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Chapter 13 Dawn says good night - take me home

My name is Chenshu, and I grew up in Xinjiang.Many times I travel across different cities in a hurry.But there is still no direction in my heart. If one day you see a child carrying a black hiking bag at a subway station or on the side of the road, a child with clear eyes but a lonely smile, then please try to call me by my name. I am Chen Shu, I will turn my head to smile at you, and then say to you, please take me home. My name is Chen Shu. I grew up in Xinjiang and now live in the southwest corner of China.When I was young, I always traveled frequently between the two provinces, and the scenery surrounded by the green windows of the train became the deepest memory of my childhood.The dark green undulating quiet mountains, the lonely flying birds suddenly vacated in the golden wheat fields, the flying gray iron station signs, the strange faces on the platform, and the vast desert when entering Xinjiang, which can't be seen at a glance.Occasionally, there will be a tree standing alone in a very distant place, alone, looking helpless.

These pictures began to imprint in my mind when I was young, but I didn’t understand anything at that time, but now, when I think about it, I always feel a little sad.Sometimes when I was walking alone on the road, I would suddenly stop and read aloud: Xinjiang.Then smile and move on. Few people know that I grew up in Xinjiang. I always feel very warm when I hear people talking about Xinjiang. Sometimes I tell them that I grew up in Xinjiang, and sometimes I just sit Listen to them quietly by the side, and laugh heartily when you hear some familiar life, just like everyone who listens to stories.

The tapestry hanging on my wall was given to me by a foreigner. He bought it when he was traveling in Xinjiang. Later, he met me and I showed him the way. Then he said thank you to me with a pure and clear smile.He said he would give me the tapestry.When I got home, I hung the tapestry on the wall, and saw fine, soft sand falling from it.I knew it was sand from the endless deserts of Xinjiang. You give me a tear, and I see all the ocean in your heart. The person I know who travels the most is Qi Leming, because almost all of his life is travelling.He once told me that he might spend his whole life on the road, walking and walking, until the day he couldn't walk, he fell down and died quietly.He was my former friend. When we were in junior high school, we listened to rock CDs together. When we heard that he suddenly disappeared when we graduated. Then I began to receive letters from him, and postmarks from all over the world kept appearing in my mailbox. , I stroked those colorful stamps, and thought to myself: Qi Leming, where are you now? I always put Qi Leming's letters in a portfolio, and then number and classify them, like reading a wonderful travel magazine .I'm not like him, I still have my studies, so I only set off during the holidays, and for the rest of the day, I can only wait day after day for Qi Leming's distant letter.Occasionally look at the clear blue sky and think about Qi Leming, where are you now? Qi Leming and I used to be the top students in the school. We listened to various CDs at night and got the highest score in the exam. score.It's just that we are a little different. I have the most perfect family, but he, in his words, "I only have a mother, and I don't know if she is willing to be my mother." I clearly remember him saying this When there was a sad smile on his face, I saw him turn his head away, and then he kept silent.It was at the door of his house, and the two of us had been standing under the thick shade of the plane tree, the sunlight fell from the branches and leaves, and scattered and cracked on his black hair.Then he said that he went in, and when he opened the door, I saw his mother, with a noble temperament but an indifferent face, she was about to come out, when she passed by Qi Leming, she didn't say a word, I silently Standing there watching Qi Leming quietly close the door, and then Qi Leming's mother quietly walked past me.

Their family is very big and rich, and even has its own garden and guard, but the moment I stood in front of his house, I felt inexplicably sad. Little A is my friend since childhood, we are like brothers, even better than brothers.I always took little A to run around all over the world, and he always followed me crazy with a smile on his face. I remember one summer vacation when I was only 10 days away from school, I took him to Xi’an, a city with an ancient city wall. Reminiscent of a passing city at sunset. I remember that when we arrived, it was already dusk, and the dim yellow sunset gradually extended across the slightly hot ground of the city. Xiao A and I walked out of the train station with simple luggage, and our ears were full of foreign accents and words that we could not understand. Those hearty laughter, a pair of lovers walking past us holding hands, I began to freely integrate into this city, as if I had always lived there.I experienced a wonderful thing that night. When I opened the hotel window, I saw a person blowing the xun under the decayed city wall. In the trance and desolate voice, I saw the face of the person, a little old but very energetic. It was very clear, with sharp edges and corners. He stood quietly in that place alone, like an old painting, as beautiful as the lost and precarious Song Dynasty.I asked little A to come and watch, and when he walked to the window, he said in a low voice, and then there was no sound, and he and I watched the person blowing the xun quietly there, and saw the stars like stars. Flowers fall all over the shoulders.

Think of the desert in your dreams, don't spend your time in Weicheng.In Changting, there is a lonely person close by, worrying about listening, the fourth sound of Yangguan.And go slowly and exhort, step on the song and go, people don't stop. The departure time of Qi Leming and I are always staggered. When he is about to leave, I am always in class, and when I am about to leave, he is already on the way to the next station.He always called every city a station, I asked him, where do you think is home?He told me that he didn't know, and because he didn't know, I was looking for it.I asked, what if I can't find it?He smiled and said, then keep looking.

The only place Qi Leming and I went together was the border of Sichuan, a place with few people, no one regards it as a tourist attraction, but Qi Leming does.He saw in a magazine that a local person wrote about the place where he lived, with photos, so Qi Leming decided to go, because he fell in love with the scenery in one of the photos, a large expanse of brilliant gold. The yellow sunflowers spread all over the sky, like flowing sunlight, rich and exuding the aroma of mocha coffee.I just had summer vacation when I got his email, so I told him, you are going back to my city, pick me up. That place is small, remote and backward, and there is no hotel.But I feel very calm and quiet, as long as there are not too many people and no noise in a place, I can bear it.And the scenery there is beautiful.Those trees are very quiet, simple and calm, like the state of landscape painting between splashed ink and fine brushwork, as if covered with a thick layer of water vapor from the south of the Yangtze River.Qi Leming and I walked on those old bluestone roads, and there was smoke from the wooden houses on both sides and filled the long lanes, carrying the sweet and real taste of the world.Qi Leming made faces at a lazy dog ​​by the side of the road, but the dog ignored him, and then I saw him annoyed like a child.

We met a moss-covered stone bridge, and we walked over it. When we walked in the middle, I felt like I was a poet from the Song Dynasty, with my long gown standing against the wind. We tried to find the person who wrote the article, but we only found the thatched house in the photo, the largest thatched house I have ever seen. Clear traces, soft and fine.We stood in front of the house for a long time, looked at the flowering tree for a long time, and laughed quietly for a long time. Qi Leming, are you happy? Do you think I am happy? He turned his head and looked at me with a smile like an innocent child.

So I nodded, because I believed he was really happy. When he left, he played checkered on the bluestone road in that alley, dancing with his hands and feet, like a big child who didn't grow up. That night we slept on a piece of thick grass, and at night Qi Leming sat up and chatted with me wrapped in a sleeping bag, like a big rice dumpling.I laughed happily, and then called him, hello, big zongzi. That night the sky was scattered with stars, and the black clouds were blown into the invisible distance. I said, Qi Leming, do you know what I am thinking now? He asked, what are you thinking? I said I remembered Japanese dramas.

He fell back as if he was about to faint, and said, you really mean me, I just remembered a line. What line did he ask me? I laughed, and I answered him, one day, the stars will fall on you. East Road, West Road, South Road, Wulipu, Qilipu, Shilipu, one step forward, one step forward, one step lazy.In an instant, the sky is twilight, the sun is twilight, the clouds are twilight, and the setting sun is all over the ground. Looking back, there is smoke, and there are countless mountains, countless waters, and countless emotions. Qi Leming's smile that day was engraved in my mind so deeply that it may never disappear.

That is the happiest face I have ever seen of him. Before, I always saw his indifferent face when he was listening to rock, and I always saw him leave suddenly after graduating from junior high school. Ziller Ming was advancing steadily toward university like me, so there was nothing to worry about.But in the winter of the third year of junior high school, on a night when the cold wind filled the whole city, he called me and said that I am on the street now, can you come out and walk with me.At that time, I was upstairs in Yan Xu's house, watching him draw, and then I checked the time displayed on the phone, it was one o'clock in the morning.Qi Leming's voice on the phone scared me.I told Yan Xu something happened, let's go out.

Yan Xu and I went over the iron gate to the street that Qi Leming told me about, and then I saw him sitting on the side of the road with his head buried between his knees.He was leaning against a street lamp, and a faint yellow light shone from above his head, covering him, and there were countless moths in the light. I took off the windbreaker and handed it to him, and I said, what are you going to do? He looked up at me and didn't speak, but seeing him looked like he was about to cry. That night we walked on the street all night, during which Yan Xu took out the CD player and asked him if you want to listen to the CD, he shook his head.We entered a small supermarket but we still bought coffee. For a moment I saw Qi Leming's tears fall into the cup while drinking coffee, but I didn't speak, I pretended I didn't see anything. At dawn, he still told me.He said that when he came home, he found that he couldn't open his door with his own key, and then he heard some harsh noises in the room. Yan Xu and I finally sent him home. He stood in front of the iron gate of his garden, with his hand on the doorbell and did not let go.In the end, it was Yan Xu who rang the doorbell for him.Yan Xu and I saw the guard open the door, then Qi Leming walked in, opened the door, his mother stood in front of him, looking at him.Then Qi Leming quietly walked past her. It was already dawn, and when Yan Xu and I left, I forgot whether I said good night to him. Qi Leming didn't come to class on the second day, and when he came on the third day, he told me that I don't want to study anymore. I didn't persuade him, I knew his decision was not something I could shake, so I asked him, what do you want to do? I don't know, but I still have half a year to think about what I should do.When he was talking, his eyes kept looking at the sky outside the window. I don't know if he was looking at those lonely birds. Later I graduated, and when I graduated, two people suddenly disappeared, Lin Lan and Qi Leming, my two best friends in junior high school. But soon I received a letter from Qi Leming, postmarked in Hainan. He said that he knew what he wanted to do, and that was to keep walking, looking for where his home was. He has been writing to me ever since.The letters he sent me have never been addressed, so I can only tell him my words in E-mail, but he doesn't often surf the Internet.So I could only be in a passive position, listening to him talk about the snow in Tibet and the sand in Xinjiang. Qi Leming's mother once looked for me. She was wearing black clothes that day, and there were wrinkles around her eyes. I found her aging and haggard.She asked me if I knew where Qi Leming had gone? I said no, I had no way to contact him, only he contacted me.I showed her the letters, and saw her tears pouring down the envelopes.She said sorry, then turned and left. From that day on, I realized that Qi Leming had really left. In an email, I asked him, where did you get the money for your travel and living? He told me that he did different jobs in various places, and then saved money , save enough to set off, and go to another place.He told me that he worked as a bartender in Hainan, as a temporary construction worker in Xi'an, sold CDs in Beijing, and delivered milk in Urumqi. He said he always got up at 5 o'clock and started working.I asked him if he was working hard? He replied that he was very happy. I imagined Qi Leming, who was delivering milk across the street on a bicycle before dawn, with his hair flying in the black wind, a contented and innocent smile on his face, and a loud mouth blowing. A CD player is installed, and fast-paced rock and roll is spinning inside. I also smiled happily, and I wanted to say to him, Le Ming, good night. That night I had a dream, I dreamed that I was standing in front of a wall, on the other side of the wall, Qi Leming rode a bicycle passing by, his loud whistle was scattered at my feet through the wall, but I I can't see him, I can only watch his happiness through the wall. I met two people who love to travel on the Internet, one is Huang Yaoshi and the other is Qinghe. My conversations with Huang Yaoshi are always dull and sometimes even quite short, but our relationship is extremely strong.Because he was the only one with whom I could talk about movies for two hours without a break.He said we were evenly matched. Once when I was talking about Wong Kar-wai, I asked him: Do you know what Huang Yaoshi's favorite drink in "Evil and West Poison" is? A kind of wine called Drunk Life Dream Death. What is the greatest virtue of this wine? The thoroughness of forgetting the past.Like Dino's violin, wherever it passes, there is a desolation that is caught off guard. Huang Yaoshi, you are a person with a black past. Chen Shu, you are just a high school student, there are some things you will never understand, at least not the current you. Huang Yaoshi, don't underestimate me. If I don't tell you about some things, it doesn't mean I don't know. It's just that I have concerns about myself or others.In fact, you should also be like the real Huang Yaoshi, drink a pot of drunkenness, and then live in this world vigorously and domineeringly for five years. Chen Shu, don't forget that I have a license as a professional bartender, but I can't make that kind of drunkenness, and I don't think anyone can. Then do you know that there is a place in this world where the ancients said that the clouds cannot be swept away, and the birds cannot cross. You mean Wangchuan? So what if you fly over Wangchuan, what you can’t forget is still unforgettable.I have been to Kashgar, the most western part of China, and Sanya, the most southern part of China. I want to forget all the phantoms that have been entangled in my dreams for a long time in the ends of the earth, but they all ran back with me and continued in my dreams and life. Entanglement, like a black wind, blows forever without end. At the end of 1999, I was in Mohe, in that icy and snowy city.There's a big lake there, but it's not even marked on the map.There is a lighthouse by the lake, which has been abandoned for a long time, the wall is very mottled, you can see the black bricks and those remaining cracks, and there is dust everywhere.I stood inside the lighthouse, the cold wind was blowing from all directions, and the boundless darkness was clamoring to and fro around me. I leaned on the rusty railing and couldn't speak a word.When the sun rose, I burst into tears. The new century has just come, the new century has just come, and I stand alone in the dark to welcome the new hundred years.The sun trampled on the surrounding empty land to create an empty pain. For a moment, I saw my own loneliness, which was so huge.I am like that phoenix, lonely for five hundred years.Chen Shu, do you know the color of the frozen lake in the morning sun? Blue?red?I have no idea. Those who have seen it will never forget that it is black, endlessly desperate and turbulent.You know what it's like to cry at the dawn of a new century? No, and the opportunity has been missed and I can't wait for the next hundred years. That kind of feeling is that there is no feeling, because the tears have already turned into ice as soon as they flow out.When I left the lighthouse, I left my diary inside the lighthouse, as well as my white flashlight.I don't know how long those lights last, but I hope another person who sees the lighthouse will see that little light in the dark.But I think no one can find that lighthouse, so my past will be frozen there forever, no one can touch it. I always like the warmth of strange places, strange streets, strange cities, and strange beds.I feel like I'm looking for a kind of impermanence and change that can resist numbness.I always walk in different strange streets in this city, look at strange house numbers, and imagine the life of the people inside.Work at sunrise and rest at sunset.Or like me, upside down.I like to look at the slight, unclear footprints I make when I walk on the street, and then watch them be covered by the noise of the rolling traffic. Those so-called human civilizations that flow in the street market, cars like flowing water and horses like dragons, endless billboards, bright and colorful widescreens, men in suits with straight faces, stern and numb, walking in a low voice while hurrying I buried my head in the phone, and occasionally I could see their empty eyes when I raised my head. I thought that was what I would look like in the future, and I was desperate when I thought about it.I remember Haruki's words: I just love despair so much. I sometimes inexplicably like places with many people, such as shopping malls and subway stations. I like the living conditions of ordinary people, filled with the hustle and bustle of the world, but I can’t always blend into them. It is always unavoidable to raise your head to look at the silent sky, and then hear the lonely sound of birds flapping their wings.The joys and sorrows around me, life and death, are the excitement of others, and my loneliness is fighting each other in the dark and damp underground cave. I remember that when I left Xi’an, I bought very small terracotta warriors and horses at the street stall with great joy, and I was going to take them back as a gift. When I paid, Xiao A stood by and didn’t speak until the train left. Said slowly amidst the ear-piercing whistle, Chen Shu, in fact, you are the person who is most afraid of loneliness. Stranger, please stop your hurried steps, I don't know you, but I can understand your lonely posture when you are carrying a mountaineering bag.I know that you have been walking and never stopping. You want to find the station in your life that has been waiting for you for a long time. Maybe it is a person's warm eyes, maybe a bright smile, maybe a chest that is generous enough to shelter from the wind, Lihua shoulders.But when you don't find it, please let me give you a place to rest, because I know how tired you are.I know your pure desire, and that is to find a warm place to sleep. Every traveler always uses his own way to witness the traces left in a place.Little A and I always leave the place where we stayed last night at dawn.After we pack our sleeping bags, we'll say goodbye to the empty canyons, the open prairies, and the gentle streams.Once we left a valley, our voices had been floating there, and the echo lasted for nearly a minute. Little A and I left in the sound of our own saying "goodbye", walking in the slightly dissipating darkness, walking gradually In the coming light. And Qi Leming always tied his CDs with strings and hung them on the trees. He always talked alone under those trees, maybe to the trees, and then he Just pack your bags and continue on your way.The hair is flying in the wind, and the CD on the tree is shaking gently in the wind.Those words spoken to the tree are embedded in the annual rings of the tree, and grow into towering memories bit by bit with the passing years. Huang Yaoshi always keeps his own diary, he always writes as he walks, and then tears the diary out and keeps it there when he leaves a place.I once asked him, do you remember the things you wrote?He said, do not remember.I said, then why do you still write it? He said, write it down, just to forget it. As for Qinghe, there are always many, many maps.She always buys a map wherever she goes.I remember when I went to Shanghai, she came to pick up my plane, we sat in the taxi, and she took out a map of Shanghai to see where we were going.I remember I laughed at that time, and I said that I was so inferior. People living in Shanghai bought Shanghai maps, but I was empty-handed and had nothing. Qinghe is a very independent girl I know. She told me something about her wandering or walking outside—alone, alone on the road.She told me that she once pulled a tree up a small hill, only to find that her hands were full of crushed bugs, the yellow juice stuck to her hands, and there was no water to wash her hands, so she covered her hands with a plastic bag and ate bread .When she said it, she seemed to be talking about a very funny thing, her smile was bright and innocent like a child.But I know she still has an unknown corner full of shadows in her heart.She downplayed the six days and nights she spent in the Internet cafe, but I know that depressed state, with no hope and no direction.She told me about her travels, detailed but brief, like broken prose, jumping paragraph by paragraph. When she was speaking, we were walking on the streets of Shanghai in the early morning. It was windy and cold, but we were sober.We went into a small supermarket to buy coffee. At that time, I felt like I was walking with Yan Xu, but I didn't mention it to her.I forgot which street it was, I just remembered a few wooden villas standing quietly on the side of the road.Then I told her that I would live in such a house in the future.We walked all the way to a strange garden in the middle of the street, and saw several horrible sculptures. On the way, I told her about Liu Liangcheng, and about the heavy snow in Liu Liangcheng's words. Like me, she likes to use the camera to take pictures of scenery rather than people. She told me that the most beautiful scenery she ever saw was when she was on the platform of the railway station. , the end of the track was submerged in the afterglow of the setting sun. I listened to her talk and laughed quietly. Huang Yaoshi is a software designer, and his income is unstable, sometimes he gets rich and sometimes has no income for a long time.But he will never be without money to spend.He doesn't need to support his parents. On the contrary, his parents will provide him with quite generous material guarantees when he has no money to spend.He is always wandering between cities. When I met him, he was in Shanghai, and then he wandered all the way, and his laptop followed him. He always told me where he was, Hangzhou, Beijing, Xi’an, Lhasa, Luoyang, Kaifeng, Wuhan, he was in Chengdu when he was closest to me, but I was taking an exam at that time, so we still haven't met.He always likes to send me postcards and everything about movies from all over the country, such as the English translation poster of "Evil and West Poison", such as Wong Kar Wai's speech at the Film Academy.Recently he told me from an e-mail that he is in Dunhuang. Isn't Dunhuang deserted? What are you doing there? You must have never been to Dunhuang.This place is also full of traffic and full of secular and charming aromas. This is not a paradise. There are still street vendors fighting for a few dollars and women sleeping with strangers for dozens of dollars.Those things that people deeply believe in have been flying thousands of years ago, the flying sky, the feathered feathers, and the remaining sculptures have no soul.Next time you come to Dunhuang, I will take you to see the dull light on Fei Tian's face. The China Cultural Relics Protection Association and the Tourism Association must hate you to the bone. Hehe, I always thought that the desert in "Evil, West Poison" is in Dunhuang, and I have been waiting for those silent swordsmen here.On the sixth day of the lunar new year, Jingzhe, Tianlong; Zhongsha, it is advisable to travel, avoid bathing. So you just stay there? What if the swordsmen never show up? I just stay there. So Huang Yaoshi, when will you go back to your Peach Blossom Island without peach blossoms? Maybe you will never go back.Didn't Ouyang Feng also go back to Baituo Mountain Villa? Maybe you and him will become exiles, from the Central Plains to the frontier, with eyes full of wind and sand. Huang Yaoshi said that my positioning of him was very accurate - an exile.I am noncommittal.Actually, I'm more like talking about myself.I said long ago that my life is drifting from one prosperity to another prosperity or desolation, and I can't stop.Huang Yaoshi once told me that when he came to a city, he would try his best to find a reason to stop, but he still couldn't find it. As far as he could see, there were deserts everywhere.Those dilapidated flags fluttering in the yellow sandy wind, like some hopeless marks in my heart, can't be erased. Chen Shu, we are actually different, you are happier than me.Although none of us can reach the other shore, you at least know where your other shore is. Even if you can't swim, the fireworks on the other shore can still dress you up.But I am different, I am a person who has lost all directions.Do you know Du Kefeng? Yes, Wong Kar Wai's queen photographer. He once said such a sentence: I am a descendant of sailors, I do not know where my home and land are.I saw this sentence in the time of carving, it appeared in a collection of video literature by Du Kefeng.Do you know how blind and hopeless it is? I know, like the saddest bird in the fable. Yes, a bird without feet flies until it dies, without stopping. I always look through those exquisite travel albums, and when I find beautiful scenery, I cut them out and send them to my friends.I always like the words describing strange cities in those novels, they always make me feel warm. For example, I saw a paragraph describing Casablanca, Casablanca, a place on the west coast of North Africa, a city in Morocco, an area that speaks Arabic and French, a place not far from the Strait of Gibraltar where Europe and Africa meet, and a place facing the The Atlantic has the domain of phosphate minerals.When I read these words, I was always comforted by geographical associations, but I completely forgot the love that was performed there, the handsome and tough guy Humphrey Bogart, the passionate young woman Ingrid Bergman, eternal separation, "Time Flow" played by the black pianist Sam. I once saw a movie scene, which lasted three minutes, and it was all about the huge roar of the plane taking off at Brussels Airport. I talked about this scene to Huang Yaoshi. I said, that was a shot in "A City of Flowers", and then I remembered all the dim scenes in that movie. I once asked Qi Leming, I said, will you feel tired and lonely if you keep walking like this? He said that people who have been traveling are actually the loneliest, because they have no place to stop, so they just keep walking.Because in a strange environment, everything is new, there is no time to stop and let everything become familiar and boring, and finally become lonely. And Qinghe told me that there is actually another important reason for people's wandering, and that is parting. I remember Xiao Xu once said to me a passage, which was in a book review written by a person: People living on this earth can only see the sunset once a day, but they still have the ability to watch the sunset in different places. freedom, which may be the reason for some people to wander.Go away, make things easy, people be kind, like a child, we start over. In "Happy Together", He Baorong always said, Li Yaohui, let us start again.My favorite in that movie is the waterfall in Buenos Aires, which is as beautiful and sad as a sympathizer's tears.At the beginning of the movie there is a road that stretches straight and never ends. And some left without any reason.I once had a tablemate, a quiet little girl who didn’t dare to speak too loudly. Her family was rich. Her parents always gave her a lot of money, but they were rarely by her side because they were always busy. .So she left for a week. During this week, she still attended classes on time and took exams, because she lived in a hotel 100 meters away from her home.Every morning she stood at the door of the hotel and watched her parents get in the car in a hurry. There was nothing unusual. Maybe they just thought that she was going to stay at a classmate's house for a few days. She was always waiting for her parents to start looking for herself.Seven days later, the girl went back. She didn't mention her departure to her parents, and the parents didn't ask about it. She was still busy.She looks calm on the surface, but I actually know how sad she is inside.I saw her tears fall when she told me this. I told Qinghe about this, and when I said that I knew she was very sad, Qinghe said, I also know, that kind of feeling is very sad. In the winter of 2002, the last winter of my high school life, Xiao A went to Japan, which was across the border.I always look at the eastern horizon and imagine him speaking Japanese in a low voice, and imagine cherry blossoms falling on his shoulders. I suddenly wondered whether little A would set off with his luggage on his back, go to strange open places, walk strange roads, and listen to strange tones; I remembered that little A and I almost died on an open flat ground, the day we slept At that time, there was still some distance from the road, but when I woke up the next morning, I found that there were cars all around me.I was terrified to death, but Little A kept laughing. I looked up at the sky, but there were no signs of birds. It snowed heavily this winter, and one night I "talked" to Huang Yaoshi in front of the computer screen.I asked him where you are now, and he told me he was in Dalian. Huang Yaoshi, the end of the year is here again, where are you going? No, maybe this year I will just stay in this city and listen to the sound of snow falling quietly.The sea in Dalian in winter is very beautiful, it turns silvery white at night, you can come and see it. That night, I sat in front of the computer screen and watched the words typed by Huang Yaoshi appear and disappear quickly line by line, like an illusion written on the water.I cupped my hands and breathed, watching the frost gradually condense on the window, the snow outside the house was drifting all over the sky, and my heart was full of the collision of the iron horse and glacier, listening to a voice from Dalian. At the end of the year, Qi Leming gave me a call. He told me that he was in Yunnan, where it was so warm and the wind was green.He said that he ran among those towering green trees, like the proud monkey making a big fuss in the heavenly palace.Then I told him that I would be in my last semester of high school soon.After I finished speaking, Qi Leming didn't speak, and I felt so disgusted for a moment. Some people can remain unchanged for a lifetime and do their own way, but some people are trapped in a cage for a lifetime. I hung up the phone near dawn, but I forgot to say goodnight to him. A year has passed like this, but my life is still going on. I want to say goodnight to all the kids on the road, those kids with bags on their backs; I want to stand next to them and tell them you're not alone; In the afterglow of the setting sun, I lie in my sleeping bag again and smile sweetly in my dream like a child; I want to go to that forgotten town with Qi Leming again; I want to continue standing on the crowded platform with Little A ;I want to drink takeaway coffee with Qinghe in the deserted streets of Shanghai at midnight, I want to talk to Qi Leming to Xiao A and Huang Yaoshi to Qinghe; I want to tell them many things but I have forgotten all the languages. The CD player suddenly ran out of power, and made a harsh sound of power failure. On the crowded street, I looked around blankly.I stop. Year by year, year by year, day by day, autumn after autumn, one generation reminds the other, one reunion and one parting, one joy and one sadness.One couch, one body lying down, one life in one dream.Find a group of acquaintances, he will meet us for a while, we all know each other in general, play once, sing once.
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