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Reading City Chronicle

Reading City Chronicle


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  • 1970-01-01Published
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Chapter 1 sequence

Reading City Chronicle 易中天 954Words 2018-03-18
A city is an open book, and different people have different reading methods. I like to read about the city. Due to various reasons, I have been to some domestic cities more or less.Every time I go to a city, I have to inquire about its history, architectural relics, customs, taste the food there, stroll on the streets, learn a few dialects, folk proverbs, and Xiehouyu, and then come back to learn from others.At this time, there is always no shortage of enthusiastic listeners.Moreover, they are often not satisfied with being just listeners, but also participate in discussions, express their views on those cities, and compare them with the cities they live in.So I discovered that studying the city may actually be an interesting thing for many people.

Indeed, when it comes to cities, almost everyone has something to say. There have always been various folk songs about cities in China, such as "born in Hangzhou, died in Liuzhou".It is accompanied by two sentences: "Wear in Suzhou, eat in Guangzhou".Later, this joke was changed to "eat in Guangzhou, wear in Shanghai, talk in Beijing".This is because Shanghai's clothing has already surpassed that of Suzhou.However, Beijing is lackluster in terms of basic necessities of life, food, housing, transportation, birth, old age, sickness and death. The only thing that can boast is a mouth, as the saying goes, "Beijing Youzi, Weizuizi, and Baoding's dogleg".This is also an old joke about the city, but it has changed from the city to the people. In fact, to read the city is to read the people.Therefore, there are many sayings about the character of urban people, such as Wuhan people are "nine-headed birds" and Nanjing people are "big carrots".These ballads and sayings may as well be regarded as folk versions.They actually illustrate this point: Chinese cities are extremely readable.

Chinese cities are extremely readable, and there are so many readable cities in China!There are quite a few of them that we often talk about.For example, the great capital of Beijing, the international metropolis of Shanghai; the ancient capital of Xi'an, the old city of Luoyang, the special zone of Shenzhen, the holy land of Yan'an; the stone city of Nanjing, the spring city of Jinan, the flower city of Guangzhou, and the spring city of Kunming; Taiyuan, Chengdu where "windows contain snow for thousands of years in Xiling, and boats in Eastern Wu at the gate", Hangzhou where "the warm wind makes tourists drunk"; "Yangzhou, which accounts for two points, Quanzhou, where "the streets are full of saints" and so on.These cities have different styles, distinctive personalities, and are extremely "readable".Even some small towns, such as Xingcheng and Pingyao with intact and quaint city pools, Lijiang and Fenghuang with beautiful mountains and rivers and simple folk customs, Qianxian County and Shexian County where Huizhou merchants are based, Qixian County and Taigu where Shanxi merchants are strongholds, and "Looking Northwest" Chang'an, Ganzhou, where there are countless mountains, and Wanxian, where "all rivers meet and thousands of merchants gather", are also readable.If you have the conditions, you might as well read all the cities in the world: go to Luoyang to see peonies in spring, go to Beijing to see red leaves in autumn, go to Harbin to bask in the sun in winter, and "come to Taipei in summer to see the rain".Since Meng Tingwei has kindly invited you, why not take a leisurely walk?Of course, if you are like me and do not have this condition, then you can still read books.For example, read my book.

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