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Chapter 8 Zhuang Zhou's dream of butterfly

Chong Ming leaned against the wall of the elevator, holding a large bag of instant noodles in his hand.The light of the elevator was broken at some point, and the darkness in the small space seemed to gain weight. During the acceleration of the ascent, Chongming touched his face and found that he hadn't shaved his beard for a long time. The elevator door opened, Chongming stepped out, and saw the aunt next door taking out the trash. Mr. Zhou, your girlfriend is on a business trip again. Yes, her company has something to do.Chongming said with a smile.Then Chongming walked into the room, and the moment the red door closed silently, the bag in his hand slipped and fell to the floor with a dull sound.

Ang Lian leaned against the wall of the elevator, holding a pot of cactus in his hand.The lamp that broke not long ago has now been repaired. Under the soft white light, Ang Lian stroked his slender fingers one by one. He heard the lonely sound of his blood flowing under his skin. .Then the elevator door opened and Ang Lian walked out. Ang Lian stood at the door of the house and loosened his tie, and then shouted at the door: Baby, open the door, I don't have the key. After waiting for a few minutes, Ang Lian took out the key from the briefcase and opened the red door, and then the door closed with a bang, and then everything fell silent.

Ang Lian pressed the phone recording button: Mr. Zhuang, the phone failure you reported has been resolved, thank you for your cooperation, goodbye. Ang Lian turned off the phone recording.The whole room fell silent again. "Jessica has been away for 9 days. I always believe that 9 is a reincarnation, but she still hasn't come back. I used to be too lazy to cook by myself when Jessica was on a business trip, so I ate instant noodles. Every time the aunt next door saw me carrying a bag Instant noodles always ask me that your girlfriend hasn't come back yet." Chongming stood in front of the bathroom mirror, shaving the beard he had forgotten to shave for a few days.The light in the bathroom is light blue, specially designed by Jessica.Chongming always felt that the ice blue made the room look too gloomy, so Jessica changed the color of the door to red.

"This razor was brought to me by Jessica from Shanghai. She always goes on a business trip to Shanghai. This razor is not very sharp, and it can't be removed completely. Occasionally, one or two residual beards will be left. But I like this Basic brand The feeling of the blunt blade sliding across the cheek is like the dizziness when the plane takes off." Chongming looked at himself in the mirror.He pointed to the person in the mirror and said: Look at you, your face is pale, do some exercise, your eyes are red, did you not sleep well last night?Have you ever cried?How can you cry like a big man!This much is not good.

Ang Lian was downstairs at the gatekeeper's office. Uncle, do you have my letter from Nanjing?or package?There must be. Oh, Mr. Zhuang, there is no letter from you. Is there any package from Nanjing?You look for it carefully. Oh, no, thank you, I will go up first. Ang Lian stood at the door, squinting his eyes and smiling; baby, I know you're back, open the door, I don't have the key. Then Ang Lian took out the key, opened the door and walked into the room. Telephone recording: Mr. Zhuang, your suit has been washed, please come and pick it up tomorrow. Ang Lian stood on the balcony and watered the pot of cactus.

"Rebecca also liked raising cacti in the past. The cactus she raised used to have very beautiful flowers, but then the cactus died one time, and Rebecca lost it together with the flower pot. Since then, I have never raised it again. I don’t know if the cactus I raised will die before it blooms.” Ang Lian thought that by the time Rebecca came back, the pot of cactus might have bloomed beautiful flowers, thinking of this, Ang Lian smiled happily Now, showing beautiful white teeth like a child, and squinting his eyes. "Recently, the weather in Shanghai is getting hotter and hotter. The air conditioners in the whole city are running strongly together. I worry that one day the city will suddenly explode and everyone will die. But it's better to wait until Rebecca comes back before destroying it. At that time Everything is gone, Rebecca and I are still together." Standing on the balcony on the twelfth floor, Ang Lian looked down at the red dust of Shanghai, and he remembered that a female writer once said that this city is a magnificent sea ship, but soon overturned.

The scorching wind came from the night, and it felt a little painful on the face. Ang Lian touched his face and felt that the beard was very prickly, so he went into the bathroom and picked up the Basic brand razor.Then he saw the perfume left by Rebecca, so he sprayed a little on his hands carefully, and the whole room was filled with a strong orange fragrance, and Ang Lian felt in a trance for a moment, time went back, but things changed. "Call me 62806, surnamed Zhou, leave a message, say I miss her very much, and ask when she will return to Nanjing. Well, it's all right." Chongming turned on the TV, but the result was blank, and the broken TV made a buzzing sound. Chongming I walked over and took a hard shot on the TV, and then I started to have images. It was a woman with heavy makeup singing in a nightclub, and the performance seemed to be something from old Shanghai.So Chongming pressed the remote control to change channels.

It took me 13 minutes to switch from channel 1 to 75, 12 minutes to switch from 75 to 1, and 25 minutes later I turned off the TV and went to shower. Chongming uses the shower gel left by Jessica, and he will never forget the smell.In the past, Jessica always liked to sweep Chongming's face with her wet hair after taking a shower, but Chongming always ignored her, and when she got tired of turning around, he suddenly jumped up and hugged her, listening to her screaming, Then wait for her to beg for mercy and put her down. The record held by Jessica is two hours and twenty-five minutes in the bath.Thinking of this, Chongming smiled happily.

"When I opened the door of the bathroom, I saw the electronic clock on the wall, which suddenly jumped from 23:59 to 00:00. For a moment, I felt weightless, as if falling freely from a high altitude." Chongming felt a little thirsty, and he opened the When I checked the refrigerator, I realized that the refrigerator had been empty for many days.In the past, Jessica always bought things and put them in the refrigerator. Every time she left for a week, she would prepare food for Chongming for 7 days. Now it has been more than half a month since she left. When Chong Ming got dressed and went out, he met the aunt next door coming out of the elevator.

Aunt, you came back so late?Why haven't I seen you these days? Oh, my daughter is sick. I have been staying with her in the hospital for the past few days. I will come back to get some things and I will go there later.Mr. Zhou, where are you going so late? Oh, I'm going downstairs to do some shopping. Shopping for something to eat?Your girlfriend hasn't come back yet? No, she came back a few days ago and just left yesterday. Her company is quite busy these days.I'm going down to buy a pack of cigarettes. Chongming walked into the elevator, the elevator door closed, and the surroundings were dark.The elevator lights still hadn't been fixed.

The aunt opened the door and said to herself: It's strange, I never heard that Mr. Zhou wants to smoke. "I really like the bright and clean feeling of the supermarket, especially the supermarket at midnight. The air conditioner is fully turned on, and it is very quiet. Occasionally, there will be a slight sound when a car drives by on the street outside. There are few people, and occasionally someone will wipe with you Passing by shoulder to shoulder, the closer distance at that moment will give me the illusion that I can become a confidant with that person." Cashier: Thank you, 40 yuan and 5 cents. Cashier: Do you have any change? Chongming did not. Cashier: Thank you, I'm looking for 9 yuan and 5 cents. Chong Ming put a pile of coins into his pocket. In the middle of the night, the streets of Nanjing seem a bit deserted. The sycamore trees on the street have already grown luxuriantly. The wide branches and thick leaves almost cover the sky above the street.Occasionally, a piece of night is revealed, and slightly dirty clouds can be seen crowding the sky of this city and rushing past. Chongming saw ten girls in the phone booth in front of him making calls.He thought she looked familiar, so he stopped to look at her. The girl turned around suddenly and said to Chongming: Lend me a coin. Chongming: Miss, have I met you? Girl: Hurry up, the nine coins I gave you just now. Chongming took out the coin and gave it to her. The girl called: Damn you finally came home, why, you want to dump me like this, are you fucking human, what's so good about that slut?Remember how I treated you!Listen to me clearly now, when we break up, I, Sister Li, will use you first.Don't let me see you when you go to the street, or you will die.Don't be fucking proud, let me tell you, I have a boyfriend by my side right now. The girl turned around and handed the phone to Chongming, and scolded him severely, hurry up! Chongming held the phone in a daze for a while, then smiled and said to her: He hung up. Girl: Stupid. Chongming: You were in the supermarket just now, why did you suddenly run to the street to make a phone call? Girl: Nonsense, don’t leave after get off work.Don’t you, my name is Jeneya. Chongming: Jessica? Jeneya: There’s something wrong with you. My name is Jeneya, not Jessica. By the way, did you buy wine just now? Chongming: Yes. Jeneya: Is your home near here? Chongming: Yes. Jeneya: Are you going to find someone to drink with you? "I used to listen to Irish music at home with Rebecca at night. Now I like to go to the bar downstairs called Blue, because it has the Irish music that Rebecca likes. Music. There is a girl with long hair who always sings some light-hearted songs by the Cranberries and Kerr on the stage. She looks like Rebecca when she smiles. I never thought that one day we would know each other, but we still I know you." Ang Lian walked to the jukebox in the corner of the bar, put in a coin, and chose song number 758.It's Rebecca's favorite old song called "The Sky——s Memory", but he can't remember who sang it.The sound of coins falling into the record player ding-dong, and then the sound of the guitar began to come out. "I've always loved these old fashioned jukeboxes, I think they're very interesting. I remember my grandma had one and passed it on to my dad, but it was gone when it came to me. I remember the yellow one The jukebox has always been filled with Zhou Xuan's voice when she was so popular in Shanghai, sharp and loud, but with a burst." Female singer: Why don't you listen to me singing and listen to the machine? Ang Lian: I'm afraid you won't know this song. Female singer: Do you like this song very much? Ang Lian: My girlfriend likes it. Female singer: Oh.Hello, my name is Redyna. Ang Lian: Rebecca? Redyna: My name is Redyna, not Rebecca. Ang Lian: Oh.My surname is Zhuang, and my name is Ang Lian.Would you please have a drink? Redyna: Why? Ang Lian: Because your singing voice is beautiful. "Hey, I don't know your name yet." "Oh, my surname is Zhou, you can call me Chongming." "When did your elevator light go out?" "I don't know, it must have been a long time. "The elevator door opened, and Chongming and Jeneya came out, just in time to meet the aunt next door. "Mr. Zhou, you're back from shopping." "Yeah, auntie, are you going to see your daughter?" Jeneya was confused when she saw the way auntie looked at her, so she guessed what was going on.So she took Chongming's hand on purpose, and then twisted her waist so that it was very attractive.Then she saw the aunt sighed and walked into the elevator. "Your room is very beautiful, it's blue." "It's what Jessica means, she likes blue." "You must like your girlfriend very much. But I'm fucking unlucky, if Awu is half as good as you Well, I can eat vegetarian food for a year. Hey, where is the wine you bought, take it out." "Do you want to drink it after chilling?" "No, as long as it is wine." Chongming opened the beer can, Then pass it to her.She drank it as soon as she took it, raised her head and kept drinking it without stopping.Chongming looked out the window, the night seemed to be getting darker, but the lights did not dim at all, and the whole city glowed with powerful and amazing vitality at night.Only the leaves of the sycamore were blown dead as if by the scorching night wind. Jeneya drank a lot that night, and I drank a lot too.I've never seen a girl drink like that.Maybe she just doesn't care anymore.I remember we all talked a lot, especially Jeneya, she seemed to tell me a lot about her boyfriend, but I don't remember it anymore.At dawn, she had already left. If it weren't for the beer cans all over the floor, I would almost think that I had a dream.In fact, I can no longer tell the difference between reality and dreams.I don't know if I was dreaming that night, but I seem to have heard a strange sound or two, like a sad person crying.But I don't know if it's Jeneya or me who is crying. "Why do you want to come to the bar to sing?" "Because I want to escape. My dad seems to want me to marry an old man who is 15 years older than me, because his money can feed me for the rest of my life. But I just don't want to .Actually, that guy is not bad, but I just don't like everything my dad arranged for me. I just want to see what he looks like when he sees his daughter rebelling. Maybe if he stops me and the old man, maybe I will Falling in love with that man." "How old are you, an old man who is 15 years older than you, then I am about the same." "Yes, but you are a cute old man." kissed on the cheek. "The beautiful princess kissed the sleeping old man frog, so the old man gave the princess a deep kiss after waking up." Redyna laughed like a silver bell, and her hair fell down gently. Ang Lian also smiled and leaned over to kiss the smiling Redyna. "I said that Redyna smiled like Rebecca, and I even had an illusion when I kissed her. I felt as if Rebecca was back, and the air around the bar was filled with the smell of Rebecca's orange perfume. It might have been me that night. I drank too much, and Redyna seemed to have drunk too much, I just kept holding her like that, listening to her singing "The Sky——s Memory" in my ear. It turns out she can sing this song." Ang Lian walked out at three o'clock in the morning At the bar, Redyna followed suit.Even in the early hours of the morning in Shanghai, the night is still full of loud and noisy sounds.When the night wind blew over, Ang Lian felt that he was much more awake.He saw Redyna following behind him with a smile, occasionally kicking a soda can on the side of the road, the sound of Ding Ding Dang Dang moving cheerfully on the street, Redyna smiling like a child. "How long are you going to follow me?" "I don't know, anyway, you kissed me, I will go wherever you go." Redyna waved her hands in the air, saying indifferently. "That was just a joke." Ang Lian turned around and looked at her. As the elevator ascended, Ang Lian leaned against the wall with his eyes closed, as if he was very tired.The elevator door opened, Ang Lian walked out, but Redyna followed suit. Ang Lian turned around and said to her: How long are you going to follow? Redyna blinked and said mischievously: Actually, I have the right to say the same sentence.After speaking, she took out the key and opened the room next to Ang Lian. "We are actually neighbors. Mr. Zhuang." Ang Lian stood there, he didn't know whether he should laugh or cry, he thought he must be drunk.Then he opened the door and went in. "My memory of that night is very vague. I opened the door and thought I forgot to do something, but I couldn't remember what I was going to do until I closed the door. The faces of Redyna and Rebecca are in my head Both became blurred, and the two quickly closed, penetrated each other, and then separated again. I fell asleep immediately after falling on the bed, and it was the next morning when I woke up. The sun shone into the bedroom, But the memory of last night can no longer be clear." "After that day, I can often meet Chongming on the street. He is still thin and stern, but I know his inner fragility. Sometimes he comes to the supermarket to buy things at night. , If the time is right, he will wait for me to get off work. On my birthday, I unexpectedly received a birthday gift from Chongming. He said he saw my birthday from my work card. I was very moved. I knew him from Chongming There is a girlfriend named Jessica who is very close to me. She used to go to Shanghai every other week. Now she has been away for a long time, and there is no news. Sometimes we go shopping together, and Chongming is always very patient. Standing beside me and waiting for me. He has a beautiful smile, white and neat teeth, and a clean smile. I have not returned the coin he lent me, because I think that if Chongming suddenly stops seeing me in the future, then I will There is still a reason to meet Chongming. Although this reason is ridiculous." Chongming went to the supermarket to buy something. Chongming: Are you leaving get off work soon? Jeneya: Five more minutes. Chongming: I'll wait for you. Two people came out of the supermarket. Chongming: I just received a call from Jessica, she is coming back. Jeneya suddenly turned around and looked at Chongming, and then she smiled and said, you're fine, damn it, I was dumped by someone else again. Chongming: Who is it? Jeneya: It doesn't matter who, I'm going to call now. Chongming: Do you want to scold him again? Jeneya: Yeah, come on, maybe I need your help. Jeneya dialed the number. Jeneya: I don't know why I met you, and I don't know why you didn't leave me before I fell in love with you, and I don't know why you left me after I fell in love with you.I have been afraid to tell you that I love you because you are too good and I don't. Jeneya turned around suddenly and said to Chongming, you come to scold him, I can't speak Chongming looked into Jeneya's eyes when he answered the phone, he found her eyes were moist.So he was very angry and said to the phone: I know Jeneya loves you very much, because I have never seen her cry.Don't be so heartless, kid, you're a fucking bastard. After hanging up the phone, Chongming said: Jeneya, you are actually very cute, if there is no Jessica, I think I will fall in love with you. Jeneya smiled and said: Go to hell, I don't want you to love me.Then she turned around and walked forward waving her arms, singing "Long Live Broken Love" loudly. "When Chongming said he would fall in love with me, I turned around suddenly, because I didn't want him to see my tears fall. I rarely cry for love, but this time, I don't know why." After returning home, Chongming Pressed the call record, and then he heard Jeneya's voice. "I don't know why I met you, and I don't know why you are." Chong Ming suddenly turned around and stared at the phone, the drinking cup in his hand suddenly fell, fell to the ground and shattered.Then he heard his own voice: "I know Jeneya loves you very much, because I have never seen her cry. Don't be so heartless, you boy, you are a fucking bastard." Chongming stood in the middle of the room expressionlessly , After a long time, he said: I am really a jerk. "When I said goodbye to Chongming that night, I returned the coins he had lent me. I knew that I had no reason to meet him again. This time it was a complete separation." "Since that day, Mr. Ang Lian Will come to listen to my singing. He said my voice is very nice, like a soft and smooth water plant. Ang Lian would lean on that jukebox every night and listen to the song "The Sky——sMemory". I sang it to him the other night, but I don’t seem to have it. And he doesn’t seem to remember that I can sing this song. The guitar sound from the jukebox is very broken, and I think it looks like Ang Lian’s shining and wandering eyes. There is Sometimes we would walk together on the deserted streets, and sometimes we would sit by the fountain downstairs in our house all night. Sometimes he would sing to me, his voice was very bright and clean, just like His person. He always keeps a clean and perfect appearance, sharp as a sword just drawn. I always tell him that I am in love with him, but he always says don't love me. I know he There is a beautiful girlfriend whose name is very similar to mine, Rebecca, she used to go to Nanjing every other week, but this time she hasn’t come back for a long time.” Chongming stood at the door of the house, watching Redyna close the door with a smile Then he turned around and opened the door. He hesitated before opening the door, then opened the door without saying anything, and then closed it again. Phone recording: Ang Lian, this is Rebecca, I'll be right back.Ang Lian turned around, his eyes seemed a little dazed. downstairs.By the fountain. "Rebecca is coming back soon. I just received a call from her." "Really?" "I don't think we will meet again." Ang Lian's expression was very calm, or rather numb. Redyna hugged Ang Lian suddenly, and buried her face between his neck and shoulders. Ang Lianying's eyebrows suddenly frowned, and he said: What are you doing? Redyna burst into tears, and she said: I want to give you a bite so you won't forget me. Ang Lian looked very sad suddenly; but you bit too lightly, the scars will disappear one day. Redyna lifted her hair and said; look, there is a butterfly-shaped birthmark on the back of my neck, look, look, I will tie my hair up later, so you can see it, remember , the next time I see a woman with a butterfly birthmark on the back of her neck, it will be me! Redyna ran away suddenly, then knelt down and cried. "I was crying that night. I squatted on the ground and kept crying. Ang Lian came over and pulled me up. His arm was very strong. Ang Lian has always been a mature, steady and calm man, but I saw that he My eyes were red, and I looked so sad. So I just laughed, I don’t want him to be sad.” I hadn’t met Redyna since that day, and she quit her bar job.The old man downstairs said that she had moved out. He said that when she left, she changed her hairstyle and tied her hair up. She looked more energetic than ever. "It turned out that Jessica came back to break up with me. She said that she fell in love with a man in Beijing who treated her very well. She no longer used that orange-scented perfume and replaced it with a bitter fragrance. She said She likes to listen to a radio station’s evening song program very much now, so I really want to order a song for her at the end. Now I am used to standing on the balcony to watch the night view of the entire Nanjing city, and I find it is also very beautiful. The supermarket at the street corner , I never went there again. Because Jeneya no longer works there. Every night when I stand on the balcony and look at the city lights, I think, Jeneya, where are you now?" Subaru leaned on the bar Next to the record player, he was still listening to the song "The Sky - sMemory". "I suddenly remembered that Redyna sang this song on the first night we met. Her voice was very nice. Now I suddenly want to see her, but I know we will never see each other again. Rebecca came back with me After breaking up, she said she fell in love with a man from Tianjin, who was handsome and handsome. The old man downstairs said that Rebecca left a letter for me when she left. I haven’t picked it up. It’s nothing to me It didn't matter anymore. Until that day I saw an envelope thrown in the trash can downstairs, and a key I was familiar with fell out of it." Ang Lian called the song request program that was being broadcast on the radio. "Hi, hello, this is a song-on-demand program." "Hi, hello, I want to order a song for my ex-girlfriend, "The Sky——sMemory". Her name is Rebecca, and she has a very nice song My Chinese name is Zhuo Die. My surname is Zhuang, and my name is Ang Lian." Ang Lian then heard the familiar guitar sound from the radio.He closed his eyes quietly, and a tear fell down.He lay on the floor without moving or making a sound as time ticked past him and then ran quickly into the darkness outside.Until he heard another man's voice on the radio: "Hi, hello, I want to order "The Sky——sMemory"." "Sir, someone ordered it just now." Play it once. I want to order it for my girlfriend who just broke up. Her name is Jessica. This is her favorite song. She also has a nice Chinese name, Zhuo Die. My surname is Zhou, and my name is Chongming." The cup in Ang Lian's hand suddenly fell and shattered on the floor.He still didn't move, just vaguely remembering that now Redyna might be singing in another bar. The music on the radio was still beautiful and beautiful, and the blue and sad melody floated in the room, and finally resounded throughout the sky of Shanghai.
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