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Chapter 45 Four lovely Wuhan people

Reading City Chronicle 易中天 4704Words 2018-03-18
In this way, Wuhan people are really cute. In fact, Wuhan people are very cute.Outsiders are afraid of Wuhan people because they don't understand Wuhan people. Wuhan people have the advantages of Wuhan people. The biggest advantage of Wuhan people is straightforwardness.Love to swear is a manifestation of their straightforwardness.Although they are not very civilized, at least it shows that they dare to show their emotions, anger, sorrow, and joy, and they have a frank nature in their bones.This nature makes them extremely disgusted with "(talkers)" and "ghosts". At the same time, it also makes them pay less attention to self-cultivation, giving people a feeling of "poor education".People in Wuhan speak straight, rarely turn corners, and don't pay much attention to tone and style.For example, when you go to a government office in Wuhan to do business, the concierge will ask: "What's the matter?" Instead of asking: "Which unit are you, what's the matter?" Even when doing business, they will not say: "Look How can we cooperate?" Instead, they would say: "What are you talking about (mouth sand)!" This way of speaking is very unbearable to outsiders.

What is even more unbearable is when they express different opinions.Generally speaking, Chinese people speak more tactfully.Even if you want to express different opinions, you must first prepare the groundwork, such as "What you said is very true, but it's just" and so on.People in Wuhan don't have that set.If he disagrees with what you said, then, I'm sorry, before you finish speaking, he will stop drinking: "Blind money!" The so-called "blind money" means "nonsense", "nonsense", "nonsense "the meaning of.But if you have heard Wuhan people say these two words with your own ears, you will feel that it is much more blunt than other expressions.

This is actually a manifestation of frankness, that is, being straightforward because of being straightforward, and being quick because of being straightforward. " (Small tricks behind the scenes). "Yin Dao Dao" is also called "poking and turning", which generally refers to telling tricks behind the scenes, but also refers to saying bad things, spreading gossip, etc.Another word that goes with it is "finding crookedness", which means looking for trouble, trouble, or discomfort.Therefore, if a person from Wuhan finds someone "poking the abductee", he will come to the door and say unceremoniously: "Well, do you want to find me?" A person who likes to "poke crutches" will not have a place in Wuhan.

The people of Wuhan hate "sinister things", so if they have any disagreements, they have to speak out in person, including saying that you are "blind money".This seems a little strange.Wuhan people are not very particular about "not just taste", how can they be so disrespectful? Perhaps, Wuhan people don't think it is "not just taste"!At least, I have lived in Wuhan for many years, and I haven't seen anyone who turned his face because of saying "blind money".On the contrary, if a person from Wuhan would call you "blind money" in person, he would probably treat you as one of his own.Because this shows that there is no grudge between him and you, there is no barrier, and he can talk whatever he wants, including calling you "blind money".

Similarly, speaking "with scum" will not cause too much trouble.The so-called "bringing scum" means swearing when speaking, and it is also called "bringing handles".To read out the sound.Fang Fang said that "bringing a handle" means "the meaning of carrying a gun with a stick in the words" ("Interesting Wuhan Dialect"), but it is not the case.The so-called "handle" refers to the male genitalia.Therefore, "bringing the handle" means "fucking whoever sees".Swearing words are often related to "sex", which is also a general rule in the world.For example, "fuck", the following word "not suitable for children" is omitted. "A board horse", two words are omitted at the end, which is also "not suitable for children".Therefore, it is not very civilized to talk about "garbage" and "hands-on".

Generally speaking, talking to elders, or talking to important people (such as leaders) should not be "bringing scum".Not only can't "bring garbage", but "your home" has to be longer than "your home".It's best not to "bring scum" when quarreling, because that will magnify the situation.If it is between friends and acquaintances of the same generation, the mouth is full of "scum". Moreover, the closer the relationship, the more "scum".For example, when two good friends meet, one says: "You son of a bitch, where are you going now?" The other will say: "Go find your old lady." This is really shameful, but no Wuhan person will care about it.

Another thing that often overwhelms outsiders is drinking.People in Wuhan value friendship very much, and regard drinking as a touchstone to measure the depth of friendship. What we deal with is their way of persuading people to drink.For example, if you refuse to drink with them in a big bowl, they will say disapprovingly: "It's not a girl, what's the matter!" live".This is quite a taste of northern men, carefree, "lack of heart and lungs". Indeed, generally speaking, people in Wuhan don’t have much mind, at least not as calculating and shrewd as the people in Shanghai, or as deep in the city and considerate as the people in Fuzhou.They often even do stupid things and don't make sense.For example, when you go shopping in a store in Wuhan and ask the price, if the salesperson happens to be unhappy, he will roll his eyes and say, "You don't know how to look!" This is a very unreasonable answer. It is also a very unreasonable answer.Because assuming that the product is worth ten yuan, the answer to "ten yuan" is only two words; the answer to "you don't know how to see it" is seven words.I said five more words, but I still haven't settled down.But the people of Wuhan will not settle this account.They would rather not fall behind, but also openly show their impatience.

So, if you know Wuhan people well, and don't care too much about their "bad" attitude, then you will find that they are actually very easy to get along with.Because they have a straightforward nature in their bones, sometimes even a bit like children (in their own words, it is "like a little boy").Or to be more precise, like a spoiled, arrogant kid.Children are always easier to get along with than adults.The most important thing is to exchange hearts and become one.If you really become "meme friends" with them, then, no, you can pat him on the shoulder and pull his ear and call him "son of a bitch"

People in Wuhan love to play like children.However, Wuhan people's love of playing is different from Chengdu people's love of playing.People in Chengdu love to play, and they really do play, while people in Wuhan often call it fun, such as "playing with friends", "playing with water".Playing with water is actually swimming.There are people who love swimming all over the country, but it seems that only Wuhan is the only place where swimming is called "playing with water".The summer in Wuhan is long, the temperature is high, and there are many rivers and lakes. Playing with water has become a common hobby of Wuhan people.The climax or feat of Wuhan people's "playing with water" is to cross the Yangtze River.This matter was led by Mao Zedong.Mao Zedong not only set a precedent for crossing the Yangtze River, but also wrote the famous sentence "Crossing the Yangtze River for thousands of miles, the eyes of Chu Tianshu are as far as the eye can see", which made Wuhan People's Congress face and was greatly encouraged.So crossing the Yangtze River has become an annual event in Wuhan.But this thing is really not fun, it must be excellent in water.But the people of Wuhan never tire of it.So I often think, fortunately, people in Wuhan just love to "play with water".If you love "playing with fire", that's fine.

Another manifestation of the portraits of children in Wuhan is that they don't pay much attention to eating.When they eat, they tend to be "straightforward".Especially eating hot dry noodles.Hot and dry noodles are a kind of snack unique to Wuhan. They are usually eaten for breakfast, but also for lunch and evening.There are many processes for making hot and dry noodles.First, cook the noodles the night before, take them out, spread them out to cool, and mix them with sesame oil.When eating the next day, boil a large pot of boiling water, heat the noodles in a strainer, then mix with sesame paste, sesame oil, diced mustard, shrimp skin, soy sauce, monosodium glutamate, pepper, green onion, ginger rice, garlic paste, chili ( This is the most authentic method, but now most of them cut corners), fragrant, hot, and extremely stimulating to the taste.The people from Wuhan took it, and instigated it sparingly, answering it, answering it, going to it again and again, and eating it in the blink of an eye.The next day, I came to eat again, never chewing slowly, and never getting tired of eating.So some people say that whether you like hot dry noodles or not is the touchstone for distinguishing authentic Wuhan people from non-authentic Wuhan people.During the Cultural Revolution, educated youth in many places had their own "Songs of Educated Youth", among which Nanjing's song was the most famous, with some sentimental lyrics and music, and the author was wanted and criticized for this reason.The "Song of the Educated Youth" in Wuhan was neither sentimental nor criticized.Because the "Song of the Educated Youth" in Wuhan is actually: "I love Wuhan's hot and dry noodles." Loving hot and dry noodles cannot be regarded as "revisionism", nor can it be related to "line struggle".

I love to eat hot and dry noodles. I think it is due to the personality of Wuhan people: refreshing and strong, crisp and neat.When dealing with interpersonal relationships, they also like to eat hot and dry noodles, and they don't talk, don't beep, and don't put on airs.Indeed, as Fang Fang said: "Wuhan people are very sincere." Their outspoken character makes it difficult for them to tell lies even if they want to.Especially, "When he believes that you are a good person, he is absolutely sincere to you. He will work hard for you and don't want to repay you. Of course, he may be careless and sloppy in the process of doing things, but he is sincere. But the heart of people can be seen everywhere." ("Wuhan People Are Specially True") Of course, Wuhan people are not "sweet" (stupid), they also appreciate "thieves" (smart).For example, if they want to praise a child, they will say: "Ah, this kid is such a 'thief'!" Of course they want to be a "thief".However, generally speaking, most of the "thieves" of Wuhan people are on the bright side and can be seen through at a glance.They will also play a little narrow-minded, make some small moves, play some tricks, and set up small ambushes when they are digging out their hearts and lungs, but they often show their feet accidentally.Because their nature is frank.Therefore, although they also want to learn to be a little cunning and play a little deep, but most of them don't seem to be good at learning and playing. Instead, they are called "bad fire" and "(talker)". People in Wuhan are easy to get along with because they don't have too much "poverty" -- they don't pay attention to "etiquette" like Beijing people, and they don't pay attention to "appearance" like Shanghai people.If there is one thing to pay attention to, it is "taste".The "taste" of Wuhan people is indeed a kind of exquisiteness: it can neither be absent or understood, nor too much or too large. "Food taste" is disliked by others, "not knowing taste" is disgusting, and "taste is too strong" will offend people. "You're a very serious person", which is tantamount to accusing the other party of putting on airs, which is not meaningful. It can be seen that the philosophy of life of Wuhan people is relatively simple, and it is generally based on a "way of the rivers and lakes".People in Wuhan are indeed more "jianghu".They are far from being the "most urbanized" group.Although Wuhan has been established for a long time, and the people of Wuhan are more or less popular, but they yearn for the rivers and lakes in their bones. It can be said that "in the downtown area, the heart is in the rivers and lakes", and Beijingers "live in the imperial capital, but in the wilderness". Quite similar.This is probably because Beijing is surrounded by countryside, while Wuhan has always been a water and land port.The wharf is often the distribution center for the people of the rivers and lakes, and the set of the rivers and lakes is always popular on the wharf.Over time, the way of the rivers and lakes is very popular among Wuhan people, and Wuhan people become a bit like people in the rivers and lakes.For example, the word "guaizi" was originally used to address the "boss" in gangs in the Jianghu, but Wuhan people use it to address their elder brothers: the eldest brother is called "big kidnapper", the second brother is called "two kidnappers", and the younger brother is called "big kidnapper". "Little kidnapper".Another example is "leaf", which is also a language in the Jianghu, referring to clothes.Wearing clothes on the body is like leaves growing on a tree. It is related to the image and also has a decorative effect.For this reason, Wuhan people also call watches "called leaves".Because the watch also has a decorative effect, but it also has a sound, so it is "called a leaf".People in Wuhan like these quack-like words very much, and they spread quickly. People in Wuhan also have a concept of "all brothers in the world" just like people in the rivers and lakes.For example, they call all married women "sisters-in-law", which is tantamount to treating their husbands as brothers. Of course, they also love to "huddle together" like people in the rivers and lakes.This is also similar to Beijingers.However, the circle of Beijingers is quite different from that of Wuhan people.Beijingers pay more attention to identity and category, while Wuhan people pay more attention to grievances. "Repay kindness with kindness and revenge with revenge" is the belief of Wuhan people.In their view, a person who can't tell the difference between gratitude and resentment must also be a person who can't tell right from wrong. Therefore, Wuhan people attach great importance to friendship.People who value friendship remember grievances, show loyalty, and respect promises.People in Wuhan have all these characteristics.For the sake of their brother's loyalty, they are not afraid to say some outrageous words, do some outrageous things, and even defy the law by themselves.For example, there were often group fights on the streets of Wuhan before.As for the poor service attitude in the store, it is because you are not his friend.If you are his friend, he will tell you if there are cheap and good things in the store.If you can't buy it for a while, he will keep it for you and refuse to sell it to others with a bad attitude.Anyway, once the people of Wuhan recognize you as a friend, they will be very helpful and generous, unlike people in some places who get close to you when there is nothing to do, and disappear when something happens.They are also not like people in some places, who look "gentle, courteous and thrifty", with a friendly smile on their faces, but their hearts are unfathomable.People in Wuhan have a clear distinction between what they like and what they hate.Their joys, anger, sorrows, grievances and resentments are all written on their faces.It's easy to deal with.Therefore, when many foreigners first arrived in Wuhan, they were disapproving and unbearable to the character of Wuhan people, but after getting along for a long time, they would like Wuhan people and even become Wuhan people themselves. In short, Wuhan people are very cute.They are straightforward, straightforward in nature, and attach great importance to friendship.To talk about faults, besides being fond of swearing, it is also very concerned about face and taste.Therefore, when dealing with Wuhan people, you must give yourself enough face and follow his hair.If you can do this, you will feel the tenderness behind their roughness. Wuhan people are basically not xenophobic.Except that people from Henan don't think highly of them, Wuhan people rarely call themselves "big Wuhan".People in Wuhan generally have a more open-minded attitude towards foreign cultures and foreign cultures.No xenophobia, no flattery, no self-importance, and no self-deprecation.Sea products, Hong Kong products and Han products are equally sold on the counters. Peking Opera, Henan Opera, Yue Opera, Han Opera and Chu Opera have a large number of audiences, unlike Henan and Shaanxi operas, which are dominated by Henan Opera and Qin Opera.Even the writers in Wuhan did not hold high the banners of "Xiang Army", "Sichuan Army" and "Northwest Army" in the literary world like Hunan, Sichuan, and Shaanxi.Wuhan, in general, is open, and has always been open.This kind of openness makes Wuhan people "both the boldness of the northerners and the wisdom of the southerners." I did it").This is undoubtedly a cultural advantage. With this cultural advantage, how can we not make great achievements?
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