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Chapter 16 august sky high people impetuous

I wrote on page four of my new diary: August is a crazy season. The students in the third year of high school went to the sky and went to the earth, leaving me with an empty world.I dance lightly between heaven and earth, but the more I dance, the more desolate I become. Zhu Ziqing in "Moonlight in the Lotus Pond" said: "They are the ones who are lively, and I have nothing." In fact, I am very lively, but I still have nothing. Except impetuous.August makes me fidgety. I began to waste a lot of time walking between the forests of this city, watching the lights flickering all over the city, the busy traffic, the street signs one after another, the way women with impeccable make-up make phone calls while walking, and the rare kites in the sky in August , Seeing that my footprints were stepped on, covered, and disappeared by the crowd behind me just after I left them, as if I had never been here.What sky has no trace of wings yet I've flown over, see the big fucking ghost.And all of this is like a hint of August to me, and I gradually understand the language of the seasons.

I began to forego instant coffee in favor of ground beans, even though it was a waste of what my parents considered golden time.One hour is not only equivalent to 60 grams of gold, but also equivalent to a regular 800-word composition with 50 English words, 20 unfamiliar chemical equations and 3 difficult math problems.Watching the coffee I make is often rewarding, and I understand why parents love their children so much. They make sophisticated, obedient children who are, of course, more fulfilling.But I feel more tragic, but I don't think any parent will feel tragic when they see their children.

I began to daydream about my life of spending money like water in the future.My friend Fei Yuan once said that she also wanted to live the life of BMW Xiangche, but everything must be based on the premise of "if I win the million-dollar lottery".In the dream of the dream, in the dream of the dreamer, maybe everything will be a little more beautiful.There is a brave new world waiting for me in the distance, but how do I get there?subway?airplane?train?FERRY SERVICE?Or walk slowly like me?Or is it like Alice roaming? I began to lose confidence in my future and waver.I want to be a great writer, but I don’t want to go against my parents’ wishes and become an excellent talent in science and engineering. I want to give up the science I studied for two years and go to liberal arts just so that I can get into the Chinese department, but this idea is only three seconds away. Zhong was ruthlessly denied afterward.My friend Feiyuan said: "Even a wise man like Robert Frost would hesitate between fish and bear's paw, not to mention there are abalone and hairy crab in front of me." To be more serious, there is a full banquet in front of me.

For all the above, my mother said that I was impetuous, but I think she can be called a master of language.Faye Wong's impetuousness has three lonely syllables: LAJABO, while my impetuousness is silent.The hustle and bustle is destined to be far away from me, but I don't know if what I have is quiet or silence.Little A is right: sometimes the silence is more public than the noise. For example, we always walk numbly with our heads down under the huge noise of the plane taking off and will not stop, but we will stop and look up when a bird flies across the sky. Even if "the sky has no trace of wings".

In fact, I still have a lot of plans and goals.For example, I made up my mind very early on that I would start to fully enter the sprint stage of the third year of high school on August 1st before the advent of the third year of high school, go to bed late and wake up early to be healthy. Distribute tenacious life together with incandescent lamps!For example, I decided from the very beginning of my summer vacation that I would go to the English summer camp of C University, and I wanted to become a god who integrated grammar, listening, and speaking.But in the end, everything was declared shattered. My ideal was born brilliantly together with the bubble economy and then disappeared vigorously.On August 10th, I only got up near noon every day, brushed my teeth, washed my face, and wore contact lenses. Occasionally, I was unlucky and knocked over a few stools while walking around.The English summer camp was eventually replaced by math remedial classes—I couldn’t break my face with math, because I had to rely on it to help me enter the university, so I flattered and groveled to it in every possible way, and I was merciless to the authorities, even though I knew how to deal with foreigners. Making friends would make me quite happy, but I decisively gave up the summer camp at C University.

As for the goal of "going to bed late and getting up early", my completion was anticlimactic. "Wake up early" was not achieved, but "going to bed late" was completed with quality and quantity, and the incandescent lamp was dying with me in the dark.But under the 45-watt light, there are five very thick complete works of ancient dragons.I started to re-examine this author who fascinated me so much in junior high.Ten days later, I discovered the connotation of "Heaven is jealous of talents", and at the same time lamented Gu Long's untimely death. When I was dreaming that day, I saw Huamanlou. The handsome blind man opened his hands and said to me: I have Wanhuamanlou.So I also opened my hands very nastyly and said affectionately: I have a cabinet full of thousands of rolls.And showed him the test papers with various scores, completely ignoring how a person in the world of martial arts would face the subjunctive mood and chemical balance in English, and he couldn't see it at all.After waking up, I thought it was a good joke, so I called Xiao A to tell it, but he said that my brain was burnt out.

In fact, I have always admired Mr. Hua, who is gentle, kind, full of vitality and full of gratitude. It may be the wisest move for Gu Long to let him see things.But I, a new youth who can see the colorful world under the support of modern technology lenses, is happily jumping around like a donkey with a young life, but I am bored. How can I not feel ashamed to die? Whether to live or die, this is a matter of the whole world. Sometimes people's thinking can produce explosive mutations, all cells think freely and then make inexplicable and surprising decisions.So humans laugh when they think about God.So Lao Tzu tells us that "the world is not benevolent". "Not benevolent" means not thinking. On August 12, 2002, my thoughts exploded. I crossed half of the city just to eat a bowl of beef noodles. The weather forecast said that it would be overcast and cloudy today, but the sun was more poisonous than ever.I remembered what Little A said: There is nothing unbelievable in this world except the weather forecast.I walked under the sun, dripping water and steaming all over my body, like a moving electric kettle.I suddenly remembered what the MM from the Shanghai Theater Academy said: See who is more poisonous, and see who kills who first.I think if this continues, maybe the sun will be heated to death by me first.

The beef noodles are very spicy and the sun is very poisonous.A little girl next to me dropped big tears into the bowl while eating noodles.I think maybe her boyfriend used to bring her here, but now things are different.When I saw that she was about to finish eating, I said to her, "Miss, it's okay to lose love.She gave me a blank look and said, "I'd rather be out of love, don't provoke me, I just got annoyed by failing the exam."So I suddenly realized, and at the same time, I also remembered a joke: two girls were fighting to the death, the teacher asked them why, one of them pointed to the other girl reasonably and said that she said that she would curse me for failing the college entrance examination in her dreams.I didn't know who to tell the joke to, so I just smiled to myself.

My mind returned to normal after I ate the beef noodles, so I wasn't stupid enough to walk back. The No. 11 bus is very empty, because it is not off-duty time.I have had the experience of taking a bus after get off work, and at that moment it seemed to me that the whole world was crowding the bus.And now my backpack and I occupy a seat and sit quite comfortably.A clean wooden chair with a high back, outside the window is the camphor tree as deep as the sea, and I, walking from the southwest corner of the city to the northeast, closed my eyes and rested, full of joy, without direction.Thinking exploded again.

A few days before leaving school, I began to keep looking at the 2002 college entrance examination guide, even though it had expired.Wong Kar Wai said: Sardines will expire, canned pineapples will expire, even love will expire, I don't know what in this world will not expire.I know, maybe the college entrance examination will never expire.That day I saw a broadband advertisement, a wide bridge deck, maybe a hundred lanes, and thousands of cars running easily on it, so I thought how great it would be if the single-plank bridge for the college entrance examination became like that, everyone together Hand in hand trot all the way into the university.But I know it's like Bjork sang: It - sjustadream.Everyone can dream, and there are a few who can occupy the dream, but none of them can realize the dream in the end.The reason why a dream is called a dream is that it is unrealistic.It's cruel, but it also makes sense.I remember who once said that a child grows up when he learns to reason.I think I've grown up inevitably, but I don't know if I've grown from a larva to a closed cocoon or from a closed cocoon to a beautiful butterfly, I think maybe it's the latter , otherwise it wouldn't hurt so much.

Make-up classes are approaching day by day, I know that the start of school and "first touch" are crawling behind, "second, third, and fourth touch" are gradually ambush, Lao Wang's college entrance examination is waiting at the end, everything is like chess.In the end, this August was wasted by me.At this time next year, I will either go to the sky or go to the earth. In short, I will not be suspended between the sky and the earth. It is impossible to be impetuous, and I have known this for a long time.
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