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Chapter 11 sequence

Every time I stand in the dark I always get some hint of trance, I am a person who is used to listening in the city.I always like to stand on the top of the building, look up at the lonely sky, and see the lonely figures of birds slanting away from my eyes.My thoughts stretch across the whole world, the first snow in Prague, the noisy and empty airport in Brussels, the dim sky in Shanghai and the yellow exterior walls of the Bund, the blue lake in Lhasa, the profound and melodious evening drums and morning bells in Suzhou, the ancient bluestone slabs in Lijiang The road, the falling cherry blossoms in Tokyo, the last subway in Sapporo and the flying birds in the fields are all a kind of imprint in each city, and I alone witness the parting and sorrow one after another.I can see the messy fragments of my life flying slowly by before my eyes, catch the short gaps between each prosperity, and I dance between these fragments and gaps.When the phantom dissipated, tears welled up in my eyes.In every city and every street, there are people fighting each other naked in the sun, and there are too many silent children crying quietly in the dark.I can hear the desperate singing of their hearts.Those loneliness, loneliness, scars, death, parting, longing, waiting, fleeting warmth and eternal despair are like a beautiful song in the night.Suddenly thought of the most desperate words I have ever seen: I love despair so much.

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