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Chapter 12 2 From Taboo to Chastity

Chinese man and woman 易中天 4112Words 2018-03-18
At the same time as the "sex worship", the "sex taboo" also began. From a physiological point of view, men have no sexual taboos.Women are not.Menstrual period, pregnancy and childbirth are their taboo periods.Therefore, out of the need for physiological protection, women generally adopt an evasive attitude towards sex life during the above-mentioned period, refuse sexual teasing and harassment by men, and almost instinctively feel disgusted and disgusted with all sexual behaviors and things related to sex. Emotions, or at least apathy. However, it is difficult for men to understand and accept.

Men in primitive times were probably full of energy and sexual desire.They are still in the barbaric era, and it is not too long since they have bid farewell to animals, and they still retain a lot of wildness and brute strength, unlike the men in the later civilized era who are as elegant, lingering, calm and "gentle, courteous and thrifty".Their average life expectancy is very short, and their life is fleeting, so they need "timely enjoyment"; they drink blood all year round, jump and run, and they have a good physique and strength, and few of them are impotent.Besides, they have no scientific knowledge of physical hygiene, and do not understand the special physical characteristics of their female compatriots.Therefore, it is entirely possible for these ignorant wild boys to act on their own will regardless of whether the sisters are willing or not, and even take advantage of their size and strength to forcibly have sex with women.We still don't know exactly whether there were "rapes" in primitive times (because animals are not raped).But even if those men don't come to rape, they just come to tease and pester blindly, which is enough to be annoying.

Of course women have to deal with it.The way to deal with it, of course, cannot rely on physical strength, but can only rely on wisdom. "Sex taboo" is a smart way.Taboo is called taboo in cultural anthropology, transliterated as "tabu", and is often used for things and things that are considered both sacred and dangerous, both pure and dirty.Its establishment is based on the psychology of human fear, and it is a contradictory mixture of human fear and desire, terror and temptation.That is to say, in order to prevent those temptations and desires that shouldn't be there, there is only intimidation and deception.For example, in primitive times menstruating women were kept in isolation because they were bleeding.Bloodshed was a terrible thing in primitive times, because it often meant death.In this way, bleeding women are not only dangerous to themselves (so they are isolated for protection); they are also a threat to others (so they must be isolated for protection).At this time, if a man sees menstrual blood, he will be "unlucky for blood"; if he has sexual intercourse with it, he will even offend the gods.All of these are "taboos".

This kind of taboo, we might as well call it "physiological taboo". Another type of taboo is psychological. Such taboos arise from women's sexual choices. In primitive times, human beings had no family but groups, no husband and wife but only sexual partners.In this era, the sexual relationship between men and women is quite casual. Women can be "as husbands as they can be", and men can be "as wives as they can be".A man may choose only one sexual partner, or he may have sex with several women.Likewise, a woman may choose only one sexual partner, or she may have sex with several men.As long as both parties are willing, society has no restrictions on this, and other people don't care, because everyone is the same anyway.

However, arbitrariness does not mean arbitrariness, let alone fornication.The relationship between the sexes at this time should be said to be "unrestricted, with choices."Among them, what plays a decisive role is the choice of sex, especially the choice of women to male partners. From a genetic point of view, sexual selection comes from man's animal ancestors.In his famous book "The Origin of Man and Sexual Selection", Darwin convincingly proved with a large number of facts that in the sexual relationship of animals, sexual selection plays an extremely important role, and most females choose males.During the mating season, male animals must show their "charm" and win the "heart" of females through various methods, such as peacocks opening their tails and often fighting between male animals.Those male animals who win in the "beauty contest" or "boxing match" can get a mate of their own, and may even "wives and concubines", while those who lose have to fight "bachelor", or lose their mates and become male animals. "widower".

In primitive times, the situation of human beings was similar. At that time, sexual partners were basically chosen by each person, and most of them were women who chose men.Grosse said in the book "The Origin of Art": "Among primitive peoples, as among higher animals, there are no old maids." No matter what, a woman will always find a sexual partner, as long as she is not taboo Shared one with other sisters, but men can't get it right and they will get byes again and again.Therefore, men in the primitive era, like male animals, paid special attention to grooming and grooming, and of course they also paid more attention to their own performance.Braddock said in the book "The Marriage Bed" that a man of a primitive nation has two means to win the favor of a girl: "One is his extraordinary and outstanding dancing skills, and the other is the head of a heroic enemy he possesses. These two hands are obviously the "authentic heirs" of the animal world: the former comes from the opening of the peacock, the latter from the aggressiveness of the rooster; one shows beauty, the other shows heroism; and the most authoritative referee is to sit still and fish. woman at the desk.

This really makes a woman proud for a while. When she was proud, the woman had an impulse of self-discipline.She wants to control her sexual desire, from "everyone can be a husband" to "a soft spot".This is often a very natural process.After having had relationships with many men, she will have a particular liking for a certain man, and she is only willing to have sex with him alone.From then on, the doors of her heart and body will only be opened to the person she admires, and she will not open her arms to anyone casually.On the contrary, they will also have disgust and aversion to other people's nonsense, showing sexual indifference.At this time, she will feel that her sexual organs are extremely holy and precious things.It must be protected and covered, not only is it not allowed to enter casually, but it cannot be seen casually. In short, it has become a kind of taboo, a kind of taboo for women about their own sexual organs and sexual characteristics.This is a psychological taboo, we might as well call it "primitive chastity".

Primitive chastity is women's conscious behavior, which realizes "self-protection" and "self-improvement" through "self-sanction".At the same time, human beings may have discovered the harm of group marriage and hybridization to races and society, and it is necessary to restrain and regulate it.At this time, the women in the active position took the lead in "legislating by themselves" and "starting with me", which should be said to be quite great. For this kind of "closed door policy" for women, men are obviously not welcome and even quite annoyed.Because as Engels pointed out in "The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State": "It never occurred to men, even today, to give up the convenience of de facto group marriage." Perhaps it was at this time that rape began to occur up.Whether in ancient times or modern times, rape is a kind of destruction and destruction of women's chastity.Therefore, we have reason to believe that rape cases must have occurred for the first time after the concept of women's chastity was established, and after women determined to keep chastity, there must also be a period of frequent rape cases.And I guess, this period may be after the penis ascended the altar of reproductive worship, and it is exactly the same time as "the snake devours the frog".

This speculation is not without reason.As mentioned earlier, although primitive chastity originated from a special liking for women psychologically, it is manifested in the form of women's cherishing and protection of their own sexual organs.For this kind of cherishing and protection to be possible, there must be a social and cultural environment and background, and the worship of female reproduction just provides this cultural atmosphere.When the female sexual organ is especially worshiped as sacred, it is of course inviolable.Therefore, the worship of female reproduction is not only the umbrella of female dignity, but also the general background of female chastity.In the same way, to destroy and destroy this chastity, the only way is to put the male genitalia on the altar and make it an "equal" thing with the female genitals.

Thus, a new program was performed on the original sacred altar. As soon as the male root came on stage, it was almost full of violence and evil. As mentioned earlier, snakes in primitive times were, in any case, repulsive, loathsome and fearful.Therefore, the earliest symbol of male root worship was not a snake, but a cute bird, and later there were lizards, turtles, deer, etc.But finally, the snake was used.As soon as the snake appeared on the stage, it turned its face and refused to recognize anyone. Not only did it devour the frog, but even Nuwa was forced to "lose her body" and turned into a snake.

In fact, the so-called image of "a snake devouring a frog" has two cultural connotations.From the perspective of social system, it means that patriarchy has replaced matriarchy; from the perspective of gender relations, it means that sexual desire has replaced reproduction.As I have said before, the worship of the vulva is essentially the worship of reproduction.Its purpose is to have more children to resist death, but it is different to preserve the cult of the male root of the race.On the surface, it is also a reproductive worship, but in fact it is "clearly repairing the plank road and secretly crossing the old warehouse", transitioning from reproductive worship to sexual worship.It worships not fecundity but sexual pleasure; not fertile belly but a majestic phallus.In a sense, the appearance of the male root is the beginning of the fall of mankind. The "Bible" said that the fall of mankind was caused by the temptation of the serpent, and this may have the meaning in it. This good show, of course, starts with women's sexual pleasure.Sexual pleasure makes women think that a man's thing is really a good thing, so they tolerantly let it go to the altar to enjoy the sacrifice fireworks.Encouraged men naturally paid back with their own good performance.However, when a woman is determined to remain chaste, the man who has obtained a status of equal respect refuses to agree, and thinks he has the right to refuse.As a result, a fire was inevitable, and rape undoubtedly became the most horrible scene.It is difficult to say now whether men at that time really consciously used their sexual organs as weapons.But it is certain that once a man decides to attack, a woman cannot win.In addition to physical reasons, the economic base undoubtedly plays a decisive role.At this time, productivity has been greatly developed, and the increase in social wealth is often attributed to men.That is to say, the status of men has improved with the increase of wealth, which is why they are so rampant, presumptuous and open-minded. In short, the result of this struggle is that men happily admit the need for women to keep chastity, while women resign themselves to chastity.That is to say, in the later society, keeping chastity is no longer a woman's right, but her obligation.Not only can she be chaste, but she must be chaste, not for herself, but for a man. This seems contradictory: Don't men disapprove of women's chastity, and don't they have a natural "group marriage tendency"?That's right.So men are opposed to women's chastity from the beginning. But the man figured it out quickly. The reason is also very simple, because men not only have "group marriage tendency", but also "jealous psychology".Engels mentioned "male jealousy" many times in "The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State".This kind of jealousy makes them unable to tolerate their women having sex with other men, and women's chastity can just satisfy this psychology. All that remains is to seize power. In fact, until a long time later, a man's sexual psychology was still very contradictory: he hoped that his women would be strictly chastity, while other women were better off as whores. There is a story in "Warring States Policy" that there was a man from Chu State who had two wives.Someone tried to tease them, but the older one sternly refused, but the younger one readily agreed.Not long after, the Chu man died.So someone asked the teaser: The two women you like can marry now, will you marry the older one or the younger one?The man replied: of course marry the older one.Others asked again: The older one rejected you, and the younger one agreed to you, why did you marry the older one?The man said with a smile, when they were other people's wives, of course they wished that they would all agree to me; now that they are my wives, of course I hope they can also reject others for me! This kind of psychology is really selfish, but it is a pity that this kind of selfish psychology is in harmony with private ownership.Under the conditions of private ownership, women, like land and livestock, are the private property of men.Combined with private ownership and jealousy, what human tragedy cannot be created?So later, the chastity originally invented by women to protect their pure love from being violated has become a shackle around women's necks, while men can satisfy their group marriages by taking concubines and prostitutes. Desire, how unfair this is! However, as Engels pointed out, "the mutual tolerance of adult males and the elimination of jealousy" are "the first conditions for forming a larger and lasting group".Therefore, in addition to obtaining the right to keep virginity from women, a series of effective systems must be established to prevent sexual competition between men and maintain social stability and group unity. Thus, "patriarchal law" came into being.
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