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The reflection of the left hand, the age of the right hand

The reflection of the left hand, the age of the right hand


  • Essays

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 111294

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I am in the third year of high school, and I write these real words in my life just for a testimony, although the result may be tragic.When I walk on campus, I always think about what kind of life I want.And that very sad sentence, I wrote it down and put it in the photo frame: After this July, everything will be fine, everything will be there.I saw a sentence in a magazine that day: After graduation, I am a window pane. After smashing it with my body, I walked past it without avoiding or avoiding the sharp fragments, window by window.When I look back, it’s just fragments floating all over the place. I can’t see clearly, and I can’t pick them up. There is a lyric from the Queen, and I am very moved when I hear it: “One day, I will grow up.” I always repeat this sentence, Then think about what to say next.Finally, I think: when one day, I grow up, I hope to look back at my growth, look back and see it - my shining years, and then I can say to them, I am very happy to meet you.

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