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Chapter 13 Salamander: Happy Village

choir 韩寒 6148Words 2018-03-18
In the 1980s, a group of state-owned units successively built dormitories here, first textile factories, then supply and marketing cooperatives, sugar, tobacco and alcohol. Finally, the municipal government made a unified plan to remove the fences and walls that should be demolished. It was demolished, a lot of plants were planted, and then the exterior walls of the building were uniformly painted "Forbidden City Red" and renamed "Xingfu Village Residential Community".There are a total of 21 buildings in Xingfu Village. It is very difficult to meet young adults under the age of 50 here. The descendants of the old factory have already moved out, leaving only silence, dead silence at any time, you can also call it an old man In the village, the old people seem to just doze off and sleep silently in front of the TV every day. It is eerily quiet here.

There is one person who will be the first to tear apart the tranquility of Xingfu Village, Mr. Hu from Building 8.He held the toothbrush, put a towel on his shoulders, squatted in front of a lonely rose in the yard, and began to brush his teeth frantically.He kept poking his throat with a toothbrush, digging and digging, as if his throat needed to be brushed, and then he let out a violent retch, followed by a crazy cough, and he spit out a bunch of old thick phlegm, "Bah... ...Bah...", resoundingly.Every resident of Xingfu Village woke up to the sound of retching, which could not be avoided no matter what, and it lay in ambush there.That's right, Uncle Hu is relieved now, rubbing his chest, with tears of satisfaction shining in the corners of his eyes.

It was at this time that Xingfu Village began to show its rare vitality during the day.Small merchants and hawkers popping up out of nowhere form a mini flea market.The old lady came out to grab food, and the old man came out to walk the birds and the dog.What is worth seeing is the village uniform of Xingfu Village. All the old ladies have a D&G floral elastic top. The only difference is that some of the logos are rhinestones, some are embroidered, and some are printed in color.It's not easy for the greengrocers to make some money here, and their troubles never end.The old lady will peel off their cabbage layer by layer, leaving only the tenderest cabbage heart, take it to weigh, and then take the freshly peeled cabbage leaves to re-weigh, at 1/3 the price buy it.They're keen on it, and it's evident in the two sweaty circles that are busy under their armpits.

When the summer heat looms low and firmly over people's heads, old ladies will wear their favorite white waistcoats to fight the heat.They sit downstairs in the shade of a tree and play mahjong. The wide cuffs of their white vests are always open to anyone at any time: the old grandma's two boobs are hanging on their swollen bellies and taking a nap.And in this game, there is always an old lady with a rough voice who smokes and drinks, and never leaves her cigarettes. "Damn it, I'm so stupid, I'm in a hurry to reincarnate, should I come?"When she was in a hurry, she would even spit out a few pleasant smoke rings. It is said that all of this was integrated when she was 35 years old.

And you will never find Mrs. Wu on a morning like this.Because she is the village flower of Xingfu Village, she has a little money, and her husband used to be the leader of the supply and marketing cooperative.Mrs. Wu's beauty is not as good as in previous years, and this is obviously not her best time.In the past, Granny Wu went for a massage once a week, had her hands trimmed every other week, had skin care once a month, and dyed her hair every six months. After her husband passed away 5 years ago, Granny Wu's whole life fell away. She didn't socialize, dress up, or go out, so that the neighbors in Xingfu Village almost forgot about Granny Wu's face, but everyone I remember her husband's funeral, she bowed her head and covered her face with a handkerchief and wept, she couldn't see her face, only her hair was tied into a bun, and none of it fell out, unlike other women , the way of expressing grief is very common: crying and shouting.She is a woman who can behave decently even in the saddest time.Never speak loudly, you can't see her great joy and sorrow, as if she is a person without emotions.The point is that it is difficult for you to guess the age of Mrs. Wu, she is the kind of person whose real age you can't guess anyway, but you have to admit that it is much more difficult for her to go out now than before, she is almost 70 years old .

This morning means a lot to Granny Wu. After getting up at 4 o'clock, she took a shower first, then smeared her body with moisturizer, then wrapped her wet hair into 8 rolls with curlers, cooked a bowl of soy milk for herself, and ate a bean bun. Squeeze a glass of watermelon juice.She took the hair dryer to dry the curly hair, and then removed the curls one by one.It was almost 10:30 in the morning before Mrs. Wu could go out.She is wearing a crystal tea mirror with some kind of unattainable reflection on the lens, and the pearl necklace around her neck is also shining. She is wearing a milky white chiffon short-sleeved shirt, a black silk skirt, and a champagne-colored satin handbag. There are black pokin leather sandals on the top, which looks like being airborne in the happy village, and the old man likes to look at her.Mrs. Wu picked up a large bag of "Nuomici" lychees from the fruit stand at the gate, took a taxi and left.She wants to really go out for herself and meet an 80-year-old old man, a retired old general. This general is burly and slow. He has invited Mrs. Wu to his house many times. s face.There is a certain deterrent force in the speech, and at the same time it is mixed with a strange tenderness, especially to Mrs. Wu, it sounds very nasty, the only problem is that it is very difficult to say anything, he is a bit old.

The general's daughter looked at Mrs. Wu several times up and down, and finally her eyes stopped on her hands. The nails were carefully trimmed and painted a pearly color.The general's daughter curled her lips, her mouth was as thin as a slit, "Yo, is this here to live?" The old general frowned, and before he could speak, Mrs. Wu smiled disapprovingly.At any rate, this 50-year-old daughter is quite sensible and is about to go out.As soon as she left, she came back again, and told her father repeatedly that there was a lot of food at home, so she must eat it at home.As soon as the door was closed, the general took Mrs. Wu's hand with a sorry expression on his face, and sighed, "Baby, don't worry about it. My daughter is just like this. She moved back recently and was in a bad mood. You say you are so grown up and want a divorce." Mrs. Wu smiled at him, and when she was about to speak, the general hugged her without warning.A clumsy hug made her almost fall, so she had no choice but to sit on the old man's lap. "You are so beautiful." The general couldn't help praising.At this moment, he was so close to her that Mrs. Wu suddenly had an unclean premonition—the general was about to kiss her.She bounced up on her own, and sat stiffly on the sofa next to her.She thought of her deceased husband, they had never even kissed in their life, she still could not accept the two soft flesh tissues rubbing against each other, rubbing against each other.Can this arouse love? To put it bluntly, it is two mouthfuls of saliva stirring back and forth.In the following time, the old general was very considerate. He has been addicted to peeling off the lychee skin, feeding the juicy lychee meat to Mrs. Wu, and cooking the dishes himself.When all the dishes were served, Mrs. Wu sat down and saw that she had lost her appetite.This is a table of leftovers.There was a stew that looked like it had just been vomited out, and there was a fish that could still be picked out after careful searching. Mrs. Wu seemed a little at a loss as to what to do.The old general felt that he seemed a little rude, so he suggested going out to eat.Mrs. Wu cared about the old man's daughter, so she acted like a baby and said, recently, I have a hot and sour taste, why not make hot and sour noodles.But seeing that the general was so old, it was pitiful to eat a lot of leftovers by himself, so I had to help him eat some.

When Mrs. Wu left, her face was flushed.The general hugged her again and again, and they hugged at least 5 times before finally going out the door.On the third day, the general couldn't wait to visit her apartment.He carried a big bag of his wife's oral liquid, and asked Mrs. Wu's husband's name as soon as he entered the door.Mrs. Wu didn't like the opening line at all.He should say, you are very beautiful today, or, I really want to see you, even if it is so hot today. "I told you a long time ago." Mrs. Wu was a little impatient.The general stroked Mrs. Wu's hand and said, "Yesterday, at the gathering of old comrades in arms, I told everyone that I got a baby. I was an official wife before. I can't remember what you asked about, what unit and what leader. What's his name?" What?" the general asked again, scratching his eyebrows.Mrs. Wu suddenly realized, and thought that you came here for this, so she was a little angry. "He's been gone for so long, why are you still talking about him, besides, I'm not an official wife now." Mrs. Wu frowned, she was a little uncertain whether he was interested in me or my family background interested?The general refused to let go, "Baby, how about this, you write his name on a piece of paper, I'll put it in place, I will remember it in the future, and never ask again." "I won't write it." Old lady Wu was very frustrated. This incident made her very uncomfortable. She originally wanted to invite the general to have a good meal, but she didn't eat well last time, and now she is not in the mood. Granny Wu tried to get the general away.Lying on the bed alone sobbing, he may think that I was an official wife before, so I am worthy of him, what if I am a poor ghost?Forget it, he is so old, when I get married, I will wait for him every day, and I have to fight wits and courage with her unruly daughter.But she couldn't let go of his gentleness, he always called her baby.

Mrs. Wu didn't go out for several days. Her daughter was afraid that her mother would be lonely, so she bought a dog for her.This Pomeranian likes to rub people, especially when the weather is hot, he likes to pant and lick the ankle of the owner at the same time. On the balcony, which caused the dog to run out as hard as he could whenever he got a chance.Once in the evening, Mrs. Wu opened the door to take out the garbage, and the puppy jumped out quickly, and even ran to a small square one kilometer away from Xingfu Village. She chased the dog very hard, and finally did not lose it.Old lady Wu was exhausted and rested in the square for a long time.It was later discovered that this place turns into a dance hall at night.All the old men and women nearby came to dance, which was very lively.So, Mrs. Wu came here to walk her dog every night and got to know the accordion.

Every woman would like an accordion, at least Mrs. Wu thought so.Accordion is a 60-year-old divorced old man who used to be in an art troupe. He looks like Fei Yuqing and is good at playing the accordion. He has some charming features, such as his slender fingers and a white shirt collar, which makes Mrs. Wu quite fond of him. Have a good impression.Especially in a chat, the accordion said that in autumn, we went to Ritan Park to see the ginkgo trees. It was golden and the fallen leaves were thick and creaky. It was a wonderful time, and it was free. Perhaps it was because Accordion praised Mrs. Wu's figure in a certain chat, and then she didn't even eat to keep her figure.That's what women are.Swallow some nutritional supplements throughout the day, or eat a raw tomato, or cucumber.Dieting caused her frequent episodes of hypoglycemia, and the strange thing is that the puppy at home always barks when cooking at other people's homes.At this time, Mrs. Wu took the dog and stood in the corridor, silently smelling the smell of braised pork ribs wafting from other people's house, sucked it into her stomach, and went back to the house contentedly. The dog was also very happy and stopped barking. .

Accordion often comes to sit at Mrs. Wu's house, hoping to be alone with her.Sometimes he would bring his accordion to play a few songs. It can be seen that he likes the atmosphere of Mrs. Wu’s house very much. The fuchsia satin curtains, black leather sofas, and oil paintings hanging on the walls are gorgeous and fashionable. , it makes people feel young here. Accordion has a kind of obsession with women from such middle-class families. It's hard to say what he likes.woman?Or this woman's way of life?Or the upbringing of this woman?This day, Accordion took a bottle of red wine, and they chatted while tasting wine. Accordion went from an unprecedented grand performance when he was young, to his most memorable trip, but he avoided talking about his family, but talked about it endlessly Every one of his friends, he said that recently one of his friends was so angry that he was hospitalized.There was an old lady who lived in this friend's house every day. They lived together for half a year, loving each other. One day they said they needed money urgently, and the old man lent her 50,000 yuan without saying a word. Guess what happened?The old lady took 50,000 yuan and ran away. I heard that she fled to Shenzhen. You said how stupid this guy is, lending money to others casually, and how can men and women live together casually? The last sentence made Mrs. Wu even more fond of her. ... When the drink was just right, the accordion said, it's such a good night, let's watch a movie.Then he took out "Roman Holiday" from the bag.When Joe stretched out his hand to the Roman "Mouth of Truth" and pretended to be swallowed, Accordion and Mrs. Wu sat closer and closer, and finally stuck together tightly. For the first time, she felt, "I'm in love". ... The accordion hugged Mrs. Wu into his arms, "Can I kiss you?" He looked at her affectionately.Mrs. Wu was struggling in a panic, and accidentally caught a glimpse of her dog, looking at her anxiously through the glass door of the balcony. She saw the dog's eyes, with a kind of eagerness.She doesn't look at it anymore.She also couldn't give him an awkward no, and finally she nodded politely.At this time, her dog saw through the glass again that its owner closed his eyes, like a virgin, showing shyness that fell from the sky.The old man kissed his master lightly on the eyes, which surprised the mistress, who thought it was a kiss on the mouth. …she kind of appreciates the little transition.The old man kissed her forehead, cheek, and earlobe in turn. He knew how to find the notes on her body and play out the chords.He reached one of his destinations: the mouth.Mrs. Wu felt his breath hit her, her mouth was slightly opened for no reason, and there was a force in his tongue, and she trembled. ...their saliva successfully churned together, and it wasn't that scary, she thought, and it didn't feel disgusting, and it was even a little pleasant.Everything is like being hypnotized.He began to touch her, his hand slid down, and he closed his eyes with an expression of wonder. (Mi-la-so-la-so-fa-fa-mi-lai-mi-la.) Even the dog could tell, he was so skilled, those kisses were like a passport to his master's body. ...he is free.She is free.The puppy hissed behind the glass.They caressed for a long, long time, as long as an amber, she thought.Granny Wu couldn't imagine how all this happened, as if the movie ordered them to do so.She couldn't remember the last time she had sex, and even wondered if she had ever had Wushan Yunyu.She has withered long ago, and the caress just now is like the warm sunshine waking up the wings of a butterfly, even bringing light and warmth into the most delicate patterns on its wings.She felt life came back and she felt younger.The accordion lingered outside Mrs. Wu's body for a long time. Both of them were exhausted and collapsed on the sofa. At this time, the accordion said, "Let's buy a lubricant and try it next time." Mrs. Wu smiled shyly, Not sure if the accordion was joking or serious. It coincided with Mrs. Wu's birthday, and her daughter paid her mother to go to the resort to soak in the hot springs. Mrs. Wu, who was in love, invited the accordion to go with her.Along the way, the blue sky can be hypnotized, and the dense forest, fields, fragrance, breeze, and sunshine are all steaming and fresh.Unfortunately, Mrs. Wu had just soaked in the hot spring for a few minutes when she suddenly suffered from hypoglycemia, she became dizzy and sank, and took a few sips of water.Accordion hurriedly called for someone, and the staff carried Mrs. Wu up to rescue her. Accordion felt that she couldn't help herself, so she ran to the restaurant to eat the buffet.When Mrs. Wu was drowned, all her plans and assumptions were ruined, and she was lying in the room to rest.The newly bought swimsuit has only been worn for a short while, and the beautiful silk nightgown is not in the mood to wear it anymore.And Accordion's performance as a boyfriend also seemed to disappoint her, and they had intimate contact.Accordion didn't seem to be able to stay still for a moment, walking up and down the room, as if she didn't want to take care of her who was in the way at all, and so far only poured her a glass of water.Maybe he was blaming her in his heart, blaming her for being old and stupid and messing up everything.She looked at the accordion again, but he was still downcast, showing no comfort or affection.So she was sure.She decided to let him go out to play and rest in the room by herself. It was dark outside when Accordion came back, and he had brought some food.After Huo Han Wen Nuan, he fell asleep.He could sleep, but she was insomnia, grieving, and feeling that there was something terribly stupid in her sincerity.She couldn't understand him, even though she had touched his body, his heart was still hidden in the body that she thought was airtight.Anyway, when she was sick before, my wife would send her to the hospital and take care of her all the time, caring and distressing, even the old general regarded her as a treasure. Waking up the next day, Accordion brushed her teeth and said triumphantly, "Look, look, how good I am, I didn't touch you last night, a gentleman doesn't take advantage of others." Mrs. Wu was very disappointed, "You mean I choked on water, I was about to die, and I still want to satisfy you?" She stopped talking and felt like she had eaten a blowfly.Romance, romance is useless. It was suffocatingly hot, the puppy shed a lot of hair, the dog hair stuck to the sofa, the carpet started to fluff, and the room was full of dog smell.Mrs. Wu hates going out now, and she will never go to the small square to walk the dog or dance again. She knows that she can't treat the dog well, so she gave the dog to a friend, a widowed old man.The old man doted on the dog very much, and went to the vegetable market every day to buy steaks to feed it.The puppy may have a phobia caused by the previous confinement. He still rushed out as soon as the door was opened, but was hit by a car as soon as he left the community. The old man watched it become bloody and frozen in an instant.The driver was a young lover, and the man stammered, "I'll pay you, okay? Sir, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." "It's dead, what's the use of asking for money," the old man stood silently. Where, he waved his hand, "Oh, young man, I really can't bear it, please help me pack it up and find a place to bury it." The old man turned and left after speaking. How could Mrs. Wu know that the puppy died only a week after sending it away.Fortunately, she has something to do now.Every time I came back from the supermarket, I would pick up the empty bottles that were thrown away, and gradually I saved up a whole balcony. Mrs. Wu decided to sell them to the tattered collectors downstairs, who charged 5 cents a piece for the tattered ones. , Mrs. Wu felt that it was too cheap, and she was reluctant to sell it at a low price.Later, I found out that the nearby waste collection station cost 10 cents each, so I packed the bottle in a large woven bag and used a trolley to sell it again and again.Mrs. Wu excitedly called and told her daughter. The daughter blamed her mother for picking up rubbish everywhere, and sold a few empty bottles to the waste station, so as not to let the trash pickers downstairs make a few small money, and then blamed her mother for not getting along. Everyone went dancing.Mrs. Wu sighed and said, alas, you don't know that the old man and old lady are dancing and jumping on the bed.You know that Aunt Wang in Building 14, since she went out to dance, she keeps bringing all kinds of old men home. Mrs. Wu felt that her daughter didn't understand her anymore, and she didn't answer the phone for several days.The daughter wanted to please her mother, and every time she saw that other colleagues were about to finish their drinks, she hurriedly asked for bottles. She also thought of a reasonable explanation: let’s put it this way, these bottles are reserved for the cleaning aunts in the company. It's not easy.When a big bag was collected, Mrs. Wu's daughter drove it back, but she waited for her mother for a long time, but she left without waiting.When Mrs. Wu came back from the supermarket, she opened the door and saw a large bag of things on the aisle. Knowing that her daughter had been there, she spent money on things to please her.After she changed her shoes and turned on the light, she saw that there was a big bag of empty bottles, and Mrs. Wu smiled happily.
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