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Chapter 16 Mop: Everyone is a fallacy

choir 韩寒 3005Words 2018-03-18
Zheng Xiaowai lived to the age of five and didn't know what sadness was. Zheng Xiaowai lived to be eight years old, and still doesn't know what sadness is. Zheng Xiaowai lived to the age of eleven, but he still didn't know what sadness was.So he asked his sister Zheng Xiaoxie to ask for some sorrow, put it on his forehead, and fell to the ground with a loud cry: "I'm so fucking sad." .Then I discussed some sorrows with my father seriously, pasted them on my forehead, and fell to the ground with a loud cry: "I'm so fucking sad." After posting it for a while, he found that these men's sorrows were still not suitable for him, so he was embarrassed to give them back to his father. Just paste it on the cat's wet nose.

Zheng Xiaowai lived until he was eleven years old, and he knew what sorrow is, but he still couldn't find the sorrow that suits him.But now, there is always a lot of sadness on the cat's nose.So don't just kiss a cat with a wet nose. I said yes to Mr. Jack's marriage proposal when I was six years old. "As soon as you grow another dick, I'll marry you." It wasn't that hard, so we had a small wedding at the Teen Farm when I was ten years old. The story may not be like this.In fact, when I was ten years old, Mr. Jack couldn't grow another dick.I had to have a wedding with two guys named Mr. Jack.

In short, I hope the story is as far from the truth as possible.Anyway, a hundred years have passed, and I can't remember what I was doing when I was ten years old, nor how I got married. My grandma used to have a boyfriend who was handsome and silent.He never uses a mobile phone, his hobby is to imitate the ringtones of other people's mobile phones.He is a genius at making all kinds of lifelike cell phone ringtones.On the bus or in the subway, he rang the cell phone of his neighbor, and after the other person answered the phone, he began to talk to him.He talked about the weather, stocks, beauty treatments, dirty jokes, entertainment gossip, football, and promoted his company's soaps, nail treatments, and breath fresheners.Until the bus and subway arrived, he said: "Goodbye. Beep...beep...beep..." He kept beeping politely until the other party hung up the phone.

Later, after grandma broke up with him, there was no trace of him anymore. An impatient woman is extremely impatient.This woman was eager to know what her great-grandson and great-grandson looked like on the third day of her marriage.The husband said to get pregnant as soon as possible, and it would be too late for her. It would be too late to have a son. If she could directly have grandchildren, it would be great to be like great-grandchildren and great-granddaughters.The couple were so anxious that they turned around in a hurry, and later turned to a fortune teller for help.The fortune teller stroked his beard and said, "Okay, give me a sperm and an egg."

The fortune teller held the sperm and eggs, laughed, and walked away. The knee man was walking on the street and felt that his knee was broken. His left knee was full of blood and his right knee was full of flesh.The left knee is dangling, and the right knee is heavy.How to do it?The knee person finds an orthopedist. "Please even out my body!" The doctor shook him for a long time, listening here and there, "It's all right." The knee man still said: "There is a problem, there is a problem, the left knee is full of blood, the right knee It's full of meat." "Damn it." The doctor was furious, "It's all right." The knee man argued with the doctor, and the doctor tied up the patient in a rage, hung him upside down from the ceiling, and said while beating : "Your knee is fine!"

The knee man's two knees fell off, and the knee man's illness was cured. People don't know that cactus is a plant that likes to applaud very much. The cactus is shy and likes to applaud, so it likes to go to the deserted desert to applaud quietly.When the wind and sand filled the sky, they applauded each other until they died. There was a man who often beat his wife for no reason.This man struck so hard that his wife cried and begged for mercy, and many eggs fell from her body.Later, the man continued to beat, and kept beating, and his wife no longer dropped eggs, and began to flow out streams of milk.

Before his wife died, she dipped the dropped eggs into her milk.The egg slowly grows into an embryo and learns to drink milk. It is said that many people came to this world like this, but they don't know it. Apple is full of faces.Every bite he took turned into a kiss. "The apples are delicious," he said. Ever since I recovered from a bad cold, I've felt that one nostril has opened up to the universe and is no longer connected to my lungs.The nasal cavity connects to the sky, and the place it can reach is so vast and far away, far beyond my senses. How subtle and clever it is to use the nostrils of such a well-behaved and kind girl as an exit to the earth.I am deeply angry at the cunning and despicable practices of the aliens.I blocked the alien's way out with a small piece of booger.

Two ghosts fell in love in the bardo. One ghost was a bull in the last life, and one ghost was a butcher in the last life.They kept kissing and apologizing in the bardo. Then they gave birth to two little ghosts, one a cow and the other a butcher. After writing the love letter, he proceeded to kiss each line word for word. Before the kiss, the adverb dies away soundlessly.Adjectives are hidden between the lines, but they are not powerless to repair his feelings. He appeared in the love letter, and his lover also appeared in the love letter. In a certain chapter and a certain manuscript, they caught a glimpse of each other and were shocked by their encounter.

The kiss was over, but the love letter was still there, full of dazzling words.He is tired.His love exhausted all his vitality for the birth of this love letter. Sometimes Spider-Man is surprisingly strong, and sometimes strangely weak.However, Spider-Man rarely expends his strength to do anything.He only thought that he was alive with such great energy as chewing tofu and blowing dust, and the rest of the excess energy was used by Spider-Man to sleep.Spider-Man only sleeps with himself, and with women, "it's always too much work," he said. "Oh, it's hard work." It was Spider Man's catchphrase. "Effortless." is Spider-Man's motto.

Later, the crowds in the city were very turbulent, and Spider-Man was accidentally involved one day, so he didn't bother to climb out.I also lost his story. The swordsmen of the Shang Dynasty liked to get into the arms of their lovers, thinking that in this way they could disappear into the world and completely escape the pursuit of their enemies.For a long time, the well-proportioned and sticky bodies of lovers in the Shang Dynasty have soothed countless swords and swords, and blood flowed like rivers. Later, a swordsman surnamed Zhu moved the battlefield to his lover's chest. In order to kill the enemy, he strangled his lover to death by the Chaojiang River.This legend has been passed down for too long. After many years, the timid and sentimental swordsman gradually became extinct.

One day, I picked up two worms from the trash, took them home, and kept them as pets. Worms are carrion-loving, not picky, easy to reproduce, and walk like a snake.The fresh fruits bought are usually stored for ten days and half a month until they rot before they are fed. Worms are born with low self-esteem. They have been haunted by dirt and tatters since they were young, and have never seen the world in their lives.I groomed them and took them to the current Kingdom Festivities.In the shadow of Yun Chang's temples, people praised my pet for its novelty and cuteness. I wrote down my will: after death, please bite me and eat me.This is my sole purpose for feeding you. A suicidal person wants to commit suicide, but is reluctant to kill himself all at once.He thought of a good way to gently kill one percent of himself every night before falling asleep.Drowning, electrocution, poisoning, hanging, jumping off a building, old-fashioned and new, among countless ways, the suicide wants to have a hundred of them. On the ninety-ninth day, the suicide follower came to me and handed me a will. "Now I am 49% in heaven and 50% in hell." After receiving the will, only 1% of the suicides left screaming and ran away. "Goodbye! Honey." His laughter was so sharp, so beautiful. The two young monks, with the abbot behind their backs, hid in a corner of the vegetable garden and discussed quietly about building a grand and empty temple in the silent silence.Their whispers alarmed the Bodhisattvas in the hall.The shy Bodhisattva unbuttoned his clothes, and there were countless temples in his chest: "Which one do you want, my dear?" Zhang Maomao has a pair of sensitive dimples and a pair of sensitive armpits.No matter what happens in this world, Zhang Maomao always feels itchy, such as brushing teeth, attending classes, dancing, drinking tea, chatting, watching TV, reading newspapers, everything is itchy.Zhang Maomao laughed too much because of this, Zhang Maomao laughed endlessly and kept laughing. "Itching is a way of life." Zhang Maomao said. After laughing for so long, Zhang Maomao was very old, and Zhang Maomao was going to die. "Death itches the most." She came to the last conclusion when she died. There is a mantis, I don't know from which dynasty, each generation dies earlier.This way of dying at such a young age is nothing less than a talent for the Mantis family.This kind of talent has lasted for a long time from one era to another. Therefore, the praying mantis will soon disappear from this world.Whenever I see a praying mantis, I cry with horror. "Girl, what is your attachment to us?" A young praying mantis said to me, "It's like the instinct to die young, isn't it the same for human beings?" So many people suddenly came to love me today, so strange.On the subway, in the bus, in tea restaurants, convenience stores, telephone booths... "Ah, what's going on?" At noon, I was taken aback. "Who sent you? Why do you love me so much?" I was moved and scared, flattered and a little bit like running away. They slowly surrounded me.I pretended to be calm, and talked to them politely, but I didn't know when tears drowned me.
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