Home Categories Essays The reflection of the left hand, the age of the right hand
When I stabbed the Moon Singing Sword in my hand into the man's throat, the man's blood flowed down the edge of the sword and then fell from my wrist drop by drop. His blood spread into gurgles on the marble floor. The flowing water is like the gentle river I have heard and seen in Jiangnan since I was a child.The gentle and dignified running water scattered in all directions.I turned around and saw my mother's beautiful face, her black hair flying in the watery wind in the south of the Yangtze River, she smiled and said to me, "Lotus.This man is Liao Chan, the second killer in the south of the Yangtze River. Now he is dead by your hands, and you will take his place.The mother's smile permeated the wind, and eventually became no longer clear, like an old ink painting, filled with thick water vapor.

My name is Lianhua, and I grew up in the south of the Yangtze River. My mother and I lived together.It is said that they are dependent on each other, but in fact, I have lived a life like a king since I was a child, because my mother is the number one killer in Jiangnan.Her name is Lian Pao.Only spiritually, we are truly dependent on each other.Because I grew up without a father. I once asked my mother, I said, mother, where is my father? My mother would always hold my face, and then leaned down to kiss my eyebrows, she said, Lianhua, your father is in a remote desert, in a place full of wind and sand, where he is guarding a flock of birds, lonely, but unruly.

I asked my mother about my father's appearance, and she told me, Lianhua, he is just like you, with star eyes and sword eyebrows. I grew up in Lianyi Villa, and I grew up with my cousin, his name is Xingxiao.We have been learning swordsmanship in Lianyi Mountain Villa since we were five years old, but he learned the orthodox and gorgeous Huashan swordsmanship, while I was taught by my mother herself. She told me that my swordsmanship has no name, no origin, and no tricks. , only purpose, that is to kill.When I was young, I was always afraid of killing people, but every time I heard my mother say killing people, I always saw her smile, soft and beautiful like flowers, every time my fear would weaken, until finally I You can calmly listen to my mother tell me, Lianhua, you will become the best killer in the future.Then I smiled and nodded to my mother.I was seven years old that year.

Xing Xiao always wears a white robe, facing the wind in the jade tree, with a majestic appearance, and a white beaded crown and lun scarf to tie his hair.And I always wear a black robe, my hair is tied up high with a black rope, and there are messy strands of hair flying around my forehead.My mother told me that a killer has to be as restrained as possible, otherwise he will die.I once asked her, I said why black?She smiled and said to me, Lianhua, have you ever seen human blood? The bright red blood that flows in the body turns black just before dying, like pure golden ink. Xingxiao's swordsmanship is majestic and smooth, as gorgeous as a soaring phoenix, while my swordsmanship is straightforward, like a short bird's song.But every time I compete with Xing Xiao, I can easily stop the Changing Moon Sword at his throat within fifteen strokes, and then see the fear in his eyes.Then when I turn around, I will see my mother's peerless face smiling in the wind like ripples blooming.

The first time I killed someone was when I was eleven years old. At that time, I was not qualified to kill with the Singing Moon Sword, because that was my mother's weapon.What I used was a sword in the palm that was quenched with poison. The long and narrow blade showed a green light, just like the flowing water in the south of the Yangtze River that swirls and entangles my dreams day and night, like the sixty-six long and narrow streams in Lianyi Villa.The first person who died at my hands was a second-rate killer, but he had been famous in Jiangnan for thirty years.My mother told me that in fact, those famous killers have lost all their brilliance and sharpness in their old age, and their extravagant life has already ruined their killer career, so you can easily defeat them.Because if a killer can't kill, he can only be killed by someone else.Lianhua, remember this sentence, this is what your father once said, your father's name is Hua Cheng.

In the end, that man died easily in my hands just as my mother said, and I used seven strokes to pierce the long and narrow blade through his throat.As his blood trickled down my throat along the edge of my sword, my mother appeared behind me.I asked her, I can easily take his life, why should my sword be poisoned?Mother looked at the blood that was spreading like running water on the ground and said to me, because to become the number one killer in the world, one must put the other party to absolute death, and don't give him any chance to resist. When that person was dying, he saw my mother behind me - Lian Pao, and his eyes were filled with countless fears.He asked me in a vague voice, who is she from you, and I told him that she was my mother, and her name was Lianzhi.Then I saw his weird smile gradually bloom on his face, and finally the smile froze on his face.

I was fifteen when my mother gave me the Singing Moon Sword, and she told me that I was already qualified to use Singing Moon.The first person I killed with Singing Moon was Xing Xiao, my cousin who grew up with me, and a tall and straight boy who lived in Lianyi Villa like me.I remember that the last day we competed swords was Lichun, my mother was standing by the flowing water, the flowers were falling from the sky on her hair and on her shoulders, she would sing the moon to me, and then told me to kill the stars, she said, lotus, Kill the star effect, then you can become a real killer, because a killer must be ruthless.

That day the white flowers kept falling on me, I knew that the spring in Jiangnan was gradually waking up, I stood by the bright water, listening to the sound of flowers falling all over Jiangnan, and heard the dusk, then I went to find Xingxiao, and then I pierced his throat with a sword, using the Singing Moon Sword. The last sentence I said to Xingxiao is: Let's compare swords, click as soon as possible.Even though I could easily kill Xingxiao, I still lied to him.Because my mother told me to use all methods to put the enemy to death. Xingxiao's blood stretched at my feet, and red lotuses like flames bloomed all over the Lianyi Villa.I heard the crackling of a bird overhead, it was calling, kill, kill, kill.

From then on, I started my career as a professional killer. I would kill one person a month. My mother would always tell me that person’s name and background, family background and martial arts skills. She always accompanied me in the first few times. Then I started to act alone.I always put a lotus flower on that person's throat after killing people, and people in the world began to spread rumors about my weirdness, erratic and peerless martial arts.In fact, I left the lotus just to let those who contributed money know that the lotus has killed those people, and their money is not in vain.

When I was eighteen, I killed Liao Jian, the second killer in Jiangnan.Lianyi Villa has become the best killer manor in the south of the Yangtze River, because there are lotus oars and lotus flowers living in it.From then on, my mother would always hold my face and say to me, Lianhua, you will definitely become the number one killer in the world. Even my mother doesn't know that the number one killer in Jiangnan is me or you.I think one day, either I will die by your hands, or you will die by my sword. Then I would see my mother's smile rippling, like the mist in the morning in the south of the Yangtze River, permeating the entire Lianyi Villa.She smiled and said to me, Lianhua, your face resembles your father very much, and his name is Hua Cheng.

After I was eighteen years old, I seldom spoke. I always sat under the willow tree on the bank and watched the white catkins flying all over the blue sky. When autumn came, I could see large yellow leaves Withered cruelly in the wind.When I was young, my mother told me that everyone will return to their hometown when they die, and the fallen leaves will return to their roots. Those who cannot go back will become wandering souls and be exiled forever.Every time I look up at the sky, I wonder if Jiangnan is my hometown, and if I die, will I be buried under those emerald green waters. Once my mother asked me what I was looking up to, and I said nothing, just because of loneliness.Then a bird flew across the sky, and it was calling, kill, kill, kill.I pretended not to hear, but my mother didn't say anything. That night, my mother told me that I actually have a younger sister, her name is Lianhua like mine, and she lived with my father in the desert, watching over a group of lonely birds.My father is one of the two best killers in the world, and my younger sister should also be a top killer now. I asked my mother, who is the other killer who is the same as my father? I heard her faint sigh, and she said, it was me.Then she said, Lianhua, you were actually born in the desert beyond the Great Wall. Your hometown is not Jiangnan, but the windy and sandy desert in the northern part of the Great Wall. When I cut the moon-buried sword deeply across the neck artery of that swordsman, I heard the whistling sound of the blood gushing out. His blood sprayed out like yellow sand in the desert. Scattered in the wind, tiny blood droplets scattered on the hot sand, quickly dried and turned black, just like the color of my father Huacheng's pupils, black as golden ink.When the swordsman fell down like a tree in front of me, my father appeared behind me, his expression was stern and rebellious, and the lonely chirping birds hovered above his head, and they flew away quickly.Father said to me in a low voice, Lotus.This man's name is Han Tat, and he is the killer second only to me in this desert. He has been famous for ten years, and he is only twenty-seven years old now.When he was seventeen years old, he was already a first-class killer outside the pass.My father turned around and smiled at me, he said, Lianhua, from now on in this desert, no one can kill you except me, maybe even I can't kill you.My father's smile finally permeated the wind and sand, and my eyes felt the slightest pain.That year, I was fifteen years old. My name is Lianhua. I grew up in the desert in the northwest. I lived with my father. Every morning, I would stand beside him and accompany him to watch the birds flying past on the horizon.I grew up listening to the calls of those birds, which were closely attached to the dim sky of the desert.My father always told me, he said, look at the lotus, that direction is Jiangnan, that misty place, the city surrounded by silk and bamboo.The water there is green and clear, and it can swirl around your dreams.My father's name is Hua Cheng, the world's top killer. I have learned swordsmanship from my father since I was a child. He never taught me the fancy swordsmanship that women should learn. The swordsmanship he taught me is simple and clear, straightforward. There is no name, no history, no tricks, only the purpose, which is to kill. The place where my father and I lived was in the middle of the desert. There was a spring behind our house. I asked my father why there was a spring in the desert. He smiled and said that it was because someone used to cry here.His smile was scattered in the wind, and the fine yellow sand mixed with it fell on my face one after another. My father planted lotus flowers in that spring, red lotuses as fresh as flames.My father told me that the red lotus came from the Western Regions. The juice in the petals is very poisonous, and the blood seals the throat.Like peacock gall and crane crest.I remember that the red lotus always died in the beginning, and the best time was when it survived to flowering, but when the first buds formed, the lotus started to fester from the root and eventually died.When I was six years old, there was a heavy snowfall, and the spring water was frozen for three months. After the thaw, all the lotus flowers transplanted by my father from the Western Regions survived, and the warm and jade-like lotus leaves covered the entire spring pool.I asked my father why he planted lotus flowers. My father smiled and stroked my hair. He said, because of the two women I love most, one is called lotus paddle and the other is called lotus flower.I also have a favorite man, his name is also Lotus. The weapons I used to kill people before the age of fifteen were all silver needles, quenched by the poison of red lotus juice.Every time I use those poisonous needles to pierce the arteries in the opponent's neck, and then I will see the scene of blood spraying out, like the red dust diffused in the wind, falling little by little on the yellow sand of the desert, Then it was quickly blown dry by the wind, and was obliterated by quicksand, leaving no trace.I once asked my father, and I said, father, I can easily end the lives of those people with silver needles, why do I need to poison the needles.The father looked in the direction of the horizon and said slowly, because he should not leave any room for the opponent to fight back, he must put the opponent to death. My father always played his dusty six-stringed violin at dusk. The sound was desolate and profound, rippling on the desert in the twilight. Sometimes a caravan of camels would pass by in the distance. The melodious piano sounds are entangled together and dispersed in the wind.I asked my father what tune it was, and he told me that it was written by my mother, who used to play and sing it in his ear every day and night with Jiangnan silk and bamboo.My father always sang the Jiangnan ditty in his desolate and magnetic voice: In the sound of lights and oars, the sky is still cold, and the water is still cold.In the dream, the silk and bamboo sang softly, the building outside the building, the mountain beyond the mountain, and the people outside the mountain have not yet returned.The person has not yet returned, and the word Yan looks back, which is earlier than Wangchuan.The person who played the piano was full of tears.Flowers blooming and rustling all over the shoulders.The shoulders are covered, the sound of the flute is cold, the shadow of the window is shattered, and the sound of the oars in the mist, where is Jiangnan. Every time my father sang this poem, he always burst into tears. I never asked him why he didn't go back to Jiangnan, to the city on the water with rippling blue water.I only know that my father always sings that he will carefully put away the guqin until the sun is completely hidden under the horizon piled up with yellow sand, but he still does not wipe off the soft dust on it.Then he would dance the sword under the moonlight, lonely, but unruly, he never taught me those sword styles, I saw my father’s flying black robe and black messy hair under the moonlight, like an eagle spreading its wings, the moonlight The deep outline of his face flowed, filled his chest, waist, fingers holding the sword, and finally melted into his pupils as black as golden ink. My father told me that this desert looks peaceful, but actually hides too many storms.There are too many killers and swordsmen hiding in this desert.I have seen those silent swordsmen that my father mentioned, they are always covered with black hoods, walking alone in this hot desert under the scorching sun, like lonely but rebellious wolves.Their knives are always wrapped in black cloth and carried behind their backs.I once saw a knife attack that was as fast as lightning and killed with one move.The swordsman looked up at the sky after his opponent fell, and saw the birds flying across the sky, killing, killing, killing.I don't know why, but when I saw that swordsman, I thought of my father, Hua Cheng. I asked my father why all their sword skills have no origins, and my father told me, because their sword skills are the same as yours, with no names, no origins, no tricks, and only the purpose, which is to kill.So they are the most dangerous animals in this desert. When I was fifteen years old, my father asked me to kill a group of swordsmen passing through this desert, seven of them were extremely skilled.My father gave me his moon burial sword, and then took me to Huangshi Town, the only small town on the edge of the desert. When I was walking on the streets with flying sand and stones, I felt a little fear.Because I have never seen so many people.I grew up with my father since I was a child.No language contact with the second person.My father pointed out to me the peddlers, old women, beggars, and young boys on the side of the road one by one, and told me who among them was a killer, who was a swordsman, and who was a commoner.Among them, my father pointed to a little boy about eight years old and told me that he was the young master of Bingquan Island in the South China Sea and one of the top fifty Central Plains killers. When the street came to the end, I saw the flying and raging yellow sand settling down one after another. At the end of the yellow sand, there was a noisy restaurant. I saw seven swordsmen inside, the middle one One, the most terrifying. My father said to me, Lotus, go up and kill them. When my father said this, it seemed that he was saying something for granted to me.His face was calm, without waves. Later, those seven people all died by my hands, all of which were cut open by my sword, and blood sprayed out.The swordsman who died at the end was a thin-faced man, he kept looking at me, and at the last moment, he asked me, who are you, Hua Cheng.I gently put the last lotus flower on his throat, and said to him, he is my father.Then I saw his weird smile, which finally froze on his face and froze forever. When my father and I left that day, the restaurant was lit again, and the red lanterns were shaking in the wind mixed with yellow sand. My father said to me, Lianhua, now you are the best killer in the desert, besides me, Maybe no one can kill you again. I looked at the Moon Burying Sword in my hand, its snow-white light hurt my eyes, there was not a single drop of blood on it, it was as clean as a ivory-white moon, so full and so full. When my father left Huangshi Town, he gave a jade pendant around his waist to a little beggar on the side of the road. I knew that jade pendant was an ancient mascot, and my father had bought it for five thousand taels of silver.I asked my father why he would give to a little beggar.My father said to me because he was a real beggar. After returning home that night, my father started playing the piano again, and then danced the sword. In the dark, I could hear the sound of the sword cutting through the night, as short and sharp as the chirping of birds.That night I heard my father singing that poem again: Amidst the shadows of lights and the sound of oars, the sky is still cold, and the water is still cold.In the dream, the silk and bamboo sang softly, the building outside the building, the mountain beyond the mountain, and the people outside the mountain have not yet returned.Before the person returned, looking back with the word Yan, it was earlier than Wangchuan, and the person playing the piano was full of tears.Flowers blooming and rustling all over the shoulders.The shoulders are covered, the sound of the flute is cold, the shadow of the window is shattered, and the sound of the oars in the mist, where is Jiangnan. When I was eighteen, my father told me that we should leave the desert. I don't know why my father left, leaving the birds and deserts he had been guarding for eighteen years, leaving his lotus pond, and leaving the pinnacle killer status here.I said to my father, "Father, we will give up everything if we leave. Have you decided?" My father nodded, and he said, because we are going to find your mother and your brother. His name is also Lianhua. The father looked at the dark sky and said, because the agreed time has come. I always like to watch the flowers fluttering in Lianyi Villa, endless, sweeping everything.The small rivers that stretch in the manor always reflect my lonely figure. In fact, I often want to talk to someone, but every time I come into contact with strangers, I have only one purpose, which is to kill them. Every time I stab their throat with a sword, I feel very sad, as if I am dying continuously. In fact, people are not called dead until they die. Many times I feel that I have died. I am like a puppet, and I have cut the silver thread that manipulates me behind me. I always dream of my father, he lives in the desert with my sister, I dream of his handsome and unruly face, black flying robe, and his messy hair, just like me now.There is also the bright long sword Burial Moon wrapped in black cloth behind him.And my sister, Lotus.She should have the alluring face of her mother when she was young, and the gentle mist of the south of the Yangtze River when she smiles, but when she kills, she must be as decisive and thorough as me. Sometimes in my dreams there was a big fire, and the continuous fire burned every corner of Lianyi Villa.I can't see my mother, I can't see my Singing Moon Sword, I can't see the villa, I can't see Jiangnan in the firelight all over the sky, I can only see the god of death approaching step by step. Every time I struggle to wake up, I always see the kind face of my mother-in-law. She always smiles at me and doesn't speak. My mother-in-law grew up with me in Lianyi Villa, and I have been sleeping in her arms since I was a child.But my mother-in-law can't speak, she always smiles at me, her smile is warm and inclusive.I like the warm smell of Sophora japonica on her hair, which is a good memory mixed with fragrance in my childhood. In fact, when I first used Changyue Sword, I always wondered if my mother would ask me to kill my mother-in-law, but my mother still didn't.Maybe because my mother-in-law doesn't know martial arts, she can't improve me. I was always talking to my mother in law and she was the only one who could listen to me because she couldn't talk.Many times I hugged my mother-in-law sadly and cried, she still smiled at me kindly, I seemed to hear her say to me, Lianhua, don't cry, you want to become the best swordsman in the world, how can you cry. My mother-in-law taught me a song, and she wrote it on paper for me to read: In the shadow of lights and the sound of oars, the sky is still cold, and the water is still cold.In the dream, the silk and bamboo sang softly, the building outside the building, the mountain beyond the mountain, and the people outside the mountain have not yet returned.Before the person returned, looking back with the word Yan, it was earlier than Wangchuan, and the person playing the piano was full of tears.Flowers blooming and rustling all over the shoulders.The shoulders are covered, the sound of the flute is cold, the shadow of the window is shattered, and the sound of the oars in the mist, where is Jiangnan. I don't know how to sing this ballad, but I like to read them out. I always sit by the river and read this ballad in the wind blowing flowers. It makes me feel very warm. Since I was eighteen years old, my mother has always said the same sentence, she said, the appointed time is coming. Every time I ask her what the agreement is, she always shakes her head, and then I see her unfathomable but overwhelming smile. That day I went to kill a famous swordsman in a bustling city, and that swordsman was a real fame seeker.So when I saw him in the restaurant of the inn, I walked over and said to him, if you want to commit suicide, you still need me to kill you.The man looked at me and laughed very loudly. He said, I am living a good life and I don’t want to die, and I can let an ignorant child like you die. I sighed and shook my head, then quickly inserted the three chopsticks on the table into his throat.I saw him looking at the sword behind me when he died, I smiled, and I asked him, do you want to ask me why I didn't kill you with the sword?He nodded.I say, because you are not worthy of my sword. I asked him again, do you really want to see my sword? He nodded, his eyes starting to wander. So I pulled out the sword, and the white light like moonlight instantly illuminated the surrounding blackness.Then I heard a vague voice in his throat saying, so you are the lotus. I laughed, and I said, yes, I am Lotus.Then I stabbed the Singing Moon Sword into his throat again, because my mother told me not to give the opponent any leeway.When I saw his blood was dyed emerald green by the poison of the red lotus, I put a red Western Region red lotus on his throat, turned and left. When I came down I saw the man and a young woman in the courtyard, both in black robes with flying hair.The man was rebellious, and the young woman carried a long sword wrapped in black cloth on her back.Intuitively I knew who they were, they were killers just like me.And it's a first-rate killer. I walked past them quietly, and then I heard that man singing a song, which was the one my mother-in-law taught me. I finally knew how to sing this song, and the melody was full of sadness. The flowing water in the south of the Yangtze River turns dry. When I returned to Lianyi Villa, I saw my mother standing under the eaves. She looked at the nests of swallows piled up on the black eaves, showing an innocent and sweet smile like a girl.I call her, I call her mother. I didn't fall asleep for a long time that night. I kept thinking about that man and that woman. I thought I should have seen them because their faces were so familiar.But I can't remember under what circumstances we met.That night I sang the ditty that man sang, and I heard my voice floating lonely among the trees and corridors of Lianyi Mountain Villa, and then I heard a rapid knock on the door, I opened the door and saw my mother was stunned Looking at me, she asked hurriedly, who taught you to sing this song?She grabbed my skirt and asked me, tell me, who is it? I said, I don't know. When my mother left that day, I heard her whisper, she said, the appointed time has come, so you have come back. My mother-in-law stood behind us that day. When I turned around, I saw her kind face, but for the first time, I saw the sadness that could not be hidden from her face. Mother-in-law, what are you worried about? My father told me that in the current world, only Jiangnan and Beyond the Great Wall have the best killers, so we have to go back to Jiangnan, and my mother is waiting for me there, as well as my brother, Lianhua. I never met my mother, and my brother never met his father.Also, we have never met each other.My father always likes to touch my soft black hair and say to me, Lotus, your mother is as beautiful as you, and her name is Lian Pao. When we arrived at the small town in the south of the Yangtze River, it was already dusk, and a drizzle began to fall slowly from the sky.The rain in the south of the Yangtze River is always so gentle that it does not have the slightest breath of desolation, lingering and sentimental like those paper kites flying all over the sky. I remember the first time I saw a paper kite in the desert was after killing a bodyguard, and there was a butterfly paper kite in his car.I asked my father what it was, and my father told me that it was a paper kite, which could fly into the sky when there was wind, just like those lonely birds. I asked him why he hadn't seen anyone releasing paper kites in the desert? Father said, because of the wind in the desert, it was too cool to kill.Those fragile paper kites will be dismembered by the wind, and then scattered into pieces, falling to the end of the world. And now, I finally saw paper kites flying in the sky, so peaceful and quiet.Suddenly, tears welled up in my eyes.I asked my father, why didn't I live in Jiangnan since I was a child, and why wasn't my mother by my side? My father stroked my hair and didn't speak, but I saw the pain in his eyes.He called my name over and over again, lotus, lotus, lotus. I like the flowing water in the south of the Yangtze River, they wind around the whole city tactfully.I always smile happily when I see those boys in long gowns walking on the stone bridge.I asked my father, dad, did you also look like that when you were young, with a feather fan and scarf, romantic and suave?My father always stroked my hair and said to me, no, when I was young I always carried a moon-buying sword on my back and lived in seclusion.A lot of time rushing in the dark and then killing at dawn.There is no wave in the father's tone, so I don't know what kind of memories he has of his young years. I have seen those women picking lotus with their bright wrists raised in black-covered boats. Their hair is as black as golden ink, hanging down from their shoulders softly, and then submerged in the water.Those hairs are rippling in the water plants, like their low Wu Nong soft words.Occasionally, swallows flew obliquely across the water, and then disappeared under the black eaves. I said to my father, Dad, I like Jiangnan. On our first day in Jiangnan we stayed in an inn.Standing in the courtyard with my father that night, I saw the stars shining on my father's black flying hair.He was singing that ditty, but he didn't bring his qin, and it was left in the sand in the desert.Father's magnetic voice spread in the water vapor in the south of the Yangtze River. In the sound of lights and oars, the sky is still cold, and the water is still cold.In the dream, the silk and bamboo sang softly, the building outside the building, the mountain beyond the mountain, and the people outside the mountain have not yet returned.Before the person returned, looking back with the word Yan, it was earlier than Wangchuan, and the person playing the piano was full of tears.Flowers blooming and rustling all over the shoulders.The shoulders are covered, the sound of the flute is cold, the shadow of the window is shattered, and the sound of the oars in the mist, where is Jiangnan. Then I saw a man in a black robe passing by us. At that moment, I felt familiar. He was very like my father, with thick black eyebrows flying obliquely, eyes like stars, and a straight nose like a blade. thin lips.My father turned his back to him and didn't see him. I wanted to call my father, but he had already walked out of the inn.I looked at his back and suddenly felt very sad. Then we heard the exclamation of the crowd upstairs. When my father and I caught up, I saw a man lying in a pool of blood. His blood flowed out from under him, like flowing water in the south of the Yangtze River, scattered in all directions, and gradually turned black in the wind.Then I found the wound on his throat, which was fatal with a sword, and the wound was a strange blue color. I knew that the blade of the sword was poisonous, and it was the poison from the red lotus juice of the Western Regions.And on that person's throat, there was a red lotus as bright as a flame. I turned to my father and said, I didn't kill him.But I found that my father didn't look at me at all, he just said two words in a low voice in a trance, and those two words were very strange, that was my name. My father has been chanting, lotus, lotus, on the tenth day of the lotus day, the north star moves sideways, avoid sharp weapons, benefit the north, have blood, it is advisable to take a bath, and chant scriptures to relieve disasters. It was written in the almanac that day. Mother got up very early that morning, her hair was pulled up, delicate hairpins, flying silk clothes, holding my singing moon in her hand. Mother, where are you going? Going to meet a killer who is unparalleled in the world, I want to see if I am number one in the world or him.Mother's hair is still not messed up in the wind.I saw her smile, trance and blurred. Mother, can you not go.I suddenly felt a kind of fear in my heart, but I didn't know what I was worried about. No, this is an agreement made twenty years ago.Lianhua, you wait for me to come back, I will become the number one killer in the world. I watched her back disappear at the gate of the villa, and her clothes flew away. I suddenly felt that the lotus paddle was like a butterfly that wanted to fly, but I was afraid that she would never come back. That day I waited until night, the villa was already lit with orange lights, the palace lanterns under the eaves were on, and the soft light shrouded my head. When I heard the heavy evening bell from the hills to the north, I stood up and told my mother-in-law that I was going out. My mother-in-law took my hand and looked at me.I smiled at her, I said mother-in-law, I just went to find my mother, I will be back soon. I saw my mother in the south of Lishui, and the man who could sing ditties I saw in the inn. When I arrived, I just saw the man's sword cut my mother's throat, and the blood was like The fluttering petals were picked in all directions and sprayed out violently, falling on the grass.Changyue in mother's hand fell down and hit the lawn without sound. I called my mother softly, I said, mother, mother. Then she turned and looked at me with a smile, happy and content, that I was with her when she died.My mother's body fell down in my arms, and she stretched out her hand to stroke my face.I saw a tear flow from the corner of her eye. It was the first time I saw my mother cry, and it was also the last time.She stretched out her hand and pointed at the man, and then I heard a muffled voice in her throat, she said, he is him I hugged my mother tightly and whispered, I understand, mother, I will avenge you.However, before I finished my words, my mother's hand fell from my face, and I saw her quiet face, rippling with happiness. I picked up the singing moon on the ground, then left with my mother in my arms.When I left, the man called my name behind my back, he called me Lianhua. I didn't look back, but stopped, and then I said to him, since you know my name, you should know that I am the number one killer in Jiangnan, but you killed my mother in front of me. The man didn't speak, and I heard his sighing voice diffused in the cold water vapor of the night.He suddenly asked, is there a mother-in-law in your family? I didn't answer him, and left with my mother in my arms. Tears fell from my eyes, I never knew that a person's tears could be so hot. I forgot whether it was autumn that day, but I clearly remember that when I left, leaves began to fall in large swaths around me, falling on my shoulders, and falling on my mother's face.I suddenly remembered what my mother once said to me. She said that everyone will return to their hometown when they die, and the fallen leaves will return to their roots. Mother, don't be afraid, I will take you home right away, back to Lianyi Villa, you still have to teach me how to practice swordsmanship, you still have to caress my face and call my name, Lianhua.Mother, you can't die, because you are my world. When I left the lawn filled with my mother's blood, I heard that man singing again: amidst the sound of lights and oars, the sky is still cold, and the water is still cold.In the dream, the silk and bamboo sang softly, the building outside the building, the mountain beyond the mountain, and the people outside the mountain have not yet returned.Before the person returned, looking back with the word Yan, it was earlier than Wangchuan, and the person playing the piano was full of tears.Flowers blooming and rustling all over the shoulders.The shoulders are covered, the sound of the flute is cold, the shadow of the window is shattered, and the sound of the oars in the mist, where is Jiangnan. I don't know if it was my hallucination or the sound became blurred in the mist. I heard the man's singing turned into a suppressed sob at the end, like the gurgling water in the south of the Yangtze River, sobbing and rushing. The sound of birds flying in the black sky, kill, kill, kill.I raised my head, but I couldn't see where the bird was.Only those bright stars, the stars covered my mother's hair. When I returned to Lianyi Villa, I saw my mother-in-law standing at the door holding a red palace lantern. The wind blew her silver-white hair, and her dark blue clothes shone dimly in the night.I hugged my mother and stood in front of her, and then saw her indifferent face, as if saying, doomed is always doomed, and then she staggered in. I looked at my sleeping mother in my arms and burst into tears. Mother, can you call me by my name, my name is Lianhua. Fifteen, the dragon rushes to the evil, and everything is inappropriate. The moon that day was extraordinarily round and extraordinarily bright in my memory.我在丽水的南岸,我的面前站着那个杀死我娘的黑衣男人,他的剑也背在他的身后。 他问我,你回去之后见过你的婆婆吗? 见过。 那你已经知道我是谁了吗? Know. 然后我看见他的笑容,像月光一样柔和的笑容,那一刻我竟然感到莫名的温暖。 我想和你比剑,点到即止,行吗? certainly.我看到他的笑容,神采飞扬。 那天晚上他的剑总是在刚要到我的咽喉的时候就收了回去,可是,当我将剑逼近他的咽喉的时候,我直接贯穿了他的咽喉,然后我听到喉结碎裂的声音。 鲜血从剑锋上流下来,从我的手腕上滴下去,染红了丽水边的草坪。鲜血从岸上流进河中,一丝一丝扩散开来。我知道这条河的水会将他的鲜血带到整个江南。 我望着他的面容,他的脸上竟然没有怨恨只是忧伤,我对他说,比剑之前你问过我知不知道你是谁,我当然知道,你就是杀我娘的人,而且你是个愚蠢的杀手,难道你以为我真的会点到即止? 他的脸上突然出现了那种包容一切而又怜惜的表情,然后我听见他喉咙里模糊的声音,他说,我是我是你的父亲,我的名字叫花丞然后他手中的剑跌落下去,我的剑同时也跌落下去,两把剑安静地躺在草坪上,唱月,葬月。 花丞,我的父亲。我亲手杀了我的父亲,杀了那个我十八年来一直想见的人。 我抬头看天,树叶纷纷扬扬地飘落下来,掉在我和我父亲的身上。 然后我看到了那个和他一起的女子,她从黑暗中走出来,抱起花丞,然后离开。 我望着她的背影,一瞬间我的难过竟然那么巨大。我试着叫她的名字,我叫她莲花。我想知道她是不是我的妹妹。 她没有转身,但是停了下来。她说,既然你知道我的名字,那么你应该知道,我是大漠中的第一杀手,可是你竟然在我面前杀死了我爹。 她离开的时候落叶不断掉落在她的身上,我突然觉得这个场景似曾相识。我突然想起了那首小调,于是我轻轻唱起来:灯影桨声里,天犹寒,水犹寒。梦中丝竹轻唱,楼外楼,山外山那天当我抱着父亲离开的时候,我听到那个男人在背后唱的歌谣。我不知道他怎么会唱这首曲子,可是,他的面容,像极了年轻时候的父亲,孤独,可是桀骜。一瞬间我几乎有种错觉,我像是觉得在我身后歌唱的,其实就是我的父亲,花丞。 离开那片草坪的时候我听到树林深处飞鸟的破鸣,杀,杀,杀。我想起父亲从前一直喜欢观望天空中寂寞的飞鸟。我突然很后悔来江南,如果我和父亲一直呆在大漠,那么现在,父亲还是在莲池边舞剑,抚琴,唱着歌谣直到泪满衣襟。 我突然很想回到大漠,我想看看那里的莲花有没有死掉,我想看看那些沉默的刀客有没有再在沙漠中出现。我想看看黄石镇上那个小乞丐,顺便问问那块玉佩在什么地方,我想找回来。 不过在我离开之前,我还要结束在江南的记忆。我要回到我生长的大漠,在那里,成为第一的杀手。 我来江南是为了寻找我的母亲,可是却连父亲也失去了。那个我从没有见过面的母亲我想我今生今世也无法见到了,因为我要离开江南,其实我很想见见她,因为父亲说,我和我娘年轻的时候一模一样。我想让她在我离开江南的最后时刻陪我放一放纸鸢,因为我从来都没有放过,我也想让她陪我乘着乌篷船去采一朵水莲花,我要带回大漠去。我想让她抱抱我,让我可以叫她一声娘,可是娘,你在哪儿? 那天莲花来莲漪山庄找我,她说她要离开江南。我问她,我说你知道了我是谁吗? 她点点头,眼神中的疲倦让我心疼。 她说,在我走之前,我们比一次剑,那是我父亲最后的心愿。 我说好,可是必须点到即止。 那天比剑我发现我们的剑术几乎一模一样,有几次我将剑送到了她的颈部,然后又小心地收回来,可是当莲花刺出第七剑的时候,她直接用她的剑划破了我的咽喉。我看到我的血从我的下颌喷洒而出,像是带血的扬花,纷纷扬扬,我感到身体不断变得空洞乏力。 我问莲花,你知道我是谁吗? 然后她笑了,她说我当然知道,你就是杀我父亲的人,你也是个失败的杀手,因为你居然真的点到即止。 那一刻,我感到那么难过,可是我却再也发不出声音,我突然明白为什么我父亲死在我剑下的时候表情没有怨恨只有怜悯。于是我笑了,我看到莲花脸上的不解。可是我却再也没机会和她说话。我最后听到的声音是我手中的唱月剑跌到地面的声响,然后我看到婆婆出现在山庄的大门后面,然后一切突然消失。 当我用剑划破他的咽喉的时候,我听到他的血喷洒出来时呼呼的风声。在他倒下去的时候,我突然觉得他像我的父亲,我的父亲也是那么倒在我的面前,再也没有起来。他的血蔓延在地面上,像是江南温柔的流水。那天有很多的落叶从天而降,覆盖了苍茫的大地。 我在江南的事情已经全部做完,我要回大漠去了。 当我离开的时候,我看到一个老人从门后面走出来,她小声地叫我的名字,莲花。 我转过身,问,你是在叫我吗? 她的面容很疲惫,她点点头,说是。她说,其实我也是在叫死了的他,可是他却不知道,我是可以说话的。 那个老人抚摸着地下的那个男人的脸,说,莲花,我从来没有叫过你。现在我叫你的名字,你听见了吗? 我突然感到一阵眩晕,我问,你说他的名字叫莲花? 然后那个老人站起来,说,是的,他叫莲花,他就是你的哥哥,这辈子惟一的一个哥哥。 我突然感到一阵风将我围绕,我从来不知道原来江南的风也可以那么冷。我问她,这到底是怎么回事? 那个老人说,你父亲杀了你母亲,然后你哥哥杀了你父亲替他娘报仇,然后你杀了他替你爹报仇。一切就是这样。命中的定数。 那我爹为什么要杀我娘? 因为二十年前的一场约定;那个时候你爹是大漠第一的杀手,而你娘莲桨,是江南莲漪山庄的最好的杀手,二十年前他们曾经较量过一次,从日出到日暮,可是不分胜负,于是他们约定二十年后重新比剑。可是,他们却在相遇的两年后彼此相爱,最后成亲。可是他们都不想违背约定,所以二十年后,你娘死在了你爹的剑下。一切就这么简单。 那你为什么不阻止这一切? 因为天下不能有四个天下第一的杀手,你们之间,只能剩下一个。最好的杀手,才能接掌莲漪山庄,成为天下的主宰。 你为什么会知道这一切?who are you? 那个老人叹了口气,然后缓缓地说,莲桨是你娘,而我,是莲桨的娘。你的外婆。现在开始,你是莲漪山庄的新主人。 我不会再当个杀手了。 你不能不当,莲花。这是没有选择的事情。如果你要离开,我就会杀死你。因为莲漪山庄不允许外面有比庄内更厉害的杀手存在。 我最终还是离开了江南,尽管外婆要我留下来接管莲漪山庄,可是我自己明白,我再也无法使用葬月剑来杀人,因为我已经有了感情,我走到了杀手的尽头。离开的时候我量后一次舞动葬月剑,将我的外婆刺杀在我的剑下。当婆婆缓缓从我面前倒下的时候,我的手几乎握不住剑了。我想我再也不能使出杀人的剑术了。 那年冬天我回到大漠,重新有风沙洒落在我的面容上。可是当我走到莲池边上的时候,莲花已经全部枯死,我不知道来年它们会不会重新发芽,开花。 我坐在莲池边上,解下我的发钗,我突然发现我的头发已经那么长了,黑色的发丝垂到水中,同莲花的残梗纠缠在一起,我看到水中那个女子的影子,一瞬间想到我娘。也想起父亲曾经说过的他生命中最重要的三个人,莲桨,莲花,莲花。 我想以后我会像我的父亲一样,安静地生活在这个大漠,每天早晨起来看天边寂寞的飞鸟,想象着东边水气弥漫的江南。我也会像父亲一样在夜色中舞剑,让星光落满肩膀,同时抚琴,哼唱那首小调。 我披散着头发走进我居住了十多年的房子,一切都在,只是都蒙上了一层柔软的灰尘,像是我已经离开了很久。我在房间里走来走去,一直走到日落。每走一步我都会听到我父亲的声音。 我看到桌上的那些银针,那些淬着红莲剧毒的银针,十五岁前我的杀人利器,一瞬间我感到沧海桑田。我捏着银针,叹息声弥漫在房间中。 我突然想起我的未曾见过面的母亲,想起与父亲酷似的最终死在我手上的哥哥莲花,想起我们的剑术,想起莲漪山庄门前哥哥流淌如江南流水的鲜血。 然后我突然听到有人破门而入的声音,我从恍惚中回过神,看到一个陌生的刀客,他问我他可不可以在这里借住一个晚上,我说可以。 等我回过头时,才发现刚才的惊吓让我捏银针过于用力,我的皮肤被银针划破了,我看到我的鲜血渗出来,变成幽蓝色。 然后一切在我眼前晃动不止,所有的色彩开始涣散,我听到天空上飞鸟的鸣叫,杀,杀,杀。在我倒向地面的时候,我听到了熟悉的声音,只是我已经分不出那是我的父亲,还是我的哥哥。只是我知道,那个低沉的声音在唱:灯影桨声里,天犹寒,水犹寒。梦中丝竹轻唱,楼外楼,山外山,楼山之外人未还,人未还,雁字回首,早过忘川,抚琴之人泪满衫。扬花萧萧落满肩。落满肩,笛声寒,窗影残,烟波桨声里,何处是江南。
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