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Chapter 15 The Old Prince: Chorus

choir 韩寒 10810Words 2018-03-18
I'm not afraid of your jokes, but when I was a virgin, I thought, when I taste a woman, I'll die.After having this idea, soon, I tasted the specious taste logically.But later, I was a little disappointed to find that this was not what I thought, the most fun thing in the world. "Out?" "Ok." "How are you?" "How about what?" "What does it feel like?" "I don't feel anything (it seems to be the same thing)." I swallowed the second half of the sentence and didn't say it. "Then I'm on my stomach. I'm exhausted. My legs are sore."

As the girl said, she leaned over and put her tits on my chest, then stopped.This is, I suddenly realized that I probably won't be able to die for a while.I don't want to die for this.In the midst of boredom, I could only pull her up again, shaking her for a while.While shaking, while distracted.I think, from now on, I can only continue to live in a daze.I must die, but it seems not now.Not to mention anything else, at least I have to do this a few more times before I die, although...although that's the case. Looking back, this is how the first major juncture in my life passed. I was depressed, almost more depressed than my brother, and felt that I understood him a little bit, and no longer found him annoying.

My brother, who is six years older than me, has drooping brows, small eyes, and a depressing look, mostly due to his inability to straighten his naturally curly hair.This is really ridiculous.He often pulls his forehead hair and curses.And although we are brothers, my hair is straighter than his for some reason, and there is no curvy at all. I always think there is nothing wrong with curvy hair, but he still envies me very much and sticks with me all day long.The two brothers often skipped school and wandered around the county, playing billiards, burning barren slopes, and watching pornographic videos.At that time, mousse was just sold on the street, and the price was scary. "It is said that a little bit can straighten curly hair!" He told me in a low voice on the big sofa in the video hall, very excited.But it is impossible to buy.We don't have that money.And I wanted to know just as much as he did what mousse was.Because it seemed to me impossible to straighten his hair.He had tried countless methods before: using mouse traps, wiping with egg whites and plant ashes, washing three times a day, growing long hair, straightening the layout and hanging it around his neck...but none of them succeeded. After spending too much time in front of the mirror, the family denounced him as "like to dress up", "Jia Baoyu alone", "a tragic example of losing his training and dying", so that after many years, no matter which male in the family, as long as he dares to be in his own Showing a little bit of personal pursuit in the hairstyle, that is, the elders will blame it for being under the bad influence of my brother-so my family is still a family where everyone's hairstyle is very bad, which makes me very sad, Sad and ashamed.In the afternoon after watching the video, my brother and I went to the department store under the mousse rack to watch those shiny, stainless steel bottles. When the salesperson was not paying attention, I grabbed it and repeatedly rubbed it on the surface of the bottle. Rubbing, admiring, holding your breath, and then exhaling deeply.The woman on the bottle has provocative eyes, bright lips, and wild hair forming an arc. I think that arc is as beautiful as the aurora, and I also feel that my life seems to be noble and holy like those bottles.That afternoon, I saw great heights in my life that I hadn't seen before.I think I have become an unusual person, and I have mastered an unusual big secret: "On the sixth row of painters in Zijin Baihuo Commercial Building, Jianshe Road, Baiyu City, there is a bottle of great mousse. The tentacles are hard and covered with a thick plastic membrane that can straighten curly human hair."

But the results this afternoon were disastrous.Because my brother was a much braver and more accomplished kid than I was, and he started doing everything he could for a bottle of mousse.He tried to pry open the drawers at home; on the way home from school, he collected "tolls" from the lower grade students, took 100 yuan of counterfeit bills, went to the roadside stall to buy 10 cents of sesame seed cakes... ran away and didn't mention curly hair, my brother He was a handsome young man, handsome but with a bad brain, so all his actions failed.His handsomeness has never been able to exchange him for a bottle of mousse.Things got a lot worse, he was detained by the school for probation, and he also had a fight with his father, and then he ran away from home alone, leaving a message saying that he was going to Hainan, and he has never been heard from since.I was left with my not-so-handsome, taciturn younger brother who was studying in his hometown.Only I know that the real reason for these things is not that my brother "joined the underworld", but he just wanted to buy a bottle of mousse worth 7 yuan and 50 cents.But who would believe it?Like an old man with insight into the world, I sighed in my heart, and then, together with all the adults, I pretended that I didn't remember such a person in my family.

"When my brother gets a bottle of mousse, he will probably die, right?" I often think in my heart.Seeing a high-spirited man with a hair full of steel wires walking by, I would also murmur: "Having so much mousse, why doesn't he die? Yes, he probably wants something else." I slowly realized , what people want is mostly money and women.Living for money and women is not a decent thing after all.So slowly, the thought of "wait for me..., just die" came back to my heart again.And I also began to understand that no matter where I go in the future, this idea will not change—why?If you have taken advantage of this world, if you don't die quickly, what else do you want?Everyone who comes into the world will eventually become a liar. Since every liar is mortal, I think it is more self-respecting for me to decide this matter for myself.I have also listened to some people's lectures in large gymnasiums, and waved my arms along with the crowd ": Take control of your own destiny!" Woolen cloth?I was, without a doubt, definitely a loser.I've struggled to live on hints of dying until this age.The thought in my heart is: "When I get married again and have a child, I will die!"

It's not even a goddamn idea.Life really has nothing to brag about.Better to die.Before I knew it, I had reached the age when I had to live independently.Because it is really embarrassing to stay at home, I had to do what most young people do, leaving their hometown and coming to this coastal city to seek a living.The main creatures in this city, even if they are people, are different from what I usually see.Especially women I am quite interested in.And the women here don't have a special interest in me.Everything I forgot to make a living and attract attention seemed insignificant to them.So although this place is a coastal area, I often feel that "this is a desert".There are no rattlesnakes in the desert here, and I can't hunt snakes for a living, and there's no cactus, and I can't even be a gardener.I can identify the best mutton, imitate the cry of frogs to attract fish, and skin cows and dogs, but these skills are more like jokes here.I should have taken the subway straight to the circus.Instead of standing confidently in the sun, eager to try all new things.It took a lot of work to get me a job editing text messages.During the interview, I danced and danced, almost knelt down to the fat boss, and convinced him that I love him and his company very much, as well as the salary that this job can give me.I told him three ghost stories in the future, sang a local opera, lit cigarettes five times, and hoped that he could love me.After the flesh on his face shook ten times, he patted his pants and stood up, waved his hand, and decided to hire me on the spot.On the first day of work, I wrote a hundred pornographic text messages in a rage to repay his kindness, and created the first miracle of my migrant work career.The texting company was called Mountain Dew, plus I only had four editors, a cashier, and the boss himself.The fat boss rented a private house with three bedrooms and one living room for us to work in, and hoped that people would feel “excited to surf the Internet repeatedly with their mobile phones” through the text messages we wrote.After I got a job, I borrowed a small house and lived alone in the western suburbs of the city.And began to cheer up, day after day to study and test this new world that I don't understand.Since everyone seems to be very advanced, I try to look smart to avoid being slighted.At first, I tried to talk to all the people who showed the slightest interest in me, and then observed their behavior, and tried to memorize and imitate them. Then, I learned no less than five dialects including the local dialect, but almost forgot about myself. accent.Then, I managed to make a few "friends", I ate with them, smiled, and didn't talk much, only when they talked about popular movies, magazines, novels, etc. , I carefully put forward some of my opinions, my "real thoughts" that I think are valuable.But when I found that every time I opened my mouth, the atmosphere would become seriously lagged, I would withdraw from these parties obediently.

Even if they had to appear and talk, they just chose some new pornographic text messages to make the female compatriots scream and adjust the atmosphere.And my worries, my joys, my heart-to-hearts, and my unspoken words made me feel numb and ashamed. They turned into a group of fragmented clay figurines, and I locked them in a deep dungeon and Labels such as "Keep out of the way" and "Caution! He bites!" were posted on the door.Whenever I see people around me talking to each other with confidence, ambitions, and life becoming more and more promising, as if living in the sun forever, I feel like thunder and burning inside.I kept getting sick, took traditional Chinese medicine, and wrote vulgar short messages to express my emotions that I dare not show to others.To tell the truth, I feel more and more that the only way I can get safety and peace is to stay away from the crowd.Only then can I see the god in my heart-to avoid his pursuit.My uncle once told me that even if I forsake God, God will not forsake me.It scares me so much that I often look back as I walk.I am undoubtedly a man who has forsaken the gods.If the gods do find me, I will spend all my money on a train ticket for him to travel as far as possible.

I have become estranged from all my relatives including my brother.I have already lived a life of bathing every day, and I no longer belong to my hometown, and I can't learn to add sugar to my meat, let alone this place.It made me thin, depressed, and irritable like a lizard.I have no friends, I often lie on the bed and cry silently, fantasizing that I am all kinds of gentle things, fantasizing that I am among them, not discriminated against, safe, and can easily muddle through life.After my tears had dried up and my illusions were gone, all I could do was take a pair of folding benches and patronize a tavern outside, dress as casually as I could, make myself as real a man as possible, and talk as loudly as possible with my neck stretched out, calling A portion of braised belly crotch, a portion of wine vanilla head, a pot of rice wine, late and the sky is dark.When I'm drunk, I will forcefully talk to my cooking chef.The master is originally from Shandong, and he has a bodhisattva heart. After confirming that my life is as miserable as his, he will send me back to his home, and even expressed his desire to marry his daughter to me.The folding bench I was carrying was brought from my hometown. It was made by one of my ancestors. Many years ago, I beat all my cousins ​​to snatch this pair of benches.Sitting on this bench I think of my brother.I thought, my brother is such a legend!Of course, nothing fucking ends well for Legendary.Three years after he arrived in Hainan, he began to write letters to his family with typos, or make some intermittent phone calls asking for money.From then on, his connection with the family began to slowly recover.He began to understand the parents, and the parents began to accept him.The reason for this mutual acceptance is probably the same as I feel now - we are all becoming more and more like our failed elders, and the elders are beginning to understand that we cannot be as good as they imagined, unless we are not their own.It is said that at first my brother drove a "Lincoln" for a Japanese in Hainan (he was very proud on the phone).Later, the Japanese went bankrupt, owed him a large amount of wages, and fled back to Japan alone.Then he had no choice but to drive a taxi for more than a year. He felt that he couldn't bear the hardship, so he went to work as a dealer in a casino exclusively for foreigners.After that, the news began to be vague and unclear.Finally, in 1998, he finally returned to his hometown from Hainan, and the first thing he said to me was, "Do you know how many Rolls-Royces and Cadillacs there are in Hainan?" He has become a An old bearded man with a little Southern woman behind him, a child, and a pile of rancid coconuts.He wears a sweatshirt covered in floral patterns, and likes to drink beer at open-air cafes where decent people don't go.The neighbors made a fuss and called it "Saint Egg".Thinking of this, I laughed out loud, pretending to talk to my brother again and again, and getting myself drunk again and again. I am a quieter type of alcoholic. Every time I get drunk, I feel that the fragrant wine will ferment in my body and become Things like camellia and jasmine.And when I woke up, I felt that I was not as beautiful as I imagined, but just a sad fat man.Although I was drunk, I was very careful when I picked up the bench and went home, trying to move in a straight line.Those who get drunk and yell under city street lights and return with a rewarding experience must not be like me.Despite my admiration for them, I still feel inexperienced - I have a long way to go to become that.For me, this city is a very difficult thing to deal with.Only drunk can make me muster a little courage.Three steps away, the road is along the top of the road outside the stone, and there is a light rail that whizzes by that I can't handle, and ten steps away, on the opposite side of the road, there are groups of old people with weapons.This is the most common catastrophic scenario in the area.I can't take the light rail, and I don't know what to make of these optimistic old people.They often get up at dawn, and when it is dawn, they rush into the playground of the next-door university to practice swords, fight duels, and roar haha, as if they are filming a martial arts movie.Let them know that there are young people like me in the world who avoid and settle, and they will definitely kill me to sacrifice the flag.Some weird old men also like to put their hats on their waists. When they see people, they turn around and suddenly open the roof, revealing the smiling head inside, which makes people feel chills.Whenever this happens, I just run away quickly.At that time, I often wore the uniform of the Dutch football team, like a beating orange, more like a spark in the night.Without a doubt, I was the most obvious intruder in the night, and I felt stupid and scared to death.I'd have to flee like this for another 10 minutes to get to where I live.Although this place is far away from Yunnan, Guizhou and Europe, it is a typical Castel terrain. The whole community is covered with stalactites, cold and dark.Looking at it, I often lose my drunkenness in an instant.I always feel that there is no other living beings here except me.There is no beautiful girl suitable for marriage.When I think about the cruel fact that I can't get married and have children without a girl, and that I can't get married and have children, I have to continue to live a disgusting life. It hurts my heart.

But I said that my brother is a legendary figure.Although he ended badly and got Mousse, he didn't kill himself as I thought.My mother's catchphrase is: "Blood relationship is a very powerful thing." As if to verify this sentence, my brother appeared in front of me inexplicably.This is the second time he has tried to come into my life.Could it be that the gods saw my betrayal and pain, and sent him, a typical example of a lost man, to save me from the fire?That night, I only made up 10 birthday wishes text messages in the company during the day, and was worried about whether I would be laid off, so he knocked on my door at night.I have long regarded him as a "historical figure" in my life, and I don't know how to express my surprise at this, so I just treat him indifferently.He was alone, and he must have been in a car for a long distance, but he didn't smell the dust at all. He had straight hair, black-rimmed glasses, and he was wearing brand-new casual clothes, with a fashionable pure white scarf around his neck. .I almost don't know him.He sat on my bed and chatted with me about Stephen Chow's movies without saying a word, as if the reason why he came to me suddenly after eight years of running away from home and neglecting to talk to me for ten years was just to chat with me Stephen Chow's.I had to tell him that I was an editor at a texting company, and my job was to write congratulatory texts, sex texts, political jokes, and sometimes advertisements for male and female public relations, and my salary for doing so many things was still almost enough to pay the rent, and when I was writing sex messages, I felt like I was inspired by a Stephen Chow movie—"I don't know if you can understand me when I say that?" He almost fell asleep, and he said you read Booked, educated person, unlike me, your work "I don't understand the dick." I tried to explain to him, caught a glimpse of him using a very good Nokia, and tried to take it over to demonstrate, no Thinking of him rejecting it vigilantly, and then talking to himself, he took out a copy of "Playing Back to School: Dragon Passing the Year of the Rooster" from his bag and asked me to read it.I saw that film with him ten years ago.It has been ten years, I looked at his straight hair and thought, it has been ten years since ion perm was invented in this world, right?Now, his hair is straighter than mine.But I just think he's a figure. "This guy is so stupid," I thought to myself, and then suddenly the big family wanted to ask something else, "What are you doing here? Where is your sister-in-law?" "Divorced." He smiled, very unnaturally. "I ran away with someone else, and I caught up with her. The house and children belonged to her, and then I came out by myself, and came here to find something to do." I made him a cup of tea unskillfully, and then realized He can't drink at all.My window glass was broken by children playing football in the yard a few days ago, and the light from the broken glass was directly reflected on his face, like clear water.Later, he said "no fun", took out his mobile phone to send a message, and then started calling. I ignored him and connected the water pipe to the faucet by myself, planning to take a shower.The small house I live in is more like a small cave in the Bencaster community. If it weren't for some damaged walls with red bricks exposed, I would have thought it was a rock structure.After taking a shower, I come out of the toilet.Suddenly, a person was let in by my brother.It was a real girl, I immediately grabbed a piece of clothing and covered my body, but the girl didn't care, she was pulled by my brother, and the two of them sat on my bed.The girl didn't look like she wanted to talk to me.I noticed that her hair was straight, as straight as my brother's, her skin was fair, she was not very old, she spoke Mandarin with an accent, and she didn't know where she came from.After realizing that she was my brother's woman, I didn't dare to look at her. Their conversations were all about TV dramas and games that I hadn't watched at all, and I couldn't join in. After a little entertainment, I moved out a big Stack my own books and magazines for them to read, let them play by themselves, and then sit in front of the computer and surf the Internet by myself, because I only have such a room, and there is no way to leave.But after a while, some ambiguous voices came from the bed behind me. When I turned my head, I found that they had turned off the lamp and rolled on the bed.The bed was in a mess, and I couldn't see their faces clearly, and then, there was a gasping sound.I was stunned.My heart was more chaotic than my bed, and after realizing that there was nothing I could do, I had to tell my friends on QQ that this night was too ridiculous, I said, because I found my long-lost brother.And—what I didn't say—and he was able to seduce a girl in an unfamiliar place to have sex with him immediately, and it was still in my bed!After saying this, I turned around and saw that my poor books and magazines were messed up by them. Some were crushed under my body, some were kicked to the end of the bed, and some flew to the ground.

After the miraculous elder brother was satisfied, he announced to the frustrated younger brother that he would not live forever.Just live for a few days first, and move out immediately after finding a new house: "I saw it too, you can't live here with the two of us." The "we" he said were him and this airy little girl, my brother called Her "little pig", I suspect it is probably "Little Zhu", but I don't know what Zhu is called.After they were done, they went straight to sleep on the bed, so I had to make a bed on the floor for the whole night.When I went to work the next day, I was exhausted and uninspired. As a text editor, I didn't even write a decent message.After such a miserable week, my brother, who I don’t know how rich he is, unexpectedly rented a house with a small facade in this community again, and started the life of our ancestors. A business that hasn't been done in three generations - selling live and explosive fish.During this period, no one from my hometown called me to ask me anything.I thought that this person might not be my brother but a fox fairy, but I couldn't be sure, so I had to go to his shop every day to eat free fried fish.The fragrant tender fish came into my mouth, it felt very real and ecstasy, so I didn't care if this brother was a monster or not.My elder brother found out that I was drinking too much, but instead of directly stopping me like his elders did, he kept persuading me: "Drink less alcohol and eat more fish." Because "fish is nutritious."I smiled secretly in my heart, I didn't eat less fish, and I didn't drink less wine.After being late to my level of guilt, I would occasionally help him settle accounts and collect money, and he would look at it and say, "Your brains are different after reading books." Sometimes he would use some fashionable concepts and say: "You guys born in the 80s have different brains." I heard all kinds of things, and I couldn't even fart.Xiao Zhu would visit my brother three or four times a week. She was a mysterious person, and I couldn't guess what she was doing.Sometimes I think she might be buying vegetables in a vegetable market, and sometimes I think she might be a shampoo girl in a hair salon, but when I ask her where she works, she always says "in the factory".As for the factory, she didn't say, and I didn't ask much.After getting along for a long time, my mother's words once again exerted their power, the so-called "blood relationship is a very powerful thing." I gradually felt that my brother and I had more and more in common, and the tacit understanding between the two gradually increased.He drank alcohol with me and ate sliced ​​husband and wife lungs, pork head meat and fried fish. When I was drunk, I recited Tang poems to the moon like a madman. He didn't laugh at me, and his eyes clearly shone with approval.Even if no one in the world appreciates me, I still have an older brother.I wonder.

"My cell phone text messages are very good!" "Hmm! I knew it a long time ago." "Look at this article, this article is all written by me!" "You can tell at a glance that it was written by my brother, and others can't write it." "Why? Where did you see it?" "Ah, I just can see it!" Short beliefs pass by, and I feel like we're gradually turning blue.The night is already very deep, and we are getting lighter and lighter, like two handsome Arabian princes, sitting on a flying carpet.We will not live forever. After writing the next short message, we will die together. My brother fell on my lap. I don’t know if he was drunk or sleepy.His head is very heavy. If he was studying at the beginning, he must be stronger than me.As I was falling asleep, he suddenly told me in a dream: "If I snore, just shake my head from side to side." Then fell into a deep sleep again.After a while, I really started snoring.I was so happy that I shook his head from side to side as soon as he hit him, and then he returned to be quiet.Then he hit again, and I shook again. If it was the third, I didn’t feel sleepy at all, and I didn’t get tired of it until dawn. I found that I was sleeping with him on the bed behind his explosive fish shop. Between me and him.They were both still asleep when I woke up.I got up quietly and tiptoed out of his house.The explosive fish shop will not open until the afternoon. A large basin is placed in the middle of the shop, and the herring in it is swimming silently. There is a fresh fishy smell in the room, which makes me feel refreshed. I hum a song loudly when I go out. Come. When I got off work in the evening, I received a call from my brother, saying that he invited me to sing at KTV.I agreed, feeling uneasy again.When things like KTV were just emerging, the adults in the family were also keen on it for a while, and they brought me to join them.Looking back now, it was always a group of men and women with dark faces, bright clothes, and strange hairstyles, who came to a dimly lit box with their own ghosts.Everyone dressed according to the instructions of their parents, and they all dressed up in their favorite way, but this is not a place to show at all.The time is just a short one hour. Everyone wanted to sing, but they didn't want to spoil the excitement of the elders, so they could only sit silently and listen to the "model opera" for an hour, or the "Galding Horse Mercedes-Benz Paul". Borderlands." If there is any elder sister who can't help but sing a very conservative, outdated Faye Wong and the like, the elders will frown and comment: "The song can't be a song, it can't be tuned", " Vomiting, ridicule and analysis are embarrassing", "we can't appreciate what you sing", "the lyrics are just written in nonsense", and living is "your voice has no rhyme at all". "You're always half a beat behind", and then you have to sit in the corner devastated, feeling that your life is hopeless.Such a scene, just thinking about it makes people feel creepy.And what they appreciate are mostly young people who have practiced their voices since they were young, and they can sing along the way of famous ethnic groups in their early 20s. I can't become such a person. Even if I become a ghost after death, I don't want to be on their body. .My elder brother, who left home since he was a child, probably has never experienced this kind of torture. He didn't know that "going to KTV to sing" is simply a taboo for young people in the family, and he actually proposed this kind of invitation alive. We went shopping together. The last time my sister came, I didn't go to see him at all, and my brother just got the treatment of eating together.This invitation made me sit in the office for 10 minutes, and I calmed down a little after washing my hands three times in the toilet.When I arrived at the agreed KTV, I found that it was not the place I thought it was.If I'm not mistaken, this should be a karaoke room that can be called "Miss", not a place like Haoledi that my colleagues and I have been to.Brother must have entered by mistake, right?I wonder.When I walked in and sat down, my brother and Xiao Zhu had obviously been there for a while.Xiao Zhu was singing a Cantonese song, and the abnormal standard of pronunciation shocked me a little.Maybe she is Cantonese?I thought to myself, she has finished singing.Then there is my brother's song: "Keep the Roots", which is almost a masterpiece of pop music that swept Hainan ten years ago.When he finished singing the first verse, my mood was completely high. Ten years, what happened in ten years, I felt that I understood everything in an instant. I clapped my hands desperately and raised my glass to him. I felt drunk before I finished a sip. He seemed to have received my emotions, and the second stanza became more soul-stirring.Ten years ago, when I was in junior high school, I was a strange kid who read books in the county library and went to the hospital once a week; ten years ago, he was in Hainan, he straightened his hair, drove a taxi, ate coconuts and coconut sugar, he "Keep the Roots" in the KTV.I think of a photo he sent back. His hair is not only straight, but also golden. He stands on the golden beach with the golden sea behind him. He has a bright smile on his face. It is a golden sun.He is as yellow as a sea crab, so yellow that even his handsome body looks ugly, but when I think of him as a free man, I feel ashamed.When it was my turn, I silently selected Jacky Cheung's "With You Along the Way". After singing a few lines, he picked up the microphone and sang along. In the past, I hated people singing along, but this time , I clearly felt a harmonious intimacy, not only that, he sang more powerfully and better than me, and even my mediocre voice came out with him.Xiao Zhu stood behind him and hung his neck, then walked around from behind to light his cigarette.But the smoke didn't make him relax in the slightest.I felt myself fascinated by the swamp of his voice, so excited that I choked up. "Actually, Jacky Cheung is the one I sing the best." He was very proud, but it wasn't annoying at all. "I also like Jacky Cheung, but I can't sing you so well." "Your voice is not bad, our family all have good voices." "Sing "The Dilemma" by Zheng Zhongji and Jacky Cheung with your brother!" Xiao Zhu jumped to the side and ordered a song. When the music started, Mama-san walked in again to say hello, and I wanted to throw her out, but my brother tactfully motioned her to sit down, smiling all over his face, and even hugged her.Her huge fake breasts pressed against my brother's chest like a pair of nuclear warheads. I looked at Xiao Zhu, but she didn't respond.The chorus of the two brothers was still flawless, and even Mama Sang applauded. No wonder, it is really rare for people to sing in this kind of KTV, right?After confirming that we don't order wine anymore and don't need the lady to accompany her, she left. Before leaving, she left behind a bright smile comparable to the waves and a powerful sentence: "Sing well!" I don't remember how many songs I sang afterwards, the only thing I remember is that my brother and I were both drunk.Although my footsteps were a little disobedient, I was still awake. When Xiao Zhu helped me go to the bathroom, a pair of breasts were tightly attached to my arms, and my lower part erected unscrupulously and recklessly. Expressed to the world with the same intensity as desire.The world is very safe at this moment. For me, it is probably only my brother who passed out drunk on the sofa in the private room and Xiao Zhu who is behind me.I recited "Will Enter the Wine" once in my head, and "Sleepwalking Tianmu Yin Liu Farewell" again, and then fell unconscious. When I woke up the next day, I felt like the whole world was white.White sheets, white mosquito nets, white quilts and pillows.I looked around, and I was sure it was my brother's house, and then there was the sound of exploding fish outside the door, and I couldn't help but feel as if I had returned to my hometown.After a while, the smell of fried fish was getting closer and closer. It turned out that Xiao Zhu came to me with a pot of freshly fried fish, and I suddenly felt very hungry.Xiao Zhu giggled and said, "Yesterday, you two brothers were too happy, and it looks like this." I said, "Is my brother okay?" Xiao Zhu said, "It's okay, business outside is very good, he Some people are busy." As he said, Xiao Zhu handed some shaved fish in his hands to my hand, and I pulled Xiao Zhu's hand along the fish, and she immediately fell to me. Arms came.The hot fried fish and Xiaozhu stuck to my naked young body together, and I was so happy that I almost burst into tears.If Xiao Zhu can bear me a child, I am willing to die!When I was young, I especially loved beef blood jelly. At that time, an old man with only three teeth was selling it at the school gate. One day at noon, I bought a large piece of beef blood with the money adults gave me to buy vegetables. The hot beef jelly The blood stuck to my mouth made me happy until now.After this moment, this feeling will be replaced by Xiao Zhu's lips.My brother was frying the fish outside, and the crackling sound spread into the room. I pressed Xiao Zhu tightly under my body and twitched vigorously. She just kept gasping, trembling all over, unable to make a sound.I thought she was going to pass out, so I stopped, and because I was a little overwhelmed, I was quick to tell her a dirty joke.Xiao Zhu came back to his senses, laughed, pinched my ass fiercely, and said, "Both brothers are crazy!" I asked, "What will happen to my brother?" Xiao Zhu said, "He will recite Tang poetry!" Then his face was flushed.I was taken aback, looked at myself, at the figure of my brother on the window paper, and gradually became a little confused.I clearly saw the cyan tattoo growing up from my waist, my fingers propped on the sheet became rough, the calluses on my thumb and ring finger smelled of fresh, playing cards, I hurried to touch myself My hair is actually straight and not bent at all, and it is parted in the middle. I felt itchy on the soles of my feet. It was the athlete’s foot that can only be soaked up after years of living at the seaside. Xiao Zhu also began to shake me and said: "Husband, Don't stop..." I suddenly felt that I was an extremely optimistic person. The love for life hidden in my heart, the desire for happiness in the world and the joy of escaping punishment all burst out uncontrollably .Isn't the safest way to live in this world is to become an older brother?我觉得开心极了,抹掉手背上的油渍,擦了擦被油熏得有些酸痛的眼睛,看看自己腰间的肥膘,身下表情迷离的女人,狠狠地冲刺了起来。我使出全部力气,用已经变得十分浑厚迷人的哥哥嗓子对她喊道:亲爱的,我深深地爱着你!从今以后,我不再是一个动辄去死的人了,我要赚大钱,养全家,我要每天晚上和自己的女人搞,跟她生两个孩子,不论她是在KTV上班,还是在菜场买菜!我要赚满三十万,去海南翻本,我要重新开始。刘中原上周来电话,说约好了明天和他一起,先去海南,再一起参加个培训,他都联系好了,培训完了就可以去非洲,去做外服,去赚外国人的钱,不过你不要担心,我会带着你和孩子们一起去。有老人,有后辈,即使不体面我也要坚持活着。我还会站在即将离港的船头,浮于这与十年前一半金黄的海面,身后站立着你们——我的老婆和孩子,权当此地即是天涯海角,悲伤沼泽,不再回首往昔,流连不已,此地以后,将是另一个人生,另一个世界。我还将劝说我那忧郁而木讷的弟弟与我同行,告诉他:“别再编手机短信,也不要再相信沙漠里的女人,和我出海吧,到金色的海浪的深处去,等你和我一起到非洲走上一回,再死了去也不迟。”
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