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Chapter 13 Chapter 12 There is no complaint between the old and the new, only the true and the false

see 柴静 10288Words 2018-03-18
One evening, Snoopy called: "Dinner?" "Okay." I said, "I invite you, I'm planning to go downstairs to eat." He stepped forward: "No, you do it." I laughed angrily: "Why, only instant noodles." "no." "Then make noodles." "Noodles are ready." This is the case when a friend is too old, and he doesn't even talk about it. I had no choice but to go to the supermarket, buy a fish head, cooking wine, a bag of fungus, go to the market to buy some red peppers, and then go back and buy two loofahs and green peppers.After finishing the noodles, put a scrambled egg in it, and pat a cucumber.

He leaned against the door to look, and reached out to wipe the stove again.I took the fish head with chopped peppers from the pot, and gave him a white look: "Put on white gloves and wipe it again." He chuckled: "I'm afraid you've forgotten your life in the past two years." After dinner, we both drank tea.With a little serious distress, he said that reading the last few pages of each issue of a magazine is very stimulating.The articles there wrote about my parents' generation, and most of them said that although their parents were poor, they were upright all their lives, and they told me what kind of life principles they taught me.

He said that his father was also old, but he was an unreflective Red Guard, and getting old was not good for the nanny.He spoke with his old friend without concealment, with confusion and sadness: "Could it be that my dad is different from others?" I told him, I am afraid it is the result of the media's choice.Seven or eight years ago, I watched a talk show on Beijing TV.A little girl talks to her father about the communication between father and daughter.Almost halfway through the talk, the guests and audience at the scene began to persuade this girl, saying how difficult it is for your father, how can you only look at his shortcomings, and how you should respect him when he has raised you for so many years.The girl kept listening.Then she said something: "I came here to talk about the problems between us. If you insist on listening to me and my dad on this show, I can also talk to you about a good family." After speaking, he stood up and left.

Chen Ga once scolded someone because of this choice. The reporter took a video, saying that a middle school teacher quit his job and took in some mentally handicapped children at home, nailed homework books for them, judged homework, took them to McDonald's, and vacated the beds at home for them to live in.The film is very emotional. Chen Yi said that he was moved by the action of nailing up the homework, but felt that something was wrong, so he asked the reporter: "Does this teacher charge money?" The reporter said: "20,000 to 30,000 a year." He calculated that if he took in four children, he would earn 100,000 yuan a year, and after paying for them, he could earn tens of thousands of yuan, which was much higher than his income as a teacher at school. "When I didn't know such a fact, I was moved by the act of nailing homework. When I knew it, I thought it was saving money."

He then asked: "Why didn't you tell the audience that he took money? Who taught you? Why didn't you tell the audience when you knew it?" The reporter was silent. He later said: "In fact, no one taught him, but in our consciousness, the films we shoot are to praise a character, describe what is good for this character, and avoid what is so-called unfavorable for this character. A concept, a consciousness." Chen Snake was right, but, "Who taught you?", asked this question, as if he was an alien. He doesn't care about these, he doesn't ask about your growth history, and he doesn't sympathize with you. He just pierces people's brains like a knife, and no one can handle it.

When reviewing a film, he scolded: "Are you a robot?" When you finish editing, show him tremblingly. After reading it, he said gently: "You are not a robot this time, you are not even a human, you are just a machine." He also extended: "You always say you want to express yourself. I always feel that someone restricts you to express your thoughts. I want to ask, do you have thoughts? What thoughts do you have? Let me ask you. Can I have an opinion?" Teacher Qian Gang has a different style. He doesn't train or give advice, but no matter who does well, he can always see in his eyes.

I cried to him, saying that apart from textbooks, I had only read romance novels, my mind was empty, and I could hear an echo when I knocked. He was happy, and said that there is no need to worry, the good fragrance comes from the smoke.What he wrote, never asked his son to read it, and he felt uneasy even if the article was included in the teaching materials of Hong Kong students: "This is a natural thing, there is no need to force it, let alone become compulsory." He said that everyone has their own cultural code, which will be activated naturally at a certain age. I made a bitter face: "But I'm already this old."

He smiled and asked, "How old are you?" "Seven or six years." He said that in 1976, when he was twenty-three years old, he went to Tangshan to cover the earthquake, and wrote a poem to the effect that: My aunt was sitting there with a pot on the side of the road, making pancakes, and her flour was sent from Shandong. The pot is sent from Liaoning, the coal is from Shanxi, and the oil is from Henan. People all over the country are concerned about Tangshan. In Dama's pot, you can see class friendship. It means that everyone has the limitations that they knew when they were young.

I said what to do, the old thinking habits in my head can't be changed, and I don't know how to form new ones.He only said that if you are interested, you can take a look at the history. I don't understand, the most painful thing for me is how to do news, why let me read history? He said: "You only need to try your best to understand one person or one thing thoroughly, and the rest will know." A few years later, 30 years after the Tangshan earthquake, I wanted to visit it.Director Sun Bingchuan didn't approve this question at the beginning. I understand that this kind of question is not easy to do, and the ratings are not much better, and it is troublesome.

But I couldn't tell why, so I went to his office again with the application form.He was answering the phone and waved me to find a place to sit. After a while, he looked up and saw that I was still standing holding a piece of paper, sighed, reached out to take the paper and signed it. Later, a colleague interviewed me: "When you reported this question to Taili, what motivated you?" I said, "A lot of things have happened in the past 30 years, and I am also 30. I feel that this is my history, and I want to know." She asked: "At that time, you must have been a little girl in Shanxi who was under the age of one, right? Why do you think this matter has anything to do with you?"

I said to her, "We did so much coverage on September 11, another nation's disaster, why should we ignore our own? I don't understand that." She asked, "Then why didn't you think about it before?" I was taken aback by the question: "At this age, look back as if something is pulling you." Qian Gang took me to see Tangshan Air Force Airport, which is now dilapidated.At 3:42 am on July 28, 1976, an earthquake measuring 7.8 on the Richter scale, equivalent to the power of 400 Hiroshima atomic bombs, broke out 16 kilometers above the ground.The industrial city with a population of one million was instantly destroyed, and 240,000 people were killed.This airport is the hope of almost all survivors to the outside world. On the nine-kilometer road from the urban area to here, there are people transporting cars, walking, and carrying stretchers... Some people are digging the stones on the ground with their hands, bit by bit When the earthquake happened, many people had no time to put on their clothes. Some old women were naked and could only squat down and block a brick in front of them. During the day, people drained a green swimming pool near the sanitation team. The female doctor at that time was now in her sixties, and she showed me with gestures: "From where you sit, four miles to the north and four miles to the west, there are all people lying in the rain. The ground is not rain, but blood. Walk When you probe people over, those who can move are alive, and those who cannot move are dead.” The hem of her white coat was dyed red, and she was pulled by the hands of the wounded and their family members: "Doctor, help..." She used the last bottle of oxygen for a wounded.When I came back, I found six people lying around the oxygen bottle. Each of them had a catheter in their nose, which was connected to the bottle. I don't know where they got it. When I was in middle school, there was a borrowed copy at home.There is a detail that I have not forgotten for many years. There was no anesthetic at that time. A female doctor used a brush to remove the sand from the scalp of a little boy.This female doctor is her. "Forty minutes," she said, "without a light, I did it with a flashlight." While crying, she scraped the bloody mud with the back of the knife.With each scrape, the little boy's hands and feet twitched.The six-year-old boy didn't shed a single tear, and kept chanting quotations: "Make up your mind, overcome all difficulties, and not be afraid of sacrifice..." All these years, she has been thinking about him and wants to see him: "I just want to see if his scalp is healed and whether there are any scars." However, the people here back then had no names and no photos.At that time, it was not allowed to take any video data, especially the casualties, and the doctors could not tell the family members about the situation here, "this is confidential."When the train passes Tangshan, the curtains must be lowered. I asked her if she told her descendants about the earthquake.She said no. I asked: "Then your granddaughter's generation, will you still remember?" The gray-haired old doctor shook his head. "Aren't you afraid of being forgotten?" She asked me back: "There are so many things I don't remember. How much do you know about the Great Famine? How much do you know about anti-rightism?" I didn't speak. She smiled and stopped talking. I interviewed a photographer. He was the only person who was free to use a camera to take pictures after the earthquake. He took more than a thousand pictures. One of them is very famous. It is the orphans eating red apples on the train, and the children are all smiling. He said that the station was full of people at that time, more than 4,200 orphans, and each child had a small cloth strip tied to his head, with the names of the dead father and mother on the strip.There were people hugging and hugging on the platform, crying loudly. I said, "Can I see those pictures?" He said: "... I don't know which negatives are buried in it, but I have never taken it out. I only took out the one with a smile." I asked, are you not allowed to shoot? He said no: "It was my own worldview at the time." "What is this worldview?" "It is to report the earthquake positively." "Are you sorry?" "It's a pity, because the disaster should reflect the essence of people." After reading this interview, a reporter asked me: "The photos of orphans eating apples are also real. Why didn't they directly hit people's hearts?" I said: "The reason why the details of the little boy who brushed the scalp have been remembered for many years, and the reason why the doctor's feelings for him seem so real is because the little boy has endured great pain and because of his perseverance. Tibetans have a saying that happiness is like licking honey from the edge of a knife. Tangshan is the edge of a knife first, if you don’t feel the sharpness and pain of the edge itself, you will feel less flavorful when you suck the honey later.” Thirty years after the earthquake, there was a meet-and-greet meeting organized by local media in Tangshan.I thought Mr. Qian Gang would dislike organized parties, but he didn't.When he saw the people from that year, he hugged and patted them on the back vigorously.Everyone sat in a row and spoke one by one as required. When he spoke, he said a few words sincerely. But Lao Fan and I were a little worried. This kind of meeting with a strong sense of formality can't get around the traces of the arrangement. Do you want to shoot it?If it is filmed, how can it be used in the film?Had to give up. I regretted it afterwards. Chen Gai said something.There was a film recording the last village with electricity in Shandong. After filming, the director came back and said, "Chen Ma, I'm sorry, the film didn't go well." He said, "Why?" The director said: "Because another TV station came that day, they insisted on 'staged'. For example, the firecrackers wrapped in white paper in farmers' homes are only half hung, and they have been baking on the stove. My God. As a result, these local TV stations quit. They felt that this was not enough atmosphere. They wanted to buy a red firecracker for others, and asked the peasants to hold it up with a bamboo pole, and they would shoot it. The peasants were at their mercy. I don’t know. How to do it, the state of the whole person is not accurate, so we did not shoot well." After hearing this, Chen Ma said, "Why didn't you film the process of posing for the news?" Everyone froze for a moment. He said: "When recognizing this event, an event that intervened in it happened, but you could have seen the deeper reality behind it by filming it, and you lost an opportunity to recognize it." At the meeting, a woman with high paraplegia was introduced as a typical example of the disabled.After the meeting, Teacher Qian took us to her home. During the interview, I learned that after the earthquake, her spinal cord was broken, the lover who made the marriage contract left, and she married another disabled person. The doctor said that she could not have children, but she decided to be a mother once—“I want to take back the earthquake.” Everything that was taken away from me"...the child was born, but died within three months, and then she did not go out for three years, imprisoning herself at home. The day of the meeting was the day when her son died.What the scene needs is a model of earthquake relief. She said: "I can't express a little sadness." I thought she would be angry or upset, but no.She took out the book she wrote back then, saying that she also shaped herself and fabricated the plot in that era.She wrote in the book that after the earthquake, her brother saw that she was pinned under the plank and could not move, but he did not save her, but went to save others first.She was in excruciating pain, but her brother came to save her after saving three outsiders... But the real situation is that her brother was very anxious at the time and carried her onto the stretcher with others. She took out the book and showed it to me without hiding or defending. Before going to Tangshan, I knew very little about this period of history, and I went there with a rebellious and presupposition of "knowing history and learning lessons".But she was a real person, braiding her hair, and asked me a little shyly, "Is this photogenic?" I looked at it for a while, and gave her the lipstick to put on some.I asked her if she wanted to go to the toilet first before the interview, and she said calmly: "Urinary incontinence is not felt after paralysis, and it is often only known when the pants are wet. If it is too late, I can only sit deeper in the wheelchair. " She had suffered the crime, but she did not hate the past and overthrow it.She kept the correspondence with her lover in the 1970s, and fearing that the letters would be corrupted, she cut out the letters and pasted them in a notebook, and copied them by hand, so that when she wanted to read the letters, she didn't have to read the originals.She reunited with her lover ten years ago. The man cried bitterly when he saw her in a wheelchair, and she comforted him in turn.For thirty years, she has endured all this, just like accepting the coming of the four seasons. If interviewing such a person is just to confirm the topic that one has already thought up, no matter how correct the topic is, it is a kind of hindrance.After talking for more than an hour, she said: "I've done so many interviews, but I've never talked like this. I just kept listening, listening to a life I never lived. She said that she was lying on the ground after the earthquake and it was raining. She was so thirsty that she opened her mouth to drink the rainwater.When her hand touched a thigh, she thought it was a dead person. She moved up that leg until she touched her waist, only to find that it was her own body, and she no longer felt any sensation in her leg.She looked up and looked around: "I think I'm broken, just like Tangshan. I can't pick up the whole thing. What I did later was just pick me up bit by bit and piece it together, just like Tangshan." My forearms were covered in goosebumps, like the rain was pouring on me. Tangshan's program aired.A reporter asked me: "What's the point of such a program? It just embodies our imagination of disasters." I said: "Qian Gang realized in the 1980s that the essence of literature is human beings, and the essence of disasters is disasters. After 20 years, we have returned to this track. In other words, Qian Gang realized in the 1980s The efforts that have been made are not extravagant now." Some people asked me in the comments of the program: "There are so many things that the people are more concerned about, why do old things?" Yes, land demolition, medical malpractice, education corruption... any one of them is a more realistic and immediate issue for the "people".Why stir up old history? Many people have also asked Cui Yongyuan this question. In 2008, he left journalism to do oral history work, interviewing Chinese veterans who participated in the Anti-Japanese War.Before leaving, he called me and said, "This era is too old, I won't follow." One year he went to Japan's NHK TV station, and there were densely packed Chinese video materials.The operating lady asked him what he was looking at?He said look at the Northeast.Asked about Northeast, he said to watch Zhang Xueliang, "Zhang Xueliang tuned it out, the earliest one was on September 21, three days after the September 18th Incident, 30 minutes, Zhang Xueliang's speech. I remember very clearly, it said a sentence , The chairman of the committee said that if the Japanese were not driven out of Manchuria within two years, he would resign. This was said in Zhang Xueliang’s speech, and I was very stimulated at the time.” His stimulus is that we are also TV workers, but we don't have such materials, "and no one will take it seriously when we get back the thirty minutes." He told me: "It was Lin Yutang or Chen Yinke who said that this nation has a history of 5,000 years, which is very remarkable. He said, no matter how you mix it up, it is great if you can mix it for 5,000 years. I think he hit the nail on the head. This nation is superficial. No culture, no attention to history. I am not afraid of offending anyone when I say this, it is so superficial.” Many of those who participated in the history of China have died, and some are getting old and losing their memory. "Can't wait any longer," he said. He does history: "It was written three hundred years after Confucius' death. It's not right anymore. Once again, I don't know whose business it is talking about. When we do oral history, we just listen to what Confucius said... If you listen to the experience from generation to generation, the speed of progress will be very slow.” He interviewed veterans of the Kuomintang and the Communist Party who participated in the Anti-Japanese War. The title was "My War of Resistance". "We always say that the country should be decent. If everyone living in this country is disgraced, I don't believe that this country will be decent. So I It is recommended to use 'my' more and less 'our'." When I hosted the "My War of Resistance" press conference in 2010, he had already interviewed 3,500 people, and sometimes one person interviewed for more than a month, with more than 100 tapes.More than 2 million minutes of oral history images have been collected, more than 2 million minutes of documentary images have been collected, and more than 3 million historical old photos have been collected.He spent 120 million in two years. He raised the money by himself and searched everywhere. "The investors who are most interested are our opponents in the War of Resistance, the Japanese." The people below laughed. I said: "Many people think that these things should be done by people who do research." He smiled, and the corner of his mouth curled up so familiarly: "They are evaluating the title, and there are more important things. They will think of it after the evaluation of the title. Don't worry, whoever thinks of it will do it." A colleague from the TV station stood up and asked him to talk about his views on the current TV documentary. "I don't have any idea about the TV station's mission and programming, and I don't want to think about it, because it may delay my work. If I have that time, I can interview one more person and sort out some materials, which may be more meritorious. I think now, why I got sick in 2002 was because I kept thinking about things I shouldn’t think about, and why I’m happy now is because I don’t think about those things, and I just want to do what I should do well, which may be more important.” He smiled at me on stage and said: "Chai Jing always saw me depressed and unhappy, but she saw me recently, and I am very happy." In 2002, he didn't talk about "telling the truth" very much. There were some rumors, but those who spoke were hesitant to speak.Once when everyone was eating in the cafeteria, he sat down and said "my depression" naturally, and the scene was a little strangely quiet. One day when I was sitting in front of the computer, the office door rang and Xiao Cui came in.I was surprised: "Who are you looking for?" "Looking for you." He pulled a blue cloth task chair and sat across from me. We were sitting and chatting, and colleagues passed by and said, "Hey, it's really like a survey interview." It's not like ordinary office chat.He didn't say any pleasantries, and what he talked about was life-threatening matters.I am familiar with these topics—the disappointing reality, the lack of conscience, the lack of hope, and the few people who stick to it... Many people said these words in front of the red light of the camera, many people said in articles, and many people were drinking. said later.He was talking about this in front of a colleague he didn't know very well on an ordinary afternoon.The way he spoke, it was as if, as if these things were stones, pressing him down and forcing him. I was vaguely uneasy.I can only tell him that we need him, not because he is famous or humorous, but because he represents the "independent spirit and free thinking" of the comment department in my heart, which is the word "avant-garde" on the sign meaning in my heart.Sister Yao came to ask me something, and he immediately got up and left. Before leaving, he opened the door, turned around and said "thank you". I didn't know what to say for a while, and I felt a little sad. He said that now he watched these anti-Japanese war veterans in his films over and over again: "Every time I watch this, I feel that I am very small. We are a fart for being wronged. All the people here are close to death, their families are ruined, what a heavy word. Ah, it’s nothing to them. You’ve been wronged, you’ve had misunderstandings, you’ve had no money, you’ve never had enough to eat for half your life, your children can’t find a job, your girlfriend has been stolen, and your neighbors have been staring at you all your life. When I watch them go through every day When I was young, I suddenly felt that everything I experienced at my age was very insignificant." At the film viewing meeting, Kang Honglei, who filmed "My Leader, My Regiment", sat at the bottom. He said that before filming the show, he only knew Du Yuming and Sun Liren, the generals of the Kuomintang during the War of Resistance. . "But no one knew about the soldiers below. Lan Xiaolong and I drove all the way along Kunming, interviewing one by one. The more we understood, the more trembling we felt. The more we trembled, the more we wanted to know." Before he took the film, he heard his father talk about the past fifty years, and he would tell it every time he went home. After the interview, he found that these Kuomintang veterans were completely different from his parents. Know, so we use various techniques, various methods, to know bit by bit.” After the interview, he and Lan Xiaolong returned to the hotel, wailing at each other. "Afterwards we thought, what are we crying about? Are we crying about the magnificent past and lonely today of these veterans, or what are we crying about? Later, we found out that we were crying about our own ignorance and our own pity. We are almost fifty years old, and the Chinese War of Resistance is so You don’t know the big and magnificent historical facts at all, aren’t you sad? So, there is "My Leader, My Regiment". The audience can say good or bad, but personally, I am very happy. When I was fifty, I made "My Leader, My Regiment", just to make myself feel at ease." There were audience speeches at the meeting, which were very emotional. Xiao Cui took the microphone and said: "I want to add something, I hear a little danger. I don't want people to misunderstand this film, "My War of Resistance" is 'My War of Resistance', it is my own narrative. You heard it before Whether the Communist Party defeated Japan or the Kuomintang defeated Japan, this film does not take on this task, regardless of this matter. If you want to hear the macro narrative I know, it is that when Japan surrendered, both the Kuomintang and the Communist Party felt very strange.” He said don't think that "My War of Resistance" is to overturn the case. Without that flavor, he and his team have no interest in the conclusion. "To interview tens of thousands of people, how many hours, to draw a new conclusion on history, may mislead a group of people again, we don't want to do such a thing. I hope that there will be a book that is recognized by everyone in 50 or 60 years. , no matter whether it is a macro narrative or a detailed narrative, everyone thinks it is true. It writes a sentence at the end, "Part of the information in this book is taken from Cui Yongyuan's "Oral History"." A little interview can draw any conclusions about history, but it cannot." Chen Ma met me downstairs one day and said, "I came up with a very important sentence today: Serve, don't express." This is out of the question, and I don't know how to respond. He said that he was giving a lecture just now, and someone asked him: "If our job is just to record a person's life and follow him, will our own life be meaningless?" He was angry: "He is alive, his existence must become a prop for you to express your thoughts, then his life is meaningless. Don't look for what you want in life, and feel what happens in life." He said: "Don't underestimate the word service. It is much more difficult to describe the complexity than the simplicity of the review." When he visited Japan in 1996, he discussed how to write comments with people from "Asahi Shimbun", and the other party said: "It is too early for me to provide opinions for others to read. We only provide information and let people make their own decisions. Wrong judgment." I found a book, the Asahi Shimbun began to collect letters from readers in 1986, recording ordinary citizens' memories of World War II. The first letter was written by 66-year-old Kumata Masao, "Someone asked, why didn't you oppose the war at the beginning? I think it was because the people had been educated to have no doubts about the 'decisions made from above'." Hiroko Haneda of the girl said: "What I know is that Japan's population is increasing, the countryside is dying, and even girls like me are forced to sell themselves, which makes me heartbroken. The great powers have many colonies in places far away from their own countries, and there is an international encirclement. The pressure made me, a little girl, feel bullied, and the five are burned, no matter who it is, it is natural to think that only war can solve the problem." In 1938, children had to learn Bushido, and when they reached the age of seven, they had to wear black uniforms and recite the nursery rhyme at that time, "Sit side by side with my big brother. I went to school today to thank the soldiers. Thank the soldiers. They fought for the country. Fight for the country", bowing to the photo of the emperor placed in the center of the gate.History class and moral education class According to the Emperor's "Educational Rescript", "loyalty is the highest virtue". Atsuro Furusawa, who was in the third grade of elementary school at the time, recalled in his letter: "In the judo boxing match in the city auditorium, the Japanese fought against the Americans. From the beginning to the end, the audience was excited, encouraging the judo players and scolding the boxers. In the end, the judo players When the victory was won, the audience cheered loudly, and then the film was shown, which was the battle scene of the "Manchuria Incident", our army occupied the enemy's territory, raised the sun flag, and the audience applauded vigorously." He said: "Since childhood, we have no doubts about Japan's victory in the war and that we will serve as soldiers when we grow up. The Japanese who were born for war are created in this way." Until 1986, the 63-year-old Yanlang Annan still believed: "For the stability of our country, we must absolutely guarantee our country's interests in mainland China, including 'Manchukuo'. The future is at their disposal." "I was taught that, and I believe it," he said. So, where did the intellectuals go?What about those who are supposed to be raising their voices and warnings? When the Japanese army invaded North China, the president of the University of Tokyo and the professors of the Faculty of Science once opposed the Japanese language teaching plan to China, "don't interfere with the lives of Chinese people for the benefit of Japan", but "as" catch up with the situation "The voice of 'cleaning up the style of study', liberal professors were dismissed one by one, or silenced." In 1925, the Vigilance Act was enacted.The police can use great power to deal with "incitement" or "disrespect".At the beginning, it was not to announce news that was unfavorable to the army and the government, but later it developed into news that was beneficial to the army and the government.Newspapers that dared to stand up for their independence and to speak out became victims. In 1936, mobs attacked the Asahi Shimbun, smashing its offices, and journalists were harassed and arrested for criticizing the government. Afterwards, the popular news in the mass media was the collection of military songs with prizes and the news of "donating money for the plane". People who oppose the war are called "thought prisoners" and "non-citizens". In the letter of the seventy-four-year-old Dao Yongren, he recorded that a primary school teacher was arrested for this crime and thrown into the army as an active soldier. Veterans and non-commissioned officers "have disgust for intellectuals , because he is a thought prisoner, not a national, and the military will acquiesce in semi-public acts of violence against this man." "They first yelled 'take off the glasses', and then they beat him with iron fists until his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, his teeth were all crooked, and the next morning, he was suffering from heartache after drinking miso soup. Then, the military shoes with thirty-six tacks, Sticks and wooden guns have become tools for beating people. When beating the buttocks with sticks, the veterans asked the recruits to "line up at intervals" and beat them again. , Even two-year-old recruits waved sticks at him frantically. "At that time, the troops were camping in Laoheishan, near the eastern border of China and the Soviet Union. It was the national border. Some soldiers committed suicide, and some escaped. The guards went to work with live ammunition. Put it in your mouth—but the dogged belief that the war will end, anyway, and see peace and democracy come to this country prevents him from dying." At the end of the letter, Inao Yongren said: "This person is me, the time is 1938, and there is still a long time before the end of the war." Forty years after the end of the war, the "Asahi Shimbun" collected these letters, and many people wrote to them hoping to stop, "We are trying our best to forget the past", "There is no benefit in turning over old scores." The editor of "Asahi Shimbun" said: "A person who forgets the past may have the effect of self-purification, but the history of a country is different. Try to cover up and pretend that such things never happened. Isn't the conscience of our nation not damaged? " The book was published by Americans. "How could something like this happen? How could these citizens of a law-abiding society living in peace now behave like beasts? Look at my country, my own fellow Americans who are generally good people, and How to relate to those people who bombed Vietnamese villages and massacred North Korean refugees in horror? How can one compare those smart, hospitable, imaginative Chinese with the numb people of the 'Cultural Revolution' People hook up?" He said: "These should be individuals with sufficient moral conscience. Why do they fall into collective fanaticism and blind obedience? People of every nation or country may wish to ask themselves this." To tell the truth to history is to tell the truth to reality. At the end of the book, there is a letter from Kobayashi Noriko, a seventeen-year-old high school student. "I remember the school textbook said: 'The United States bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki with atomic bombs, and the war ended on August 15, 1945... The young soldiers of the Special Forces sacrificed their lives, and the war was meaningless , so we never start wars again.' But why are we, not the people who start the wars, reflecting? After reading this column, I no longer sit in a classroom and passively accept what others have taught me, but It's about taking the initiative to know. You who really know about war, please tell us more, you have a duty to tell us what you know, just as we have a duty to know it, so that, from generation to generation, we can tell it to future generations Only then did we feel confident that we could take on this responsibility.” Qian Gang went to Hong Kong in the future, stopped doing news, turned to history, immersed himself in digging out the things in the pile of old papers, wrote a book, and asked someone to bring me a copy. There is a story in which it is written that under the rule of the Kuomintang, the "Ta Kung Pao" established the world with "no party, no sale, no selfishness, and no blindness", and it became popular. It is not easy to abide by these eight words. The newspaper was fined to suspend publication for three days and the reporter was arrested for disclosing the catastrophe of millions of people in Henan in 1942, which offended Chiang Kai-shek.After the Anti-Japanese War Times was bombed by enemy planes, the printing press was moved into a cave to publish the newspaper. Despite the embarrassment, they still refused government funding and were forced to go to the countryside to buy handmade paper.The front page of the newspaper published the "Austerity Issue Announcement" to apologize.As I write here, the end of Qian’s fountain pen is full of feelings that are so thick that it is about to drip: "Who has ever heard a media make such a plea to readers?" First, pass the newspaper you read to relatives and friends for reading; second, individual subscribers so far, in If possible, gather several people to jointly subscribe'..." Heavy pressure often leads to resignation or resentment, but Zhang Jiluan, editor-in-chief of Ta Kung Pao, said that Chinese journalists in this era must uphold fairness and sincerity. Blind action; fierce slander, ignorant of the facts, is called blind competition." "I don't want to be blind," he said. Qian Gang's book is called "Old News Reporter". He left the group, wrapped in a thick coat in the library of the University of Hong Kong, read tens of thousands of microfilms, and wrote down the past in old newspapers sixty years ago.He wrote: "Successors who study the history of journalism will lament to find certain journalists' names not in newspapers and telegrams but in historical books, but they will eventually appreciate that when It is common for history to divert a winding and rushing river when it encounters heavy obstructions, and this is also the duty of a journalist. He seems to be preoccupied with 'diverting', but he has never departed from the creed of a true reporter." 钱老师送这本书给我,我明白他当年让我读历史的原因:“新旧之间没有怨讼,唯有真与伪是大敌。”
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