagine that the soldiers fought bloody battles from birth to death, what was the plan?It's not about conferring a wife and a son to show off the ancestors!But he doesn't reward what should be awarded, he only knows to shed some crocodile tears and send some soup, what is this? Another problem of nobles is aloofness.If it is clear, it is easy to be dirty, and if it is tall, it is easy to break, so their inner world is often very fragile, and it is easy to become narrow-minded.Because while keeping themselves clean, they often blame others.It's okay for such a person to be a hermit, but he will inevitably be suspicious when he is a commander.The result is naturally that the circle is getting smaller and smaller.Chen Ping once said that Xiang Yu was surrounded by people who were honest, honest, honest, moral, and polite, while Liu Bang was surrounded by money-grubbing and lustful thieves.But who is more and who is less, who can do things and who can't, isn't it also clear at a glance? In fact, because of their nobility, nobles may have two personalities and two hearts.One is very tolerant, and the other is very narrow.The logic of the tolerant is this: Since I am the most noble, there is no need to reject anything.It's like a vast ocean, but it's so big that it can contain everything.The logic of the narrow-minded is this: since I am the only noble, the rest are nothing.This is like a snow-capped mountain and an ice peak, but its height cannot accommodate anything.Once the narrow-minded nobles are relegated to the mundane world, they will be out of place everywhere; once they become prosperous from ruin, they will often be very petty.He will attribute everything to his noble temperament and extraordinary ability, and will not admit that others have any credit.He also keeps everything for himself rather than sharing it with others.Because in him, other people are not things.This kind of mentality is noble to himself, but stingy in the eyes of others.Xiang Yu is exactly such a person. Similarly, a hooligan may have two ways and two virtues because of his lowliness.One is wretched and despicable, and the other is bold and generous.Most of the former can only take some small advantage, work as a small errand, or do some petty theft.The latter, if given a chance, can often become a great cause.First, they only have a single piece of paper anyway, so thinking about everything is useless, so they might as well think a little bigger, such as "become an emperor".With this idea and another chance, maybe you can really "make your wish come true".Second, they have nothing, and once they have it, it is mostly ill-gotten wealth, or picked up for nothing. Anyway, it is not earned by their own labor, so they don’t feel bad.Third, they themselves are not clean, so how can they find fault with others?Nature is especially accommodating.What's more, they came from the lowest level, and they also know the cruelty of the world and the sufferings of the world best. They know what people pursue and fear, and they can always be in place if they want to buy people's hearts.With this understanding of people's heart and tolerance of others, coupled with his boldness, open-mindedness and generosity, he will not worry about not being able to buy lackeys or hire thugs, and not worry about being supported or assisted.Once the world is in chaos and wars are everywhere, it is not difficult to take advantage of the chaos to seize power.Liu Bang is such a person. Liu Bang's final victory was not without reason. There is an old saying, "He who wins the hearts of the people wins the world, and whoever loses the hearts of the people loses the world."The gains and losses of Liu and Xiang should indeed be examined from the perspective of people's hearts. So, what about the two of them? Generally speaking, Xiang Yu cares about people, and Liu Bang trusts people. Concern and trust can originally win the hearts of the people.But the problem is that Xiang Yu cares about people, not ideas.Liu Bang trusted people, but he trusted them to the extreme.As mentioned earlier, Chen Ping is suspected of "stealing his sister-in-law to receive money and being capricious".At least his bribery is a fact.However, Liu Bang only talked to him once and gave him a high degree of trust.Liu Bang asked Chen Ping: Mr. Wei first, then Chu, and now he is with the widow. Could it be that a loyal and honest person is so half-hearted?Chen Ping replied, yes, I have served King Wei and King Chu successively.However, the king of Wei couldn't employ people, so I had to go to King Xiang.King Xiang couldn't trust people, so I had no choice but to go to the king again.I escaped naked and penniless, and I couldn't live without receiving financial support from others.If your majesty thinks my strategy is desirable, please adopt it.If there is nothing I can do, please let me go.None of the money others gave me was touched, and I just handed over a lot of money to the public.As soon as Liu Bang heard this, he stood up and apologized to Chen Ping, and also entrusted Chen Ping with a bigger official position.Later, Chen Ping suggested to Liu Bang to use silver bullets to counter-measure against Xiang Yu. Liu Bang immediately appropriated 40,000 catties of gold (copper), which Chen Ping could use however he wanted without reimbursement (whatever he wanted, regardless of his income or exit).As a result, Chen Ping made a small plan, which really made Xiang Yu suspicious of ghosts, and lost trust in Fan Zeng, Zhong Lixuan and other confidants. This is not only unsuspecting in employing people, but also open-minded, which is exactly the opposite of Xiang Yu's narrow-mindedness.Liu Bang is indeed generous.This kind of generosity may have been cultivated when his mother doubled to repay his alcohol debts, but more importantly, it should be said that he "has a lot of ambition".What he wants to grab is the whole world, so of course he won't care about the gains and losses of a city or a pool, let alone the few small coins.For this "great goal", he can bear it.For example, restrain your desires.In 206 BC, Liu Bang entered Qin from Wuguan and entered Xianyang.Facing "palaces, weft tents, dogs and horses, heavy treasures, and thousands of women", it's not that he hasn't been moved.Fan Kuai advised him to leave the palace, but he ignored him.This is not difficult to understand.A ruffian from a small place sees so many rare treasures, like flowers and jade, resplendent and resplendent, how can there be no reason not to be dazzled and distracted?I'm afraid there are hands sticking out of my throat.But after hearing Zhang Liang's harsh words, he resolutely withdrew from the Qin palace and returned to the army. He had the heart to spend everyone, making the Qin people overjoyed, fearing that Liu Bang would not be the king of Qin.Liu Bang did a really good job.Compared with Xiang Yu who later plundered and killed countless people in Xianyang and burned the city in March, it is obviously more popular. Liu Bang can restrain desires and control emotions.In 203 BC, Han Xin captured more than 70 cities in Qi State, and a huge area became his territory.With so much capital in hand, Han Xin wanted to bargain with Liu Bang.He sent someone to send a letter to Liu Bang, saying that the people of Qi are hypocritical and changeable, and they are a country of repetition, and the south borders on the state of Chu.If you don't set up a fake king to guard it, I'm afraid the situation will be uncertain.At that time, Liu Bang was surrounded by Xiang Yu's troops in Xingyang, Taigong and Lu's family were also in Xiang Yu's hands, and he had nowhere to vent his anger.Seeing the letter from the envoy, I couldn't help feeling angry from the bottom of my heart, angry to the gut: You bastard!I am trapped here, waiting for your rescue every day, but you want to be a fucking fake king of Qi!Then he yelled.Zhang Liang and Chen Ping knew that it was impossible to offend Han Xin at this time, so they secretly kicked Liu Bang's foot.So Liu Bang went on to scold: worthless things!A man who is a real man who makes meritorious deeds and puts down the princes is a real king, what a fake king!Xiang Yu does not have such a kung fu of adapting to changing circumstances.Xiang Yu did not have such an ability to restrain himself.This matter should be put on Xiang Yu's body, he must kill Han Xin immediately without saying a word, and he must kill Han Xin himself. It's not a question of character.No one has the character of "forbearance", forbearance is forced out.There are two types of tolerance.One is having to swallow one's breath in the face of power and violence.This is not so much patience as it is helplessness.If you fight and you can't win, you work hard but you don't have the capital, you can't bear it, so what can you do?This cannot be regarded as tolerance.True forbearance is refraining from doing what you want to do but can do.For example, you obviously want to possess the treasures and women of the Qin Palace, and you can possess them, but you voluntarily give up. This is very difficult.Obviously, only this kind of forbearance is the real forbearance.That is to say, the real forbearance is to overcome oneself, to attack oneself.Forbearance, there is a knife on the head of the heart character, it is to poke my heart with a knife!A person who can deal with himself will probably not be soft when dealing with others.Therefore, those who can endure are cruel.Liu Bang is very cruel.Once, when the Chu army pursued Liu Bang, Liu Bang actually pushed his son and daughter out of the cart in order to escape.The coachman Xia Houying carried them into the carriage three times, and Liu Bang pushed them off three times.Xia Houying couldn't stand it anymore, and said, although things are urgent, can't we hurry up?Why leave them alone?Only then did Liu Bang flee for his life with the child.As the saying goes, the poison of a tiger does not eat its offspring.One can imagine the viciousness and cruelty deep in the heart of a person who can abandon his own children. Therefore, when Fan Zeng discovered that Liu Bang, who was lustful and greedy for money, had entered Xianyang without committing any crimes, he clearly realized that this was an extremely dangerous and cruel enemy, and if he didn't kill it as soon as possible, he would keep the tiger alive.Unfortunately, many people failed to see this at the time, including Xiang Yu and Han Xin.
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