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Chapter 27 The function of the second brothel

Chinese man and woman 易中天 4472Words 2018-03-18
Engels said: "Monogamy supplemented by adultery and prostitution is in line with the age of civilization." In this sense, the emergence of prostitution can be said to be a worldwide historical phenomenon. However, the problem of prostitution in China seems to have some "characteristics" of its own.For example, many people visit brothels not necessarily to sleep with prostitutes.Some people just sit there, drink a cup of tea, and eat two snacks before leaving; some often come to chat with prostitutes, talk about everything, and are intimate, but they don’t have a sexual relationship, like two confidants friends of the opposite sex.This seems unbelievable, but it is true.So, why is there such a phenomenon?Besides sex, what else attracts men?This requires a brief introduction to the situation of prostitutes and brothels in ancient China.

Prostitutes in ancient China can generally be divided into two categories, namely "geisha" and "sexual prostitute". "Geisha" is evolved from "geisha", mainly providing art and entertainment services; "sex prostitute" is a relatively pure "prostitute" who lives by selling his appearance and body.From the history of the development of prostitutes, from the pre-Qin period to the Six Dynasties, geisha were the main ones; during the Tang and Song dynasties, there were probably two prostitutes coexisting;In short, geishas and sex prostitutes are two different types of prostitutes.

Geisha and sex prostitutes not only have different services, but also have their own differences in elegance and vulgarity.Generally speaking, to be qualified to be a geisha, one must not only be beautiful, but also talented; not only must one be talented, but must also be trained, and some of them can be called "artists".For example, Xu Yuehua, a prostitute in the Northern Wei Dynasty, was an artist playing konghou.Once, she "drummed the harp and sang, and the people mourned." After hearing this, passers-by on the street stopped to appreciate it. After a while, the door was crowded with people.Another example is Su Xiaoxiao, a famous prostitute in Qiantang in the Southern Qi Dynasty, a poet who once wrote the first poem written by a prostitute in the history of Chinese literature - "Song of Xiling". "Song of Xiling" says: "The concubine rides an oil-painted cart, and the man rides a green horse. Where can we get together? Under the pines and cypresses of Xiling." This poem describes the love affair between a prostitute and her "Prince Charming", which is subtle and meaningful. Simple and beautiful.Because of Su Xiaoxiao's poetic talents, people in later generations wrote poems to miss her.Until the Qing Dynasty, Su Xiaoxiao's tomb was still a famous historical site, and some literati still lingered and paid tribute to her, which shows its great influence and charm.

Sex prostitutes certainly do not have such "class" and "charm".The better ones, with their youth and beauty, might be able to rip off customers.If they were close, they had to stand on the street and eagerly solicit customers.These prostitutes, in the evening, hover in front of teahouses and restaurants, seduce customers, and sell themselves, which is called "zhanguan".After getting a guest, negotiate a good price, and then go back to bed.Come ruthless, go unintentional, a pure transaction of money and flesh.After the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the so-called "prostitutes everywhere" were mainly sex prostitutes of this type.

Prostitutes have different skills, and brothels also have high and low levels. The most advanced brothel is called "brothel". The term "brothel" originally refers to luxurious and exquisite buildings, and sometimes it is used as a synonym for wealthy and high-ranking families, such as "opening a rich gate in the south, looking at a brothel in the north".The Zhumen has a red-lacquered gate, and the brothel is a green-lacquered high-rise. Outside the Zhumen, there are servants guarding them. Inside the brothel, there are probably prostitutes, right?So when I arrived in Nanliang, there was a poem "Advocating a concubine is too much to worry about, and end going to the brothel" (Liu Miao).However, the "advocating concubine" mentioned here is probably just a domestic prostitute.

In the Tang Dynasty, "brothel" gradually became a special reference to the place of fireworks.The so-called "dancing brothel prostitutes, double maids and white jade boys" (Li Bai), the so-called "yellow leaves are still wind and rain, the brothel orchestrates itself" (Li Shangyin), and "Yangzhou dream after ten years, won the honor of the brothel" (Du Mu), referring to All are brothels.Of course, only brothels that meet the "star" standard can be called brothels.But the ability of the Chinese is that they are never afraid of boasting and flattering each other.For example, in the Song Dynasty, no matter whether they were officials or not, they dared to be called "official people", so there were titles such as "Guan Guan" and "Guan Guan".Therefore, in the end, even ordinary brothels gradually called themselves "brothels".

The prostitutes in the brothel are generally geisha, and there are also sex and art prostitutes. Both services are provided.But in any case, reciting poems, playing piano and singing songs are still the most important programs and the main source of income for brothels.Guests who have no artistic interest and artistic accomplishment will generally not patronize here, because it will make them waste a lot of "wrong money". Mid-range brothels are called "restaurants".The service provided here is not mainly "beauty of sensuality", but "pleasure of appetite".The cooking and utensils of the restaurant are extremely exquisite, and there are gorgeously dressed, young and beautiful girls to accompany the wine.Delicious food and wine, fresh soup and desserts, singing with stringed pipes, singing of warblers and swallows, all night long.Of course, there is another secret room upstairs for his use.At night, these restaurants will "hang high red lanterns", so that people can tell at a glance that they are "red light districts" full of feasting and feasting.

The low-end brothel is called "Washe", which is a cheap brothel run by the government.As for the low-grade private brothels, I am afraid that they are not even tile houses, but just a dilapidated board room called "Liao";In the Ming Dynasty, there was also a place called "yaozi", which was not even qualified to be called "brothel", maybe it could only be called "prostitution den".Generally, poor people find a broken kiln, get a few beggar girls, lie naked in it, and let passers-by watch.Look at it, pick one, invest seven coins, and you can vent your desire.Therefore, later people called brothels "yaozi", prostitutes "yaojie", and hasty prostitution as "nailing". The origin is here.

We don't have to worry about kilns and washers, because that's relatively simple.Brothels and restaurants are different.People don't go there just for sex. The main clients of the brothel are relatively wealthy literati and officials, as well as more refined businessmen and warriors.They go there mainly to obtain relaxation and tranquility, to relax their bodies and minds, to enjoy good food and wine, music and dance, or to dance, write and write poems.Even if you spend the night there, you want to get a rest in the warm and fragrant jade, so that you can temporarily forget the annoying government affairs, disturbing fame and alluring benefits, and experience a state of "forgetting both favor and disgrace".

In fact, brothels are designed for this purpose. First of all, the location of the brothel is very particular. It must be in the urban area, which is convenient for guests to come and go, but also not noisy, so as not to affect the mood.Generally choose a place where you can find peace in the midst of trouble.It is best to use a small alley next to the thoroughfare.It is best to have willows in front of the door, which means "depending on people"; it is best to have running water outside the window, which means "endless".The architecture of the house is also very elegant.The hall should be wide, the courtyard should be beautiful, with flowers planted in the front and back, strange rocks erected in the left and right, fish swimming in the pool, and curtains hanging in the pavilion.The interior furnishings are even more exquisite, and there must be piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, brushes, ink, paper and inkstones. It looks like an "art salon" rather than a "butcher's shop".Entering such a place, first of all, it will make people feel refreshed, and the aura of illness, bad luck, and fatigue will be swept away.

Secondly, dishes, snacks, fruits, tableware, wine cups, and teacups must be very delicate and clean.High-end brothels are managed by top chefs, and the service is extremely attentive.The dishes are light, the wine is pure, the tea is fragrant, and the utensils are clean, and they are brought over by pairs of slender hands, and the birds are singing and swallowing, and the guests are entertained, without the yelling and drinking at the banquet of ordinary people. 6. Isn't it a special enjoyment to scream wildly? Thirdly, and most importantly, there are girls who are both talented in color and art.These girls have received special training, and they are all charming and graceful.Although as prostitutes, they will "sell themselves" after all, but the high-end brothel prostitutes do not dedicate themselves easily; and many guests come here, and they are quite polite.Because meeting and talking with these brothel girls, listening to their melodious songs, watching their fresh calligraphy and paintings, the sexual tension can be greatly relieved.What's more, the temperament of highly cultivated prostitutes often makes people feel that they dare not be insulted.For example, Zhao Ji, Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty, went to the famous prostitute Li Shishi’s house in Tokyo for the first time. He drank tea, ate fruits, watched the scenery, ate supper, and bathed in fragrant soup. After a long time, he saw Li Shishi.After listening to a piece of music, he went back to the palace without even touching his fingers, and Lord Long Live felt "interesting and leisurely" and very satisfied. Brothel is not only a good place to relax, but also a good place to appreciate art.In fact, in the era without theaters, cinemas, karaoke halls, and dance halls, brothels were an important place for art.Although China has always had a national song and dance troupe, it was exclusively for the emperor, and it is rare for ordinary people to see it.As the saying goes, "This song should only exist in the sky, and it can be heard several times in the world." If folks want to appreciate more elegant songs and dances, they have to go to places that are not elegant to say the least.Ancient brothels, even those of a slightly higher class, could provide music and dance services.The difference may be that the middle and low grades only have obscene words and pornographic songs, while the high grades only have clear and elegant sounds.Of course, if the guests are happy, they can also "karaoke" for a while, accompanied by accompaniment, singing, dancing, and cheering. This is a fun that cannot be enjoyed at home. There is a well-known story that, although it did not take place in a brothel, involved prostitutes.The story says that one day, Tang Dynasty poets Wang Changling, Gao Shi and Wang Zhihuan came to Qiting in the cold and light snow.Coincidentally, there are more than a dozen Liyuan Linggong and four geisha also drinking here.The three poets met and said, we will wait quietly to see who they sing more poems, and whoever is the great poet.After a while, a geisha sang: "Cold and rainy rivers enter Wu at night, Pingming sees guests off in Chushan Gu. Relatives and friends in Luoyang ask each other, a heart of ice is in the jade pot." Wang Changling was overjoyed, and drew his hand to paint the wall and said: "A quatrain!" , Another geisha sang: "Open the suitcase with tears in your eyes, and see the emperor's book before the day. How lonely the night terrace is, it's like Ziyun's residence." Gao Shi was overjoyed, and also drew his hand to paint the wall and said: "A quatrain!" After a while, the third A geisha sang: "Bong broom Pingming opened the Golden Palace, forced to hang around with the round fan. The jade face is not as beautiful as a jackdaw, and it still brings the shadow of Zhaoyang sun." Wang Changling was more happy, and drew his hand to paint the wall and said: "Second quatrains!".But Wang Zhihuan pointed to the one with the best sex skills and said, if she doesn't sing my poems in a while, I won't argue with you all my life.After a while, the most beautiful geisha really sang: "The Yellow River is far above the white clouds, an isolated city of Wanren Mountain. Why should the Qiang flute blame the willows? The spring breeze does not cross the Yumen Pass." Wang Zhihuan laughed and said to Gao Shi and Wang Changling , buddy, how is it?I'm right! This story fully demonstrates that prostitutes are one of the most important disseminators of new literary works in the era without newspapers, periodicals, radio, television and other media.Once the literati's poems were first sung by famous prostitutes and spread by prostitutes, they immediately became household names and became famous all over the world.The "evaluation of flowers" mentioned above is the literati's rating of prostitutes; but the "flag pavilion painting wall" mentioned here is not a prostitute's evaluation of the poet's title? Poetry and songs are spread by prostitutes, and music and dance are performed by prostitutes. The development of Chinese literature and art has the contribution of prostitutes, and the prosperity of Chinese literature and art has the credit of brothels.Exquisite art, as well as exquisite architecture and exquisite food, are also one of the reasons that attract people to brothels. The brothel was also an important social place. Chinese social interaction is called "entertainment".The word entertainment is derived from "entertainment". "Remuneration" is a toast from the host, which is not enough, but also a hostess.Alcoholic wine and beauties are indispensable, and brothels happen to have both.The women in the brothel are well-trained, gentle and affectionate, but also articulate. They can play the piano, sing, tell jokes, and flirt.Appreciate both refined and popular tastes, mixed with meat and vegetables, the effect is excellent.Therefore, many social activities of the ancients were arranged in brothels, and the requirements for eloquence of brothel women sometimes exceeded their beauty. Two examples illustrate well the eloquence of a courtesan. Around the Xuande period of the Ming Dynasty, three Yangs (Yang Rong, Yang Shiqi, and Yang Pu) were in charge of the country and served as cabinet ministers at the same time. They were called "Sange Lao".Once, Sange always had a "entertainment" and was accompanied by a prostitute named Qi Yaxiu.Qi Yaxiu was late on purpose in order to make people laugh.Elder Sange asked her what she was doing, and she said she was reading at home; he asked her what book she was reading, and she said it was "Biography of Martyr Girls".When prostitutes read "Biography of Martyrs", it is naturally extremely absurd, so the boss of Sange laughed and said, "Bitch is rude".Unexpectedly, Qi Yaxiu replied: "I am a bitch, and everyone is a male monkey".As soon as this remark came out, all those who heard it applauded and applauded.It turns out that "male monkey" is a homonym for "gonghou".The old man in Sange is an extremely personable minister, with power in the court and the public, so he is of course a "prince".But "gonghou" corresponds to "bitch", so it sounds like "male monkey".Qi Yaxiu not only teased the prime minister, but she was not afraid to pursue it, so of course she was extremely clever.If you think about it deeply, it is not difficult to think that the "princes" of the Manchu Dynasty are just "male monkeys"; If Qi Yaxiu is clever and slightly vulgar, then Guo Shixiu is clever and cunning.Guo Shixiu was a famous prostitute in the Tang Dynasty, and she had a very good relationship with the scribe Wang Yuanding.Zhongshu Province's participation in politics, Arwin, was also interested in Guo Shixiu, and once asked Guo half-jokingly: How do you think I compare with Wang Yuanding?Guo Shixiu replied: "Participating in politics is a minister; Yuan Ding is a literati. If you want to govern the government and serve the emperor and the people, the Yuan Ding is not as good as participating in politics; if you mock the wind and play with the moon, cherish the jade and pity the fragrance, you will not dare to look at the Yuan Ding when you participate in politics." This answer. It was wonderful.It not only explained his own feelings (Wang Yuanding is a passionate literati, so it is easier to please women), politely rejected A Luwen (your old man is a pillar of the country, so naturally he disdains the affection of his children), and did not offend A Luwen (the pillar of the country) Naturally, he has a higher status and face than a passionate literati).Such diplomatic rhetoric, even Su Qin and Zhang Yi's generation, I am afraid they will feel ashamed. With such quick-witted and articulate prostitutes as companions, can social activities be lively and effective?Therefore, since the Tang Dynasty, prostitutes were indispensable in many etiquette activities, and many important decisions were actually made in brothels and hotels. All of the above are the functions of the brothel.
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