Home Categories Essays The reflection of the left hand, the age of the right hand
I like Wong Kar Wai's movies starting 17+N years ago, where N is greater than or equal to zero. I am 17 years old now, and my math teacher said that the value range of N is really unreasonable. In fact, there is nothing unreasonable. To put it in a sentence that everyone understands: In my previous life, I loved Wong Kar-wai's movies to death, and then when I drank Mengpo soup, I drank less or spit out a little bit, and that point was precisely used. To eliminate the things about Wong Kar Wai in my mind, so the preferences of the previous life will continue to work hard in this life.

When it comes to meng po soup, I think this can make a movie similar to Wong Kar-wai's style.It was pitch black at the beginning of the scene, and then a beam of light came down from above, illuminating a very vicissitudes of life man, the expression on his face was calm or numb, and then the deep voice-over began to emerge. Po Tang, so I have some inexplicable memories in this life, they make my life trance, very good, I think maybe I can be a great director in the future, like Wong Kar Wai.Or as a script writer, someone like Li Bihua is also good.I remember when I first watched Wong Kar-wai's movie, I secretly said to myself that I would write scripts for Wong Kar-wai in the future.Later I found out that Wong Kar Wai never used scripts when making movies.laugh.

On the left bank of the river there is a man named Zuo An.He popped up in my subconscious on my screenplay. Zuo An is a rock musician and a very spiritual poet.He has long, shiny hair, bright eyes, and thin lips. Zuo An is called Zuo An instead of Right An because he is extreme, angry, impulsive, and conceited.Very left. Just like I used to be. It is hard to imagine that a sixteen or seventeen-year-old child would fit the above four words.But sometimes there are miracles or surprises. In "Chongqing Forest", Wang Jiawei asked Kaneshiro Takeshi to eat canned pineapple non-stop, and kept waiting for a miracle.

On a sunny day when I was fifteen, I calmly stood up and interrupted the teacher's lecture, and then told him the to here.Not an infinitive structure but a preposition so it should not be followed by a verb prototype.Then I proudly waited for the teacher to praise me.As a result, I waited for a miracle. I was luckier than Takeshi Kaneshiro.What I waited for was the moment of extreme embarrassment from the English teacher and the subsequent uncontrollable anger.While waving his arms aimlessly in the air, he yelled at me: Sit down.I said: What's wrong is why you and I sat down, and then everything got out of hand.

Finally he said to me: Don't take my class in the future. Then I said to him: I can skip your class now. I remember slamming the door loudly as I rushed out of the classroom. Then I graduated from school with perfect marks in foreign language. When I left, I said to him: I finally won.His expression suddenly became very tired, as if struggling to shake the oil lamp before it went out.The so-called instant aging should be like this, right? When I turned around, I heard him whispering behind his back: So you never understood. I thought you understood. Now I am seventeen years old, standing in front of the gate of the adult world and looking inside.I think I was too young, too impulsive, too proud, too blind.In fact, everything is unnecessary, for a verb.

beautiful mistake. Looking back on the road is always thrilling.I remember Bai Yansong once said that.Alright, let's go back to Left Bank. He lives in an attic of a few square meters, and walks back and forth in the room barefoot every night.The wooden floor creaked. "It's not dark in the silent night / Taking advantage of the brilliance of the capital / Slowly going back and forth with the window open / The red light that suddenly lights up / Overwhelms me to peep / The truth is wandering with the window open." He will stand in front of the window and stare at the desolate outside The lamp murmured: If I could fly, I wouldn't be sad anymore Thinking of this will stop abruptly.If so the structure is not complete.Because Zuo An never thought about what happened after "then".So what will I do So what can I do?

The life on the left bank is a kind of monotonous repetition, with the emptiness of Wong Kar Wai and the triviality of Eileen Chang, like an hourglass turning over and over again or a movie that is constantly playing back.Zuo An adopts an evasive attitude towards real life, burying his head in the sand like an ostrich and singing loudly, I can’t see, I can’t see. Zuo An would miss his girlfriend—the ex-girlfriend.Think every hour, every minute, every second of every day. He always thinks about what she said when she broke up with him.Lots and lots of words.She said: You are too wandering and I am not used to wandering, you are too rebellious but I am fateful.You are a naturally lonely but talented child.Whoever is your girlfriend is the happiest person but also the most painful person.I'm very ordinary and I can't bear such a big gap.All I want is the ordinary—the kind where a light stays on until dawn.I just want someone who can talk to me who can give me roses that you think are tacky and who can put my hand in his pocket and ask me if I'm warm.I'm ordinary so you let me go.

Zuo An only said one sentence.He said: What if no one sings to you in the future.When Zuo An finished speaking this sentence, tears fell down in disorder.His and hers. Another night.Zuo An misses his girlfriend as usual.But today his thoughts are extremely presumptuous, like a scourge sweeping through all rational persistence.So one o'clock or two o'clock or three o'clock late at night, whatever the director arranges, it is late at night.Zuo An ran to the phone booth on the street to make a call. He held the microphone and said: I miss you, do you want to hear me sing?May I sing it to you?will you let me sing? ok?Is it done?

Then he crouched down and cried, with his head between his knees.And that's when the director could consider letting the headlights into the phone booth from time to time.One light and one dark. Then Zuo An stood up and walked back. Then the left bank heard a sharp brake sound, and he turned his head to see the glare of the headlights and the panicked eyes of the driver. Voiceover: I found out that my tears were so hot.I think it's time for me to go home.It was foggy, and there were shadows on the street.Why are there so many people in line in front, what are they waiting for, I squeezed to the front, and found a kind old mother in front of the line, she was drinking bowl after bowl of soup for the people in line.

THEEND My friend asked me after watching: Are you writing a horror film?I said yes, yes, is it well written?He said yes, yes, it was really good. Unexpectedly, it would be a horror movie to write about the hidden things in the life of a good student like me.It's shocking to think about it. On the right bank of the river is an honest man.If there is a man in this world who is built according to the most reassuring and least frightening conditions, then Right Bank is such a man.The reason why the right bank is called the right bank and not the left bank is because of his gentleness and submissiveness.Very right.

The right bank has simple solid-colored hair, wears appropriate clothes for the occasion, has a proper smile, and wears a calm and light cologne. Just like me now. I used to have a lot of edges and corners, even when I walked, I was flamboyant.I swayed with my backpack cross-body and put my hands in my pockets—note, it’s shaking, not walking—and I smiled at pretty girls when I saw them. But now I am walking quickly against the base of the wall with my backpack on my back, my eyes staring at my toes as if I am looking for something.The classmate said that the probability of me picking up the wallet is much higher than others. Now don't say let me slam the door loudly. When I was talking with the teacher, I was also thinking about how to use an unappealable look and how to spit out elegant and decent words.Because the teacher's evaluation is an important bargaining chip for the success of the third year of high school. When I was young, I wanted to be a great writer and write works that will last forever; when I was older, I wanted to be a best-selling novelist, and if many, many people came to buy my books, then I would have a lot of money; Biographies can be written about people who have too much money to spend and want to be famous. When I was young, my ideal was to be a scientist and make the motherland rich and strong; later on, my ideal was to have a lot of money; and now my ideal is to be able to go to Fudan University.To put it nicely, it means "starting from reality", but to put it bluntly, it means that I am becoming more and more secular. I am a good boy in the eyes of teachers and parents. I have pure eyes and a beautiful report card, a peaceful personality and other things that the elders regard as treasures.My mother's colleague often said to her: You see your son is really up-to-date, and your life is worth living. Well back to the right bank. You An takes the subway at the same time every morning and takes the same seat to go to work.When he walked out of the subway station, he would subconsciously block the glare of the sun with his hands.Also look at the blue sky cut into geometric shapes by tall buildings. Life on the Right Bank is also simple. Drink pure water in front of the computer during the day and coffee in front of the computer at night. Simple repetition. Repetition is an eternal theme in Wong Kar Wai's films.The fate of impermanence is presented in front of you again and again until N times, just like a person keeps tearing open a wound in front of you to prove to you that "I am bleeding", and finally forces you to panic, force you to feel distressed, force you to shed tears . It was another day, a repeating day, and Right Bank raised his hand to cover his eyes and looked up at the blue sky as usual when he took the subway to work.The difference is that he has to submit a plan today. Like him, another person, let's call him Little B for now, since he is a small person anyway, he also needs to submit a proposal.In the director's office, the director smiled and said, "Okay, it's basically ok, and I'll make changes if it's inappropriate." Then the plan was adopted by the company, but the planner became the director, and the names of You An and Xiao B appeared in the assistant column. The difference is that Xiao B reported to his superiors that he wanted to ask for an explanation, while You An sat calmly in front of the computer and drank pure water as usual. Later the director was promoted.On the day the director left, You An moved into the director's office.And little B was transferred to the reference room. Later, Right Bank became the youngest of the four department managers. Later, the right bank got married and had a daughter and a grandson was born. After the grandson was born, You An lay in the ward.But he is still fat, and You An has been fat since he was in his thirties.Lying in the hospital, You An would think that he never gained weight when he was studying. Right Bank used to start reminiscing in the sunny afternoon in the hospital, but the reminiscence always stopped when he graduated from university. Finally, one day, You An remembered his life after graduating from university, computers and purified water, computers and coffee. You An thought that he seemed to have lived many such days, there should be many, right?It should be a year or two, right? Then the right bank wanted to sleep.When the eyelids were about to close, You An saw a kindly old nurse coming to his bed and said to him: Get up, You An, it's time to drink soup. You An thought: The hospital is really good now, and there is still soup to drink THEEND friend said after reading it: Life in that right bank is really boring, it’s as painless as swallowing lukewarm water. attention. In fact, the life on the right bank is to develop a life that will definitely appear in the future according to the current state set by my elders. I don’t want to be scolded so badly by my friends. Secretly startled. The third bank of the river Even Shu Ting doesn't know where the third bank of the river is.But I know - it's the river bed!It's just another way of saying it.Just like my name on the Internet, the fourth dimension, in fact, the fourth dimension is just time.The third bank of the simple and complicated river does not belong to the right bank or the left bank (it belongs to me), it is the third bank, which belongs to the transition zone. Things in the transition zone are the most complicated and difficult to understand. For example, chemical transition elements give me quite a headache.But complexity has complex beauty, and it is better than being in two extremes.Mount Qomolangma is too cold, Turpan Basin is too hot, how good is the Central Plains. Just like me now. I am a sophomore in high school, living a vigorous life.Find every reason to be kind to yourself.I wasn't in the top three of the class, but I was always in the top twenty so as not to worry my parents too much.I love serious movies and Japanese idol dramas.I read Kafka, Oe Kenzaburo and also Gu Long and Wei Hui.I published articles in traditional magazines and said crazy things under the banyan tree. I often think about my own life, and I feel that I am a relatively deep person. Some people say: Everyone's story begins with his own tears and ends with others' tears.I think the person who said this is very smart but too fateful.Whether the decades between tears are bright or dark is entirely up to you.So I am neither the right bank nor the left bank, I am the third bank, so the scripts I write lack real experience and are difficult to operate.I really want to write about my own life. I think it must be a masterpiece with tens of thousands of words, but Han Han said: People who write autobiographies for themselves are very disgusting.He was in the limelight so I had to give up.Like I said, I'm not an outstanding person. Again, I hope to write a script for Wong Kar Wai.Although this sentence is also very unreasonable.But notice that I use the verb "hope".The same type of sentence is: "I wish I could fly." There is nothing unreasonable in thinking this way.
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